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World's richest woman calls for Australian workers to be paid $2 a day to compete with Africans

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posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by DarknStormy

Shallow calous people who judge by cover alone should go and stare at themselves in the mirror for a very long time. If you find yourself so perfected perhaps the ugly is on the inside afterall, nasty people.

No, I don't find myself perfect, far from it.. But I know I am roughly 87 kilos and in good shape...

Most people overweight have low metabolisms and eat like a bird, and the ones who eat huge amounts are the tall wirey thin ones.

You attribute to self things that are not within your power, and health can be taken from anyone without a moment's notice being given.

With her income, do you think she wouldnt rather look like a supermodel if she could?

So shut up.

Its the woman's economics we're discussing, not metabolism or health.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by marsend

While I applaud the optomism of those in this thread who see solutions, and ways to reject our current system, I don't see the government really tolerating mass's of people "checking out" without bloodshed, and certainly many people being put in jail.

People have been convinced that alternative communties that reject government are all nut-jobs...they will use any punative law they can use to harrass, and even murder people. God forbid you want to grow or raise your own food anymore...they want to control all the food.....collect rain water, nope, that's a "no-no" too.

They have everyone convinced that if you don't follow thier unjust laws, and pay ridiculous amounts of money for the "privilage" of using the roads and bridges WE paid to build....which are being hawked to China too.....YOU are somekind of flake.....don't pay outragous traffic fines....well your a criminal...and hey if the police beat you must have deserved to jail for you.....

I don't know what the solution is....
I just try and stay off the radar as much as for myself....but there is no way to absolutely check out...I can't ask people to pay me in cash, cause I don't have a bank account, my customers would see that as "flakey"...I can't work without a I pay the oppressive fines.

I already lost my house after putting down $105,000 dollars and making 3 years worth of morgage payments....some of that was my fault for not understanding the horrible deal I made...but hey....I'm a flake many would say.....the ironry is the bank would not short sale the house back to me, I had family willing to help...but sold my house for $250,000 to the next was valued at $500,000 when I owned it. I believe this was done by design to many people.

It's hard to take billionaires "whining" that labor costs are too the cost of living keeps going up....the law is being used more and more as the elites bill collectors, and to prevent free speech from all us "terrorists" that want to challenge these criminals......God help our kids......

edit on 6-9-2012 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

You know this woman has actually stated that the working class are genetically inferior to the wealthy...

Heh, if something that looks like her is genetically better, then the human race is lost.

Seperate this woman from food for just one day and she would go insane and probably try to eat her own arm to fill that massive gullet of hers..

If you tried to lower the average Australian workers pay to $2 a day, you'd have your Revolution for sure.. and she'd be a big fat Pinata swinging from a lamp post, guaranteed!!
edit on 9/6/2012 by Ironclad because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:30 AM
Dear world's richest woman,

Thank you for enlightening the world with your "solution" to unemployment. Im not actually sure what your day job is but i think that you should stick to it and keep your suggestions to yourself.

Yours sincerely,
Someone who lives in the real world.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:37 AM
This chick is the poster child of why so many people dislike the wealthy. Not that all wealthy people think this way but when the "average joe" pulls a vision of a wealthy person into their mind...this is what they think of.

It's a "monarchy" mindset. Goes back to the days of Fiefdom and the rule by "divine precedence". People like this "actually do" think they are superior and feel that wealth and power is hereditary. I suppose on one hand it is. It is a medical fact that most corporate leaders and extraordinarily wealthy people are psychopaths and mental illness is there you have it...I guess the gene to be callous, cruel and uncaring is handed down and if that is what it takes to be "rich and powerful"...I think I'll fight to stay free and pitifully "average"...

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by SaturnFX

I would never ever place trade bans with any poor nation and harm the starving people there any more. The thugs running those countries are already bought off by the World Banks and Bildenberg set. I would work with the world's poor world wide to get eco farms and aquaponics and clean free energy so they don't even need to run and "grab a job" to live, but can choose what education and training they want for their own talents, to contribute out of their wish to contribute.

But the idea of slapping huge fines and tariff's on any sell out corporations exploiting third world nations, YOU BET, if they're going to take away jobs from here, and good paying jobs at that, make them pay for businesss start ups and creating good paying positions here, and also, educating the public, when there is more choice, more free enterprise rather than monopolies, to only purchase products from really ethical good people.

The feel good lets trade with them actually only empowers corporations and assures the common worker they will never get a leg up.
the more open trade rich nations have with poor, the more the poor nations suffer. all corporations are "sell out corporations". its their very definition..there are no high ideal corporate investors, its all about getting blood from stone style economics.

A solid trade ban against nations that do not have worker standards would however force many poor nations to adopt worker standards in order to trade with the rich boys. its a win/win and the only one whom loses a bit would be the mega corps used to having slave labor access...but like in a post civil war america, they will adapt (and that in itself lead to the guilded age).

So, don't be clouded by the shroud of is charity, that is free stuff we give poor nations. the trade laws are not for benefitting the workers of these nations though, they surpress them.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:37 AM
I bet you she eats little african children too.

Just for implying that ANYONE should have to live off of $2 a day is disgusting, and she deserves what we all want to do to her.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

I could not have put it better. I cannot understand how it has got to all this.

I get that Aussie was largely a penal colony, basically unpaid slaves of old, but I cannot believe that this is now their intentions once again. I cannot believe that the masses sit back and clap on, while the theater burns and the clowns steal the loot. It guts me that society has little morals or respect and is running on greed, fraud and corruption. When will enough be enough.

It is a shame to hear that your home didn't work out, but most devils wear suits and or ties, good luck for your future
edit on 6-9-2012 by marsend because: minor addition

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by aaron2209

Originally posted by BigDenzil
She grew up alongside her Dad and followed him around for years, learning the business from the ground up at some of the hottest and dirtiest places in Australia.

Ahh yes her father. The one and only Lang Hancock who wanted to poison the water supply of local aboriginals so they would be out of the way.

The same Lang Hancock that called his own daughter a "slothful, vindictive and devious baby elephant" lol

One classy family filled to the brim with morals and values

Well, she may have been misquoted but this more or less gives us a good indication of the family ethics.

They sound like some of the controversial comments from the Fraser Institute Right Winged Think Tank:

And brings back fond memories of Bill Vander Salm who made millions in greenhousing and wanted to pay people less than minimum wage. Trouble is he was elected premier after these comments. He sued a cartoonist who depicted him as pulling the wings of flies, and won, in a libel suit. I wrote about it in the local paper that libel and slander only has to do with comments beyond what a person would think putting 2 and 2 together and that anyone would naturally assume he was a fascist and a very cruel person by his statements already. Our english class used to have a few getting published in those days.

This whole set brings back such fond memories of the Social Credit days in BC. Now that they control the media here, 100%, they don't expose themselves quite as much, or at least, we don't have a media willing to expose them.
edit on 6-9-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

OMG, is that Jabba the Hutt, I thought it was just fiction? Eeeepa nicha! This woman is crazy, the bankers and corporations drive prices up through inflation and then complain that it's not their fault. It's typical but I think her mouth would be served better back at a trough. She's just another entitlement case living off daddy's, daddy's, daddy's fortunes and like the queen, just another useless eater welfare case, she just got it from her family.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:47 AM
there is a solution to this, we should have a community based system that does not use money. that would mean she would be in the same boat....I bet her opinion would change.

we should all work to help out our fellow human, this would mean no unemployment. we would work less hours and serve to better the land or world we live in. imagine a world without religion or a world where everyone is equal. it is possible, but is means every human wanting it.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by kman420
I bet you she eats little african children too.

Just for implying that ANYONE should have to live off of $2 a day is disgusting, and she deserves what we all want to do to her.

Mate, I had to quote you, I nearly fell of my ....... chair, still laughing. On a serious note, I wonder if they come with sauce and when she has eaten all the little children in Africa will she becoming to eat ours

peace :-)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:49 AM
I say we kill her, take all her money and use it all to improve the lives of people who are living on $2 a day.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 12:19 PM
Well than if she truley believes that then perhaps she could show people how it's done then. Let her show and see if she herself could live off of $2 a day. Oh and is that before taxes or after taxes?

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 12:19 PM
Or, you know, that fatso could just try a few days in a mine for two dollars a day herself first, and see how she likes it. Though with her size I doubt she'd fit in the shafts.

Instead of lowering Australian salaries they should be raising African ones. Bunch of greedy pricks.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 12:22 PM
@DarknStormy :

I do apologize for saying shut up, by the way. But patting yourself on the back for health and opportunity, often comes back at a person in the end. Because we're supposed to overcome ego and vanity. And not judge others. And do more research. Im sure someone with her money could solve all those problems, she could hire her own nutritionist, chef, like Oprah, so it must boil down to something else being the problem, or like my aunt, she doesnt value narcissism and and considers that vanity.

Anyway, there was no need for me getting upset at others words, so apologize once again.
edit on 6-9-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

It doesnt force them to do anything. They are run by renegades who have ripped off so much money in loans and wealth from shady operations, that never gets trickled down to the people and then like I have heard of in Phillipines, not something that hits the news, but from someone who lived there, the street children are rounded here and there, and shot, to hide this embarrassment.

They have enough to live well for several generations, so the only ones hurt are the people, and the people have no power there.

I would do nothing that harms victims of the PTB, the third world people, ever, only find ways that help them equalize and at the same time, restrict the thugs.

And another thing, its not good to force a revolution, for they don't end well. The thugs and extremists often take control during the revolutions, even creating them, and the people don't win yet again.

And those extremists are usually mercenaries working for the multi national corporations so it really doesnt end well in the least, and leaves the country in a fascist state or theocracy, worse of than before by a long shot.
edit on 6-9-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by marsend

Thank-you.........this was 4 years ago....and had I known then what I know now....I would have fought harder to save the house.....but I have recovered and made "peace"...that at this point in my life, I'm in my 40's, I will never own a home again probably.

I'm lucky really, have my health, wonderful family and friends, I do what I love for a living now, my daughter and our kids is who I worry for mostly....I don't know how to tell her with a straight face anymore to "follow the rules" and it's actually a moral dilemna for me as a parent.

You know the world has gone crazy when you tell your kids to never trust the police, keep your mouth shut, and offer as little info as possible, and if they arrest you ask for a lawyer imediately...when I grew up if the police caught us kids drinking in the park or something they made us pour out the beer and told us to go a days if you smoke a ciggarette in the park it's a $150 dollar fine, don't pay it, warrent for your's insane.

My daughter is now 21, and I don't anticipate her havng run-in's with the law, but I actually told her this....I'm a clean cut looking white woman and I was beat up by a phycho cop for a traffic violation, I'm 5'5' and weigh about 140 lbs.....I'm not a violent person in anyway...but I challenged her rude and disrespectful attitude, and she beat the crap out of me, lol, later when I challenged it and asked to see the tapes, I was told I "lunged" at her, nonsence....
I was not allowed to see the tapes since they weren't charging ME, with assult !

Sorry, know I'm going off topic, but how much is enough for these people?

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by peck420

Originally posted by ollncasino

Originally posted by Raelsatu
From what I've heard (and seen) of this woman in the past week, I can say she's despicable...

She inhered a $1.5bn mining empire from her father and then rode the wave of China buying up Australian minerals.

Yet she feels she must share her business wisdom with the little people?

A drunken baboon would have been successful as her.

edit on 5-9-2012 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

Not to be a pest, but Gina Reinhart had a net worth of approximately $75 million when her father passed. Her, or the team her father left her, turned that into approximately $29.17 billion. Far more than inflation would cover.

She may say stupid things, but she may also be brilliant when it comes to her business'.

And, no, a drunken baboon would not have been as successful as her, many have inherited more and lost it.

so you agree with her then? why don't you just come out and say it instead of hiding behind the smoke you're blowing up her arse, brilliant my arse...

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by SaturnFX

It doesnt force them to do anything. They are run by renegades who have ripped off so much money in loans and wealth from shady operations, that never gets trickled down to the people and then like I have heard of in Phillipines, not something that hits the news, but from someone who lived there, the street children are rounded here and there, and shot, to hide this embarrassment.

They have enough to live well for several generations, so the only ones hurt are the people, and the people have no power there.

I would do nothing that harms victims of the PTB, the third world people, ever, only find ways that help them equalize and at the same time, restrict the thugs.

And another thing, its not good to force a revolution, for they don't end well. The thugs and extremists often take control during the revolutions, even creating them, and the people don't win yet again.

And those extremists are usually mercenaries working for the multi national corporations so it really doesnt end well in the least, and leaves the country in a fascist state or theocracy, worse of than before by a long shot.
edit on 6-9-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Right, which is why I say lets simply stop trade all together, then there is no renegades making profits off multinationals considering their good are blacklisted from the rich nations, making the renegade option invalid.

The more you reward a country that has no worker standards, the more you allow renegades to run the show. cut it all off and the country will change and conform to the new reality.

The best thing you can do for the slaves are to stop the gold to their masters.

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