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Updates - Answers from an Alien from Andromeda

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posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by alphabetaone

I don't appreciate your rude and disrespectful tone. It is truly unecessary if you just want answers to these questions. However if you are trying to make a point with your tone and disrespect it would indicate your mind is already made up and make these questions somewhat rhetoical in nature.

If you have the maturity to ask the same questions without the rudeness and hyperbole I may deign to answer them.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE
reply to post by alphabetaone

I don't appreciate your rude and disrespectful tone. It is truly unecessary if you just want answers to these questions. However if you are trying to make a point with your tone and disrespect it would indicate your mind is already made up and make these questions somewhat rhetoical in nature.

If you have the maturity to ask the same questions without the rudeness and hyperbole I may deign to answer them.

What you appreciate or not is hardly of paramount importance. You can interpret the tone any way you long as I am being civil, which I was, how you misconstrue any response to you is your issue, not mine.

You simply don't like the questions because you know you cant answer them. So instead of distracting the thread by having hurt feelings on a misinterpreted "tone", why don't you instead just answer them if your message is so important?

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE
reply to post by alphabetaone

I don't appreciate your rude and disrespectful tone. It is truly unecessary if you just want answers to these questions. However if you are trying to make a point with your tone and disrespect it would indicate your mind is already made up and make these questions somewhat rhetoical in nature.

If you have the maturity to ask the same questions without the rudeness and hyperbole I may deign to answer them.

I again state but it is OK for you to call people who disagree disinfo agents or paid shills? The boat rocks both ways my friend and you are the one who has repeatedly used repeatedly proven fraudulent info, combined with shoddy researchers claims to prove a point that is not able to be proven.. So far you have shown not one shred of evidence that a Planet X exists, much less that it is hurdling twords us, if Captain Bill's English is soooo bad how is he referring to people as Hey Mate, which is a VERY British phrase, (read his comments they tend to get better English when he's responding to someone nicely) AND the inconsistencies in his presentations,all explained away by "translation errors" and of course the best part whenever it can't be seen "aliens from Pleiades destroyed it"

NO offense but some brain cells are needed.... fast.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 11:22 AM
Are you guys stalking my thread? You shouldn't make it so obvious, posting only four minutes and seven minutes after my last post, and leave like half an hour or an hour between posts or people will catch on, wasn't that covered in your "knowledge management" training?
edit on 1-6-2012 by PlanetXisHERE because: epiphany

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE
Are you guys stalking my thread? You shouldn't make it so obvious, posting only four minutes and seven minutes after my last post, and leave like half an hour or an hour between posts or people will catch on, wasn't that covered in your "knowledge management" training?
edit on 1-6-2012 by PlanetXisHERE because: epiphany

Aren't you derailing your own thread by making an off-topic post?

Please answer the questions.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by alphabetaone

Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE
Are you guys stalking my thread? You shouldn't make it so obvious, posting only four minutes and seven minutes after my last post, and leave like half an hour or an hour between posts or people will catch on, wasn't that covered in your "knowledge management" training?
edit on 1-6-2012 by PlanetXisHERE because: epiphany

Aren't you derailing your own thread by making an off-topic post?

Please answer the questions.

As I said, if you restate the questions, taking out the sarcasm, rudeness and hyperbole - I promise I will, they are easily answered - until then I decline.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

You haven't answered anything.. You've made excuses, you've used dubious sources, and you claim people are knowledge management specialists.... Personally I'm just someone sick and tired of hearing the same stuff spewed with different dates to fit whatever the fad is at the time..

You seem like i said before to have a brain cell or two in your head, use them, research EVERYTHING on a topic not just what fits your view, and you'll find a lot of it is and had been rebuked even by people who believe in aliens..

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE

Okay, thanks, I get what you're saying now.

How are the disclosure negotiations going? How come you never mention your father?

I don't mention Father because, he is, for the most part, not involved with theis "operation". Which is t say; he is in Andromeda, performing his normal duties.

Disclosure: All of the G-20 have "signed off" on the protocls for disclosure, and everything shuld be ready to go forward, as son, as all other governments agree to the conditions. However, there are a few governments that have not "signed-off", and seem to be resisting.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by alphabetaone

That wee Maori lession was rather needed here I think.

The falling of the veil. Now of course metaphysically speaking the "veil" between the material and spiritual worlds can never fall, for there must always be something separateing these two realms. However, it does provide for the possibility of this "spiritual awakening" that so many want to predict. It also provides some insight into a few thoughts I had after crawling around the Sirian Historical data archive.

It seems that about 4000 years ago, or so, when the Sirians were reaching the end of their colonial days here on Earth, that some measures to retain Earth as; not just a viable colony, but a "full member" of Sirian territory as well, may have been imlemented. This notion of mind had the Sirians leaving Earth, but, leaving a small group behind to retain the "colony" status. This would have its greatest effect in "interstellar" court, and could give Earth "ownership" to the Sirian Orion alliance.

I had some other thoughts; like containating the Terrestrial gene pol with Sirian DNA, however, it seems that didn't hapen. Still more research to do on that (no Y-Chroose contamination, I haven't checked out mtDNA yet).

T your other coents. This, "shift" that everyone talks about so much is an entirely Terrestrial invention. What ET has noticed however, is that Terrestrials see to be on a sort of "fast track" to "advancement". Not just in the siritual sense, but, in all other areas as well. For instance; 8000 years age, when the Sirians arrived, they were a good 9000 years ahead of Terrestrials in all areas. Today, Sirians are lucky to be more than a couple of hundred years more advanced, and loosing ground rapidly. And, that boys and girls is the larger reason ET is even here.

Etharzi od Oma.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 12:57 PM
Well, perhaps we can at least keep all the wild fiction in one thread. That's a plus, I suppose.

Like I said, the creator of these videos went too far. Maybe he could further his agenda if he didn't try to pile all conspiracy theories into one basket. But alas, his all-knowing, shy but helpful alien seems to confirm ALL conspiracies discussed on these boards. Sorry.. you lose. Try again?

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
Well, perhaps we can at least keep all the wild fiction in one thread. That's a plus, I suppose.

Like I said, the creator of these videos went too far. Maybe he could further his agenda if he didn't try to pile all conspiracy theories into one basket. But alas, his all-knowing, shy but helpful alien seems to confirm ALL conspiracies discussed on these boards. Sorry.. you lose. Try again?

We could only hope he's off and running again with THIS THREAD on Nibiru sightings......

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Went back and looked and a couple of years ago a few people pointed out the flaws in your evidence of "alien" ancestry... You balked then but the science still holds true to what I posted (and I hadn't even seen the other thread until today) that you are a well meaning human being but with some severe delusional tendencies...

Get help, get help fast...... please......

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 02:12 PM
This is the effects of massive unemployment in the US.....

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by fleabit

Like I said, the creator of these videos went too far. Maybe he could further his agenda if he didn't try to pile all conspiracy theories into one basket.

I agree fleabit.

Furthermore, me being from NJ, I know one thing for in NJ when you want to make a point to someone else, you don't cloak and dagger them, you dont beat around the bush them, and you definitely leave the frosting in the fridge.......if you're an other worldly being, you come out and say you are....."Here, look, I can make stuff float! Check out my 2 heads! Oh and by the way, here's the recipe for FTL travel andddddddd since I'm short on time, you can use an ordinary toothbrush to predict Megaquakes and here is how"

That's how we HERE in the Garden State would expect to hear about it. None of this "You arent ready!" [Cue Whitley Streiber Post Communionesque While being Abducted Music]

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by vkey08
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Went back and looked and a couple of years ago a few people pointed out the flaws in your evidence of "alien" ancestry... You balked then but the science still holds true to what I posted (and I hadn't even seen the other thread until today) that you are a well meaning human being but with some severe delusional tendencies..

Get help, get help fast...... please......

I'm sorry, What science are you referring to? What was "pointed out"?

I have to defend myself against almost everyone, it seems, and it gets difficult to remember specific conversations. Like the one wherein I stated I've seen doctors for an entire lifetime. I guess you weren't in that one. In any discussion of my evidence, it would be much better to stick to the evidence and leave the ameture psychology out, it serves no purpse other than to insulate from truth.

Anyway, I'd like to see your hypothesis. While I'm sure the data can explain, but, it still need to.

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by vkey08
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Went back and looked and a couple of years ago a few people pointed out the flaws in your evidence of "alien" ancestry... You balked then but the science still holds true to what I posted (and I hadn't even seen the other thread until today) that you are a well meaning human being but with some severe delusional tendencies...

Get help, get help fast...... please......

To be honest, vkey, given what Anthra has said about himself, I think I'd be surprised to find that his DNA was radically different from ours. He's already said that he's essentially a human from another planet, as opposed to being something with tentacles etc; and him saying that, isn't the first time I've heard that suggestion. Some of the military people who've talked about UFOs, have said that they know aliens who could pass as human completely undetectably, within a crowd of us.

To me it's also fairly logical that other beings from at least a reasonably nearby region of space, would have similar or the same anatomy to ours, as well. When you think about it, in pure environmental manipulation terms, there's only so many ways that you can design a body so that it will work well; and to me, the human body's design is pretty good. I played the computer game Spore for a bit; it lets you put together a lot of different anatomical designs, so you get to test out what works and what doesn't. I found a design loosely based around the kangaroo, but with much stronger legs, and a thicker tail, to be the biologically fittest design, overall.

The human spine is a bit rubbish, perhaps; but apart from that, I could definitely see our general shape as being at least a regional prototype. We always imagine tentacles and three heads, but to me it's more sensible to ask whether or not an alien with tentacles would really have use for them; and on land, they're not likely to. Most creatures are unlikely to be able to develop advanced technology without an opposable thumb, or something that can similarly manipulate objects, either.

So I can't see too many holes in Anthra's story, really. Saying I can't see any holes in it, doesn't prove it, no; but it doesn't disprove it, either.

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 04:43 PM
me Chinese me play go pee pee in your coke...yeah these threads make about as much sense as that

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

I find it difficult to believe that you have forgotten THIS THREAD which you yourself started, and where someone it appears that has some experience in DNA and familial histories completely and totally destroyed your assertion that your "results" proved you were of Extraterrestrial origin. I also attempted to show along some of the same lines how your results, from an incomplete database (as others pointed out to you apparently) could account for your dependencies, as well as the warning from the site itself that says there are gaps in their data and it should not be used as definitive..

I was trained as a profiler at one point in my life, prior to having children, and settling into a life of CGI work so I could be around for them, and there are tells you've used that would even in typed form, hit red flags for me..

I think the biggest flag was this "contest" to see which Andromedean was the real one Mythi or You, and honestly neither actually present a compelling argument.

And again to state it, we would be a vain and short sighted people to think that we are alone in the universe, there's so much space and so little we really know about the vastness of said space that it's almost a 100% certainty that there are other species/lifeforms/sentient beings out there just awaiting us to find them or them to find us, but honestly, I think if either were to really happen, they would make themselves very known to us, and in the words of Captain Archer from ST: Enterprise:

We are all explorers, driven to know what's over the horizon, what's beyond our own shores……. the most profound discoveries however, are not necessarily beyond that next star, but within us ourselves...

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by vkey08

Oh yes, one of the better arguements.

What the poster showed, yet without mentining it, is that Omnipop showed a cncentration of "hits" in India. The thers, in Europe, Africa, and others, were so small that immigration could easily account for the "false positives".

I'm nt sure if Terrestrial faily history was entered into very much. However, n T. father's side the family was traced back to 1300's Scottland. Yet, my Y-DNA is solidly Indian. And, no, there was no adoption, nor any other "birth anomalies", other than my T mother had a live birth for a change.

The nly logical conclusion that could coe fr that cnversation is that there was not enough data. The issue remains inconclusive. At best the DNA decreases the probability that I'm ET by some amount. However, other evidence also suggests that I'm ET, and does so a bit more strongly.

Trained as a profilier eh? Care to render a profile? Could be interesting.

I think the biggest flag was this "contest" to see which Andromedean was the real one Mythi or You, and honestly neither actually present a compelling argument.

I wasn't aware there was a contest. I was wanting enough data to "see" if Mythi could be remotely Andromedan. Unfortunately, the only data we got was more usless ramblings of Capt'n Bill.

edit on 2-6-2012 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2012 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
In any discussion of my evidence, it would be much better to stick to the evidence and leave the ameture psychology out, it serves no purpse other than to insulate from truth.

What truth can be gleaned at all here? There is no truth, only opinion.

Let's face some facts, short of the full scope of your medical records there is no truth to be gleaned here. No truth to be insulated from in the first place....if YOU think you know the truth, then what's said here doesn't erode any insular secret you believe you hold nor does it affect the shielding you think you must keep.

It seems the scales have tipped in media, on ATS, towards the direction of sensationalism, where once the onus was on the sensationalist to provide proof of their outlandish claims, now it seems that the burden of proof is on the critical thinkers; that we must prove something MAKES no sense rather than attempting to prove it does.

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