posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by ExNihilo
Quebec is ONE BIG PAIN IN THE ASS! Most Canadians feel this way and since the U.S. and Canada are so interconnected...just about every Family in the
U.S. has a Canadian Family Member and vice versa.
When the Soviet Union and even RUSSIA to this day...come out with their yearly Defense is labeled......THE NORTH AMERICAN MILITARY
DEFENSIVE AND OFFENSIVE CAPABILITY REPORT 2012....or what ever year it may be. Canada and the U.S. are EXTREMELY CLOSE and there are HUNDREDS OF
NORAD stands for NORTH AMERICAN AEROSPACE DEFENSE COMMAND. Russia and China consider the two countries as ONE COUNTRY as far as Military Offense and
Defense are concerned. The Two Countries are so tied that any attack on Canada or even Canadian Citizens abroad is considered an ATTACK ON THE UNITED
STATES....and Vise Versa.
I have been all over Canada and the People are Nice with ONE EXCEPTION...QUEBEC! They have separatists who want a French Based and Styled Country of
their own but they still want the same PERKS that being apart of NORAD as well as benefiting from Canadian Natural Resources but without
responsibility. I have Canadian Family Members and when we talk about Quebec trying to become it's own Country...these usually very Calm and Nice
Canadian Relatives start to FOAM AT THE MOUTH! THEY ARE PISSED OFF! Canadians only get pissed off when the Bruins win the Stanley Cup! LOL!
But I think what Quebec is doing is sheer BIGOTRY and BAD for Canada. The U.S. is comprised of every possible Race, Creed, Color, People from every
Country on Earth and we get along and it is a STRENGTH...NOT A WEAKNESS! Quebec is attempting to create a form of...FOR FRENCH SPEAKING AND FRENCH
ETHNICS ONLY CLUB! This is what it amounts to...and it is sick!
I say let they be their own Country and cut them off from the Canadian Grid as well as all other U.S./Canadian PERKS they enjoy. Let them build their
own Infrastructure that does not count on Money from other parts of Canada and CHARGE THEM for the USE of Natural gas Pipelines and place a Tariff on
all Goods coming in and out of Quebec...then we will see how they will survive? Not well...believe me. Split Infinity