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How do you discuss 9-11

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posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:23 PM
I generally listen to what they have to say, then offer my view's in the most explanatory way possible! I do have to bite my tongue sometimes and remember that its a very sore subject for a lot of people and most don't want to believe that there own government could even contemplate such a thing. if it was the government ....
But i think you do have to respect everyone's opinions and just offer facts and its down to them to take it or leave it.
(Just to clarify i am a non believer of the official story ha)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:23 PM
Anyway, I only have one friend I know is a bit conspiracy crazy. Whenever the subject arises I simply point out the why his believes are based on lies and fallacies. Then we just disagree and drink another beer

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by LightSpeedDriver

19 alleged bombers, 6 of whom are still alive to this day and one even flies for Saudi Airlines.

How's that?

Can you show us any evidence showing any of them are still alive, dated after Sept 27 2001 ?

Good luck !

The hijackers are dead. Not only are they merely dead, they're really most sincerely dead.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by -PLB-

As I'm sure you know, passport identification was used, not just a name. A name will narrow it down to maybe 50 or a 100 people (I'm guessing), not one or two. Passport identification will narrow it down to one single, numerically unique individual. People identified as being the bombers (they had boarded planes in the US, therefore their details were "in the system") by their passport credentials, not just "John Doe, USA."

edit on 18/6/12 by LightSpeedDriver because: Clarification

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by downunderET
reply to post by Rigel Kent

There is no discussion, just tell them to read Dr. Judy Wood' book, "Where Did The Towers Go"

Nuff said

No offense mate,
I have looked deeply into doc judys stuff and it is fascinating, but i am not ready to accept a weapon that can crumble such buildings in seconds, maybe i'm a mug and its there in plain sight..... I have a few mates who are more knowledgable than me and they follow this theory...
it just seems as the years have passed, more theories have muddied the waters and lots of them gotta be disinfo..... the previous "little hole in the pentagon" quote was class.......


posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

In a way, the how, while obviously being important, is academical. It doesn't matter how, the did matters. The did that we all saw, the unbelievable did of something turning to dust from the top down. Thermite? Nukes? Beam weapons? Aliens? It really doesn't matter how, it matters why and it matters who more than how. We'll find the how at the house of the who. Oh yes.

You're not a mug because you are at least still thinking.

ETA Another good name to search youtube/ATS/google with is Barry Jennings. He was something like building manager in Building 7. unfortunately he is dead now, met with an accident I believe but he has an interesting story to tell that is well preserved.
edit on 18/6/12 by LightSpeedDriver because: ETA

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:46 PM
99% of all intended discussions about 9/11 degenerate, with predictable rapidity, into heated argument and insults. on this issue (9/11 conspiracies), above all, those with opposing viewpoints find it hard to tolerate each other for long. so, how does one discuss 9/11?

calmly if possible, and with decorum, ideally.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by waypastvne

Originally posted by LightSpeedDriver

19 alleged bombers, 6 of whom are still alive to this day and one even flies for Saudi Airlines.

How's that?

Can you show us any evidence showing any of them are still alive, dated after Sept 27 2001 ?

Good luck !

The hijackers are dead. Not only are they merely dead, they're really most sincerely dead.

Oh absolutely! CNN do for ya?


And why would you ask for an article after a certain date? The url of this article contains the date of the 27th in it, the article itself however is dated the 28th.
edit on 18/6/12 by LightSpeedDriver because: Clarification

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

....its a passionate subject with firm believers on both sides....

No its not. Its not a subject, no one is discussing it. There are not two "sides". There's the reality of 9/11, 19 Islamic terrorist hijacked and craashed 4 jets, and then there's subset of conspiracy cultist who want to think this is popular issue subject to open discussion - its not. In almost 11 years now I've never heard these "theories" discussed outside of these conspiracy forums.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 06:52 PM
To the OPs question:
It doesn't come up at all.

And when I mention that was spending/(wasting time on here she thinks I have a screw loose. Her reasoning is that people who believe in all of these conspiracies are part of the lunatic fringe. And I am wasting my time trying change anyones mind. When you wrestle wint the hogs you never come out smelling better.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by LightSpeedDriver

Oh absolutely! CNN do for ya?


You were supposed to show us an article dated after September 27 2001 saying the hijackers are still alive. That article says they're dead.

September 27 is the date the FBI released the names and PHOTOS of the hijackers That ended all speculations of who was who and who was alive and who was dead.

Find me something dated after Sept 27 saying they are still alive.

The hijackers are dead. They're not only merely dead, they're really most sincerely dead.
edit on 18-6-2012 by waypastvne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:21 PM
I have never met a truther. The closest I've come to one is; I saw "911 was an inside job" painted on a side walk near Kings Cross in Sydney..... Thats It.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by waypastvne

Guess you missed all the "possibly"'s and "believed to be";s. Your bad.

ETA And as already stated, the article was dated 28th.
edit on 18/6/12 by LightSpeedDriver because: ETA

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

Your article is missing the word ALIVE.


edit on 18-6-2012 by waypastvne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by waypastvne
I have never met a truther. The closest I've come to one is; I saw "911 was an inside job" painted on a side walk near Kings Cross in Sydney..... Thats It.

Your missing out on something.

I used to work with a few and they were smokers like me (have since quit) and at break time we were all confined in one little smoking area so I could not avoid them. At the time I didn't want to avoid them because I was leaning that an "inside job" could be real possibility. But time passes and many of the doubts and questions I had had been equitably answered to my satisfaction.

Then I began to learn that many of the videos had been downright lying to me. I am sure both sides know some of the ones that I am talking about. This was the final straw for me along with the overall demeanor of the "truthers" that I knew. It was like they all wanted to be Jason Bermous (?) wanabees. Overall they were rude. Where not interested in discussion. And just downright obnoxious. If you told them that water was wet they would want to argue about it.

How do you discuss 911?

More often than not you cant. It is odd that those who proclaim themselves to be "truth seekers" can be so closed minded.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:30 PM
Just a few of my friends, I suspect, believe in the OS. The US is considered a corrupt country with hunger for money.
The 9/11 topic actually never comes into discussion. The most people already agree that it was an inside job and are not interested in the details. The biggest part does not really care what has happened exactly. The other part realize that powerful people may have a lot of power and control and use it to their needs and it is considered normal, and they does not understand why should one start to dedicate time for 9/11 Truth as there is no personal gain in such activity. It is better to be friends with the powerful people.
Just a tiny percentage participates in such discussions in the internet and RL.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by DonJuan
The most people already agree that it was an inside job and are not interested in the details.

That speaks for itself.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

Most people I talk to don't believe the 9/11 Commission conspiracy theory. But I found that all you need to show people is WTC 7 going down and after they see it tell them when and where it was. Most people who care about the reality they live in start researching after that. No need to tell them about Gage, Griffin or anybody else, just let them read the NIST and 9/11 Commission report to realize how ridiculous the OS is.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 07:36 AM
I just say, "so hey, what ya think about 9/11?". A few times i felt a need to abruptly change the subject after their answer. But if they start talking conspiracies, ill tell them just what i think. i try to surround myself with intelligent folks, and most intelligent folks atleast question the official story.

But good lord ive encountered some stupid sheeple out there.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Rigel Kent
so your in a bar with mates,
maybe sitting in a restaurant after a good meal,
or just at somebodies house having a good time.
then the subject pops up.
how do you deal with it?

do you dive right in armed with the knowledge gained from years research?
do you silently listen and smile inwardly?
do you throw out the odd searching question to see who knows what?
do you get your coat and leave immediately?

its a passionate subject with firm believers on both sides,
we will never know the truth, such is government.
i have learned to never debate the subject with anyone who cannot answer the following simple questions:

What is NIST?
Who is Larry Silverstien?
Who is Richard Gage?
What is the melting temperature of steel?

That is my strategy to avoid argument, what is yours?


I suggest they watch a loop of WTC-7 collapsing.
95% of the folks who I get to watch that, get it right away and dig deeper into the rabbit hole.

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