posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 02:23 AM
O.P. Before I explain why you should go to Hell I have to talk about Heaven and Hell. You are not alone in your doubts about Jesus and Hell, I had
mine too including 6 years away from any church but after years of contemplating the existence of a God I have to agree with God's logic that those
who have reached the age of accountability and choose to disobey his word all have to end up in Hell. God is in Heaven and in Heaven is Love and
perfection, anything less can not go there or be with him, which is also why Lucifer's jealousy got Him cast out of Heaven down to earth after He saw
how God gave free will to Adam in the Garden of Eden and how much God loved Adam. At that time I believe there was not much else God loved more than
the angel of light, Lucifer.
Like Lucifer, Adam and Eve also chose to disobey God by eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil (Eating the fruit did not give them some power
to know good or evil, they already knew the difference. If God said don't do it then it was evil and anything else was up to them and their free
will.) Tricked by Lucifer or not they chose to directly disobey a very direct command from God to not eat that fruit, they had many freedoms to do as
they pleased but this was one command they could not disobey. Its kind of like don't bite the hand that feeds you. Before their fall, life in Eden
was wonderful.
After the fall and getting kicked out of Eden, life became difficult for man since he thought he could be his own boss. Bad things happen outside of
Eden but God gave him what he asked for. Being outside of Eden, Adam and Eve were now able to grow old, get sick and die (No more fruit of everlasting
life) but worst of all being apart from God meant no Heaven when they died all because of a little tempting fruit. This separation between God and man
diminished their relationship but God loved man so much like any parent does a child, He gave him a way back to Him. The way was simple in principle
but not easy due to human nature.
God sent the knowledge of His ways to all men through inspiration, visions and finally in the form of His son, a man known as Jesus. Because Jesus was
a man and lived as a man here with us outside of Eden he was also cursed by Adam and Eve's mistake and by default was destined to die too but because
of He lived a sinless life there was no punishment waiting him in Hell. While he was tempted to sin like us He resisted and fell back on the knowledge
his father passed to those before Him through the Torah and prayer. Even though He never hurt anyone He was tortured and murdered for his beliefs some
of which people today also live according to.
His father God allowed Him to die as punishment for our sins, imagine that you are Jesus, God and should not ever be able to die but to save all men
from eternal Hell punishment you allow yourself to be tortured and killed and on top of that your own father turns his back on you when He could take
all your pain away but because the sins you have taken on from all the world make you look so horrible to Him that He can't stand it. Taking on the
sins of all men requires that He was punished accordingly in Hell with such severity as to be equal to all the sins of all men ever no matter how
disgusting and twisted they are. Then just to prove that He is God after 3 days in Hell His body was revived in an improved state which He will now
have for all eternity.
Now back to your question, I believe according to the bible any man who has heard God's word and after contemplating it, rejects it, has rejected God
and Jesus' sacrifice which if left with a unrepentant heart upon death will definitely not enter Heaven. There has to be a line drawn somewhere. For
those who are too young or have never heard God's words, they will not be judged by the same standard as a Christian. If you have changed your mind
about being saved and the authenticity of Jesus it is ok, He is like no other man in history and you may change your position again. Remember only
Jesus has the keys to Heaven, hopefully when we knock on the door He recognizes our voice. Please don't ever stop talking to Him, sometimes things go
wrong for us or we backslide so that others we might never know will benefit. He will reward you for your sacrifice because He remembers everything.
A last thought on Christianity and Jesus, don't put him on a pedestal or don't think you can be just like Him even mother Theresa was far from Him.
He also had the confidence of knowing He was the son of God while we are full of doubt. The only way into Heaven is by keeping faith that Jesus paid
for our sins as we struggle to be like Him.