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Updates - Answers from an Alien from Andromeda

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posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

Again, if people are not a threat to themselves or others, I believe they have a right to do pretty much and talk about pretty much whatever they would like, unless they are living in North Korea, and ATS is one of the few places on the internet where speculation on almost everything and anything is rampant and accepted thought not necessarily agreed with - and if you disagree or find us or these topics "batty" I really can't fathom why you would spend hours on this thread.

I had to ask myself the same question. Why is it so important for me (us) to be "proven" wrong? Do we somehow threaten their existance their beliefs? Just what is it that makes them so vehement?

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

Again, if people are not a threat to themselves or others, I believe they have a right to do pretty much and talk about pretty much whatever they would like, unless they are living in North Korea, and ATS is one of the few places on the internet where speculation on almost everything and anything is rampant and accepted thought not necessarily agreed with - and if you disagree or find us or these topics "batty" I really can't fathom why you would spend hours on this thread.

I had to ask myself the same question. Why is it so important for me (us) to be "proven" wrong? Do we somehow threaten their existance their beliefs? Just what is it that makes them so vehement?

As I have said before, the closer you get to sacred truths, the more debunkers you attract. After all, if you think a thread is "batty", wouldn't you just ignore it? How do you describe posters that engage people they have labelled "batty"? Isn't it rather illogical to engage "batty" posters - since by definition they are not operating on the principles of reasoning?

Also, Anthra, can you please confirm or deny this statement:, that statements you have made might have caused others to do harm to themselves:

Originally posted by vkey08
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

I'm glad you asked about the threat to self or others as it's what's really been concerning me, you obviously got the point that if it's all bunk you'll take it as such and move on, fair enough, we'll see in January of next year, Anthra however is in a position, with what he says (I am from Andromeda, I am an Extraterrestrial) to effect/affect people who may not be as sharp, or as on the ball, and something you may think is just him innocently wandering around like in this thread stating "This is true because I'm from Andromeda and I know it is" may cause someone else, a few people come to mind, to act in an irrational and potentially harmful way because Antrha the Alien told them it was OK, or what he said made them do it..

When that starts to creep in, such as another poster on here taking everything Anthra says as 100% fact (and it's happened, thankfully no ill results yet) and then goes out and acts upon that in detriment to themselves or a group of people or animals or (insert whatever here) then Anthra becomes responsible, if he's been lying all along, then he is guilty of negligence if he truly believes it, with just what he's posted, he's still guilty but needs to be evaluated... either way it's a dangerous place to be, and seems like he enjoys that power over people's minds, and when it's questioned, well..

So that should answer that question, why spend so much time, mainly to get Anthra to either a) come clean or b) admit he may not have thought this whole thing through..

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by vkey08

So that should answer that question, why spend so much time, mainly to get Anthra to either a) come clean or b) admit he may not have thought this whole thing through..

"Come clean?" To what??!!? To "cme clean" typically means to admit to some sort of "wrong doing". There is nothing to "coe clean" to. Or I supose I could say; "Thats what I'm trying to do."

Haven't thought this through. Firstly, I've had 65 years to think abut this, and have spent at least 45 of those years doing just that; "think it through." I have spent my entire adult life trying to make sense of this. I've seen your "doctors" (most of which never used science in their work),

Throughout this conversation, one element, has stood out; your lack of due diligence. You claimed to have read everything I've written, to this moment you have not! You make the very same claim a few others have made; "I talked to some scientist" about this. In all cases, the outcome has been the same. Your scientist vindicates you, and condemns me. Yet, I can't help but think; that if you had presented the case to them as a "case" and not as you current "ick on" favorite; that the outcome might have been different.

You continue to attack my DNA evidence, not on it merit as DNA eidence, or what it may be trying to tell us, but, rather attempt to disqualify the evidence, either as "misunderstood", or as just plain "not valid" (for some nonspecific reason). You claim to have been a forensic scientist, yet, there is not the slightest indication of the scientific "mind-set". What happened to empirical observation, to scientific proceedure, to being able to recreate the results in the lab? Then, I have to ask, "why is this person not working as a scientist any longer?" You might not like the answer. You have provided nothing that indicates you professional background (mine on the otherhand is there for anyone with the "smarts" to go find it).

I'm sorry, you have made a lot of noise, typed more than a few words. Yet it is all meaningless, for you have forsaken scientific proceedure. You have made absolutely no attempt to understand the data, and have aplied no methods of data analysis. In short, your conclusions are not based in the science of genetics, nor in data analysis, and are much more likely a manifestation of your own "fears" of the unknown and ET.

Something most of you need to understand. It is not the DNA evidence that has"made" e beleive I'm ET. It was my biological Mother's words, spoken to me as we both looked down on the Earth from 60,000mi. If you cannot understand how profound an expirence this is, then I fear there is little hope for yu. Perhaps you will do better in your next incarnation.

you're in your 60's? in one sentence you say you're only 18 months old, in another 62, make up your mind

Ya know, I could go into what appears to be a general lack of understand of "abstraction", as is evidenced by the above statement, and a few others. But, I doubt you would understand. Your arguments, commendable for a lay person, are for the most part moot; simply because you fail to address the data. You appear to be starting from a position that any data I provide is neccessarily false (and, I bet you don't see the problem there.)

edit on 5-6-2012 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by vkey08
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

@Anthra: you keep rehashing the same argument, that I somehow dont' understand what you're saying. I do understand what you are saying, but databases have nothing to do with reality, and if you were in fact in touch with "government doctors" your proof would not be up on the web for all to see, it's just not done sir.

Yes, I keep "rehashing" as you say. And, you continue to "reject without cause". Perhaps IF you were to actually look at the data, and make some sort of intelligent data-centric remarks, we could proceed in a soewhat more intelligent manner.

Databases have noting to do with reality!!? Care to try again? A database is the organization of "reality" as structured data in amanner that it may be searched and mined. A properly designed data base, can provide answers to questions, that you don't think are in the data. And, the contents of databases affect your life in many subtle ways all the time. Kind of like the Microprocessor.

Well, what can I say; I am in fact, in touch with government doctors, will be seeing one f them in a couple of weeks (regular 6 month physical stuff). And, as for my "proof" being on the Internet; Terrestrial governments have no ability to stop me in this regard. They are bound by their own actions, and agreements made with my people

Doctors even government ones have a code of conduct they MUST adhere to, and telling someone that they are right, they are an alien form Andromeda is not adhering to those doctrines,

When I was in the military, I worked on radio transitters. A task, that IF I were a civilian would have required extensive training, and licensing. The military took care of the training, but the licensing was/is not required. Doctors, lawyers, technicians, and others, that usually have some "licesing requirement" in the civilian realm, enjoy a sort of "freedo" from those "licensing requirements". Thus, there is little reason to expect the to follow the "rules" of civilian life, and more reason to expect the to "follow orders". The data the Government has on me is "classified", they won't even let me have access to it; by the way -- this is illegal under HIPPA, do you think they care?

but you dont' care about every singe person that's told you you're wrong, we all must be because we simply dont' understand anything you've presented, that's pretty smug and shortsighted of you to think that.. Your own words Anthra, Your own proof Anthra, nothing more nothing less has been asked of others, all of them come up with the same response, get help, get help now before you ruin your life with this fantasy...

How many tie ust I tell you that I have seen your "doctors?" I guess that falls on blind eyes and deaf ears.

Yes, you are all wrong! But, not for the reasons that you have fantisized. You are wrong, siply because, you fail to "see" what is actually there and instead, substitute your own "view".

I'm guessing, that the apearance of a "scottsman" in tribal India would go wholly "unnoticed" by everyone, as he would "fit in" so well. You seem to fail to understand that the DNA evidence is at rather great odds with faily history and ancestral data. I' fully aware that there could be "an Indian in the wood pile", but, that does not explain the absolute absense of allele groups that can provide geographic data. You have fail utterly to show just how a "scottsan" can not have DNA common to Scottland (or europe for that matter). You appear to fail to grasp even the most fundaental principals of data analysis. Instead yo seem to want to go on soething that is not scienct and more akin to prejudice.

You have fail to provide convincing data that either Mythi or I are wrng in any way. (while I agree with you on Mythi, I do have other reasons for my stance. you continue to have nothing, well maybe a bit of probability where Mythi is concerned, but, it is hardly conclusive.)

edit on 5-6-2012 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

Also, Anthra, can you please confirm or deny this statement:, that statements you have made might have caused others to do harm to themselves:

To the best of knowledge; this has never happened. On the contrary, if anything, I have a "essage" of "hope" and a vague promiss of a more positive future. So, this would seem unlikely.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Trajan
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Seriously? You believe you are an alien from Andromeda?

Personally, I find that hard to believe. I am big into E.Ts and spirituality but I highly doubt the aliens would take you on board a ship and tell you that you aren't human (Terran, I should say).

And, at time, I have difficulty beleiving Terrestrial Humans are "intelligent, doesn't mean you aren't.

If you have trouble with the idea that my parents would take me aboard their starship and explain this to me, Then, I suspect you will not make a good parent. I'm nt saying that I have a full understanding ot all this, but, if you know the full story, and think about it, it begins to make ore sense, and it will begin to pi** you off.

Also, your 'evidence' is nothing more than fanciful reading. It might be 'rare' but that in no way means you are not from here. It simply means your DNA has a slight variation to others.

"Slight variation tO others". You mean like Chipanzees, their DNA is nearly identical to Terrestrial Humans (around 96% ... depends on who ya read).

So, by your logic, Ireland and the Irish are an entirely different breed of human?
Barely 1.5% of the world's male population has the Haplogroup R1b but in Western Europe (Where the Irish have emigrated and inter bred for tens of thousands of years) that number dramatically rises until you reach Ireland itself where the percentage reaches 98%.

So, are the Irish aliens that have bred with other 'Human' races and spread this Y-DNA?

See Vkay, this is exactally the kind of failed logic and understand that you, and others. exibit. No, Sir; by logic that is nt the case, if you had "looked" into the logic, you would have seen that. Instead, you allow yur base consciousness take the lead, and you utterly fail to understand a single word. The logic does not say that Irish are a different species. Well, unless a specific Irishman has anmalus markers. Ya know, like markers that say he's not Irish.

On another note, when you mentioned that the 'F' chromosome is rare you clearly don't know much about the world's demography; some 80% of the world's population belongs to 'F' and its subclades except Africa where the dominant chromosome is A, E, B.

Your argument is deeply flawed and your 'evidence' proves nothing more than the fact your Y Chromosome originated in the Middle East, most likely Saudi Arabia.

I wasn't referring to "sub-clades", I was referring to the haplogroup "F", or as some are calling it "paragroup". Yes the descendants of "F" have moved all around the world, except for Africa. But, the "paragroup F" has not, and, is still concentrated in a small area of eastern India, mostly tribal.

Saudi Arabia Really? Try reading a bit more.

edit on 5-6-2012 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

While I shouldn't have to defend my life's decisions to you:

1) My children are the most important thing in my life, they are disabled, I want to be around for them
2) My husband died, I was not going to continue working in a profession that would be unsafe and maybe cause my kids to lose both parents, I resigned when that could be a distinct possibility.
3) I have cancer, again see item one...
4) see all of above, rinse, repeat...

Since you seem resigned to think that your results are 100% accurate with no room for debate, I asked you to get your results peer reviewed, you ignored that request. I believe because it would not stand up to the review process, and I am probably right. What I stated to PlanetX is what I think, that this is a dangerous game you are playing, and someday someone is going to get hurt, so far noone has but it's only a matter of time, and then will you feel bad or ?

Since it's not on topic i'll just say it really is interesting that you went from using arcane Crowley writings to DNA try and prove you're an ET, with all that work, you could have probably cured diseases or world hunger rather than keep having change thee story at every turn, I will admit thought it's entertaining.. But don't EVER presume to know wh I am not doing one thing and have moved to doing something else again, that was patently offensive..

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by vkey08
Since you seem resigned to think that your results are 100% accurate with no room for debate, I asked you to get your results peer reviewed, you ignored that request. I believe because it would not stand up to the review process, and I am probably right. What I stated to PlanetX is what I think, that this is a dangerous game you are playing, and someday someone is going to get hurt, so far noone has but it's only a matter of time, and then will you feel bad or ?

I don't think I stated that I thought my results were 100%. In fact, quite soe time ago I stated that my results and data were inconclusive. You are the one who is claiming I called it "proof" when in fact I did not.

How would I feel if my words "hurt" someone? Well this will seem a bit cold and anit-intuitive to o, but, anothers actions regardless of the stimulis, is not my problem. An event such as you describe, wile perhaps regretable, it not of my doing.

Since it's not on topic i'll just say it really is interesting that you went from using arcane Crowley writings to DNA try and prove you're an ET, with all that work, you could have probably cured diseases or world hunger rather than keep having change thee story at every turn, I will admit thought it's entertaining.. But don't EVER presume to know wh I am not doing one thing and have moved to doing something else again, that was patently offensive..

Again, when have I changed my story? Seriously; when?

This "fixation" you and some others have about my "changing story" only goes to show how little comand you have over abstraction, and how little of the "story" you actually comprehend.

And, yet again, you attempt to assert yourself without the requsite science and understanding. Yes, I used Crowley, still do, you have no point here.

And, instead of curing disease, and world hunger; I gave you the PC, and modern Auto manufacture (robotics), well, was on the development teams. Neither of those projects would even be near completion if only One person was working them.

And, on "life choices". How dare you condem me for the choices I've made. In my life I've done things that affect every single person on the planet, and most other living things as well, and all of it positive; how about you?

We all make choices everyday, some good, some bad, most neutral. Thery are "personal" shices, and not much different than "personal" expirence. Course, you don't put stock in "personal expirence", so I guess your thoughts on personal choice are equally as distorted.

The pint is that you abandon your career, and appearantly didn't keep any of what you learned. You show none of the hallmarks of a scientist or engineer. You treat data as if it were the enemy, and refuse to even consider all the possibilities. And when yoou can't make your "broken" point, you descend to the depths of ... well I'm not sure what they are the depths of; I do know, however, that the places you visit have nothing to do with intelligence, logic, nor, reason.

Again, if you want to present a logical arguement, I would love to hear it, it may help in a full understanding of this.

And, yes, perhaps I do get a bit condescending at times, but, you refuse to pick yourself up off the floor and "see" things in the full light of logic and reason.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Funny, the gentleman that developed the modern PC for IBM doesn't know who you are? You were on the team at Watson? Not according to any records from IBM... but i digress.

You want to go where you don't really want to go, someone completely and totally destroying your argument, well first here need to be some ground rules. Nothing you have ever said past or present is off limits in proving you wrong, nor is it off topic, until you agree to that, I'm only going to address one glaring error in your argument...

Bible Codes as Proof of Anything.

Bible Code Debunked

There is a very good article there on why and how that code can be manipulated by various software to give any answer you want it to give.. Interesting read, I included that particular article off that particular site, as a LOT of your "proofs" that you are an ET using Crowley's writings and proof from them as your reasoning, are listed there and debunked by the site owner, interesting coincidence?

I have also given you information that should have caused you pause, and maybe, just maybe made you try to go back and relook at your results, one of the companies you claim is awesome at DNA is one of the most sued for inadequacies, one of them states quite honestly, I may add, that their results while interesting for ancestry hunters, may not be all inclusive or 100% accurate. But again even forgetting all of that, you have never done a mitochondrial DNA screening which would have been the most accurate of them all, and maybe would have filled in the gaps that you so desperately cling to, I understand you don't have the money, but plenty of colleges will do a screening and give you your results for nominal charge (50 bucks or less) if you ask them nicely.

Until you agree to my ability to use anything you have ever written as proof that you are not an alien, I won't continue..I'm not going to risk being yelled at for being off topic again.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by vkey08
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Funny, the gentleman that developed the modern PC for IBM doesn't know who you are? You were on the team at Watson? Not according to any records from IBM... but i digress.

I'm sorry, I shuld have said PC Clone, my bad. Iwas consulting at Olivetti at the time.

You want to go where you don't really want to go, someone completely and totally destroying your argument, well first here need to be some ground rules. Nothing you have ever said past or present is off limits in proving you wrong, nor is it off topic, until you agree to that, I'm only going to address one glaring error in your argument...

I'll decline; I've seen the quality of data you provide and how quick you are to provide sources. I might consider it, if, you can only use verifiable data, and provide that verification.

Bible Codes as Proof of Anything.

Bible Code Debunked

Yes, yes; I've read all that. It is BS! Firstly, these things aren't "bible codes" they exist in all published text. Secondly, for anyone to go over literlly any large body of text and not notice the "sub text", has either been sleeping or is lying. It is literally everywhere, yet remains unnoticed. How truly blind are you?

There is a very good article there on why and how that code can be manipulated by various software to give any answer you want it to give.. Interesting read, I included that particular article off that particular site, as a LOT of your "proofs" that you are an ET using Crowley's writings and proof from them as your reasoning, are listed there and debunked by the site owner, interesting coincidence?

Oh Sorry, I looked, but didn't find. Please post specific links.

Also, concerning the teachings and sciences of Crowley. It is highly unlikely that this Skeptic site owner has the specific skills to even begin to understand. It takes most a life time of dedicated study to get there.

I have also given you information that should have caused you pause, and maybe, just maybe made you try to go back and relook at your results, one of the companies you claim is awesome at DNA is one of the most sued for inadequacies, one of them states quite honestly, I may add, that their results while interesting for ancestry hunters, may not be all inclusive or 100% accurate.

I didn't say the ancestry lab was "awesome", I think I said I wasn't happy with their results. Anyway, the data "vindicated" itself. Its kind of like this; two different data sets, each containing their own specific data. ne of those data sets makes a "prediction" about "related" data. In the second data set, that "prediction" is confirmed. This validates the data in both sets.

In this case; the autosomal DNA made a specific "prediction" that was verified by the data of the second.

But again even forgetting all of that, you have never done a mitochondrial DNA screening which would have been the most accurate of them all, and maybe would have filled in the gaps that you so desperately cling to, I understand you don't have the money, but plenty of colleges will do a screening and give you your results for nominal charge (50 bucks or less) if you ask them nicely.

No, I haven't done the mtDNA yet. Part of the reason is that the Autosomal also "predicts" mother; and she is from the same region (Tribal east-central India). Oh, and none of the local universities do that. If I want the test its $200 and a one year subscription. But, with that I get more than just mtDNA...we'll see.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

ROFL... you made my point for me, and I didn't have to actually dig through all my book marks.

You keep talking about how I don't' think like a scientist or an engineer, I was neither, never claimed to be, never said I was, what I was was an investigator, I'll just let you ponder what kind, and data means a lot to me, when it's valid data. Bible codes, superiority complexes and Crowley are not valid data. DNA evidence plugged into online databases are not valid data, trashing people with claims of UN-intelegence is not valid data..

There's an old saying, one you should think about because honestly I'm done with you, I understand now what i was told, that you can't even look at anyone's arguments because you're so deep into the delusion that nothing else can ever make sense to you, but this saying certainly applies:

There is one person's story, there is another person's story, somewhere in between both of those stories lay the truth.

But you did totally make my point for me, you supposedly can't find your own ramblings on that site, yet google, a database that you claim to have created, indexes it, and your stuff shows up quite easily, including your proofs that you were the "child of the garden of light' that Crowley wrote about.. and somehow that made you an alien from Andromeda..

Honestly, you've been entertaining and a great aside but I digress from my true purpose in life, and that is something you will NEVER understand no matter how hard you try...

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by vkey08
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

You keep talking about how I don't' think like a scientist or an engineer, I was neither, never claimed to be, never said I was, what I was was an investigator, I'll just let you ponder what kind, and data means a lot to me, when it's valid data. Bible codes, superiority complexes and Crowley are not valid data. DNA evidence plugged into online databases are not valid data, trashing people with claims of UN-intelegence is not valid data..

I fear you actually have no idea what valid data is. Regardless of context.

There's an old saying, one you should think about because honestly I'm done with you, I understand now what i was told, that you can't even look at anyone's arguments because you're so deep into the delusion that nothing else can ever make sense to you, but this saying certainly applies:

This perception is only in your mind. I am quite open to anthing logical and relevant. I do not respond to being called delusional (I'm not, and have a doctor who will argue that). Your failure to "see" my arguement, your refusal to even "look" at the evidence with a clear eye and open mind, is the sole reason you are so frustrated with me.

But you did totally make my point for me, you supposedly can't find your own ramblings on that site, yet google, a database that you claim to have created, indexes it, and your stuff shows up quite easily, including your proofs that you were the "child of the garden of light' that Crowley wrote about.. and somehow that made you an alien from Andromeda..

Show me where I made that claim!

Never mind; you can't. I never made it. You see, that is another reason you fail here, you don't read and comprehend what I write. You see the words and ascribe your own "private" meaning to them. Just how are we to carry on an intelligent conversation, if, you can't/won't understand me?

The worst of it is; you continue even after being "corrected". In the future, if you "think" I said something, kindly provide a copy of the words, or a clear link. Your attempts at being subtile are abject failures.

If you are going to bring up Crowley, Western Cereonial Magick, the Enochian System, or Eastern mysticism; go learn something about them first, other wise, any discussion will be pointless. If you want to bring up databases, datasets, their properties, etc. I strongly suggest you start reading, you can catch up with me in only a few years.

Honestly, you've been entertaining and a great aside but I digress from my true purpose in life, and that is something you will NEVER understand no matter how hard you try...

None of us can understand the path of another, yet you persist in insisting you know mine. As for understanding you, thats not hard at all. However, the reality there is; I quite simply don't care. I don't care what or where your path is / leads, that is your lookout. And, as long as I do not interfere with your path, I expect you to not interfere with mine.

Etharzi od Oma . . .93

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

I do not respond to being called delusional (I'm not, and have a doctor who will argue that).

So, just out of sheer and morbid curiousity, would your doctor also think that believing that YOU were in fact, part of US / Interstellar (ET) negotiations as innocuous and non-delusional?

I'm relatively certain that any doctor worth their salt would find an ingrained belief in their patient of having this said belief "delusional"....for instance on this comment section of EXOPolitics where you said the following:

Anthra-Andromda 2 years ago

In early 1947 (between Jan. and April) my people made a deal with the U.S. Government. An infusion of technology in exchange for safe guarding me for a while. The US did a fairly good job. I became indistinguishable from any other American, even served in the military (Viet Nam area), but was never allowed in harms way.

This, when you were not even born yet? As you pointed out so eloquently to me here when I had questioned you about the Roswell incident and your thoughts on it. Much less any negotiations taking place on your behalf (in the aforementioned January) before you were even born.

A doctor that is worthwhile would not have found any of that odd? I find that a bit difficult to swallow.

Whether or not you're delusional is quite sincerely your own problem...who are we to tell you to seek help right? I guess all anyone can ask is that whether you, or Captain Bill or anyone who claims to be, could simply dial back and realize this internet is not the internet of 1999....real consequences take place here and, in as much as we on ATS have to be open-minded to possibilities YOU have to acquiesce that when certain things don't add up AND when you realize that not all of us are dummies out here, we have this almost moral responsibility to show both sides of such a story.

And yea, I know what you're thinking; dude that aint me?!

Well let me tell you based upon this in the same comments section of EXOPolitics:

Anthra-Andromda 2 years ago @Indigo81: Officially, I'm retired now. No more fighting traffic twice a day, no more 'real' paydays (sigh). And, I need something to do, other than playing World of Warcraft all day (besides, its too hot here in Texas to ask that much of my graphics

if there are more than 1 Anthra Andromda running around in texas, playing World of Warcraft all day claiming they were an ET Human, trying to convince others of it and purporting that a doctor IN Texas finds this absolutely normal, then I want to make sure any future potential kids I may have and likely wish to school OTHERS kids on precisely the reasons NOT to go to Texas for any reasons.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by alphabetaone

Just how do you know it is delusion?

It doesn't "fit" into your little reality, so you declare it "delusion"? Your logic is broken.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Reading this is quite a way to pass the time! alphabetaone, nice investigating there! No response to these posts you allegedly made in the past Anthra Andromeda?

Also, what would an alien from Andromeda play as on World of Warcraft? A Blood Elf? I bet it's a Blood Elf!

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 02:39 AM
The biggest problem with atheistic/pseudo-rational trolls on this forum, is that I've noticed they very consistently tend to receive sympathy from the staff. It is a serious problem, because debunkers can completely destroy any hope of a thread's intended conversation. They are particularly bad in the 9/11 forum; probably worse than any other area of this site, in my experience.

I've actually got into trouble before for telling them to go away, and even if I don't get reported for it, they generally don't listen. One of my biggest problems with them, as stated, is that their behaviour is coercive; they fully intend to force their own cynicism concerning the given subject, down the throats of anyone who might disagree with them.

I'm really not sure what to do about this problem, at this point. I've considered the idea of getting a few email addresses of like minded people via U2U, and setting up a private email list where we can talk. If atheism continues to take over society to the degree that it seems to be, it is going to become increasingly difficult for us to find refuge from them, I fear.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by petrus4
The biggest problem with atheistic/pseudo-rational trolls on this forum, is that I've noticed they very consistently tend to receive sympathy from the staff. It is a serious problem, because debunkers can completely destroy any hope of a thread's intended conversation. They are particularly bad in the 9/11 forum; probably worse than any other area of this site, in my experience.

I've actually got into trouble before for telling them to go away, and even if I don't get reported for it, they generally don't listen. One of my biggest problems with them, as stated, is that their behaviour is coercive; they fully intend to force their own cynicism concerning the given subject, down the throats of anyone who might disagree with them.

I'm really not sure what to do about this problem, at this point. I've considered the idea of getting a few email addresses of like minded people via U2U, and setting up a private email list where we can talk. If atheism continues to take over society to the degree that it seems to be, it is going to become increasingly difficult for us to find refuge from them, I fear.

If you have a core of at least two or more posters who would like to discuss a thread's original topic, why don't you just ignore them? The only goal of the "knowledge management specialists" is to get those posting about the truth to emotionally engage them and/or get the thread off track - and if you ignore them that can't happen.

But I agree they do seem to quite commonly use ad hominem attacks and get away with it.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by petrus4

Atheistic? Why would you even bring this up? What's religion or ( in the case of atheism) lack of it have ANY bearing what so ever on Answers from an Alien from Andromeda? Isn't that YOU instead forcing what YOU think life should be like down everyone elses throat? Nice double-speak.

Originally posted by petrus4

LOL pseudo rationalism?! The heck is that? Rationale is binary, It's either true or false. It's either rational or it isn't.

Originally posted by petrus4

trolls on this forum,

Of course, dissent is ALWAYS a troll.

Originally posted by petrus4
is that I've noticed they very consistently tend to receive sympathy from the staff.

This is an issue for BBQ, not here.

Originally posted by petrus4
It is a serious problem, because debunkers can completely destroy any hope of a thread's intended conversation.

Yes! Of course! Sensationalism and baseless claims run rampant is the best balance. Let's all ascribe to dogma so that we don't question the all-knowing Petrus.....

Originally posted by petrus4
I've actually got into trouble before for telling them to go away,

As well you should. You're not a moderator nor are you particularly unbiased as you've proven. So even without moderator intervention why would anyone listen to you?

Originally posted by petrus4
and even if I don't get reported for it, they generally don't listen. One of my biggest problems with them, as stated, is that their behaviour is coercive; they fully intend to force their own cynicism concerning the given subject, down the throats of anyone who might disagree with them.

Actually, logic dictates that you've got that entirely backwards. YOU are the one telling others who disagree with YOUR concept to go away. That mentality is actually forcing a singular opinion down others throats. You have no choice but to put up with others dissenting views as much as they have to put up with yours. You have the option of not reading their views.

Originally posted by petrus4
I'm really not sure what to do about this problem, at this point.

Me neither. But I hear Rense let's sensationalism run amok.....why don't you check him out?

Originally posted by petrus4
I've considered the idea of getting a few email addresses of like minded people via U2U, and setting up a private email list where we can talk.

Fantastic idea! That will ensure you will have an unbalanced sense of opinions. None the less, I DO think it's a great idea. (for you)

Originally posted by petrus4
If atheism continues to take over society to the degree that it seems to be, it is going to become increasingly difficult for us to find refuge from them, I fear.

See what I mean? YOU in fact are the one jamming values and beliefs down others throats. If it's not "your religious way" then society is doomed

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by alphabetaone

Yes! Of course! Sensationalism and baseless claims run rampant is the best balance. Let's all ascribe to dogma so that we don't question the all-knowing Petrus

Ya know I was sort of "with ya" right up to the second sentense. It isn't people like Petrus that is tying to keep dogma alive around here. It is ore like the rabid-sketics. Those who invent their own "scientific rules" then expect everyone to follow. The ones wh will nt attet to understand sene's osition and the exlaination they give. And, instead attack with what ever psudo-scientificgarble they find "stuck to the bottom of their shoe".

And, I think that what ay be intended with the religius referrences is soething a bit more like "spiritual;" Ya know its funny how that seems to ove in a single direction. Anyway, mostof our beloved psudo-scientific skeptics and debunkers here have absolutely no concept of the Spiritual, and see to be qite happy going through violating those they come into contact with, by unconsciously "pushing" their "anti-spirit" "dark-energy". They really have no idea the true ower of the ind, r the spirit, and through their continued ignorance of the subject, make this world an altogether less desirable place to live.

But, I do agree; even the trolls have rights. We should all become better aquainted with the "rights" we have, and take care not to violate others.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 10:42 AM
Just a litte something for our skeptics to ponder;

I indicated that my case was not unique, none of you seemed to pick up on that. As is the case with my data, you prolly choose not to believe.

The whole idea of some ETs having Human DNA,though with "out of place" / "anmalous" markers isn't new, and didn't originate with me. The first and unfortunately only case was a Mr. Peter Khoury. It makes for an interesting read. The DNA stuff is in the last half. And, shows a "Nordic" type ET with "Human" DNA; though her haplotypes placed her in China, where as mine places me in India.

Here is the link to the Peter Khoury case

Now this is mostly hype for the book, but it does give enough information to show my point: Human like ETs, with Human like DNA, AND, "anaomalous markers".


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