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World's richest woman calls for Australian workers to be paid $2 a day to compete with Africans

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posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 09:40 AM
May sound sick, but people like this need to be murdered. They can't be allowed to think this is THEIR world while they destroy everyone else's lives.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by pronto

So maybe we are being told that our mining is to be run down for a while and re-located to Africe. I say for a while. Just long enough to break us. I was taught back in the late seventies that in the nwo Australia, part of zone 4 of the 10 world trading zones was to loose all manufacturing, sheep and cattle and grain industries and become the mining pit of the nwo. So we will see.

Here is the thing people need to understand, and stop being afraid to speak up and start to create a better world in their communities with groups that grow in size and have big teeth and make the politicians very concerned.

Ultra dark hearted corporate wealth families have been sitting around plotting evil for ages, and doing whatever they can get away with. It doesnt mean they will win, that they will be able to destroy countries and create mining pits.

I already know they won't win, but if people don't start to do the thing they're trained not to do, COOPERATE AND RESPECT EVERYONE ESPECIALLY THE BOTTOM AND HOMELESS, DISABLED, ELDERLY, AND INCLUDE ALL, they won't ever win. They need to be very Kind and Loving and Respectful and Give Everyone A Voice, Even Lend Their Own Voice To Those Without One, And Work Peacefully To Watchdog This System And Create Massive Win/Wins For All The People, Minus The 1%.

That is how you do it. They can never topple people working for the good of all their communities.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 09:44 AM
how does 1.5 billion dollar inheritance make her worlds richest woman i thought the queen of england was worth around 20 billion pounds which is a hellovalot more than 1.5 billion imn us dollars. and thinking like that ended so well for marie antionette didnt the masses say off with ere head after her let them eat cake remark?

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Could not agree more.
Start small, plant a seed and nurture it.
Share and grow together and the specter that haunts our world will disappear back into the shadows.

Don't say you can not do it - it is a pipe dream - No it is not, it is a reality and a future that calls our name.

edit on 6-9-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by AlphaHawk
reply to post by 3n19m470

The best hint that I've watched it is that I know and acknowledge that she doesn't say anything about Australians should work for $2 a day.

But this is pretty much IMPLIED, read again what she actually said.

She, as a company owner, is basically saying it's "better" to use cheap, African laborers because they do the same job for $2 hour.

This is the philosophy we see for YEARS already, why do big corporates outsource to countries like India, Pakistan etc? Because it is cheaper.

The problem: This does NOT solve the economic crisis, it makes it worse.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 09:53 AM
by the looks of her it would take a heck of a lot more than $2.00/hour or day or week to feed her. What a selfish pig

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
reply to post by ollncasino

I wouldn't be surprised if the corporate elite in the United States secretly feel the same way.


Go do me a favor and call Microsoft/Hewlett Packard etc..customer support and then check what country you are ending up in with our call. Or how about checking where your Levi's jeans etc. are actually manufactured?

Sorry, did you live behind a rock for the last few decades?
edit on 6-9-2012 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by ezekielken
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

Thanks Amanda, for stating the obvious. I don't see why her weight or looks have anything at all to do with this issue. I know that some overweight people have thyroid conditions that make it extremely difficult to lose weight.
I find it interesting that so many slip off-topic, and base their vitriol on her looks as much as her statements, and from what I have read it seems her $2 a day comment was taken out of context.

Yes I agree with this. The media seems to be portraying her in a very bad light, though, I still expect different things from anyone able to make money in this world, I want them to join with the people in finding ways to get the world into a FREE and EQUAL Progressed World.

Someone on this thread wrote healthy body equates healthy mind, NO, actually, most souls here making the biggest strides in growth and light size are living hard lives, in less than perfect bodies, overcoming narcissism, greed and self love, pride, ego, and all sorts of things associated with this.

The question is why are they doing this snow job?

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by artistpoet

Originally posted by marsend
I do wonder, is it nearly time to kill the Greedy, so as to feed the Poor.
edit on 6-9-2012 by marsend because: Typo

Maybe we are being Psychologically manipulated to take out all our angst on such people as this insignificant woman.
Whilst the Big Fish get away

Rather than resort to violence we need to stop buying into their game and take our dignity back.
I sincerely believe though we have differences and they can become heated and do.
Most people are good at heart - we just need to walk away from this rigged game.

There has definitely been much psychological manipulation in Australia since Vietnam. The only way to take our dignity back will be through lots of blood, but it will be most likely ours and not theirs.

Lets be honest, how in the hell can anyone walk away from this rigged game, we are all in it and there is no where to go. Our leaders are disgusting and the country is run by shareholders and the Greedy all without any liability, just profit for them and misery for another.

Yes most people are good at heart and do not wish harm to another, I also believe this. However where has this got any of us? Does sorry fix things? Have not the greatest crimes committed, been in the name of justice or under the guise of governance of some type. Are not our public guilty, for not acting to protect Australia from internal threats such as all these corrupt officials.

I truly cannot wait until three meals are missed by the masses, like many have no foreseeable future, it's just that the rest of Aussie hasn't caught on yet.

I would love to hear your suggestions.


posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:20 AM
The rich bi*** hasn't worked a day in her life. She said people just need to work to get rich, so how about this: every month, the profits the mine makes, are divided equally among all the workers?

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by flexy123

It's not implied.

It's what we're competing with.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by marsend

I have lived a totally self sufficient lifestyle with a group of friends numbering approx 33 though the numbers fluctuated as people came and went. People from all walks of life ages and Nationality's

It made me realize that we required no form of Government or Banks (Money) or Law (self policing) or any of the institutions that run society.

It takes having the will and shared objectives and ideals.
Everyone no matter who has much to offer in just being who they are and contributing their skills for the common good.

Strip away the superficial structures and we are left with the same skills and gifts or talents

When I say walk away - Perhaps if you feel the Globalist company's are greedy and exploitative then don,t use them.

Being self sufficient is the easy part - the hardest part is people themselves

What is it one needs (not wants) to survive
Land to grow on
Clean water
Shelter and Warmth
All other things are bonus and we can truly have it all if we set our priority's to a shared goal

Of course it is not possible for the vast amount of folks at present - But it does not mean we can not start small and watch it grow - More and more people are so sick at heart of the way things are and looking for something better - It is up to each individual to make a first step rather than be a victim - fight for your freedom and liberty and Happiness will follow

I know it seems like an impossible mountain to climb and all our paths are different - But have faith
It can work - So far the way of the world has reaped a bitter harvest - Sow the goodness in you.
Help your fellow Man in which ever way is at your disposal - Don,t let despair win

edit on 6-9-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:26 AM
That's the goal, just like here in The USA. It's all about bringing wages down so the international Corporations can make even more profit. Why do you think the borders are left wide open during the joke on terra? = More cheap labor. ~$heopleNation

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

I would never ever place trade bans with any poor nation and harm the starving people there any more. The thugs running those countries are already bought off by the World Banks and Bildenberg set. I would work with the world's poor world wide to get eco farms and aquaponics and clean free energy so they don't even need to run and "grab a job" to live, but can choose what education and training they want for their own talents, to contribute out of their wish to contribute.

But the idea of slapping huge fines and tariff's on any sell out corporations exploiting third world nations, YOU BET, if they're going to take away jobs from here, and good paying jobs at that, make them pay for businesss start ups and creating good paying positions here, and also, educating the public, when there is more choice, more free enterprise rather than monopolies, to only purchase products from really ethical good people.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:42 AM
Oh, and I would ensure world wide laws exist regarding what type of governments and policies exist, so that all people have equality as their right, homes, food, water, education, health care, and freedom.

And when governments abuse their people, 1. you would be working with the poor, and creating alternative eco farms, food growth, energy, and education, and 2 You would send agents and arrest those crappy governments and thieves and make them stand before a world court.

Theocracies would be targetted too!

With all their scalar technology and black op tech, it really shouldn't be that hard for them to sail in and arrest the crooked leaders without bloodshed. They can affect brain waves and pretty much hit pause on the conciousness's remotes now, themselves.

edit on 6-9-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint
In all seriousness, I know this woman sounds very insensitive and naive in the ways of the world. To be fair, she may have been quoted out of context or she may not have the ability to accurately articulate her views.

Perhaps her legitimate view is this, which we should all ponder.

Many Australian workers (and for that matter workers from many developed nations) may be putting unreasonable demands on management. For example, unions may be asking management to follow unreasonable rules. In light of the fact that workers in undeveloped areas of the world demand little or nothing from management, Australian workers (and for that matter workers from many developed nations) may need to re-examine the demands they put on their managers. If workers do not re-examine their demands, they may eventually lose to competition in undeveloped nations.

This is not to say that workers should be treated like slaves or paid extremely low wages, but rather they should be more competitive. There is a lot of fat in the workplace (please hold the fat jokes regarding this woman) that needs to be trimmed.

Even if she was saying this, she would be a very unpopular woman, because people need more equality, more abundance, less work hours, more time with family, more machines and technology taking over dangerous and hard jobs, more clean energy, complete wonderful living conditions, like farms, eco farms, and earthship homes, happy well cared for kids, and basically the Venus Project, where you use your talents to contribute if you're healthy and your kids are older and more mature and everyone is well cared for no matter what their health and circumstances.

Otherwise we'll be still have alot of work to do.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:56 AM
She reminds me of Sally Struthers on south park... If anyone can find a video of this please share with us!

Why cant I post a simple image on this site.. smh

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by CynicalDrivel

See, this is something I find that people don't think about: if she doesn't make money, neither does her employees. So, she could just shut down her businesses tomorrow--all of them! She doesn't need them. Some of her upper tier could survive without having to work ever again, so they could just ignore the loss of jobs.

Oh, the superrich, should just play blackmail and force the slaves to endure whatever they wish or they just shut it all down?

I see the people passing the hat and also electing alternative representatives, ie, independents or new parties, that spend on business startups and undo all the laws that limit the numbers of businesses that can be done, in each area, so there is lots of healthy competition, true free enterprise, and the monopolies and giants can tighten their belts, cause there are new kids on the block and the people trained to choose the most loving, fair, equal and kind, decent, heart of gold,entrepreneur's to buy from.

edit on 6-9-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Revealation
May sound sick, but people like this need to be murdered. They can't be allowed to think this is THEIR world while they destroy everyone else's lives.

These people live in la la land, they will do whatever it takes to protect their subterranean, secretive life style, ruthless, heartless and cold in their actions, they are the TPTB, the elite.

I have encountered these people first hand, I am not talking about the rich, the mega rich but the upper echelons of the financially driven society. They become so obsessed with living in their cocoon they will say and do ridiculous things.

If you want a glimpse into what I am on about, watch the TV show "Secret of Our Streets" that aired in the UK, particularly the episode concerning Portland Street - very much an eye opener to how these people think.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by artistpoet
reply to post by marsend

I have lived a totally self sufficient lifestyle with a group of friends numbering approx 33 though the numbers fluctuated as people came and went. People from all walks of life ages and Nationality's

It made me realize that we required no form of Government or Banks (Money) or Law (self policing) or any of the institutions that run society.

It takes having the will and shared objectives and ideals.
Everyone no matter who has much to offer in just being who they are and contributing their skills for the common good.

Strip away the superficial structures and we are left with the same skills and gifts or talents

When I say walk away - Perhaps if you feel the Globalist company's are greedy and exploitative then don,t use them.

Being self sufficient is the easy part - the hardest part is people themselves

What is it one needs (not wants) to survive
Land to grow on
Clean water
Shelter and Warmth
All other things are bonus and we can truly have it all if we set our priority's to a shared goal

Of course it is not possible for the vast amount of folks at present - But it does not mean we can not start small and watch it grow - More and more people are so sick at heart of the way things are and looking for something better - It is up to each individual to make a first step rather than be a victim - fight for your freedom and liberty and Happiness will follow

I know it seems like an impossible mountain to climb and all our paths are different - But have faith
It can work - So far the way of the world has reaped a bitter harvest - Sow the goodness in you.
Help your fellow Man in which ever way is at your disposal - Don,t let despair win

edit on 6-9-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

There is a lot of truth in what you say. I agree, and yes you are lucky.
It is gutting that honest real work no longer has value, that certificates have replaced skill, knowledge and intelligence, and that a lot of our society, has become a sess pool, much like Gotham City, even tho I personally ant into bat man, you could say Frodo lost, but yes where ever there is evil there is also good. Sounds like you fellas have a good thing going.


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