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It's time my story needs to be heard

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posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 07:12 PM
Those grey things can be pesky. You have to get contol of them.
I mentally threw flaming kung fu stars at one that was sitting on my back one night.
After that I told them that if they had to be so scary looking to just turn away so I didn't have to see them.
We got along OK after that and they would take me to visit their "ship" or whatever it was.
One time it was disquised as a house with a staircase on the outside that we went up to get into it.
It was a lot bigger inside than it looked from the outside.

As to those other beings - they used to wake me by bumping the end of my bed.
It seems that they can't take you if you are fully asleep.
When you are in that state of "sleep paralysis" is when you can travel outside of your body to anywhere you wish to go.
Of course when you do that they may interupt your journey, as they did mine one time.
I have no physical marks of any kind to show for all this as some have.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 07:23 PM
Hey NarcolepticBuddah, I read your post today and waited all day to get the nerve to reply to your post... I too have had the reality you spoke of... I have been paralyzed.. I have lost time..... I have seen those beings ---interdimensional beings , demons..whatever ---I don't know? ( hence my screen name ) I have seen sequential numbers mainly 11:11 and 222 and 555 and 333 and 777 and 666.... I have experienced much of what you open heartedly shared ---I have lost wives . lovers and friends in my open honesty of sharing my experiences. Oh, and I am glad to hear you beat the cancer!!!! The "trolls will say whatever and f' em I say I know what i have experienced. I gotta go get gas in my car but Im gonna come back and elaborate as when I read your post this morning.... chills and goosebumps ran up and down as I read each sequential ARE NOT nuts! Its all deeper than we know...I know this 46 years old I know this ALL to be truth! absolute!!!!!!.... hard to explain... I just know in the core of my being...of my "soul" I hope to hear back as your experiences mirror much of mine...I will say that when you open doorways they are really hard to shut. ( ouija boards --- etc.) plus familial/genetic opening of doors ( your mom!) I had heard stories of my dad and his sister seing ufos in ohio over lake huron , my grandfolks sharing "ghost" stories etc. My "narcoleptic paralysis. my intense dreams , the siler big eyed "robots over me in bed --- frozen in time wanting to sgream and not being able to utter a word ...the highh pith frequencies in my ears...the streetlights oing out over me as I drive....the etc etc..... to much to write but maybe we can talk cause I know its hard to talk about this stuff and not have someone think u ar f 'n nuts!!! My late uncle --rest his soul who died of cancer a year ago shared with me seeing what he described as the "michelin man" one night ...what the heck's up with that??!! Its all so hard to comprehend in our reality of whats "normal"

Peace my brother!

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 07:42 PM
Read Terrance Mckenna books. It may be your brain produces more '___' than normal and your more attuned to your psyche. I have meditated and have seen grays. In my experience they terrified me but also helped me. When seeing them our subconscious fears come forward, but in my case they spoke to me and assisted me in an out of body experience.And it was pretty amazing. The grays told me not to be afraid of your future. So I am no longer afraid of them. I think its part of our subconscious imagination. Or other dimensions we may be attuned to. Who knows for sure?

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 08:06 PM
I asked if you had Native American blood because I read a transcript from a radio show from 1996 that featured a woman by the name of Alex Christopher who had some jaw dropping things to say and has written a book about it. She claims that Aliens have a particular interest in people with Native American blood. I found that really interesting because I have NA blood. My great-grandfather was from the Catawba Tribe and he was a full blood. I'm really just trying to find out if there is any truth to that. Thus trying to find out if I have been abducted by Aliens also. Sounds crazy, I know, but it's worth asking. There isn't much about this Alex Christopher other than she has written a book titled Pandora's Box where she claims to have done her research and done it well. I haven't gotten to really get in between what she's all about yet, because there's not much out there on her. I find that is odd considering all of the conspiracy theorists out there, and wonder why there hasn't been more of a mass interest in what she has to say, especially if she's claiming she has done extensive research. But, if there is any truth to anything that she has written that I have seen so far, then we are all in a world of SH--. Just saying.

Here are the links: (be prepared to have your mind blown)
Radio Interview:
Pandora's Box by Alex Christopher:

Awakening...ah, the bliss. If you are into meditation, then you should read this book, I just finished it a few months back. It's titled "Year Zero: Time of The Great Shift" by Kiara Windrider
I found it very interesting and enlightening. It talks about the mind and how meditation can prepare it for entering other dimensions which is very important right now with all that's going on in the world and the talk of Pole shifting. I think that if any of that talk is true, and there is pretty good evidence out there that it is, then maybe meditation isn't such a bad idea. Joe Rogan speaks highly of his experiences with "'___'", or "Dimethyltryptamine"
which is natural in the Peneal Gland of the brain. Otherwise known to gurus as the 3rd eye. If what is said about '___' is true, and if all "contactees" claim that when they are taken up into space ships and poked and prodded, and that the only way the Aliens that are doing that to them communicate is through telepathy, then perhaps there is some direct correlation between abductees-sleep paralysis-contactees-hyperspace-other dimensions too. Of course, it's only a theory, people. But still, when you put all of the pieces, I don't know.
Here is the trailer to The Quantum Activist, which I also found quite interesting. It is available for streaming on Netflix if you have that. & here is his website for my fellow nerders

I could go on for days, honestly, but I think you may get what I'm getting at. I don't know if Aliens are real, yet, but I do know that there are a lot of puzzle pieces that seem to go together quite well. I am not saying I believe in Demons either, but there again, I do not have any proof. My philosophy is this: The mind is a powerful thing, and it is capable of a lot of misleading ideas. I am my own worst nightmare-I assure you. My mind races daily and nightly. Dreams are real. I truly believe that this platform has some extremely brilliant minds on it-we are all great thinkers. Read any book of fiction-listen to any song you'd like-look at everything around's all relative. I know what I felt that day with those hooded monsters in that bedroom and how I feel every time I experience sleep paralysis, but I am an artist so I don't believe everything that I read, yet I am also a technical engineer so I like logic. I do believe in self fulfilling prophecies, I have experienced that monster too. When I was a little girl my aunt died of a brain tumor, two weeks later I saw a brain surgery on PBS, it became my biggest fear. Ten years ago I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation and had to undergo brain surgery-a fear that had plagued me my entire life. I lived through it, and even blamed that for my sleep paralysis when I was younger; but the sleep paralysis has come back, and that is very scary to me. I do not have the answers for you. I can give you a plethora of ideas and references, but I do not know what is real anymore than anyone else does, unless it is real and no one is telling us about it. It raises many questions, that's for sure.

Thank you for your story-I felt your pain which is why I felt compelled to share mine with you.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by panicman66
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Hi there, just read your story and found it interesting, i to have suffered sleep paralysis for most of my life (46yr old now) and one time woke up floating above my bed then crashed back onto it. Though i have had several weird experiences in my life i have never any strange figures in my bed room, at least to my knowledge.

This has happened to me as well... I have some vivid memories of suddenly waking from sleep and then crashing back down to my bed as if i had been floating just a few inches above it.
Very interesting thread going here. The subject of alien intrusions has always been one that has bent my ear for some reason.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 09:25 PM
Sorry for the typos in my original post. I wanted to ask ...did you hear your name called to you before the paralysis....? did it feel like electricity shock from up and down from top of your head to the bottom of your feet? OOBE to be sure. ( I think!?) I thought I had narcolepsy but I think its deeper than that.... btw are you at all native american in your gene mix? As a poster mentioned that and it made me say whoa! As I am some cherokee in my "mutt" mix! ( english, german, irish, and cherokee too....) I love this site as the like minds are so far above the people I cannot ever talk to without a laugh at me. You are my kindred spirits from the open minded to the open minded skeptics...I always share reluctantly my stories and I say to my friends "food for thought to be taken with a grain of salt!" Here I know I am not so very weird!

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 09:36 PM
Hey OP, I just was wondering does the 11:11 present itself to you randomly...alot!? When you just glance at the time , even when you don't expect it.... Ever awake at 3:33PM repeatedly? Just wondering...... Peace my brother! Just trying to fit pieces together on the journey we all call "life"

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:03 PM
I seen the boxed michelin man before after I woke up from a bad dream. This was years ago. Only for a moment as i passed right out again.
As a child I always had nightmares about being abducted. Sometimes I would also wake up and feel like I was dropped on to my bed. My nightmares tended to have this "end of the world" sense to it. I was always alone and everything was burning and gone. The sky was on fire as well. No more animals, just me and aliens.
Sometimes I would see a dark shadow in the corner of my room and I would see round, beady red eyes. They scared me. In one house I used to live in, the basement was a place of terror. I would always see what I called "boogy man" I guess cuz my brother (and twin sister) called it that as well. We would see something big and black in the dark, with huge, red eyes that were slanted like they were pissed off. No pupils just red. Even friends that come over saw it. No one likes to come play at our house.

Thank you for sharing it reminded me of what I experienced.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:49 PM
I enjoyed your story, and I'm glad you shared it. What I have to say is, don't give up searching for friends, because you never know what you might run into.

I have a lot of friends that, while they might not agree with my crazy conspirative/alien/blah way of looking at life, they listen to me and still accept me as I am (there's always the casual mocking, though
), and I even have some friends who are into the same stuff, either because of me or because they found out by their own. I'm now dating a girl that had been driving me crazy ever since I met her, and that was like 3 years ago (doesn't really matter, long story short) and she was the last person I'd expect to be into this kind of stuff, but she is -although not really into the alien part, but more on the spiritual/energy side- she is really open minded about the subject and we talk a lot about that.

My point is, there's always someone like you. You just have to search hard enough. If you're not happy with your current friends, don't settle with that. Go out and look for better relationships.

(I generally struggle while writing something towards a specific idea. English is not my native language, so I apologize beforehand if I sounded too harsh or imperative, it was not my intention)


posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:01 AM
While never actually having any real personal paranormal experiences except seeing a 'dark' UFO at night time (when I say dark it's because it was literally a black disc that moved across the sky and blotted out the stars as it passed under them) I have spent more than enough time researching to know that these things exist.

The theory I subscribe to is these things are both alien and inter-dimensional because space travel will be conquered when we can travel inter/extra-dimensionally for on the other side of the veil time does not exist.

I believe there are many entities though. Greys, Reptillians/Lizzies, Ant/Praying Mantis people...and many many more. So much documented info on ancient cultures and what they 'worshipped' and 'believed', because surely what they describe on wall paintings and in scripture couldn't possibly be precisely what they are seeing.

Thankyou for sharing. I hope this has helped you to feel a bit better about it all.

Feel free to PM me if you wanted to have a private chat about your experiences.

A bit of South Aussie compassion never goes astray.

Again, thankyou.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by LBElectric

I have a question or two for you first and then I'm going to elaborate on them
1. Do you have Native American blood?
2. Have you ever heard of a Night Hag?
3. In your many religious followings have you ever had what is often referred to an "awakening" experience?

1) My oldest uncle is an amateur genealogist. He has traced our paternal heritage back to Native Americans in the Colorado/New Mexico regions. Our family has been there for several generations until his father (my paternal grandfather) moved to my current state and raised his family there. So that means much of my paternal heritage is mestizo (mixed Native American and Spanish blood.) You wouldn't guess this from looking at me as my mother's German heritage makes me look more like a WASP than a Hispanic.

On that same note. I have mentioned a psychic medium I have had several sessions with. He delved into some of my supposed previous lifetimes and incarnations. He said my immediately previous lifetime was spent as a Zuni (fits the Colorado/ New Mexico regions) shaman/medicine man who healed by playing drums. He had no clue that my paternal family is rooted in Colorado/New Mexico and that I'm an expert drummer. I believe him, but that is based on intuition and faith. It feels right, but I have no conscious memories of any previous lifetimes.

2) I am well aware of the Hag Syndrome and how it ties in with Jung's archetypes. I researched it a bit during my research on sleep paralysis and again when I was researching Jungian archetypes for one of my published poems. However, I have never really experienced "the hag" or any succubi-like images in my sleep paralysis.

3) Yes. I believe several. But you must be more specific.

Thanks for your post..going to catch up with some others and continue with your 2nd post.
edit on 16-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:19 AM
long read after a very long day.
I'll finish it later.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by timeloss1111

Thanks for sharing your personal experiences. I know it can be tough to confront things and want to write about them; especially on a place like ATS where you open yourself up to the insults and ridicule. Thanks for summoning up the courage to join the discussion! When I signed up for ATS, I never planned on actually writing a thread about this. I always felt it was my story, my problem, my puzzle, and my job to solve it alone. This is clearly not the way!

If you feel like it..please share some more on my thread or start your own if you like. The numerical sequences are interesting to be sure. Calling it "selective bias" is a joke. Did you ever actually take appraisal of your mood and emotional state when seeing 11:11, 4:44 or any other sequences? This is very important to do. What does it provoke in you when you see it? That is an important piece of the puzzle, I'm sure.

Whenever I see it, I feel like an old friend is trying to get my attention. It feels like it's time to get down to business, if you know what I'm saying. It's like "okay, you've had your fun, but you have work to do also." Seeing it puts me at ease.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by LBElectric

Thanks for adding some great pieces to the puzzle with your many links. Good information for myself and others as well.

I get worried that there is a point where "knowing" tips the scales in the wrong direction though. The more we know, the more we are aware of how much we don't know. One question answered raises only a dozen more. Knowledge and science isn't futile. That is not what I'm trying to say at all. But, there is going to be a point where knowledge must just take a backseat to being and doing.

Think back to the George Harrison song lyrics "The farther one travels, the less one knows."

I am also reminded of a biblical quote (I would be grateful if anyone well-versed in the Bible can provide a citation for me) "You must make your mind like that of a child" to know God. Knowing God may not be everyone's goal. It is mine.

This is my opinion on the matter though.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by timeloss1111
I wanted to ask ...did you hear your name called to you before the paralysis....? did it feel like electricity shock from up and down from top of your head to the bottom of your feet?

I have heard it a couple of times. I have even heard some words and possible names "whispered" or "spoken" that I do not recognize. This has only happened a handful of times..not very many.

The electric shock is common and other posters have referred to it as the "vibrational state." It seems to be a prelude to entering the astral travel or out of body experience. It is a common symptom of my sleep paralysis. It is something I can induce through intense relaxation (that's right, that's what I said haha) and use of a mantra.

Here's what gets me though. Most describe this vibrational state as soothing and comfortable. It jolts me in a very uncomfortable way! It is not soothing to me. It is very disconcerting and I don't like it. Weird that I experience something so uncomfortable after spending dozens of minutes or even hours relaxing to summon the "vibrational state."

Anybody have any ideas on this?

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by timeloss1111
Hey OP, I just was wondering does the 11:11 present itself to you randomly...alot!? When you just glance at the time , even when you don't expect it.... Ever awake at 3:33PM repeatedly? Just wondering...... Peace my brother! Just trying to fit pieces together on the journey we all call "life"

11:11 was the first synchronization I ever knew. Later 4:44..and lately I've been seeing 12:34 (but it doesn't give me the same feeling quite like 11:11 does).

In binary, 1111 means true, true, true, true. Not sure if that means anything...just throwing it out there.

And yes, A LOT! I see it so many times that it has gone well beyond coincidence and the 'selective bias' explanation.

And it happens in any variety of ways. Sometimes I get an inkling that I'm about to see I'll look at the clock and it'll be 11:11. Other times I'll just check the clock and it'll be there. I don't check my receipts often. But when I do, guess what numbers I see? When I'm watching hockey, I usually don't keep a close eye on the clock because I know the pace of the game so well. But when I do--guess what I see? I have even seen a specific game where they stopped the play at 11:11 to go in the 3rd period. And then there was some confusion over if the clock was on the right time or not. So they pause the game and consult with referees and stat recorders to verify the correct time on the clock. So the timer was stuck on 11:11 at the ticker on the top of the screen and they kept cutting the camera to show 11:11 on the jumbo screen.

My favorite player is number 11, but that's just coincidence I'm sure

Stuff like that happens quite a bit. But perhaps the most interesting way I am aware of 11:11 is when I wake up suddenly out of sleep, look at the clock, take note of it, and go immediately back to sleep.
edit on 16-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by InnerTruths
My nightmares tended to have this "end of the world" sense to it. I was always alone and everything was burning and gone. The sky was on fire as well. No more animals, just me and aliens.

Did you see the post where I discussed a dream of mine wherein I was on the surface of Mars with some unseen being?

I looked around to see many empty buildings--and in the barren landscape were hundreds of naked, Gray Man corpses strewn about. I kind of had a feeling like "Aha! So that's what happened!"

I don't know what that quote refers's just something I said in the dream.

Dreams are fascinating--but I think that's all they are. They may get us thinking about things here and there...give us something to think about. But, I believe there is very little, if any at all, spiritual wisdom to be gained from dreams.

I once spoke with a Sidhi master. He told me quite bluntly that dreams are dreams and have no special meaning in our spiritual journey. This is quite a bold statement to make, but I tend to agree with him. But, who am I to say? What do I know about it? Not much, I confess.

Dreams still fascinate me nonetheless, and I love having them--it sure beats the drivel that Hollywood spits out at us.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by Aprch
I enjoyed your story, and I'm glad you shared it. What I have to say is, don't give up searching for friends, because you never know what you might run into.

I'm glad you got something out of my OP. Thanks for your encouragement and recognizing that I am still a feeling human like everybody else. I still need friends and would like to fall in love like everyone else.

At this time, I have not even come close to meeting the right people. I am neither hopeless nor hopeful. I simply enjoy the gifts of life, good and bad, as they present themselves. The right people have not come into my life..yet? We'll see.
edit on 16-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by LightAssassin

The theory I subscribe to is these things are both alien and inter-dimensional because space travel will be conquered when we can travel inter/extra-dimensionally for on the other side of the veil time does not exist.

I hope this has helped you to feel a bit better about it all.

I tend to agree with your theory on long-distance travel. I surmise that the answer lies in the power of thought and consciousness as well. I believe there is going to be a quickening point when our potential to utilize thought and consciousness as a tool will surpass technological/mechanical means. I am just a dreamer though

Writing my OP, getting so many positive responses and results, and replying to peoples' questions have been very helpful for me. It certainly lifted a great weight from my shoulders. Thanks goes to everybody for that.

edit on 16-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by LBElectric


Here is a video you (and others here) may find interesting. There are many more people at this AMMACH website who are sharing their stories about alien abduction. (You'll have to go to the You Tube site to see them.) This lady is telling how the governments are "in cahoots" with the aliens. Very interesting! Simon Parkes is another good one to watch, which you will see to the right side of all the videos.

I have read somewhere, or seen it on one of these videos (maybe), that the Reptilians are the ones looking for NA blood. They want purebreds to get DNA from to do their hybrid experiments on. The Reptilians are the only ones abducting humans, and the small grays are their robots. The bigger grays aren't associated with the Reptilians, so I've heard. Anyway..... hope you find some answers here:

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