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50 police officers arrested in child porn raids

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posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed

If it's not breaking news it's still a story worth discussing. As I said in my OP we can't rush to conclusions but there was evidence against these people in order for them to get arrested. It's not rare for people in a postion of power to use their authority to victimize people. I'm surprised that some of you are defending these pedophiles and labeling this thread a case of "cop bashing".

Let's not let the facts get in the way

Where has someone defended a paedophile?

This website is a very peculiar place. In this instance, we have the implication that if there is evidence, then there must be (at least some) truth that shouldn't be questioned...yet a few threads away, evidence piles up against a recent suspected mass murderer that is disregarded because it was 'probably' a set up.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 09:19 AM
I understand people's revulsion at mistreatment of children. Of course people don't really object to the mistreatment of most children unless the children are their own and even then, only when they themselves are not the ones mistreating the kids.

What really sends people over the top though, is the sexual mistreatment of children.

From what I can tell, virtually every parent sexually mistreats their own children, if you include the sexual component of the general psychological savaging that most parents inflict on their children. I think the only children that don't grow up sexually scarred by their own parents are those who are left completely alone by them, and who let them learn about sex on their own from their peers or school programs.

Some children have sensitive parents who can handle sex education properly but those parents are statistically negligible. No sources, just a hunch, based on evidence of humanity in other spheres.

Many paedophiles, of course, are the adult victims of paedophilia themselves. The vicious circle paradigm.

The average talk show caller/knucklehead talking to the average talkshow host/knucklehead, has the answer for paedophiles though. Unfortunately, the T&C here doesn't really allow one to spell it out in detail. Just think Nazi torturer for a day.

Being groped by a paedo when you are twelve and subjected to coercive sexual activity is bad but so is the psychological and emotional abuse inflicted by the society in general through the stigma it attaches to sex crimes. Through its ongoing failure to tone down the rhetoric on sexual issues, our society continues to re-victimize all victims of such crimes and to continue to rub salt in the wounds of every such victim.

Sex crimes are terrible, but they are vastly outstripped in seriousness by numerous other crimes, not the least of which is murder.

Personally, I believe that they are outstripped in importance even by the casual abuse dished out day after day after day by fine upstanding folks of all stations in life, who in addition to all their other manifold transgressions against their fellow man, would like to execute paedophiles as well.
edit on 31-7-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-7-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by ComeFindMe

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed

If it's not breaking news it's still a story worth discussing. As I said in my OP we can't rush to conclusions but there was evidence against these people in order for them to get arrested. It's not rare for people in a postion of power to use their authority to victimize people. I'm surprised that some of you are defending these pedophiles and labeling this thread a case of "cop bashing".

Let's not let the facts get in the way

Where has someone defended a paedophile?

This website is a very peculiar place. In this instance, we have the implication that if there is evidence, then there must be (at least some) truth that shouldn't be questioned...yet a few threads away, evidence piles up against a recent suspected mass murderer that is disregarded because it was 'probably' a set up.

As I pointed out to another member, various members have thrown out the possibility of the accused officers of being pedophiles and explained that this must be witchunt against police. There was evidence against them, enough to be arrested, so they do not deserve to be defended.

Some members mentioned that credit card fraud may be involved in some cases, but in all cases?

If you are defending these accused who have been convicted, you are defending the pedophiles. I'm not saying you are doing this, but in general. I will again repeat that my OP was quite clear that we must not jump to conclusions and everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

You are right, this website is a peculiar place. A lot of members have a habit of twisting people's words around in attempts to portray their posts incorrectly and discredit the member.

And what the heck does the Aurora shooter have to do with this thread?

Peculiar place indeed...

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

But arrest or even being subject to a criminal charge isn't a confirmation of guilt, but suspicion of guilt.

Bear in mind that although fifty arrests were made, only eight have had charges pressed - which is immediately a fairly substantial drop - before you even phase in the likelihood of credit card fraud or the fact that there were mistakes in the case regarding an assumption that some users of the website network in question were using the child-porn elements when this may not necessarily have been the case.

Someone convicted of child-sex crimes is nothing more than an animal and I am in no way defending them, or their actions, as my posts have made clear. I hope that it doesn't seem like i'm railing on your thread because I'm not, this has actually been an interesting read.

My annoyance (and the reason for my Aurora reference) is that some people on this website (and I don't mean you) will immediately take the opposite side of the argument to law enforcement agencies, even if it means they are moral hypocrites. When the police are the ACCUSED, then the assumption made is that all evidence must be legit and above criticism, yet when they are the ACCUSERS, you will see every possible argument made that evidence is fabricated / false / manipulated.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 10:13 AM

There was evidence against them, enough to be arrested, so they do not deserve to be defended.

What? Before they were even proven guilty? Before the crimes were even investigated? As I've already mentioned, there are several ways an innocent person could arrested for this. It takes weeks, if not months, for a forensic analyst to determine whether a suspect is guilty. This level of investigation wasn't standard at the time of Operation Ore. The golden rule in forensics is never start with any assumptions.

Some members mentioned that credit card fraud may be involved in some cases, but in all cases?

Possibly, but more likely the majority of them were victims of identity theft. But we'll never know for sure, since the suspects were already ruled guilty by the media.

edit on 31-7-2012 by XeroOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Being a cop doesn't make you immune to depravity .. of course, being accused doesn't make you guilty either.. I've had my wireless network hijacked more than once due to bugs in router firmware and another time because a friend of mine had wifi sharing enabled on his phone while on my network..

It would be surprising if all of them were deemed guilty.. but not out of the realm of possibility either.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
reply to post by Screwed

You have a very warped view of society. There are not massive pedo clubs all over the world, there is a minuscule minority of society who are quite severely twisted in this way.

Not to offend, but how do claim to know so much....?

Just a strange topic to openly divulge fairly detailed points of view.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 12:16 PM
in russia they arrested 10 cops in child porn raids...2 days ago...its everywere.......

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by kykweer

Originally posted by DARREN1976

Originally posted by kykweer
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Out of 1300 people arrested 3.8% were police officers.

On ATS, a site where everything gets questioned, where the media is constantly scrutinised for biased report to fool the masses in support of "them".

Most of you get tricked into some articles like this one that is almost only taken seriously as the heading suggests 50 police officials are involved, but what about the other 96.2% people that was involved?

On a site like ATS where media is controlled by "them" its just so easy to trick you into chaos. Its nearly funny.

I dont think it matters what percentage of officers where arrested vs. percentage of joe public they are custodians of the law, and as such are required to uphold the law, not to break it in such a disgusting and vile manner, hypocritical, dirty bastards!!! putting aside that they are contributing towards the people that distribute this stuff, and encouraging them to ruin children's innocence and cause them physical and phsychological damage for the rest of their lives, they are also putting themselves above the law, and no-one is above the law, and i wager that these officers that where charged are the type to try and use their station to intimidate people!! a poster above said he would reserve his judgement because of the old saying "innocent until proven guilty"'s not like that anymore, when it comes to dealing with authorities anyway, I know this from personal experience, as I've had a lot of personal experience with the police and british justice system in the past(was'nt always an angel!) the way they look at you is GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY!!!! And when someone is dragged through court, sent to prison, then a few years later they find the real person that did the crime, you dont even get a sorry or by your leave, just "oh, you can go, wasnt you after all" but even then they still try to make you feel guilty about something, as they give you that "but we're gonna be watching you anyway" kind of attitude. Dont get me wrong, I'm not anti authority, the police are there to do a job and we do need them, but I cant stand hippocritical, corrupt police officers, especially since the ones that are corrupt are usually the ones that come down the hardest on other law-breakers.
Rant officially over....

edit on 31-7-2012 by DARREN1976 because: spelling..

My point is just, sure its horrible that police officers were involved, but its under the hype on this website that most police officers join the police to be criminals, my point is just in this case by the little police involved compared to joe public, they wernt involved because they are police officers but they were also part of joe public. And yes they are hypocritical, these 50 guys, but they are the minority!

People go on and on about "their" agenda and they go on and on about the 50 policeman, but all I see is 1300 people, so its a social issue of what's wrong with these people? That's the issue

Just to add people on this site also go on and on about propaganda, but I'm not convinced there were 50 police officers involved, maybe they were reserved or janitors, we ALL know how the media twists the truth to create sensation... But when it confirms a biased opinion against law enforcement, especially on this site, all of a sudden journalists are heros and honourable.

Double standards.

Dont get me wrong, I understand completely what your saying about certain individuals on here with their objective journalism one minute, then putting the MSM high up on a pedestal when it comes to alternative news (non unexplained/metaphysical etc) so I agree with you there whole heartedly, I was just pointing out flaws in authority in this country, and how the law/justice system in this land is geared towards protecting certain vile's all about the boy's club again, and basically, it is a case of, "it's not what you know, it's who you know!" a lot of judges in the uk have been exposed to being involved in peadophile rings, it's sickening that people put in a position of trust and justice continue to bear down heavy on minor transgressors and basicaly let people off that have commited real hurtfull damaging crimes aganst humanity, and because of those judges actions when it comes down to cases of peadophilia makes me think they are involved in it as well, kindred spirits with the accused of sorts, you catch my drift everyone?

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
I understand people's revulsion at mistreatment of children. Of course people don't really object to the mistreatment of most children unless the children are their own and even then, only when they themselves are not the ones mistreating the kids.

What really sends people over the top though, is the sexual mistreatment of children.

From what I can tell, virtually every parent sexually mistreats their own children, if you include the sexual component of the general psychological savaging that most parents inflict on their children. I think the only children that don't grow up sexually scarred by their own parents are those who are left completely alone by them, and who let them learn about sex on their own from their peers or school programs.

Some children have sensitive parents who can handle sex education properly but those parents are statistically negligible. No sources, just a hunch, based on evidence of humanity in other spheres.

Many paedophiles, of course, are the adult victims of paedophilia themselves. The vicious circle paradigm.

The average talk show caller/knucklehead talking to the average talkshow host/knucklehead, has the answer for paedophiles though. Unfortunately, the T&C here doesn't really allow one to spell it out in detail. Just think Nazi torturer for a day.

Being groped by a paedo when you are twelve and subjected to coercive sexual activity is bad but so is the psychological and emotional abuse inflicted by the society in general through the stigma it attaches to sex crimes. Through its ongoing failure to tone down the rhetoric on sexual issues, our society continues to re-victimize all victims of such crimes and to continue to rub salt in the wounds of every such victim.

Sex crimes are terrible, but they are vastly outstripped in seriousness by numerous other crimes, not the least of which is murder.

Personally, I believe that they are outstripped in importance even by the casual abuse dished out day after day after day by fine upstanding folks of all stations in life, who in addition to all their other manifold transgressions against their fellow man, would like to execute paedophiles as well.
edit on 31-7-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-7-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

YOU WHAT!!!??? I have children, I am a parent,and from what your saying, basically you are calling me and all parents child abusers of sorts? ARE YOU EFFIN' CRAZY!??

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 05:47 PM
I hope these pigs get what's coming to them. Hopefully they will learn their lesson. Police who abuse the badge and do not adhere to the code of conduct that they are bound to then they deserve extra punishment compared to a regular citizen. With the greater power comes greater responsibility which must not be abused.

The amount of people in this thread trying to brush this off as propaganda or a minor event should really learn about child pornography. A family member of mine fell victim of this abuse to an "authority" figure. So be careful when you purposely approach this story with a doubtful view, arm chair psychiatrists and private investigators trying to make sense of all this when they really have no clue.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 06:51 PM
How come they can track down the viewers of the pornography, but not the filmers/uploaders?

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 06:54 PM
I've never really given the issue that much thought, and simply condemned those who condone this type of action, like most of us...But if you think about it, with the sheer number of pedophiles that seem to be on the planet, there obviously is something different about these peoples' brains. It may just be possible for science to one day eradicate such behavior from the world.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by XeroOne
Shall I point out the facts here? Operation Ore was not a successful operation, but a gigantic ##snip##, largely because someone shot his mouth off to the press before the investigation was done properly.
As it turned out, many of the suspects, including some of the Old Bill, were actually victims of identity theft. Their credit card details were stolen and used for buying the indecent material. Anyone can be implicated in any crime through identity theft.
Think how many innocent peoples' families and lives were destroyed because of this.

I should add very few investigators had any formal training in digital forensics at the time, and there would have been very few people around capable of questioning an expert witness.
edit on 31-7-2012 by XeroOne because: (no reason given)

edit on Tue Jul 31 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: Mod Note: Do Not Evade the Automatic Censors

something I didn't take into an account....

as it had happened to me with a traffic violation and w/o a lawyer, the driving suspension stayed till payed and every time I was stopped the perp that did it was linked to me and I had to show that I had no tattoos on my body.

excellent point~!

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Morg234

The uploaders are the FBI

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed

Even though this is sickening news we can't jump to conclusions and automatically assume all of these people are guilty so I will assume innocent until proven guilty. There was enough evidence to arrest these people though so I'm guessing that most of them are guilty.

We can jump to this conclusion straight away: There should be 0% police officers in this statistic.
Like you said if there's enough evidence then something has to be there.


posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Sordidly Lurid.

Thanks for the news


posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Morg234
How come they can track down the viewers of the pornography, but not the filmers/uploaders?

The ones who get caught, the downloaders, are often the same people supplying the material, depending on how the criminal network's set up. One example of this was the semi-famous 'Wonderland Club', where the perpetrators had to supply material to join the network.
As it happens, so much of the material is actually redistributed that law enforcement (and intelligence) agencies can get ready-made databases of their hash values, so it's possible to identify the material rather quickly without manually sifting through them.

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 02:23 AM
This is apauling and disturbing to know. I would like to see more internet vigilantes taking on and exposing pedopals as well. Something along the lines of operation darknet when anonymous rounded up a ton of kiddie fiddlers. Heck the sytem slaps child predators with a couple years time where if it is a drug dealer he will serve way more time then the pedos. Now the cops are hanging out in lolita city... what is the world coming to. A good pedpedophile is six feet under ground
edit on 1-8-2012 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-8-2012 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-8-2012 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2012 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by Morg234

A lot of these arrests were made on the back of catching a couple who hosted these sites, as part of Operation Ore.

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