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Define Christianity as Hate - The New Homosexual Agenda

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posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by sensible1

So either:

1. God believes sexual reproduction is important and set up marriage as rules to define the relationship for this improtant thing (my choice)

2. God doesn't exist.

3. He was not smart enough to see that he'd be wrong.. surely certain people's happiness in an alternate sexual preference trumps God's wisdom and a small thing like the survival of the world .....

4. God being omniscient forsaw there would be plenty of heterosexuals around, despite the existence of homosexuality, to pump out enough babies and thus prevent the "whole world from dying". Which is clearly the case since the population is still increasing. God being omniscient forsaw the advance in technology and medicine which allows homosexuals to reproduce.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by sensible1

My belief doesn't hinder any one else's. The whole marriage rights debacle is SO SIMPLE to solve!!! Most people aer just asking the wrong question..

It really is simple to solve. We allow gays the right to get married to a gay person.

We stop treating them like second class citizens.

Give it a shot. You might surprise yourself with how simple it is.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

It doesn't mean they HATE you.

I have never heard hate towards gays preached at church, in fact I have never heard it mentioned..
Plus just because they don't believe in gay marriage doesn't mean they "HATE GAYS" either,

You people don't think Christians have gay relatives and children?

Fair enough.

But having this belief and allowing it to influence your actions, such as voting against equality, certainly isn't an expression of love

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 06:16 PM
There is something to this topic. For example, you don't see the LGBT community trying to force gay marriage on Muslims. Its strictly an attack on Christians and their traditions. You wont see them trying to force Islam to do the same, because they respect that religion (For some reason).

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
If the louder of the Christians weren't as hatefull, maybe you would not have this problem.

Every action as an equal and opposite reaction. The Christian Community ( the leaders of I mean not the general population) have been VERY hatefull towards homosexuals in the last 30 years.

This is simply the result of that hate.

You reap what you sow and if you as a Christian don't feel like you belong to such a group, then you need to stand up and declare that to people and attempt to make a difference in your community.

As long as Christians allow bigots to represent them, then you will find that other groups of people who disagree will attempt to call all of you bigots.


Muslim countries execute people for being gay..........

Admit it, Muslims are a protect class and thus, wont be target by the extreme left. People on the left HATE Christians and they know this is a good way to undermine and help in destroying the religion. The way you dismiss this blatant fact is evidence towards your own hate (which you conveniently ignore).

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by maes2

Originally posted by AzureSky
If god created everything that we are and everything we see and is the entire universe.
Then he created homosexuality. Because he did create everything after all.

Am i wrong?

however homosexuality is just somehow misusing the nature but God has created poison too, this does not mean that you should eat it.
homosexuality means the end of society so it is a danger. the aim of marriage is to generate not only to enjoy sex. homosexuals can do whatever they want in their private but certifying that like LGBT law is anti_wisdom. let alone relligion and God.

I have two way of looking at this. The first one is that all spirits are homosexuall since sprits are of both gender and no gender. The other way is that all humans are heterosexuall if they are with a body that is different than theirs since only twins are exactly the same. People are born without the abitlity to reproduce. Stop telling people what is right and wrong based on your views when it is no buisness of yours and between them and god. If you do not like the poison of duality and ego then why do you preach it?

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by PvtHudson
There is something to this topic. For example, you don't see the LGBT community trying to force gay marriage on Muslims. Its strictly an attack on Christians and their traditions. You wont see them trying to force Islam to do the same, because they respect that religion (For some reason).

You won't see it cause they will tell the LGBT community to take a hike, or worse.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by PvtHudson

Muslim countries execute people for being gay..........

Admit it, Muslims are a protect class and thus, wont be target by the extreme left. People on the left HATE Christians and they know this is a good way to undermine and help in destroying the religion. The way you dismiss this blatant fact is evidence towards your own hate (which you conveniently ignore).

The dominant religion in America is Christian - - we are discussing America.

Its that simple.
edit on 7-8-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by sensible1

define Christianity as Hate

why bother?

history has that covered

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 07:16 PM
Hmm, probably more like a Zionist agenda. Use homosexuals to divide people. Just another tactic. They are using the homosexuals like they're using Obama to divide people. They don't give a darn about the homosexuals or the blacks. They just want to keep power. They want people to argue and fight amongst each other so you don't turn against...THEM.

It's true the church has been killing people for centuries. Slaughtering you if you spoke scientific truth or burning you alive if they thought you were a witch or killing you because you didn't swear to be a christian. If an organization is treated as a person, the christian religion would have been put to death a long time ago, and it would have deserved it. Instead, one of those pope guys just said he was sorry. Oh well, that's not enough. Give back all the land and property you stole.

How can anyone stand to be a part of an organization that has a history like that? I mean, you might as well be a neo-Nazi. "Oh, I'm a new Nazi, not like those old ones." Get another affiliation, for your own sake. Stop perpetuating a group that has such a violent history.

Religion is fine if people don't use it for hate and killing. But, most religions cause just that. Just stop. Keep your beliefs to yourself. Connect with whatever beings you like, but why does it have to be public or in other people's face? Why do you need to go into a huge building and have a single person talk while everyone else just nods their head? Come on. Robot or thinking person?

You can be a nice person and live a happy life without having someone tell you how to live. It's really very easy.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 07:22 PM
Well here lies one of your problems. 501 C3. The government owns your churches christians, and by being a part of that organization, you take order from them, before anything else. Seems to me they have the right to take, stop, or tell you how to preach in your churches.

One day it will make sense when all will be laid to rest under pile of rubble, and judgement occurs. Then we will know who is right and who is wrong. Hope you are on the right side, with the haMachiyach Yahuwshuwah, wouldnt want to be anywhere else.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by sensible1

The funny thing is that most people who are so anti gay are that way because they themselves are gay. What is so frightening about being a homosexual? Absolutely nothing. But you never seem to hear these preachers preach about peace and love, they never speak out against wars or senselessness materialism . Its all about hate and separatism. We are better, we know better we are the lords light blah blah blah. What a bunch of nonsense. People should expose hate if hate is what is being spewed. It's not like these people aren't putting their own feet into their mouths. Anderson Cooper is just doing a good job at exposing these Church groups for what they are.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
reply to post by sensible1

define Christianity as Hate

why bother?

history has that covered

Choosing to not kill unborn babies, to not participate in degrading sexual practices and to obey God Himself is hate in your eyes. I should think that you would see that as a giant red flag as to the time in which we live, but sadly, no. I would think that it would dawn on many people that they are fighting for evil and death instead of good and life, but alas, without the healing provided by Christ Jesus, most will soon be fighting for far worse evils, thinking the entire time that they are fighting for good. Society today is fighting for the rights to kill their babies, euthanise their elderly, to legalise drugs and to be as greedy as possible despite how many people's lives are destroyed in the process. See, its all Satan had to do - get people to love behaviours that only lead to death and misery for themselves and others, and they'll fight for not only them but accept even worse behaviours. It's the lesson God Himself gives us, and knowing that the end of this Age will see the worse time ever experienced here on Earth, should set us all on notice - even non-believers. But unfortunately, they are all too happy to call evil 'good' and good 'evil'. So much so that the ancient Romans threw their Christians to the lions and gleefully applauded, and dipped them in oil and burned them as candles. How could ANY human being do that to another? Easy when your entire life is built on the love of sin and your definition of love is "tolerance". Enter the indoctrination that's been going on in earnest for the past two generations in the lands filled with the descendants of once Christian families, where to hold an absolute Biblical moral is now routinely called hateful in the media. Once God fearing folk are silenced, God help us. Darkness will completely invade.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:19 PM
Homosexual extremists are as bad as religious extremists.
The question the OP has asked is ignored.
Why is it only the Christian church being attacked. For the most part homosexuals are not stoned today (outside of Muhumadism) and its not just the Christian community who has issues with homosexuals.

Lets not get sucked in to the Gay lie.
The issue is not gay marriage, the issue is the redefining the term of marriage. (where I come from anyway)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by borntowatch

Homosexual extremists are as bad as religious extremists.

Maybe that's why they call them Extremeists.

The question the OP has asked is ignored.

Why is it only the Christian church being attacked.


Christianity is dominant.

Its that simple.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by PvtHudson

Muslim countries execute people for being gay..........

Admit it, Muslims are a protect class and thus, wont be target by the extreme left. People on the left HATE Christians and they know this is a good way to undermine and help in destroying the religion. The way you dismiss this blatant fact is evidence towards your own hate (which you conveniently ignore).

The dominant religion in America is Christian - - we are discussing America.

Its that simple.
edit on 7-8-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

We are dealing with America, Im sure there are plenty of Muslim Americans who also do not endorse Same Sex Marriage, they just arent the majority. You dont make any sense at all even talking about muslim opinion in America, (no offense to them, they just are a smaller minority). And I dont think gay people care what religion YOU are, that isnt what matters. Because each of us has equal protection under the law, regardless of our beliefs. I wouldnt be afraid to voice my opinion to an atheist, muslim, gentile, whatever. Its just that the loudest voices of opposition to Gay marriage are christians.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by borntowatch

Homosexual extremists are as bad as religious extremists.

Maybe that's why they call them Extremeists.

The question the OP has asked is ignored.

Why is it only the Christian church being attacked.


Christianity is dominant.

Its that simple.

This may come as a surprise, see how I spell surprise? Without a Z
The internet is international, this issue is international.
America God Bless you and all but you are not the centre of all things, you have no monopoly on homosexuality and the issues being dealt with.
Its world wide, its affecting lots of people in lots of countrys.

Its that simple

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by SamLuv

We are dealing with America, Im sure there are plenty of Muslim Americans who also do not endorse Same Sex Marriage,

On - don't tell me - - you are a persecuted Christian.

It is the Christians leading the charge against homosexuals in America - - they are the dominant religion.

Muslims are still fighting for their own place in America.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 09:34 PM
Seek to be at peace with yourself while allowing others to do the same. How can anyone think they are so righteous that they have the time and ability to judge other peoples actions. God is a very personal and very serious relationship we all need to work on, personally. Take care of your own soul and don't worry about what other people are doing.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by WonOunce

The funny thing is that most people who are so anti gay are that way because they themselves are gay.

As a member of the LGBT community and a very vocal supporter for equality I am thankful for your belief homosexuality isn't immoral

I have to call you out on this though. I wish this wasn't spread. I just don't believe this to be true. Sure I think 'some'... but most?? Really? That's a hellaofalot more members to the LGBT community!

I don't see compelling evidence to support this.

I think the most probable would be most anti-gay are that way because of religious indoctrination (direct or indirectly).

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