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A new country in North America? What do Canadians and Americans make of this?

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posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Bluenoser in Ontario as well as being part French....I am sick and tired of hearing how Quebec is being crapped on by the rest of Canada, of paying them just so they can snub their noses at as. How can you talk about national pride when they dislike the rest of Canada.

Stop fighting for those who do not want to be here. Let them go already.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
reply to post by intrepid

Bluenoser in Ontario as well as being part French....I am sick and tired of hearing how Quebec is being crapped on by the rest of Canada, of paying them just so they can snub their noses at as. How can you talk about national pride when they dislike the rest of Canada.

Stop fighting for those who do not want to be here. Let them go already.

I've always felt a bit of annoyance at that myself. Like the entire rest of the country has to learn French, especially in Ottawa or in the government, yet no one in Quebec, save Montreal could be bothered to know English?

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:32 PM
If they want to leave, let them leave. If they want to stay all the better. But my question is, with myself living in nova scotia, if i want to go visit family in ontario am i going to be able to drive there without any problems? Quebec seperating will esencially be splitting the country (Canada) in two.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:36 PM
What's Quebec?

Just kidding. Seriously, Quebec seceding from Canada would prob'ly be the equivalent of Texas seceding from "The Union"......aka: all bark and no bite....ain't gonna ever really happen, but it makes some people feel better believing otherwise.

What impact will it have globally?
Not too much.
What impact will it have on Canada?
Nobody knows but Canadians.

Other than that, I say let 'em do their thang....I'm a coonass from Louisiana, who are pretty much just the glorified hillbilly version of Quebecers, and we might as well have our own country too-- Different language, different culture....but even despite our ignorant-ass president and increasingly sh*tty government, I can honestly say that I'm still damn proud and eternally grateful to be an American and part of the United States.

Of course, I am a Southern American, so we still have some resemblance to the integrity that we typically identified ourselves with mid-last century.
However, the times they are a-changing........ even down here in the deep South..........

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:44 PM
A large swath of land with a majority of inhabitants that don't share "language, culture, music, literature, folklore, history etc" with the rest of the country?

Hmm, that sounds oddly familiar here in the US...and I foresee similar developments in the future.
edit on 2-9-2012 by Gainsayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by NoNameBrand

Fly, or just travel through the states.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:49 PM
We just want their pro hockey

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by ExNihilo

Wonder what the folks of Nova Scotria, new Brunswik and Cape Bretton (did I miss anyone), think about being seperated from the rest of Canada.

Having to pass through a forign country to get to the other side of their own.

I suppose they could be re-named as territories or provinces.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:00 PM
It won't happen.. Really, it won't.

Originally posted by Ironclad
reply to post by ExNihilo

Wonder what the folks of Nova Scotria, new Brunswik and Cape Bretton (did I miss anyone),

Cape Breton is part of Nova Scotia.

You missed PEI, Newfoundland/Labradour.
edit on 2-9-2012 by CALGARIAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by MidnightTide

Being Canadian I agree %100...

I find them very ignorant. My father in law was in Quebec to visit a friend and quickly got lost, so he stopped at a gas station to ask for directions and they totally blew him off and cussed at him for not being able to speak french!

Personally I have felt that they have been doing and running things their own way as their own individual country since I can remember. They don't like Canadians... How about them apples

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:35 PM
Responding to OP:

It is very unlikely that Quebec will vote in favor of sovereignty if there is another referendum.


Only 28% of Quebec residents favor sovereignty.

Since the last election, where the BQ was virtually wiped out, the new 2-party paradigm (Conservative vs NDP) at the federal level gives Quebec (currently backing the NDP) a much greater level of influence over the federal government. They can play kingmaker, like they used to before the BQ. This makes sovereignty less popular. It's true that the PQ is re-surging in Quebec, but I guarantee you they will tone down their rhetoric if they form government. Quebec has a pretty sweet deal in confederation. It's fine for them to wave the sovreigntest flag and rattle sabers every now and then to cut a better deal with the feds, but they'd be giving up too much to actually go through with it.

On top of that, there is the problem of Northern Quebec, where First Nations make up the majority of the population, and who are almost 100% opposed to separation. Leaders of Quebec First Nations have said over and over again that they will fight to remain in Canada. And don't forget that Quebec Hydro is the biggest source of independent revenue for the Quebec government, and most of those hydro plants are in First Nations territory, cut off from the rest of the province, and susceptible to sabotage.

Now, you might be thinking that this would make separation more exciting, but in reality it makes it impossible. The constitutionality of sovereignty is far from settled, and there is International Law to consider as well. Point being, even if they wanted to, Quebec couldn't separate. And as it is, the vast majority don't even want to. Canada is leading developed nations in recovery from the recession, and they know that.

Simply put, it's not going to happen.


This article provides some different poll numbers, which show a much higher % of people supporting separation. I didn't realize how much sovereignty sentiment had developed in the last year. Huh.

I still think it's highly unlikely, however.
edit on 2-9-2012 by RedBird because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Ironclad
reply to post by ExNihilo

Wonder what the folks of Nova Scotria, new Brunswik and Cape Bretton (did I miss anyone), think about being seperated from the rest of Canada.

Having to pass through a forign country to get to the other side of their own.

I suppose they could be re-named as territories or provinces.

so basically like a mainland American driving to Alaska? Or having to fly across the Pacific to Hawaii? or the Gulf of Mexico and the Carribbean Sea to Puerto Rico?

They'll live.
edit on 2-9-2012 by stupid girl because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by Ben81

There's one of my Quebecois friends now!

Tell us Ben... do you want Quebec to be it's own country? Or is being Canadian something you have a patriotic connection to? I think folks would be interested in reading your thoughts.


posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by RedBird

omg, i could have totally whored a blue "I approve this message" ATS star from you..........if you had read my original post above..................

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:51 PM
The west should also separate instead of feeding Ottawa's coffers.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:54 PM
First of all, I think Poutine is disgusting.

As for language in Canada, nothing would change. There are lots of french communities all throughout Canada who hate Quebec just as much as anyone else, if not more so for making them look bad. We would still be a bilingual nation.

Then there is the large number of Quebecers who work outside of the province. Way more quebecers work outside the province than there are other Canadians working in Quebec. It would be an economic disaster for them. Mainly because of Quebec's unions, which make it next to impossible to get anything done, not to mention makes everything really expensive. It would be nice to walk onto a construction site and not have to see a bunch of french construction worker types rocking out to the lamest dance/pop music. There's just something wrong about seeing a bunch of grown men singing "Tonight's going to be a good night".

The amount of jobs that would open up in ontario with all the frenchies gone would be fantastic for the economy.

And then there's the violence, which would be glorious. I guarantee you no frenchman would set foot on canadian soil without having the living daylights kick out of them. The number of border scuffles could get ugly real fast, but I'm sure it would be loads of fun for those involved.

Also I would seriously consider changing my french surname to my great grandfather's real name of Macpherson. (He was adopted by a french family)
edit on 2-9-2012 by The Cusp because: Horrible typo

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by The Cusp
First of all, I think Poutine is disgusting.

As for language in Canada, nothing would change. There are lots of french communities all throughout Canada who hate Quebec just as much as anyone else, if not more so for making them look bad. We would still be a bilingual nation.

Then there is the large number of Quebecers who work outside of the province. Way more quebecers work outside the province than there are other Canadians working in Quebec. It would be an economic disaster for them. Mainly because of Quebec's unions, which make it next to impossible to get anything done, not to mention makes everything really expensive. It would be nice to walk onto a construction site and not have to see a bunch of french construction worker types rocking out to the lamest dance/pop music.

The amount of jobs that would open up in ontario with all the frenchies would be fantastic for the economy.

And then there's the violence, which would be glorious. I guarantee you no frenchman would set foot on canadian soil without having the living daylights kick out of them.

Also I would seriously consider changing my french surname to my great grandfather's real name of Macpherson. (He was adopted by a french family)

Pathetic but cute.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:59 PM
As a resident from Ontario who lives a short drive away from the Quebec border, I would absolutely love for them to separate from Canada! And I mean that with all honesty and sincerity.

Then Quebec-based contract workers would be barred from working in our country - which is just as fair, seeing as how it's illegal for Ontarians to work in Quebec. We'd stop hearing about how the French in Ontario want more bilingualism - when they have laws prohibiting the 'excessive' use of english in all printed and mass-media forms. And we'd finally stop hearing the phrase 'distinct society' in almost any news story involving Quebec - whereas there are dozens of distinctive societies within our own country that don't draw such pompous attention to themselves.

So yes, please separate and go! I'll even help you pack. And when all the aboriginals give their land back to Canada, you'll be left with a landlocked strip of land just about the size of Haiti - and with just about the same economical clout, too. Unless poutine and maple syrup become sought after international commodities.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 08:02 PM
One aspect that will be intriguing is the division of Canada's military assets. If the separation comes about, there is a multitude of military personnel of Franco-decent that will want to be employed by the country of Nouveau-France .

Already there are the soldiers belonging to the Van Doos and the remainder of the French-speaking units that will likely stay in place. The naval assets and Air are an interesting quandary that will be have to be negotiated by the new government. Will the new government have to purchase new equipment on its own or get some of the used equipment?

Though I do not want to see this separation happen (being on the tour in Afghanistan after the Van Doos I met a lot of good people during the transition), I'll watch this one in anticipation of what's next...

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by ArchAngel_X
As a resident from Ontario who lives a short drive away from the Quebec border, I would absolutely love for them to separate from Canada! And I mean that with all honesty and sincerity.

Then Quebec-based contract workers would be barred from working in our country - which is just as fair, seeing as how it's illegal for Ontarians to work in Quebec. We'd stop hearing about how the French in Ontario want more bilingualism - when they have laws prohibiting the 'excessive' use of english in all printed and mass-media forms. And we'd finally stop hearing the phrase 'distinct society' in almost any news story involving Quebec - whereas there are dozens of distinctive societies within our own country that don't draw such pompous attention to themselves.

So yes, please separate and go! I'll even help you pack. And when all the aboriginals give their land back to Canada, you'll be left with a landlocked strip of land just about the size of Haiti - and with just about the same economical clout, too. Unless poutine and maple syrup become sought after international commodities.

there are dozens of distinctive societies that equal to 1/3 of the population of Canada ? sure...
And why would Quebec give its land to aboriginal and not Canada ? that argument is retarded, all of America belongs to them if you want to play this game.

It amazes me how Canadians forget that we are 8 millions out of a population of 32 millions.

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