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Define Christianity as Hate - The New Homosexual Agenda

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posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by borntowatch

and its not just the Christian community who has issues with homosexuals.

I am against most religions myself. I disprove of the discrimination that comes from any religion. If I myself am more vocal towards Christians it's merely because I interact with them more.

The issue is not gay marriage, the issue is the redefining the term of marriage. (where I come from anyway)

The radical homosexual agenda is equality. The 'gay lie' isn't only about marriage. It's about showing LGBT people are just as deserving as heterosexual people to enjoy our society.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by sensible1

Did Jesus talk about homosexuals and it being a sin or did that come years later?

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:08 PM
Honestly not trying to be crass in any way, shape, or form here. But...

Christianity doesn't exactly have a stellar record in the love/acceptance/non-violence department. And I say this as a person who self-identifies as Christian.

And, more importantly, I didn't know that gay people had any agenda at all - other than to pursue love and personal interaction in the same way that the rest of us do.


posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by sensible1

homosexuals can't tell Christians how to interpret the Bible, and Christians can't force homosexuals to believe the Bible either.. People have their own choice.

I agree. This is how it should be. I want the right to be a Christian and have my own beliefs if I want them.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy

The radical homosexual agenda is equality.

Equality is such a simple concept.

Why do some have so much trouble understanding that?

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:23 PM
Lol, how is this thread any different from people who twist religion to fit their agenda? People kill and oppress in the name of their gods, and have done so since the dawn of man. Parts of most religious doctrines are hate speech because hateful men wrote them.

God didn't write the bible, or Qu'ran, or any holy text for that matter; a man did.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by DestroyDestroyDestroy

God didn't write the bible, or Qu'ran, or any holy text for that matter; a man did.

Actually several men.

And then there's the translations and translations of translations - - ya know.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by borntowatch

I'd disagree with you.
No, homosexuals may not be STONED in our society, but it wasn't that long ago in my area that a couple were found tied to trees and beaten to death. A young man was beaten for being homosexual outside a store in his area and the attack was caught on youtube.

In the local schools here, the insult of choice is usually a homosexual slur that came about because homosexuals used to be burned with witches....a small bundle of start the fires.

I know a young man who hung himself when he was 17 years old because he THOUGHT he MIGHT be gay and he was from a Christian family that HATED homosexuality with passion and a half. He didn't want his family to hate him. He couldn't talk about it with anyone. He went into a field and hung himself. The family read his diary and they KNEW then- but told everyone he was on drugs. He was not on drugs.

So it's not OVER.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by Annee

Why do some have so much trouble understanding that?

I think the opposition comes more from the fear of not belonging to the community they are a part of. Fear that if they deviate from the community belief they won't be accepted anymore. Maybe. Because you're right, equality has been described well enough for anyone to understand.

And then there's the translations and translations of translations - - ya know.

The Greek word malakoi half a millennium ago was translated to English as 'weaklings' now it's often translated as homosexual.

and the Greek word arsenokoitai was translated as something like "abusers of themselves with mankind" but today it's often translated as homosexual.
edit on 7-8-2012 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy

I think the opposition comes more from the fear of not belonging to the community they are a part of. Fear that if they deviate from the community belief they won't be accepted anymore. Maybe. Because you're right, equality has been described well enough for anyone to understand.

I was raised in the Christian environment back in the 50s/60s. Arrogance is also a good word.

the Greek word arsenokoitai was translated as something like "abusers of themselves with mankind" but today it's often translated as homosexual.

In my years of quest to understand - - - the interpretation that I've discovered from several sources that seems to make the most sense - - is the one about hospitality.

People CHOOSE what they want to believe.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc
have a hard time separating: ""anti-Christian" but rather "Anti-religion"". When you are dealing with hating on religious aspects, and someone states a stance from their Christian viewpoint, without making it a Religious matter, it's hard to differentiate between the two. Especially while being the outsider. But if you disagree, or still are missing a connection, it wasn't important enough a comment to worry about.

reply to post by AzureSky

If you go through Christianity, yes, this is a wrong conclusion. As in: it's not just God that decides your future. You have a hand in it as well, "from birth" or not.

reply to post by templar knight
Where are they? Do you not know the role Media has assigned to the Christians in this? They exist out there, just like there are gays out there that are opposed to gay marriage, for multiple reasons.

reply to post by PvtHudson

Well, until very recently, the only group they were butting heads against was Christians. You only tend to fight what you know, and frankly, most Americans couldn't recite one verse from the Quran, while they know a handful, inadvertently, from the Bible.

Originally posted by apushforenlightmentStop telling people what is right and wrong based on your views when it is no buisness of yours and between them and god.
Do you not see the irony?

reply to post by daynight42

Because every belief under the sun has been used to kill. That's like saying it's not a good idea to be Atheist due to most mass murderers coming from the same demographic as most Atheists. (Which is true, btw.)

reply to post by Seektruthalways1
Well, I do know that the act of getting a tax exempt number from the IRS (when a church doesn't have to report income for taxes in the first place), costs a lot of church's their freedoms.

reply to post by Annee

America, Liberal dogma runs the media.


If America's dominant faith would actually dominate, then we'd still be struggling to find gay speakeasies with Judy Garland. So where is the inflection point at, that gets everything to the point of jumping on Christianity? hell if I can call it just one point.

reply to post by SamLuv

Generalization. Some do care what religion you come from. Some of the gays against gay marriage that I worked with, while in school, specifically had a beef with Christianity, and didn't care about other faiths.

reply to post by Annee
It's also Christians, who are leading the charge FOR gay marriage, in America. Just depends on which end of the dog you grab.

reply to post by Nomed
Yes, most Christians need to really get a firm hold on this, but I could walk you through what being a fruit inspector is all about. Christians are supposed to discern, just not condemn...and both words are an aspect of Judge.

reply to post by Swills

Christ directly talked about Sodom. He didn't buck the beliefs about it already in place, nor did he add much to it.

reply to post by Annee

Mostly because we don't look at the same end point over the "equality". Gays can marry the opposite sex right now, although they don't want to, and no one is stopping them. To some, this means that they are equal. For the rest, it doesn't make it at all.

reply to post by hadriana

As frustrating as it is, even with all the laws for acceptance in place, even if all the Christians in the world decided that Homosexuality was "God's Plan" you couldn't stop that from happening. It's pretty normal for all families to have unrealistic goals and expectations that tread all over a growing kid's sense of self. Think: even whine Christendom was at it's peak of earthly power, Christians were still killed for being Christians, sometimes by family. Gays face that, too. Heck, every group out there faces it. Rotten tomatoes in the bushel type thing.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by CynicalDrivel

Gays can marry the opposite sex right now, although they don't want to, and no one is stopping them.

'don't want to'. You make it sound like they are just being stubborn or playing mind games...

They are not sexually attracted to the opposite sex. 'don't want to'? Yeah they want to marry their lovers.... just like heterosexual people.

To some, this means that they are equal. For the rest, it doesn't make it at all.

Well those some people are ridiculous.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by kimar
Please let me know when Jesus Christ, the central figure in CHRISTianity, said being gay is a sin. I could point out where Jesus teaches us to love everybody no matter what, to forgive others, and never to judge others, but I have a feeling you won't care.

If you truly follow Jesus, two men marrying each other would not bother you at all.
edit on 7-8-2012 by kimar because: (no reason given)

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

Yes it's in the bible.
edit on 8-8-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

Actually, was using the words someone spit back at me for pointing this out earlier. I don't care enough about the viewpoint to have anything hanging on whom gays do or do not marry.

But considering that I chose to marry my spouse, I hope it was something I wanted to do.

Not really a good idea to read that far into something like this.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:31 AM
I hope they're planning on doing this in mosques as well, for in other countries, theocracies, being gay is very dangerous.

Also, Christians have many differing opinions, some read the old testament and ignore the directives to stone, burn and kill their cheating spouses, and disobedient children or psi ones, or to hand their daughters to the rapists, and while they would not be preaching these things, still preach anti homsexuality.

And its not their fault for the cartel running this world control the religions and direct people away from Christ's message and living equally as the early Christians did, and keep people warring against each other and are always creating a new fight with a new minority.

Its up to us to see through it.

However, to target the religion of the countries that are free, have some semblance of equality including rights for gays protected by law, and define this as hate, is a little ridiculous. Nor are we a theocracy so what others think should not affect them that much. We have freedom of religions here.
edit on 8-8-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:31 AM
"Define Christianity as Hate - The New Homosexual Agenda"

I'm not homosexual but I define christianity as hate, based on my own unbiased opinion.

So maybe its every non-christians agenda to promote how christianity promotes hate, or maybe it should be?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

As long as Christians allow bigots to represent them, then you will find that other groups of people who disagree will attempt to call all of you bigots.

Just because we believe homosexuality is a sin does not make us bigoted. If that's the case homosexuals are just as bigoted for saying we hate them. It's not an issue about hate, it's an issue about what our God deems an abomination. Now if they have a problem with that, they can take it up with him when they die, but i can tell you this now, he ain't gonna care. We play by his rules, not the other way around. Ofcourse, it's not our responsibility to force nonbelievers to conform to our beliefs, what nonbelieving homosexuals do is on them, we don't take responsibility of what other people do, but do not presume to tell us what we can believe and what we cannot teach our children when it comes to our faith in the privacy of our own homes and in our places of worship. So keep your crap outta my home and outta my church and don't teach it to my kids, and you can do whatever you please.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:35 AM
The topic sets the a hogwash table,

rear-end backwards.

It's like USA pretending its not the terrorist,

likewise a Christian agenda against homosexuals would likewise accuse the inverse, to confuse the already dumb-down masses of America and the West.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by Hudson69

Actually, true Christianity is following Christ's example and not the old testament. And that is the opposite of hate but is a message to seek within, awaken your pineal, serve others, overcome your programming and conditioning, and grow your love for others, and put it into action.

Those who live as materialists and atheists, though not all are self serving, but I have found many to be caught up in getting ahead and not putting the needs of others first and various beliefs in social darwinism and jungle competition. The strong survive. Its only love if you're the minority in that group and the kind of love many like this have, is called, self love.

Some of the other religions, not all, are theocracies, that is fascist forms of control that are very punitive and that is not love.

So I don't agree with your post in the least.

The fundamentalist Christians may be prevalent in the US where they try very hard to hide Christs STO and that early christians sold all they had and shared. They spend time in the wars, inequality, and pyramid structures of the old testament to support their US form of capitalism.

The focus on Christianity is Christ, not leviticus.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by sensible1

BTW, where's the source? No links, for all we know this could be made up.

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