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Updates - Answers from an Alien from Andromeda

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posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by vkey08
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

1) You cannot use "any ID" to get a DNA result, they must interface with the Federal Database, and therefore all results are cross checked against existing sample, this is the reality of life, understand this. You must provide legal and verifiable ID, otherwise they are not a licensed facility and the results should always be considered dubious. All colleges and researchers must also adhere to this protocol, again it's the law, get over yourself.

While they didn't ask for the autosoal fo any kind of ID, they did ask for a name n the Y-DNA. With both a credit card was associated. As for the licensing both are accredited labs, I also had the foresight t check out what protcls they, which analyzers, etc. So that I could be confidant of accurate result.

Further, the results of the first lab were confirmed by the results of the second. These were two labs, in two states. The tests were for different components of my DNA. Data from the first "predicted" the results of the second. The resuts f the secnd confirmed the prediction. Data does funny things like that. Other predictions are that my Terrestrial mother is also from east-central India. Both general haplo groups are associated with rural "tribal" areas. Also, as I'm currently learning, the closest haplo group match id "F", which is apearently kind of rare.

2) I have read back over every single thing you're written,

No, you haven't read everything I've written, not in less than 24 hours. How many of my metaphysical papers have you read?

You claim to know how databases work, if the database doesn't have all the info to check against, it cannot be 100% accurate. Never - no how, not one iota of anything you're peddling even suggests mildly that you are nothing other than a human being.

And, you obviously know little about relational databases, their design, management, security, etc. I do that for a living.

The "story" has not changed, excet in the minds of those who may have difficulty with reading comprehension. Although, the "expression" of that story changes every time it is related; yet is remains the same "story".

3) off the DNA thing, and back to your changing story, wayback is a wonderful creature, you may be able to delete posts and pages and some sites you've posted on may be gone now, but that doesn't mean that they aren't archived out there for everyone to see..

Yes there are "posts" dating back to the early 90's; so? Go read, knock yourself out.

Before you respond to this particular comment I would hope you would think very very very carefully... Because a posted in one of your other threads hit you on the nail and you blew it off as some sort of wishful thinking, it wasn't however, if you're so big n bad on the databases, you would know once on the net, always on the net.. and you would know how to find it..


If you think you have something; import it!

4) as for your general demeanor.. The more one protests people's logical arguments, the more they are trying to hide something,

Quite simply; not always true.

I sometimes stumble over what i'm trying to say and have to give up simply because I know no matter how I put it it won't come out right, however, you go into lengths to try and prove to people that have worked around this sort of thing before (dna testing) that you are right and they are wrong to the point that you use fallacious arguments "They are not medical" wellhey are, and there's i s increasing pressure on the government to shut down "DNA Mills" which have been found to be wholly inaccurate in their results...time and time again.

Lets see, people that have worked with DNA analysis; that would be one. A person from the South who was a forensic scientist. He suggested a relatively new process that used lasers, and was at the tie barely eady for "prime time", he agreed with the anomalous DNA characterization and we parted ways. His test fell through and never hapened; his decision.

As most STR analysis examines markers chosen for their high intra-group variation, the utility of these particular STR markers to access inter-group relationships may be greatly diminished.

Don't really care "why" the markers that were chosen were. They are used because of international agreement, and have becoe the default standard; that is all that is required of the data. Many of the people who have argued have done so frm a platform consisting of only "some" of the data. Such wholly improper data analysis, can make virtually anything "look" like anything else. Using ALL of the data is the only ogical method.

You'll need to suply sources for your objections to the DNA.

Etharzi od Oma.

edit on 3-6-2012 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Ok. I'm willing to bite here.

But, let's try something a little different if that would be ok?

Tell me about the Roswell incident.....not the STORY, I know the story inside and were alive then right? You should know what REALLY happened pretty well from the ET Human side, what was the deal?

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by alphabetaone
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Ok. I'm willing to bite here.

But, let's try something a little different if that would be ok?

Tell me about the Roswell incident.....not the STORY, I know the story inside and were alive then right? You should know what REALLY happened pretty well from the ET Human side, what was the deal?

You do realize I was 4 months old at that time. All I have are stories. If you mean a "story of alternate source", yeah, I got some of them too. Don't put much stock in it though, virtually nothing to back it up.

As far as I can see; some dumbA** Reticulan got hiself shot down, Just what he deserved for thinking that Terrestrials are "lesser".

Etharzi od Oma.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

You do realize I was 4 months old at that time. All I have are stories. If you mean a "story of alternate source", yeah, I got some of them too. Don't put much stock in it though, virtually nothing to back it up.

As far as I can see; some dumbA** Reticulan got hiself shot down, Just what he deserved for thinking that Terrestrials are "lesser".

Etharzi od Oma.

Ok so basically, you don't think there was some collusion between the US Government and ET's prior to it happening then correct? What I mean by that is, that you don't think that they were there to attempt to work with the US or talk with them or otherwise try to get them to do anything at all, and instead was just some dumb error that got them killed?

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 11:58 AM
@Anthra: since it is you who seem to give validity to your dubious results it is your responsibility as the one providing it as proof to rule out any and all anomaly's before stating in a proud voice "I have proof I am extraterrestrial from Andromeda" There has been much written, even with regards to criminal cases on where there is still a lot of work to be done on the DNA databases and the information contained within, as well as missing populations halpotypes and the "dead areas" where there are supposedly no matches.

Even with twins, they sometimes get anomalous readings, again you missed where I've done a lot of research into genetic testing, mainly as a way to track disabilities in children, and the fact that both my brother and I have children with almost identical disabilities, as well as his set of identical twins being almost 100% on the spectrum at the same level, despite both having one marker not in common, which should be theoretically impossible in identical twins. But it again goes to show that we do not have all the answers, and what you see as proof that you are from Mars, could very well mean that it's a not before seen or not oft seen mutation on one strand that came through in the testing.

Your contention that it is not medical is also wrong, you're in your 60's? in one sentence you say you're only 18 months old, in another 62, make up your mind, honestly, I've spent enough years as an investigator that I could relay stories that would curl your spine, and some that seem too strange to be reality, and some that turned out to be stranger than fiction, but with solid basis in scientific fact, and in the end it was someone's misunderstanding of how the system went that caused the confusion.

So here is how I see it, you may not agree, in fact I can guarantee you won't agree because you have closed your mind to anything other than you were standing on some star ship and they told you you were from Andromeda.

You are probably wrong in your assumption and your analysis of your data, people who want to believe something enough can make any data fit their theory so long as it confirms what they want the world to believe, it does not make it so however. The only way your data would be correct in it's assessment, is if 3 independent researchers with the correct tools took your data and did a huge study on it and concluded in the end that your results were correct and that it proved you were not human. This should not cost you a dime, just call around to colleges and tell them your story, tell them you have DNA results that you think proves you are not human, you would like clarification, colleges won't charge you to run the analysis, I can tell you though I ran your assessment by the researchers at Yale-New Haven where I'm doing a lot of it with the kids, and they had a really good laugh at your expense. They looked at your conclusions on your website and asked how a "computer engineer" could even have the slightest understanding of what they were reading, other than the database spit back a no -match. For a Halpotype that has not been fully fed into the system as of yet. That in itself should give you an idea of how people will respond though, not of of these researchers bought that anyone especially professionals whose licensees depended on making sure people were not a threat to themselves or others, would even engage you in this fantasy, in fact the response was "Any psychologist or psychiatrist that would ever condone this without having the testing that this man did verified by at least 3 other sources besides his own punching info into an online database, should have their licensees immediately removed for violating the basic tenants of our field.. "

Now you should understand that this is not meant o be mean, but to make you wake up and realize, you didn't' do your homework correctly, you are missing large parts of this puzzle and until you have those you cannot definitively say "I'm an alien. look at my proof"

Befuddle and bedazzle with terms, that's all it seems you're doing at this point....

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by vkey08

Just a few things:
1) I never said it was proof, What I said was; its evidence. I don't kow about you or your education, but, in mine; evidence is not neccessarily proof. Should the evidence be strog and compelling enough, then it may be proof.

2) Being on a starship, looking at the Earth some 60,000 miles away, is a rather convincing event. You should try it sometime. Yes, I know, you will now discount "personal experience"; after all "he ight be lying". -- Get a Grip!!!

3) My age; depends on which society you are referring to. On Earth, since I've been here 65 years, I' thought of as old. In Andrrmedan society, I'm very young, approximately equivalent to a Terrestrial 18 month old.

Local Universities, actually any University won't touch my case. The whole thing about them doing it for free, is silly, simple ecconmics and logic would tell you that they won't / can't be too willing to spend $100,000's to do this research, with what they have to perceive as a low probability of "meaningful" result. They are be wrong of course, just as you are.

Tell me; how many other cases of "mipslaced markers" (my temp. term), do you know of? And, what are the circumstances of the DNA "source"? But, I'm kind of betting that right now, you have no idea that my case is not unique..

The comments your "scientist" friends made. I'll just remind y'all that when your computer des anything at all, it is because someone like me told it to. The data analysis method and technique I use were developed over a 40 year period, from practical expirence in a very broad spectrum of industry.

In my data searches, I didn't simply take "no records found" for an answer. Knowing that all DNA changes over time, I applied a number of "patterned" queries to the database. And, the database I used for the Y-DNA (the strongest element currently) is a global repository (data werehouse) specifically for Y-DNA, it is quite simply, the single most complete compilation of Y-DNA data on the planet.

The autosomal, what you seem to be having so much trouble with, is little more than an expanded CODIS panel. As an expirenced investigator, you should have a very good appriciatin for CODIS and the "leads" it can generate. In more modern times this CODIS data has even been used to identify the "race" of an unknown suspect. True the results aren't perfect, however, "perfect" is like "ideal", and is wholly unachievable in any practical sense. Thus "perfection" is not a requirement, so we design for the closest approximation we can get, in a practical sense. In any case, the Autosomal has "vindicated" itself with its successful prediction of "father". You really should take a better, open minded, look at the data.

And, on "doing my homework". Compared to successful Engineers, trained, expirenced Investigators are "ametures". I hope that offends as much as you have offended. These minor "offences" may bear some merit, they however, do not alter truth. Engineers find the best viable solution to an issue, we don't chase "leads" nor go on "fishing" expiditions.

Just a question, how many peer reviewed "white papers" have you read on DNA protocls, result analysis, anything? How many papers on Data base design, management, security, etc.? How about data mining? Or predictions?

Befuddle and bedazzle with terms, that's all it seems you're doing at this point....

What can I say? Learn the language or don't ask.

Anyway, enough ranting. Y'all have a good day.

Etharzi od Oma

edit on 4-6-2012 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 03:36 PM


posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by vkey08

Ya know it is always better when people can be civilized, I'm not sure whee you found that link, however, it appears to go literrly "NOWHERE!".

Do you not think that it would be better t use reality and trutht "debunk" me, rather than "something" you found? I mean rally! Do you have anything that would link me to that? Like something on my server.

Posting "stuff" with the intentin of causing harm, shows you have no honor!.

What the hell is GDC?

edit on 4-6-2012 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Civilized? You call me an amateur and throw insults and I have to be civilized? That was just my absolute frustration at you not listening to a word that was said.. and replying with I hope you're offended, you bet I am, you have done nothing but toot your own horn and try to peddle dubious results as evidence of extraterrestrial heritage, any time anyone points out otherwise you reply with the following or a variant of :

"You dont' understand what you're talking about, I know better than you, my results are without question"

So maybe in plain English you may understand:

I ran your results by DNA researchers, they plugged it into databases as you had, they asked where in the world you go the idea it in any way said you were an alien? They also wondered if you realize that all humans originate in the Indo-African branch and therefor of course all humans on the planet will show links, but that's hardly important as you were born in the United States of America and any Euro-halpotypes would maybe not match as we are a hybrid nation. Also it's been pointed out with quotes that DNA testing is a very unreliable science when it's not done by qualified people, just understanding how databases work does not make you qualified in DNA science just as I don't have a degree in DNA science, I do however have a degree in forensics, and therefore I am hardly an amateur.

Then I get some nice prodding from others that you have supposedly scammed with this, and they all pointed me to your former site and postings you've made around the net, all of which tell an entirely different story up until 2006 or so, then this Andromeda thing pops out, before that you are peddling interesting wares all over the place,
After the Andromeda story came out, interesting at at about that time, you removed all of the "other activities" from your site, I don't know why, maybe to hide and mask the fact that it would have led people to think you were just a person trolling for attention. I've been patient, I've explained my points, I've even referenced your own ramblings and still you presume to think that you're an alien, fine well have at it, just don't expect that I am going to sit here and not point out that I think you're off your rocker and that you are not an alien from Andromeda, but rather a human with a delusion, a delusion that seems to have taken over your life to the point that you can't even look at reality, or objective data and explanations and see anything other than stupidity.

You have been condescending and off the wall throughout, you point to some bible code as proof, someone on one of your postings called you on that and you went hyper on them, a lot of us have called you on this so called DNA evidence (and you are the one who called it proof in your own threads not I) of Proof you are from Andromeda, it's simply not so... All anyone has asked you to do is sit down with a REAL researcher, and a REAL doctor and a REAL psychologist and explain this, and see what they say, I'm sorry if it sounds rude and harsh, but sometimes that's the way to get through, I've kept my cool on this site for years, through a lot of abuse, a lot of "OMG" moments and a lot of I just wanna curl up and die times, funny that you should be the one to cause me to lose it for even one moment.. but that's what happens when you dont' listen, I've read all of your proofs, your papers your exposes on why you think you're an alien, I've read you say there's everywhere from 10 to 1 to 50 spaceships conveniently large enough to block out stuff, but no-one can see them, 100K Km above the planet..but noone can see them but you. You claim to have all this knowledge? then prove it, you've proven NOTHING, not one thing except that you know terms and know approximately where they go to make it look good. You talk about Peer Review, get your proof peer reviewed, I bet you can't, why? because it shows one thing, YOU ARE HUMAN, deal with it...

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by vkey08

"You dont' understand what you're talking about,

Appearently you don't.

I know better than you, my results are without question"

I never intended t iply this, so; any interpretation along these lines is all you.

You seem to be putting an awful lot of energy trying to "disqualify" the data You have asked your "scientist" friends, but, somehow, I don't think you provided them with anything other than your fantasy version of my story. Just how much of the data did relay to them, and did you attempt to explain the hypothesis; I'm betting not. So, of course they would respond that way, hell, I would.

As a Forensic scientist yu should know that CODIS arkers are well capable of showing the population of orgin for anybody. That is what Omnipop attempts to do. It is also what some genetic geanlogy copanies do. Both with good success. More modern technology, better database design, more data, and the whole process improves

You attempt to disregard accredited labs, Claiming they violated HIPPA, are not qualified, etc. These sae labs likely do contract work for government and law enforcement. So, I doubt their results are as bad as you make out. And, speaking of that; did you get the source?

In any case, as I have said, the results of the second test verify the results and redictions of the first. So, your "DNA test are not valid" notion is shown, by the data itself, to be the invalid "idea".

So, haveing Indian DNA is not unusual, true. However, knowing that the DNA results predict "tribal" India parents (father is known, mother predicted); What do you suppose I "look" like? Please describe my phenotype.

And, again, I have "real" doctors, provided by the goovernment, see them on a regular basis.

Ya know its funny, if I had presented this data almost any other way, it would have had a significantly better probability of acceptance. But, since the assertion is "Extraterrestrial", it is rejected without even a cursory review, nor even obtaining all of the data.Tis sad

Yes, as I have said; the data shows that I' Human, it does not however, show that I'm terrestrial.

edit on 4-6-2012 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

That was...hysterical.

Are there any more of these? (I should grab some popcorn.)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by vkey08

Just a quick note: The lab that did the autosoal DNA was: General Genetics Corp. Link

The Y-DNA: Ancesty by DNA link

The databases I used were Omnipop, and "Y chromosome Haplotype Reference Database (YHRD)":

Perhaps that will help you some.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by vkey08
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

You haven't answered anything.. You've made excuses, you've used dubious sources, and you claim people are knowledge management specialists.... Personally I'm just someone sick and tired of hearing the same stuff spewed with different dates to fit whatever the fad is at the time..

You seem like i said before to have a brain cell or two in your head, use them, research EVERYTHING on a topic not just what fits your view, and you'll find a lot of it is and had been rebuked even by people who believe in aliens..

Notice the thread title?

As a reminder it is: "Updates - Answers of an Alien from Andromeda".

I suggest that anyone looking at that title and being on ATS and hoping to come on this thread to get any sort of hard evidence has unrealistic expectations of the worst kind.

Please review the note that is at the top of every page in the "Aliens and UFO's" section:

"This forum is dedicated to the discussion of historic and contemporary events related to extraterrestrial encounters, UFO sightings, and speculation about related subjects. Discussion topics and follow-up responses in this forum will likely tend to lean in favor of the existence of extraterrestrials and the related conspiracies, scandals, and cover-ups. Members who would seek to refute such theories should be mindful of our tradition of supporting the examination of the extraterrestrial phenomenon on the related conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and scandals."

Did you note the word speculation?

Did you see anything that even hinted at hard evidence?

You don't like what I'm writing, fine, that's your right - BUT NOBODY IS FORCING YOU TO READ THIS THREAD.

This is ATS, not Scientific American, anyone wishing for complete accuracy and unequivocal evidence might have a more rewarding time on the latter.

I believe I stated in my opening post I wished to DISCUSS the content of these videos, I never stated I wished to prove them beyond a reasonable doubt.

So my intent in this thread is to discuss the content of the videos - and I consider engaging any debunkers a waste of time and will not further do so on this thread - so don't expect a response.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

And another alien from Andromeda popped in to tell you that the videos were bunk..

So talking abotu the content of the videos and why they are most likely bunk, and recycled form other sources, you have made excuses, just as Anthra has made excuses as to why noone who reads his site (not someone's fantasy version of his story, but his own story of being from ANDROMEDA [wasn't that in the thread title] is wrong.) You seem to also believe the drivel posted in front of you as some sort of divine intervention of sorts and it's the greatest info around, however nothing that Captain Bill/Mythi/the Computer Voice says is not easily found here on ATS on a daily basis, much more of it with compounding proof than either of you can put together at any moment.

It's the material itself that's been presented so to summarise again:

@PlanetXisHere: the videos are a bunch of bunk, for reasons that have been given again and again and again, including but not limited to other 2012 sites stating that Captain Bill is an attention hog. You just dont' want to believe that someone could do that, oh well, your loss.. It's something like your Nibiru thread, every time someone points out the obvious, you're quick to yell scream and accuse.. hell there may be a rouge planet out there, great, it's not only viewable to a select few at certain points in certain areas and not seen by anyone else., Just like Captain Bill is not privileged to special information (you should go back and listen to each and every single video and line up the stuff with ATS's front page, it all matches up, thought you'd be smart enough t\o figure that one out, guess not.. so I'm letting you know, it matches perfectly each time the front page has sensational stories, Captain Bill has a new Q&A with Mythi that parrots them.

@Anthra: you keep rehashing the same argument, that I somehow dont' understand what you're saying. I do understand what you are saying, but databases have nothing to do with reality, and if you were in fact in touch with "government doctors" your proof would not be up on the web for all to see, it's just not done sir. Couple that with the fact that anything and anyone who reads your site, I again stress YOUR SITE about how you are an alien from Andromeda without any extra extrapolation on my part, all comes to the same conclusion, you do not understand enough about the results you are getting to come away with the evidence that you are not a human being born of the planet Earth of two human parents from the planet earth... Doctors even government ones have a code of conduct they MUST adhere to, and telling someone that they are right, they are an alien form Andromeda is not adhering to those doctrines, but you dont' care about every singe person that's told you you're wrong, we all must be because we simply dont' understand anything you've presented, that's pretty smug and shortsighted of you to think that.. Your own words Anthra, Your own proof Anthra, nothing more nothing less has been asked of others, all of them come up with the same response, get help, get help now before you ruin your life with this fantasy...

So here we have two conflicting Andromedean sources both probably as batty as each other duking it out for supremacy, to the point that Anthra has even said he's the Roswell Alien in a thread.. and other posts around the web... sorry but if that doesn't just make for good reading I don't know what does, but neither of you have the right to sit there and condem those of us who actually do the research, and come up with multiple reasons why both Mythi and Anthra are both full of it...

PlanetX: i think you've just gotten too involved int al this doom and gloom it's a phase it will pass and you'll be OK, Anthra on the other hand seems to have issues that no one here can help him with, and despite all attempts by numerous people, wont' get the real help he needs..

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
reply to post by vkey08

Just a quick note: The lab that did the autosoal DNA was: General Genetics Corp. Link

The Y-DNA: Ancesty by DNA link

The databases I used were Omnipop, and "Y chromosome Haplotype Reference Database (YHRD)":

Perhaps that will help you some.

It should have helped you understand why your results weren't' perfect.. the third site keeps updating it's database, and states quite clearly it's hardly complete... and results should not be considered absolute... sorry you shot down your own research on that one.

the second site has been at the back end of some very serious lawsuits for shoddy results over the years... no wonder they changed their name to downplay the company behind it.

the first site looks like a really nice wordpress layout with some hype thrown in for good measure..

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by vkey08

I appreciate your concern for our well-being.

I have gone on record stating that if the current tectonic/meteorlogical activity/anomalies decrease by Jan 2013, and we have no obvious major changes to the earth, I will happily concede that it was nothing and stay away from "End of the World" conspiracies for the rest of my life.

I have also said that some of information relayed in these videos is better than some of the best science fiction I have ever read, such that there is a joint Alien - T. Human base on Mars now, with some elites and their minion workers, guards and scientists - and that the atmosphere of Mars is or close to being habitable - albeit cold. Even if it isn't true it is quite entertaining. However, for much else on the videos there is much circumstantial evidence and some of the info is much more credible. Anyway, it has been my contention from the outset, well stated I believe, not to attempt to prove these claims - merely to discuss them. Pretty much exactly the same situation found on thousands of the religious threads on this site.

As for Anthra - if he is happy and not a threat to himself or others - usually one of the major thresholds for psychiatric intervention - why plague him?

Again, if people are not a threat to themselves or others, I believe they have a right to do pretty much and talk about pretty much whatever they would like, unless they are living in North Korea, and ATS is one of the few places on the internet where speculation on almost everything and anything is rampant and accepted thought not necessarily agreed with - and if you disagree or find us or these topics "batty" I really can't fathom why you would spend hours on this thread.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Seriously? You believe you are an alien from Andromeda?

Personally, I find that hard to believe. I am big into E.Ts and spirituality but I highly doubt the aliens would take you on board a ship and tell you that you aren't human (Terran, I should say).

Also, your 'evidence' is nothing more than fanciful reading. It might be 'rare' but that in no way means you are not from here. It simply means your DNA has a slight variation to others.

So, by your logic, Ireland and the Irish are an entirely different breed of human?
Barely 1.5% of the world's male population has the Haplogroup R1b but in Western Europe (Where the Irish have emigrated and inter bred for tens of thousands of years) that number dramatically rises until you reach Ireland itself where the percentage reaches 98%.

So, are the Irish aliens that have bred with other 'Human' races and spread this Y-DNA?

On another note, when you mentioned that the 'F' chromosome is rare you clearly don't know much about the world's demography; some 80% of the world's population belongs to 'F' and its subclades except Africa where the dominant chromosome is A, E, B.

Your argument is deeply flawed and your 'evidence' proves nothing more than the fact your Y Chromosome originated in the Middle East, most likely Saudi Arabia.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

I'm glad you asked about the threat to self or others as it's what's really been concerning me, you obviously got the point that if it's all bunk you'll take it as such and move on, fair enough, we'll see in January of next year, Anthra however is in a position, with what he says (I am from Andromeda, I am an Extraterrestrial) to effect/affect people who may not be as sharp, or as on the ball, and something you may think is just him innocently wandering around like in this thread stating "This is true because I'm from Andromeda and I know it is" may cause someone else, a few people come to mind, to act in an irrational and potentially harmful way because Antrha the Alien told them it was OK, or what he said made them do it..

When that starts to creep in, such as another poster on here taking everything Anthra says as 100% fact (and it's happened, thankfully no ill results yet) and then goes out and acts upon that in detriment to themselves or a group of people or animals or (insert whatever here) then Anthra becomes responsible, if he's been lying all along, then he is guilty of negligence if he truly believes it, with just what he's posted, he's still guilty but needs to be evaluated... either way it's a dangerous place to be, and seems like he enjoys that power over people's minds, and when it's questioned, well..

So that should answer that question, why spend so much time, mainly to get Anthra to either a) come clean or b) admit he may not have thought this whole thing through..

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by vkey08
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

When that starts to creep in, such as another poster on here taking everything Anthra says as 100% fact (and it's happened, thankfully no ill results yet)

Not saying I don't believe this, but would be interested in seeing said example...........

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by vkey08
It should have helped you understand why your results weren't' perfect.. the third site keeps updating it's database, and states quite clearly it's hardly complete... and results should not be considered absolute... sorry you shot down your own research on that one.

Just "when" did I say that my results were "perfect"?

And, you will need to provide a bit more than "you shot yourself down". Care to elaborate a bit? (actually, I'm not intending that to be optional, but I understand how you may not have that "together" enough for an intelligent comment).

the second site has been at the back end of some very serious lawsuits for shoddy results over the years... no wonder they changed their name to downplay the company behind it.

Well, this doesn't surprise me. However, as I have already said, the results of both test tend to verify the other.
So, any issues they may have, or have had, are not relevant here.

the first site looks like a really nice wordpress layout with some hype thrown in for good measure..

Actually, that is a PHP site, intended for marketing, and doesn't appear to be related to "WordPress". So, yeah, you get the "hype", that is what marketing is about. It is too bad you didn't explore the site, you would find that General Genetics is not one of the "fly-by-night" scams you were trying to make them out to be. Indeed, they appear to be very serious about the DNA business, and continue to expand ito other related areas.

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