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The 800 Pound Gorilla Everyone Ignores

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posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 03:29 PM
(Posted for those who were actually expecting to see a monster Gorilla)

Now - he gets my vote...........strapping lad isn't he?

edit on 27-8-2012 by Sublimecraft because: Heavily modified to stay on topic................sort of ???

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

You seem to have ignored the most important angle, OP.

That is, participating in a vote is a declaration on your part that you a) want the current system to continue intact. b) cannot manage your affairs, and thus need a "representative" to manage them for you. and c) do not understand the responsibility, value, and truth of your own sovereignty.

People ALWAYS get the government they deserve/need. Almost universally, what is needed is to make the slave's suffering so intense that to remain asleep and enslaved would actually be more painful (to his perception) than to invest the effort in learning what and who he truly is. Spiritual sloth is what we have to thank for the current state of the world. And I do mean thank. A massive awakening is already underway.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye
I'll just get right to the point. Can someone please tell me why I should vote in elections that cant be verified?

And then of course we have those who claim if we do not endorse an unverifiable system by participating in it we don't have a right to complain. Are you mad? WE have every right to complain when our fellow human beings think they can vote theft plunder and even murder onus and our families through an unverifiable system much less through a verifiable system...

edit on 26-8-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)


Are you ready for the Best solution. Please lawmakers, enact the following. PUBLIC ONLINE VOTING and PUBLIC results.

#1 : Have a website per state, to allow for online voting (to as not to overwhelm one website accross the country)

#2: Have people go through an "account setup". Where it verifies your address, your ability to vote (if registered), and what county, etc. It will ask for your social security numer, yet the USER name will be their "Driver's License Number" or an alternate number given by the state voting website. Reason for Driver's licence number or alternate # (as opposed to say a social security number), is so that you can see everyone's vote listed by that #. But of course, you won't know who specifically that person is next to that #. Unless, you get a court warrant, and then you can see the name next to each number. So overall, anyone can verify the results per county, and per state, on the website and see the breakdown. And if anyone wants to claim FOUL, then can go through the courts, and get the specific name.

#3: This will encourage more voting. Why in the 21st century, are we still going to the polls and physically punching a ballot, or pressing a button? In no way, make the online voting, mandatory. But at least make it an option. That way, people from out of town, can still vote. The elderly can still vote, the disabled can still vote, etc. There is no reason to force people out of their homes to go stand in a long line, to get into a small booth. Online voting (securely) will help that effort. Expect to see a large turnout.

#4: Of course make it Secure. make it so that you can only vote 1 time. If you go and view your public results, by your number, that only you know, and if you see an error, you will be able to contact the administrator, and file for FRAUD.

#5: Public is the key. I as a citizen should be able to view each states results, and VIEW MY OWN RESULTS. It is so frustrating, that on the digital ballots, i don't even get a paper receipt. Say I pressed the wrong button, at least the paper receipt would show, ooops I made a mistake. The online system, would eliminate all of that error.

#6: Quick results. If done online, results can be processed quickly and efficiently. No waiting for hours to see results. As you can probably see the tally live as it unfolds. It will make you feel better for voting a certain way, if when you vote you see the # increase by 1 vote. YOUR VOTE. LIVE. And to be fair, you can start the online process 1 week early, to allow for any error or any FOUL claims, etc.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Great post and something I feel strongly about also. People are brainwashed to believe that "numbers don't lie", hence so many posters on here google statistics from 'authorities' and it becomes a done and dusted case.

Nearly everyone cries foul at photos and videos but a webpage with a column of numbers, hell yeah, that must be legit!

Regards, Skellon.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

Haha wow you just compared voting to a law. I have voted. And all it was is a waste of gas and time.

You have the right to not vote. But its the law to wear a seatbelt. You know? Click it or ticket?

I am a free American to do whatever the heck I want and all you want is a dictatorship.

You are not the american.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

And then of course we have those who claim if we do not endorse an unverifiable system by participating in it we don't have a right to complain. Are you mad?

No I'm not mad ! And even more precisely, I'm not insane either. Because none of those people are me.
edit on 27-8-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Sublimecraft
(Posted for those who were actually expecting to see a monster Gorilla)

Now - he gets my vote...........strapping lad isn't he?

edit on 27-8-2012 by Sublimecraft because: Heavily modified to stay on topic................sort of ???

Prolly do a better job too.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 05:44 PM
whoops- excuse me. I saw the title and thought this thread was about Hillary......(ba-zing!!)

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by seamus

Not really you have to start at the level most are at and move up from there...

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 05:52 PM
ATS double posted on me....

edit on 27-8-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

lmao i dont deserve to live here? First off i didnt choose to live here. I was born here. If the only way one deserves to live here is by being a blind fool im glad i dont. The system is a scam to the fullest extent. Its a joke. Its a failed system. The economy is proof the gov is a failed system. Voting does nothing to change that failed system, only further it along. If wanting clear proof that the voting is fair makes me unamerican that heck with it, im not proud to be american anyway. I cnat see why everyone wouldnt want to know for sure its fair. Thats just idiotic. Secondly, no offence? Thats pretty offencive so im sure it was intended. Be a man and say your being offencive. You sir are an ignorant waste of my time and i want nothing to do with your childish comments. Just because i demand the system be proven fair you think you deserve more than i do. I pitty the fool. Get over yourself already. Thank you come again.. Oh and ps, you failed to explain your logic. That link you posted doent offer any reason why it should be law. If anything thats more reason i should have the right to choose if i care enough.
edit on 27-8-2012 by BennyTheBlade because: wanted a proper explanation of a past question.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by TheCaucasianAmerican
reply to post by newcovenant

Haha wow you just compared voting to a law. I have voted. And all it was is a waste of gas and time.

You have the right to not vote. But its the law to wear a seatbelt. You know? Click it or ticket?

I am a free American to do whatever the heck I want and all you want is a dictatorship.

You are not the american.

And I 'm guessing from your replies, you are about 12.
Voting for student council president doesn't count.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by BennyTheBlade
reply to post by newcovenant

lmao i dont deserve to live here? First off i didnt choose to live here. I was born here. If the only way one deserves to live here is by being a blind fool im glad i dont. The system is a scam to the fullest extent. Its a joke. Its a failed system. The economy is proof the gov is a failed system. Voting does nothing to change that failed system, only further it along. If wanting clear proof that the voting is fair makes me unamerican that heck with it, im not proud to be american anyway. I cnat see why everyone wouldnt want to know for sure its fair. Thats just idiotic. Secondly, no offence? Thats pretty offencive so im sure it was intended. Be a man and say your being offencive. You sir are an ignorant waste of my time and i want nothing to do with your childish comments. Just because i demand the system be proven fair you think you deserve more than i do. I pitty the fool. Get over yourself already. Thank you come again.. Oh and ps, you failed to explain your logic. That link you posted doent offer any reason why it should be law. If anything thats more reason i should have the right to choose if i care enough.
edit on 27-8-2012 by BennyTheBlade because: wanted a proper explanation of a past question.

I don't care that you were born here, I said you don't deserve to live here and seriously nobody is chaining you down. Leave if you don't like it. Leave if you've found a better system of government. Seriously, you DON'T deserve freedom if you don't work to keep it. Why don't you study the system of government we have here in America? People have fought and died for your right to vote. Discover what the founding fathers were thinking and then get back to me with the childish comments.
The Importance of Voting

And that voting should be law is my opinion. You do know what an opinion is don't you? I am still allowed to have one aren't I? And guess what? It does not have to be the same opinion as yours! What a concept! By the way...I hope you don't vote. Voters should be educated.
edit on 27-8-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:27 PM
You are on the right track. You have to understand that your peers as you described live in a small conservative state. So in my opinion, they will just keep toiling their entire lives and complain to friends and family about how their piece of the pie is too small when they aren't toiling. As for a city like New York City for example, they will toil their day away and gather every once in a while to talk about their dreams, and how certain groups are ruining everything, etc., but once again never do anything about it. Until humanity witnesses a worldwide injustice so great that no one can deny it, we will not get out of our chairs for a damn thing.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by seamus

did you really think out exactly what you just said? Your basicly saying the jews living in germany got the government they deserved or needed when hitler took power. After all you said they "ALWAYS" get what they need or deserve. Everyone keeps missing the point the op was making. That is, everyone seems to ignore the fact that there is no valid proof the election is fair. And hes absolutly correct. What happened to the good ol ats moto? Deny ignorance. Theres seems to be an awful lot of ignorance in this thread. First im told i dont deserve to live in the usa and now you more or less say the jews got what they deserved.. Shame on all of you that miss whats important here.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by boncho
Who even cares if the vote is verified. The people in place are predetermined beforehand anyway. If it was meant to be fair, it wouldn't cost millions to run for office. It would be a nomination and a vote. Simple.

Thats why I vote Dolph Lundgren.

I don't know why but I find it funny everytime his name is mentioned

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Sublimecraft


posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by newcovenant

Originally posted by TheCaucasianAmerican
reply to post by newcovenant

Haha wow you just compared voting to a law. I have voted. And all it was is a waste of gas and time.

You have the right to not vote. But its the law to wear a seatbelt. You know? Click it or ticket?

I am a free American to do whatever the heck I want and all you want is a dictatorship.

You are not the american.

And I 'm guessing from your replies, you are about 12.
Voting for student council president doesn't count.

Uh ohh someones diaper needs a changing

Marriage is a right, people choose not to.

Having kids is a right, people choose not to.

Voting is a right, people choose not to.

I have spoken!

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

when you say study do you mean the real reality of what happened or the american text book version? Ive studied both plenty. There quite different. But what differance does that make? And still i ask wheres the logic in making it law? You talk alot but offer nothing valid. Only personal attacks and unbacked opinion.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:35 PM
dual posts
edit on 27-8-2012 by BennyTheBlade because: error

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