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Documents prove Obama was member of socialist New Party... (see for yourself)

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posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by buster2010
reply to post by Dreine

I have never been a fan of socialism. I take pride in the fact that I earned a scholarship to college, dropped out, worked as a roofer for four years, joined the military, learned a very desirable skill that has now leveraged into a great career for me, and I can comfortably take care of my wife and our two sons.

You say you aren't a fan of socialism but it seems you had no problem using it for your advantage. The VA, the military, the fire department, and the police department are all socialist entities. They operate collectively for the collective benefit of everyone.

That would be true, if all the police and firemen were making the same exact wage, living in the same type of house according to job and income.

That doesn't happen. Nice try.

Actually...nice fail.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85

Originally posted by buster2010
reply to post by Dreine

I have never been a fan of socialism. I take pride in the fact that I earned a scholarship to college, dropped out, worked as a roofer for four years, joined the military, learned a very desirable skill that has now leveraged into a great career for me, and I can comfortably take care of my wife and our two sons.

You say you aren't a fan of socialism but it seems you had no problem using it for your advantage. The VA, the military, the fire department, and the police department are all socialist entities. They operate collectively for the collective benefit of everyone.

That would be true, if all the police and firemen were making the same exact wage, living in the same type of house according to job and income.

That doesn't happen. Nice try.

Actually...nice fail.

That's Communism...not Socialism.

Nice try though

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

I don't have to go anywhere.

The military is a Govt entity. It has nothing to do with Socialist practices.
In the Socialist Structure, the "People" do not control the Military. No matter how hard you wish it, it just isn't so.

But, back on topic.

The Minutes from the Group state he signed the contract for membership and sought endorsement.

And they whole argument that it just couldn't happen, with your statement of of he can't be a "New Party" member and a Member of the Democrats is really untrue.

Ron Paul is a member of the Libertarians, yet has run consistently on the Republican Ticket.
There are many Democrats in Govt that are members of the Socialist Party as well.

But, I expect you to retort with the same Military statement, and ignore what was stated in the meeting minutes recorded by "The New Party" themselves. Along with pictures.

Your fawning love for 0bama is very transparent.

I will wait to read your next I mean retort.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Clinton is really fun to watch this time around.
His 2012 Slick Willy is better then his 1990's Slick Willy.
Gotta give him credit, he is getting better.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by macman

The military is a Govt entity. It has nothing to do with Socialist practices.
In the Socialist Structure, the "People" do not control the Military. No matter how hard you wish it, it just isn't so.

The Military is funded by the public...control has nothing to do with it.

The Minutes from the Group state he signed the contract for membership and sought endorsement.

Nope, never says anything abouta "contract for MEMBERSHIP"...sorry.

And they whole argument that it just couldn't happen, with your statement of of he can't be a "New Party" member and a Member of the Democrats is really untrue.

Ron Paul is a member of the Libertarians, yet has run consistently on the Republican Ticket.
There are many Democrats in Govt that are members of the Socialist Party as well.

Ron Paul is not a member of the Libertarian party...he has some libertarian views...but he is a member of the Republican party.

And no,
, There are not many Democrats that are members of the Socialist Party. I would love for you to provide an example of one Democrat also being a member of the Socialist Party.

It is clear you are very mis-informed and confused.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by buster2010
reply to post by Dreine

I have never been a fan of socialism. I take pride in the fact that I earned a scholarship to college, dropped out, worked as a roofer for four years, joined the military, learned a very desirable skill that has now leveraged into a great career for me, and I can comfortably take care of my wife and our two sons.

You say you aren't a fan of socialism but it seems you had no problem using it for your advantage. The VA, the military, the fire department, and the police department are all socialist entities. They operate collectively for the collective benefit of everyone.


Firefighting, police , military... ALL of these things were in existence LONG before Marx ever scored his first vicarious kill.

It's nice to see you want to redefine your religion to include some of the trappings of civilization in general, co-opting them to make it appear to be a gentler, kinder sort of dictatorial regime, but... well, NO.

FAIL... just.... FAIL.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:44 PM
I try to ask people....When does his actions .. and those who back him become ...Traitorous?

I think I have my answer.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Clinton is really fun to watch this time around.
His 2012 Slick Willy is better then his 1990's Slick Willy.
Gotta give him credit, he is getting better.

This last attack against the socialist Obama is very clear and revealing.

Only a socialist would refuse to extend the Bush Tax cuts during a recession.

Obama says no way, period ! - Socialist Ideologue.-

Bill Clinton says we should extend all of it. - Smart Politician -

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Ah geez Wally, I think you missed this....
Point #3 kind of sinks your statement.

Funding does not qualify as Socialist. SO.......It is not.
Has nothing to do with Socialism. Nor does retirement for Military members, as it has nothing to do with the Socialist design of control of PRIVATE Industry and the Economy.

Oh, did you forget the news release as well? 4th Paragraph. You can read that, can't you???

And Dems that are members of the Socialist Party???

Nah, not many I guess. Only 70 in 2009.

You want some more today?

edit on 7-6-2012 by macman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by LeoStarchild
I try to ask people....When does his actions .. and those who back him become ...Traitorous?

I think I have my answer.

really?? HIS actions?? the right-wing republican supreme court ruled it constitutional, and legal (citizens united case) to allow ANY PERSON, ANY COUNTRY, in the world, to SECRETLY FUND any candidate in the federal elections for ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY they want...the supreme court republicans should be arrested, put on trial, and prosecuted for treason.

edit on 7-6-2012 by jimmyx because: context

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

And no, , There are not many Democrats that are members of the Socialist Party. I would love for you to provide an example of one Democrat also being a member of the Socialist Party.

?????????????????????????????????????????? Can you seriously explain this? There are not "Many" but then you ask for prove of "One". You just said there are not many so you admit there are some in which case the entire last two pages or so of this are bunch of bull crap that you are spewing. You have tried to say all along that they cant be members of more than one party while not showing a single shred of proof of this. Then you say that Ron Paul is not a member of the libertarian party but again show no proof of this. Then you go on to admit that some democrats are also socials party members. Figure out which lie your sticking with or go away. Adults are talking, run along.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Originally posted by Dreine
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Perhaps you are right. But what you see as 'entitlements' I saw as part of the contract I signed with the federal government for my service to the country. I put the work in, they provided the benefits...
To me, entitlement is believing in receiving something for nothing. Just my personal beliefs, nothing more.

Kind of like people who pay into unemployment and then expect to recieve it when they need it?

Where on Earth do you live? I've never paid a dime of unemployment, in any state I've ever lived in. The employer has always paid it.

Or people who pay into social security and then have the audacity to want to collect it when the time comes?

Yeah, how 'bout that! Are you trying to claim that Social Security is an "entitlement program" for those folks who paid into it? How about the gazillions who've never paid into it, but collect all the same? Is it somehow NOT an "entitlement program" to them?

Or maybe after someone has worked and payed taxes but loses their job feels like maybe the State should help out feeding their children because they paid their taxes for years?

They are sorely mistaken. Taxes are for the operation of the government, not the operation of my family. It's that same odd belief that government somehow "owes you" that has caused taxes to skyrocket, trying to keep up with all the people standing around with their hands held out. Government's job is to govern, not run soup kitchens.

Or how about me...a taxpayer...and I WANT other people to be able to feed their kids if they are less fortunate than I am...because I want to live in a country where people don't starve to death in the streets???

Is there something preventing you from going forth and doing the right thing? Why do you feel you need a governmental agency to take it from you and then hand it out in THEIR name? Why can you not force yourself to do it on your own? Why must the government force you? You see that as some sort of "virtue"?

Like I seem to be fine with entitlements when you are the recipient...maybe you should open your mind a little and realize that everyones situation is different and some people need more help than others.

I can't speak for him, but I don't take anything I didn't work for. that's not what is thought of these days as an "entitlement". When I see people in need, I help them. I don't need the government to force me to help.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by TheTardis

We have always had to contend with socialists in Washington DC.

It's sort of like bad weather.

Let not your heart be troubled. All we have to do is reduce the unemployment

rate down to 4% and they will run back into the bushes.

Of course, Maxine Waters will poke her head out every once in a while and call us

all a bunch of demons.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
If Obama is such a Socialist...why do true Socialist not like him and call him a Corporate Capitalist???

If Obama is such an extreme left winger...why do the extreme left wingers say he is such a right winger???

Because Obama is neither, he is a Globalist ... and he works for their interest.

Big Business and Big Government go hand in hand.

His actions reflect who he truly is and who he works for ... not his words

... same with Bush before him ...

edit on 7-6-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-6-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Never have wanted anything more than what I have earned.

"An honest days work for an honest days wage."

I purposely put down "Caucasian, non-Hispanic" on all of my paperwork even when I am 25% Creek Indian... am I 'entitled' to use that race on my applications... you might think so, to me it seems like theft from the government since I look nothing at all like the Creek people around here, and I follow non of their traditions.

But to each his own, it's all about accountability in my book.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 01:15 PM
The Dark Art of 'BenSmithing' Helped Cover Up Obama's 'New Party' Membership

In 2008, National Review's Stanley Kurtz got BenSmithed. He didn't just get BenSmithed, though, he got BenSmithed by the BenSmithiest BenSmither in the history of BenSmithing -- Ben Smith himself.
edit on 013030p://bThursday2012 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by LeoStarchild
I try to ask people....When does his actions .. and those who back him become ...Traitorous?

I think I have my answer.

really?? HIS actions?? the right-wing republican supreme court ruled it constitutional, and legal (citizens united case) to allow ANY PERSON, ANY COUNTRY, in the world, to SECRETLY FUND any candidate in the federal elections for ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY they want...the supreme court republicans should be arrested, put on trial, and prosecuted for treason.

edit on 7-6-2012 by jimmyx because: context

Lol the supreme court is mostly liberal bud.. snap out of your trance.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Military is a Govt entity. Has nothing to do with the ownership of anything.

Nice try though.

The Military is funded with public funds...not private funds.

It's interesting to see how far you will go to avoid using the word "socialist" to describe your beloved Military.

It's really not a bad's one area where Socialism works very very well.

You are saying any form of taxation is socialism?
Taxation pays for our millitary
Taxation is part of the Capitalist system.
The company is taxed, the raw matls are taxed, the transport is taxed, the wages are taxed, the commodities are taxed at the point of sales. Taxation with representation, and in a capitalist society the representatives choose to spend the taxes on all sorts of things, making none of them socialist. Socialism doesnt maintain infrastructure or millitary, Capitalism pays for it all.

Obama has warped a lot of peoples perceptions.

If consumers are not buying, workers not working, companies not producing, well that is kinda like nipping the fruits of Capitalism in the bud, and if you look around that is exactly what Obama has been fostering.
edit on 7-6-2012 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by LeoStarchild

Actually, the SCOTUS is about 4 liberal - 4 conservative - 1 independent

They will kill ObamaCare this month.

Donald Verrilli was laughed out of court.

CNN called it a train wreck.

Also, it's sort of a non-story but i was watching MSNBC in the morning yesterday.

They said the Supreme Court was moving up their ruling to Monday June 11, 2012

because Kathleen Sebelius was trying to pull a fast one and push through some

ObamaCare grants - BEFORE - the Supreme Court has a chance to kill it.

The story however, disappeared! I guess someone made a phone call.

-- Don't do it! It will make us look devious! --

There is no mention of it anywhere!

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

It is funded via tax dollars yes.
But, it is not a Welfare program.
Nor is it for the masses or for every citizen.

For someone that tries so hard to force others to work within certain confines of definitions, you sure do like playing fast and loose for you own sake.

So if it is funded with other people's money...and it isn't a capitalistic return on investment...then what kind of program is it?

I'll let you tell us what type of program it is...since you have an illogical fear of the phrase "socialist program"...what exactly is this type of program called???

Socialism doesn't have to be Welfare nor does it have to be for every citizen...many people just don't understand what socialism means...and they have an illogical and irrational fear of it.

It's funded with MY money, not just "other people's" It is compensation for goods and services rendered... otherwise known as "capitalism".

"Entitlement" these days generally denote a feeling of deserving something for nothing - no services rendered. That is "other than" capitalism...

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