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Ancient Aliens Debunked (Full Length Movie)

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posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by FaceLikeTheSun

The universe is sterile BUT for earth

everything else in the unbelievably immense and old universe is sterile

We come from the monkey

All the races/cultures evolved from Africa

The gov dosnt lie anything

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 10:59 PM
So I notice that a lot of people seem to keep saying that they don't have the time to watch this movie... Yet they have time to watch multiple short movies and read a dozen tabloids, so in essence they are using the same amount of time doing something else, when all it takes is a modicum of patience and an open mind. I find it hard to believe anyone who frequents a message board that has the slogan "Deny Ignorance" would just write this off and ask for a summary which if given, even in the most simple summation of such a film would take likely about two to three hours to read anyway.

And seriously, if you don't have time to sit for three hours straight to watch this movie, go to Chris White's youtube channel knowheretorun1984 and the whole movie is broken down into fifteen minute segments so you can easily watch part of it one day, the rest of it the next. Or just download it on a separate website and watch it at your leisure.

Deny Ignorance... to what end? You would think that if aliens did seed this planet they would have been more involved throughout history. And as with anything you have to take it under faith. If you can have enough faith to believe that aliens would play their shadowy hands into human life just right behind the scenes then you have enough faith to believe in God. The difference between aliens being our origin as opposed to a supernatural power-intellect is that aliens have a physical form, that they would leave footprints, and yes, Ancient Aliens is trying to show us this footprint but they are doing a half-baked job at it.

If anyone is serious about denying ignorance they would watch this movie and at least try to fit it into their worldview. If you can't watch a simple movie where all of the information is so laid out in an organized manner because of your personal feelings or grudges against the idea that aliens didn't seed the planet then you are just as bad as the "ignorant masses" that you claim to be above because you're just so...enlightened? Elitist? Informed?

If you really want to be informed and on the cutting edge of this "infowar" we find ourselves in these days then no book, movie, or podcast is enough to satiate the hunger for knowledge.

So please, prove us wrong and "deny ignorance". Or is all this stuff we read and watch solely for entertainment purposes? If that is the case then what are we actually learning from any of this stuff? You are better off watching hollywood flicks and reading comic books.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by FaceLikeTheSun

eh eh another lame stream media release, who needs a 3hr video when the internet has information from real people, millions of them

Pumapunku was for electricity generation/distribution for the local area
anyone with basic logical thinking can see these blocks of stone are not made with copper tools eh eh

i think that H design is even used today in electrical distribution (insulation) to keep bundles of wires separate

the ancients knew stuff as they where star men, the temples generated power in ways we dont understand yet, free energy

some temples where computers, very large powerful computers
If you seek you will find

some temples where weapons, normally acoustic
acoustic shelters where placed around these weapons, i know what they look like, normally acoustic dampeners are evident, like pock marks all around a building that channel/dampen waves

you know the ancients knew acoustics, like whole temples functioned as acoustic devices

how do i know this? the Plejaren told me so
i know some dont listen to Billy Meier but consider looking deeper than just the ufo pics, read what he says or look at the ufo movies if that's your priority

Ancient Indian texts like the Mahabharata tell you about ancient technology before we had a few big wars
one of the wars included guided kamikaze asteroids that caused a pole shift creating waves miles high at 1000mph, this wiped the slate

Earth men have destroyed themselves more than a dozen times, we need to stop fighting and realize we are all important and god was a star man who enslaved us

some of you will know using YOUR logic looking at the evidence and the mysteries of the world
some of you need to be told what to think from lame stream media

its of no consequence to anyone but yourself if you know logic or not
your real history has been given if you can use logic with no emotion, no religion and no fear its for you

if you think i tell tall tales? that is nothin, NOTHIN!

The feathered serpent was a star man who looks as described in ancient texts, a snake with a feather frill neck and wings, he lives a long time and is the last of his kind, is a good fellow who we will run into one day as we travel the stars, some temples where communication devices he designed so we could call him but the temples where always changed by us when we built them and didnt work

some star men look like us some dont, its the spirit that makes us human, even fish like beings on some planets are human

some star men had an organ that can access the electricity from the temple this gave them powers that where legend, like they could shoot electricity from hands or become any size, move objects, change weather, make food, many things

you are meant to live 1000 odd years but your DNA was tinkered with before the flood, so was the aggression gene, its easy to fix the DNA now or soon when realized

men who look like earth men have been visiting earth for 22 million years, its where you are from

NO lizards are invading earth, nor are there any lizard star men on earth atm
but some bad star men (who look like us) created the religions to enslave your mind but they have been removed a few decades ago

be at peace no matter what strange # happens and forgive, people are delusional from religion/s and its ramifications so just forgive them

Earth is quarantined now because our religions will spread the madness, star men are gullible too
Can you blame them, who would want fanatic Mullah's or Christians zooming from planet to planet eh eh oh i crack myself up mate, a khomani type bloke in a ufo eh eh now thats a cosmic threat far greater than anyone realizes

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by HiGilgamesh
reply to post by FaceLikeTheSun

Pumapunku was for electricity generation/distribution for the local area
anyone with basic logical thinking can see these blocks of stone are not made with copper tools eh eh

Where is the evidence that Pumapunku was a energy generation site?

Sand Stone and Andesite would of been easy to work with even with the most basic tools.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by DisinformationGeneration
I find it hard to believe anyone who frequents a message board that has the slogan "Deny Ignorance" would just write this off and ask for a summary which if given, even in the most simple summation of such a film would take likely about two to three hours to read anyway.
If you have a problem with the terms and conditions of this site, go post on another site where you like the terms and conditions better.

We didn't just ask for a summary, a reasonable description of the video content is required by the terms and conditions. If you think a summary would take 3 hours to read, then you don't know the meaning of the word "summary". I can go to imdb and get a 120 word summary of a 90 minute movie that doesn't take 90 minutes to read. Even a 240 word summary of a 3 hour movie wouldn't take long to read.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:29 AM
It would seem AA is yet another topic that attracts followers and debunkers a plenty and so as soon as a thread is started to proove or debunk it,sit back and let the debate/bickering/arguments

In all honest I've not got 3 hours to watch the video just now but will watch some when i can.With that in mind i'll politely refrain from commenting on its validity or lack of until then.

My own opinion about AA is that it's an amusing theory and now and again they raise and interesting historical mystery or two but they do push their conclusions a bit far at times.

If their premise didnt require accepting a number of fundamentals as fact.i.e

1.highly advanced alien races exiist

2.that these races can travel can traverse interstellar space and are capable or visiting earth.

Then try and piece our early history to fit the theory.I must admit I laugh when they scoff at our ancestors worshipping mythical gods as absurd compared to the gods being aliens wonder

A repeated point being why do the gods seem to come fröm the sky ??

Not all ancient gods did,certainly Celtish tribes pre and post Roman Britain believed their gods were from water.i.e rivers,lakes etc.

As for gods coming from the sky,one plausible suggestion that comes to mind is that many religions grew out of sun or lunar worship,it's where the rain came from,the wind too.The main difference btwn day n night was the light fröm the sky in daytime,the dark at night lit by millions of stars.
The sky governed their lives yet was one place where travel was beyond them - where else are early cultures going to expect their powerful mythical beings going to come from !!!

The thing that annoys me about AA and many more daring theories around ancient man is the assumption he couldnt concieve,plan and build the pyramids or other ancient monuments without devine or extratorrestial help or guidance !!!

I saw a fascinating program with the archeologist Julian Richards were they demonstrated practically that with a simple spirit level made with materials available at the time and using water to indicate true level they could have easily built stonehenge where the ground its on has a gradient of note yet the monument is built true with a tolerance of less than one inch.

The ancient cultures were without our millennia of accumulted knowledge but their intelligence,reasoning,there ability conceptualise was every bit as good as our own.
When it came to overcoming huge problems they were perfectly able to solve it within in their material limitations,far better than we could today if our technology failed overnight !!!

God,religion,the meaning of reality and ancient aliens will generate hot debate yet may never be satisfactorily proven one way or the other no matter how many pages are penned.

I dont know for sure but feel amusing a notion as it may be it does our ancestors a deservice robbing them of the credit for what they achieved in their own right !!!

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by Zeer0

you write "help from an Advanced Civilization would be great at this point in History.".... be honest look around you and tell me are we ready for that ? i think a help from advance will divide us more then we are now, the religious will tell us it's demon, the army we will have there technologies, the new agers will fall blindfolded without looking if they are good or bad... this is so particular i don't understand human nature now i'm sure why, becasue they spend time to say something and the next time the opposite ! we are lost because we can not deal with our real nature... just animal, we think we have something more then a cow our ego tell us it's not possible ! but what can an Advanced Civilization do with us? they don't need us , to teach us ? as i said we spend time to fight for nothing do you think some we will not fight to have the best knowledge to control the rest...maybe i don"t have a good vision of humanity but this what humanity reflect !

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

Originally posted by DisinformationGeneration
I find it hard to believe anyone who frequents a message board that has the slogan "Deny Ignorance" would just write this off and ask for a summary which if given, even in the most simple summation of such a film would take likely about two to three hours to read anyway.
If you have a problem with the terms and conditions of this site, go post on another site where you like the terms and conditions better.

We didn't just ask for a summary, a reasonable description of the video content is required by the terms and conditions. If you think a summary would take 3 hours to read, then you don't know the meaning of the word "summary". I can go to imdb and get a 120 word summary of a 90 minute movie that doesn't take 90 minutes to read. Even a 240 word summary of a 3 hour movie wouldn't take long to read.
looks like the other thread got closed by mods. can you stop whining? with all the whining, you could of watched the whole 3 hour video by now. I am pretty sure you know what the video is about.
edit on 30-9-2012 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla
I said I wouldn't be replying anymore to this thread, but, this is more on a note of humor than argument or debate. If you've seen it, then, here it is again. If not, perhaps you'll be entertained.

Some Koind of Skoy, Legends and MILFS



edit on 29-9-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)
don't be done. maybe you could reply in some koind of Childress way.
edit on 30-9-2012 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 07:12 AM
Anyone with a modicum of critical thinking can see that the guests on AA make huge leaps of "logic" in proclaiming that every topic they cover is in some way related to ancient alien visitors.

I actually do believe in life outside of our planet and have witnessed one single unidentified flying object that defied explanation, so please don't lump me in with the skeptics.

What surprises me here is the number of self appointed "junior moderators" that would rather chastise the OP for his lack of summary than to watch the video and contemplate the claims. Those I would call ignorant deniers.
edit on 30-9-2012 by blacko because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by blacko
Anyone with a modicum of critical thinking can see that the guests on AA make huge leaps of "logic" in proclaiming that every topic they cover is in some way related to ancient alien visitors.

I agree with this but when it comes to gods, unless false stories, what else do you think are?...

The past has a lot of reasons\ to make us think so, AAT has some truth and think it may be aliens behind the whole gods and being stuff but there are indeed things that needlessly are associated with aliens

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by Imtor

I agree with this but when it comes to gods, unless false stories, what else do you think are?...
I would say these are some koind of hallucination or some koind of story.

no, really the only way to explain stories of gods is that they are some koind of extraterestrial? These were written by humans, right? The same koind of humans that are around today. It's like saying Spiderman is some koind of ...?...? extraterstrial? Humans tell stories. Thats what they do.
edit on 30-9-2012 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 11:01 AM
Just finished watching the video , it was long and i had to do it in a few parts. It was well worth the viewing time this video gets 5/5 stars from me for the sheer amount of research that's been done by real experts thts truly denying ignorance.

I used to post all the AA series here each week for a long time but like most sensible and rational people i realized over time that the AA series had been stretching the truth and making huge assumptions / leaps of faith based on the facts they have been presenting. This video certainly backs up what a lot of people have known for a while but with real research. But what is even more surprising is the amount of incorrect facts they have been making these assumptions on in the first place. So in other words they have been just making stuff up , presenting it as facts and then trying to give us their interpretations of the false facts which they claim all point to evidence of alien intervention in the past.

Zecharia sitchin, Von Daniken , Childress and the makers of the AA series are clearly nothing but hoaxers motivated by money and fame. Its all very sad.

edit on 30-9-2012 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 11:01 AM
Another attempt to debunk somethin that cannot be Debunked. Truth is nobody knows for sure. That's why its called Ancient Astronaut THEORY.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
I can't stand that guy. I want to throw rotten tomatoes at him whenever he speaks out.

He uses poor reason.

And his whole big schtick is that "humans are just too stupid to do ANYTHING without alien intervention".

Well, I've got news for him.

I also got news for you. The entire AA theory is FAR older than this hyped up and in parts very sensationalist, crappy AA show.

If you base your opinion solely on this show and "the guy with the crazy hair"'d be pretty ignorant.

There ARE several things in our past which are simply not answered and where ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATIONS have definitely a justification. And where conventional "explanation" and science seems to be lacking and seems not always the most plausible. Just because something is taught for centuries in universities and accepted as fact from one "expert" to the other...doesn't make it any more true.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by TheIrishJihad
Another attempt to debunk somethin that cannot be Debunked. Truth is nobody knows for sure. That's why its called Ancient Astronaut THEORY.
Did you watch the video? The THEORY is based on false and misleading information or In other words, "bunk". If you take the "bunk" out of the THEORY, then you are left with a story or a myth or a "milf" about people from the sky.

I really like the part where Childress goes around with his square exclaiming how square eveything is and the closeup shows how not square it is!

edit on 30-9-2012 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 11:29 AM
* Did they really flatten entire mountain tops 1000s of years ago at Nazca just for running around in some sorta "religious marathon"? You believe this???

* Why has never ever an actual tomb, let alone mummy, pharaoh etc. found in a pyramid? Why is average's Joes opinion he is taught in school that the pyramids are tombs - while there is no indication it is tombs?

* Why did the big "sarcophagus" in the big pyramid not have a body in it..why is there no ornaments or ANYTHING indicating it was even a sarcophagus? Do you seriously think ancient kings were thrown in a plain granite thing with no ornaments, inscriptions etc.?

Those are only a few things i can just pull out of my head.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by flexy123

I also got news for you. The entire AA theory is FAR older than this hyped up and in parts very sensationalist, crappy AA show. If you base your opinion solely on this show and "the guy with the crazy hair"'d be pretty ignorant. There ARE several things in our past which are simply not answered and where ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATIONS have definitely a justification. And where conventional "explanation" and science seems to be lacking and seems not always the most plausible. Just because something is taught for centuries in universities and accepted as fact from one "expert" to the other...doesn't make it any more true.

I've got news for you, UFOs have been a hobby of mine since I was at least 15, and was reading about them long before I even knew of the internet or computers.

At one time I was a believer, but now my philosophy is this:

base your conclusions on what the evidence tells you, and not anything else.

In other words, if there is real evidence to show alien visitation other than just some guy's interpretation, then it must be an alien visitation. If the the evidence shows otherwise, then it's not.

But often, all these shows are just presenting one person's interpretations, and poor reasoning. And it's not just to get at the truth and solve the problems that some places create.

And often, their facts are truly wrong, such as when they go in UFOs in religious artwork. They don't understand that those paintings did have significant meanings to the artist and were not depictions of UFOs, but of religious concepts that inspired their imagination. UFO believes often state they saw something they couldn't understand. But that something they saw was something they could understand, then using their imagination saw it, and then painted what they saw. A good artist is always inspired by their imagination and can always put down on canvas what they see.

I have a pretty open mind towards this, even more so than most believers or skeptics.

But I prefer natural explanations rather than fantastic ones.

All I want is real proof. That means a real body or something akin to a flying saucer landing on the White House lawn.

Show me that and I'll be a true believe in the existence of extraterrestrials. Until then, not.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 11:50 AM
I took the time to watch the video and do a bit of looking in to the bloke who wrote it and I must say that his arguments are all quite logical and easy to follow. He doesn't constantly bang on about how ancient astronauts didn't exist with every other sentance, but instead points out where the series Ancient Aliens deliberately misled their viewers.

I even learned a few things that I didn't already know, which is always nice.

I wouldn't recommend the OP's video for Ancient Aliens fan-boys as it will shatter their already fragile little minds. However, if you're interested in hearing what is often a more logical point of view, then the video is one to watch. You can even get the video in smaller chunks from the associated website, so maybe that'll make those of you out there with the limited attention spans a wee bit happier.


edit on 30/9/2012 by revmoofoo because: Grammer

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 12:34 PM
Apparently the original had some audio problems.

This is the fix. Also, if you want to watch the video by category check out the notes for the video on the youtube page.

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