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Define Christianity as Hate - The New Homosexual Agenda

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posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Not all Christians do however. I like the United Church in its policies for example, they were showing the way. Many people who are not fundamentalists actually use discernment and consider most of the old testament to be man remaking God in his image, and not the average person, but the tyrants doing this, and when I went to Church found many who thought like me. And its metaphor, not literal stuff, in the bible. And that all those misunderstandings in the past were due to the men who shaped those parts and remade God in their image, as is commonly found ie for Goodness never asked anyone to sacrifice their child, never sent people into others lands to kill them and take their lands, never told anyone to harm their children or sold their daughters off to rapists or ever had any of these rules. That isn't God, but the opposite and anyone with any common sense or Love knows that and many non fundamentalist Christians know that as well. And we considered their lack of basic understanding of genetics, physiology and the like to be the reason for their abuse of minorities and homosexuals.

So, its not all Christians, only some.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

It's not an issue about hate, it's an issue about what our God deems an abomination.

To you that's the extent of the issue.

To us non-believers that support equality for the gay community the issue has nothing to do with that. It has to do with how those beliefs directly impact society, in this case in ways detrimental to 'equality and the pursuit of happiness' and all that jazz.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

And its metaphor, not literal stuff, in the bible.

Some is allegory, some rhetorical, some is literal. However When God said "you shall not lie with another man as you would with a woman" he wasn't speaking in riddles. Do not play the "fundamentalists know nothing about science card" with me, because that is a fallacy. There is no scienctific evidence linking genetics to homosexuality period. As for man making God in his image, what do you think you people are trying to do now? You're trying to change what was written 3500 years ago and until the late 20th century had not changed and then it was man making the changes. Citing ridiculous comments that Jesus never said anything about homosexuality when he did, not just in the NT but in the OT as well because he is God. This is another case of mankind worshipping itself versus the Creator, of blatantly ignoring Yahweh in light if their own desires.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:56 AM
God said what? in a man or woman's voice?


posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Some is allegory, some rhetorical, some is literal. However When God said "you shall not lie with another man as you would with a woman" he wasn't speaking in riddles. Do not play the "fundamentalists know nothing about science card" with me, because that is a fallacy. There is no scienctific evidence linking genetics to homosexuality period. As for man making God in his image, what do you think you people are trying to do now? You're trying to change what was written 3500 years ago and until the late 20th century had not changed and then it was man making the changes. Citing ridiculous comments that Jesus never said anything about homosexuality when he did, not just in the NT but in the OT as well because he is God. This is another case of mankind worshipping itself versus the Creator, of blatantly ignoring Yahweh in light if their own desires.

How do you deal with the contradictions in the Bible, then? Is it up to your discretion whether a law is moral or behavioral? Do you eat cloven hooved animals? If the rest of the Bible is also Jesus, how come Jesus changed the law? It makes no sense.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

It's not an issue about hate, it's an issue about what our God deems an abomination.

To you that's the extent of the issue.

To us non-believers that support equality for the gay community the issue has nothing to do with that. It has to do with how those beliefs directly impact society, in this case in ways detrimental to 'equality and the pursuit of happiness' and all that jazz.

So you're going to violate our rights by forcing us to condone and believe something is ok when our God plainly said it is wrong? How is that being equal? Everyone elses rights matter unless you're christian is that it? Where does it end? The government coming into our homes and churches and telling us what we can and cannot believe and then what? Kill us if we refuse to jump on the bandwagon?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

It's not an issue about hate, it's an issue about what our God deems an abomination.

To you that's the extent of the issue.

To us non-believers that support equality for the gay community the issue has nothing to do with that. It has to do with how those beliefs directly impact society, in this case in ways detrimental to 'equality and the pursuit of happiness' and all that jazz.

You have more patience then me.

I get people have beliefs. But its their belief.

How is it OK for a specific belief to dictate all of society?

Personal belief is simply not relevant - - - in government equality. Especially a secular government.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by PvtHudson
There is something to this topic. For example, you don't see the LGBT community trying to force gay marriage on Muslims. Its strictly an attack on Christians and their traditions. You wont see them trying to force Islam to do the same, because they respect that religion (For some reason).

WTF are you talking about?

Where the hell are any of them trying to force it on Christians?
I never saw one LGB person try to make two same sex Christians marry each other.
Why are you making # up?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:07 AM

1) homosexuality is not an agenda but an alternate orientation from the majority, as is handedness.

2) christianity is apparently a hateful cult, as demonstrated by the existence of this thread, as well as all the quotes of what "God said" throughout this thread by multiple cult followers.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

There is no scienctific evidence linking genetics to homosexuality period.

Thus you conclude it's a choice?

However When God said "you shall not lie with another man as you would with a woman" he wasn't speaking in riddles.

Who is being addressed here? Who is the 'you'?

You (women reading this Bible) shall not lie with another man as you would with a woman.

Not sure that illustrates your belief eh?

So the 'you' is referencing males only?

Lesbians get the green light then?

Citing ridiculous comments that Jesus never said anything about homosexuality when he did, not just in the NT but in the OT as well because he is God.

It's not ridiculous at all. That is not a belief shared by everyone. It's not shared by all Christians. It's certainly not shared by me who doesn't believe The Bible is anything but written by man. It's completely rational for someone who doesn't believe Jesus is God to point out what is written in the Bible and show what Jesus did not say.

of blatantly ignoring Yahweh in light if their own desires.

All day everyday.

Fortunately for me one of my many desires is to be a very moral person.

So you're going to violate our rights by forcing us to condone and believe something is ok when our God plainly said it is wrong?

I don't believe belief in of itself should respected. It should depend on the belief. You already agree with this. Our society already agrees with this. If in my religion I hold the belief that God requires a virgin sacrifice every full moon, I would be inprisoned by acting on that belief and you would not fight on my behalf and on the behalf of that belief. Here a less extreme example. If in the same religion I believed God felt Christians should not be allowed to marry other Christians and I acted on that belief you would not rush to my aide supporting my right to belief.

response to Annee
You have more patience then me.

Probably due to my long break from these discussions. I might snap soon!

edit on 8-8-2012 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:15 AM
thats just it

it's debatable whether people are born homosexual.

but is it debatable babies are born christian and haters?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

You didnt respond to his comment about all the other commandments. What about shellfish? What about planting mixed crops in the same field?

You are either too stupid to understand what hes saying or being intentionally dense.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:35 AM
It's not Christians who are making the decision that homosexuality is a perversion of the original intent. It's the Bible. Don't hate us, hate the Bible. Better yet, hate God. It's his rule. Don't shoot the messengers.

So now let’s take the argument a step further. Some of you say homosexuality (and therefor sodomy) is perfectly fine if that's what makes you happy. Ok, fine. So where is the line drawn? Let's say Joe next door isn't into homosexuality. He's into sheep. Who says that's wrong? What's your moral compass that says having sex with a sheep is wrong? If you don't have a moral compass to go by, then it's only because YOU decided that it was abhorrent to YOU. In which case everyone can decide what is right and wrong TO THEM.

My point is without a moral compass (Gods word) then who decides what is right and what is perverted? Perverted relationships don't end with men sodomizing men. Or sheep...

And don't forget that many civilizations were done in by moral decay. They start off with strict rules about what constitutes a family. After a while, everyone does what they want, because they have their "rights". The Roman empire for example.

If homosexuality is fine, what then ISN'T fine? Where do you draw the line, and who draws it?

Just some food for thought. And don't flame me over this post. Be all... tolerant. And accepting.

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by davjan4

Are you really this ignorant? Its all about consent.

Youll only be able to hide behind a book written by moronic sheep herders for a little while longer.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy

response to Annee
You have more patience then me.

Probably due to my long break from these discussions. I might snap soon!


I'm working on it.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by sensible1

Good Post.
I think it is time the true Christians start waking up that we are near the tribulation and may have to go through it in the same way as that which many Christians went through before Constantine; i.e., martyrdom....this is the perfection of faith. If we are near this tribulation, the coming new world order, it is only going to get worse.

This is somewhat of a Christian paradox. For if we know the prophecies, the immorality and depravity of the world will increase. No political party, no politician, no new legislation is going to stop that trend. Not even a Christian revival. The prophecies show us the plan of God.

God created a theocracy one time. It was in the ancient nations of Israel and Judah. Read Jeremiah and Isaiah, any of the prophets...and you will find that Israelites sunk into the same immorality and depravity we see in this world today. The theocracy failed. God destroyed them. God gave them to other and even more wicked nations (Babylon, Assyria, Persia, Greece, and finally Rome). It is important to note, that even though the theocracy failed, does not mean that God failed. The failing of that theocracy was in God's Plan. It was necessary so that Christ could arrive and provide redemption.

For a the best sermons I have heard on homosexuality and its total utter depravity, I offer these links:

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by davjan4
It's not Christians who are making the decision that homosexuality is a perversion of the original intent. It's the Bible. Don't hate us, hate the Bible. Better yet, hate God. It's his rule. Don't shoot the messengers.

Man wrote the bible. No easy copout here.

He's into sheep.

AGAIN? Do people ever get tired of this BS?

One word: Consent. Animals can not give consent (and there are laws on age of consent).

My point is without a moral compass (Gods word) then who decides what is right and what is perverted? Perverted relationships don't end with men sodomizing men.

NO ONE - - needs an external source to understand ethics Ethical behavior.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by Annee

^to expand on what you just said Annee

For anyone that's interested here is a 20 min TED talk from Sam Harris addressing the belief one needs religion to be moral.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
reply to post by sensible1

define Christianity as Hate

why bother?

history has that covered

Choosing to not kill unborn babies, to not participate in degrading sexual practices and to obey God Himself is hate in your eyes. I should think that you would see that as a giant red flag as to the time in which we live, but sadly, no. I would think that it would dawn on many people that they are fighting for evil and death instead of good and life, but alas, without the healing provided by Christ Jesus, most will soon be fighting for far worse evils, thinking the entire time that they are fighting for good. Society today is fighting for the rights to kill their babies, euthanise their elderly, to legalise drugs and to be as greedy as possible despite how many people's lives are destroyed in the process. See, its all Satan had to do - get people to love behaviours that only lead to death and misery for themselves and others, and they'll fight for not only them but accept even worse behaviours. It's the lesson God Himself gives us, and knowing that the end of this Age will see the worse time ever experienced here on Earth, should set us all on notice - even non-believers. But unfortunately, they are all too happy to call evil 'good' and good 'evil'. So much so that the ancient Romans threw their Christians to the lions and gleefully applauded, and dipped them in oil and burned them as candles. How could ANY human being do that to another? Easy when your entire life is built on the love of sin and your definition of love is "tolerance". Enter the indoctrination that's been going on in earnest for the past two generations in the lands filled with the descendants of once Christian families, where to hold an absolute Biblical moral is now routinely called hateful in the media. Once God fearing folk are silenced, God help us. Darkness will completely invade.

lol how you assume i've been indoctrinated
actually its the opposite

i was very religious as a child, to the point of being a biblical scholar AND student of the Torah
it was speculated that i would become either a priest or a rabbi when i was only 12 years old
alas, as voltaire so aptly put it, the study of the bible is the best school for an atheist.

i'm a pantheist of sorts now
yes their is a prime mover/cause, however
to presume its concerned with you or me is the ultimate in arrogance

you cite persecution by romans
the reason for that is because back then xtians
were way much worse than modern islamic fundamentalists
and many xtian practices were considered, and righly so, contra-natura

the history of xtianity has shown itself to be nothing more
than a blood drenched banner waved in the name of the concept of dominion
of all the religions its xtians who hold the record for most killed often in worse ways than the romans

religion is when you look at yourself in the mirror
and acknowledge
that you are not the best human being you can be
and the commitment to greater effort in reaching that goal
not an assembledge of the self righteous

and once the LGBT folks obtain equality
you will have run out of people to persecute so that you can feel righteous

only the satanic types will remain, problem is most claim to be xtian
so i suppose the ultimate death cult will implode.

good riddance

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Hilarious, im supposed to ignore the old testament? Do you realize how ludicrous that is?

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