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There Are LOADS Of Jobs Out There, But People Don't Want To Work!

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posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by Kryties
There you go again, assuming everyone has the same life and opportunities as you.

Pray tell, how did you learn programming and networking? Did you pay to learn it by any chance?

I bought a book on web design and web programming
I believe in total it must have costed me maybe 90$ in total

Originally posted by Kryties
You would have had to in order to get official qualifications to work in the field so can you please explain to the rest of us how exactly you were able to pull money out of your ass in order to pay for said training? I am sure many of us would love to know how to make free money.....

I bought a book and did contracts for web design

After a while I studied database development, SQL and database adminstration
Then I created database applications and tried selling it to local video stores and other types of stores

During this time I had no IT degree or certifications

So basically you ripped people off lied to them and misrepresented your qualifications. You are such a fine upstanding citizen I commend you.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by dreamseeker

I kicked the "Dis" out years ago and EN-abled myself to do whatever I want beyond my wildest dreams.

I make a hell lot more than you make on disability by working.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by The Sword

As an individual, if you are confronted with a bully manager, you have all ready stated in this thread you would not work for such a bully. As an individual, if that "bully" manager needs your skills and you refuse to grant those skills, then you have the upper hand and that "bully" manager is going to have to acquiesce to your demands. Those skills you developed, you did not do so because of some smug collective, but because of your own efforts. Take those skills and add to them the skill (or art) of negotiation, and you will do far better as an individual than you could ever do with a collective.

Besides, I know you better to truly believe you think two wrongs make a right.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:02 AM
The entire thread and the other posts I've seen about this are just utterly laughable and ridiculous. Yes.. because I want my resume to read: worked for a law firm.. worked for a fortune 500 company.. worked for McDonalds. I'm sure that will make a perspective employer say "Hey, he has GUMPTION! Tarnation.. I am going to hire that go-getter!"

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by redrose123

you'd be surprised how many skip around liscences, taxes and all actually. key point is staying below the radar, no, they're not all seeing much as people like to think they are

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by cetaphobic

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by cetaphobic
All of these jobs require training (especially electrician) which is not free or even cheap.

This thread has had alot of lazy posts
Life is not easy

It sounds like you want a fast bandaid solutions like yesterday instead of working for tomorrow

Welfare mentality!

This thread has a lot of unabashed morons
Certification is not cheap

It sounds like you want people on welfare or unemployment to stay on it for the years of training required to do these jobs!

This reeks of sitting around and whining, and getting no where fast. Sounds like a person who wants to just live on welfare as a lifestyle choice. You can sign up at a trade school and make payments, or get some financial aid.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by The Sword

I realize that yes I can work on disablity but only up to about 30 hours per week unless i work from home. This was the Drs recommendation. I would rather live to see 40 in a few years then die earlier.I was headed for a very early grave at 30 something. I would be dead now if I had not slowed down. I feel lucky to still be here.
I am not taking life for granted again. After all money is not as important as my health.
edit on 20-5-2012 by dreamseeker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
The entire thread and the other posts I've seen about this are just utterly laughable and ridiculous. Yes.. because I want my resume to read: worked for a law firm.. worked for a fortune 500 company.. worked for McDonalds. I'm sure that will make a perspective employer say "Hey, he has GUMPTION! Tarnation.. I am going to hire that go-getter!"

Hey, it's honest work. I'm working on my masters degree right now and working p/t at a Mc Donalds. No shame in working and earning a paycheck. At least I'm not sitting on my behind collecting checks and crying about how hard life is. As I said in another thread I have seen illegal aliens work harder and take jobs that lazy born and bred Americans won't work.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Indeed, it is so much an answer that states have heard the individuals complaints against this collective bargaining and enacted "Right to Work" legislation to curb it. It is most assuredly an answer, sport.

Labor unions are bullies! This is precisely why "Right to Work" legislation was enacted to deal with these bullies. Indeed, they're so much bullies that they would dictate what sort of language a person can use and claim that they represent the whole in their dictation.

You seem to have some fixation on right wing ideas that are poorly supported.

But no, I am not going to accept "I have a problem with collective bargaining because it is not individual bargaining" as a valid answer from you or any other peddler of propaganda against unions. This is nonsense in the extreme. I insist on answers that are more than assuming the conclusions they purport to justify!

Right to work legislation was enacted to prevent unions from effectively organizing, for the sole benefit of employers. People who say that this restriction on the freedom of contract was put forward by individual workers who did not wish to belong to unions are fooling nobody.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

There is nothing wrong with working at mcdonalds but that is not the answer for everyone. I have an anti body disorder where I have to limit my exposure to viruses. I also can't do some of the more demanding tasks because of my suppressed immune system.
i don't feel sorry for myself I am just realistic on what I can do. I follow the Drs orders because so far he has been right and I have been sick A LOT less often.
It is basically like saying to a diabetic eat all the sugar you want nothing will happen to you. We all know that is not true.
edit on 20-5-2012 by dreamseeker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:13 AM
I get what the OP is saying and largly agree, though he doesn't have to go off calling people with kids to care for lazy. in my neck of the woods, there's a guy who a couple years ago, started hitting up dumpsters, on college campuses, offices, everywhere's collecting things, furniturekitchenware, toys, broken electronics. he'd load them on his truck, clean them up, fix them, and have a large yard sale about every week, sell items on ebay, and on craigslist, now he and his family just recently moved into a much nicer house, and he's pretty much made this his whole business. so yeah, thinking outside the box can work

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by DrEugeneFixer

That's it, turn it into a partisan debate now. The last refuge of the incapable. I have a problem with collectives. The right wing is a collective just the same as the left wing is a collective. You also seem to have the problem of placing quotation marks around sentence that are yours pretending your quoting me. You know damn well I never said what you are pretending I said. In fact, I said I have no problem with companies making collective bargaining deals, just as long as I am able to make my own individual contract outside of that collective. You've attempted to re-frame my argument because you cannot argue against it so must necessarily invent an argument I am making. That little virus seems to be spreading in this thread among collectivists.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
Typical of the collectivist...

Ironically you insist on labeling me as part of some imagined group. That isn't very individualist of you.

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
Indeed, they're so much bullies that they would dictate what sort of language a person can use and claim that they represent the whole in their dictation.

Perhaps you've enjoyed one drink more than necessary? I have no clue what this is supposed to mean. Who is dictating language here?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:17 AM

Hey, it's honest work. I'm working on my masters degree right now and working p/t at a Mc Donalds. No shame in working and earning a paycheck. At least I'm not sitting on my behind collecting checks and crying about how hard life is. As I said in another thread I have seen illegal aliens work harder and take jobs that lazy born and bred Americans won't work.

I've served in the military overseas, I've worked non-stop since I was 15. I am not crying about how "hard" life is. I am saying it's ridiculous fiction to suggest someone who has been in a professional position for 10.. 15.. 20 years, to simply get an "honest" job at McDonalds. How can you even suggest that with a straight face?

My wife has a medical condition and is going to school. I worked at my last job for 14 years, a fortune 500 company. I have a finite # of months before my unemployment and funds dry up. I need to find a job that will pay me something that is close to what I was making previous. Getting a near minimum wage job is a laughable premise. It kills my unemployment. I'd be making about the same as I was making from unemployment. I would get pathetic medical benefits. I'd have a much more difficult time finding a job when I am working during the day. Getting an "honest" job.. where do you even come up with that? I've paid untold thousand and thousands of dollars in taxes. I don't feel even a mite guilty for collecting unemployment.. once I start to do so at least. If you were in my position, or in the position of many like me, you would feel different, trust me.

Ironically, many years ago, when I applied at a McDonalds after getting out of the Army and moving to my first wife's home town while waiting to get a real job, I was turned down. They said my qualifications were such, that they knew as soon as something came along, I'd leave. So they would not hire me.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
How easy is it to get a plumber to your house same day and sometimes same week?
How often does a plumber call you back even?
And how much does it cost?

This market is thirsty for more plumbers
More plumbers is more competition which will be better prices for you as well

What about an electrician?
Are they easy to get at your home same day?

And even more importantly landscapers
You call a landscaper sure they may come same day, but when will they start the project?
Sometimes months or weeks ahead
Sometimes they give you a quote and never call you back
Sometimes they come to do an estimation and they never send you the quote unless they do it onsite

Many of these guys are either irresponsible or they have so many contracts to work on that they don't care
And that's from the horse's mouth

There are plenty of jobs out there
But when people think of jobs they only think about the help wanted ads or
They never think of starting their own business and THAT is the problem

They wait for a job to come to them instead of them themselves going towards a new business initiative

Come on people!

I realize that this is not universal truth, some areas in ghettos have very little buyers for landscaping and also may live in appartments where the landloard takes care of it.

But in the city and suburbs there's loads of jobs
And if you live in a ghetto maybe you can drive outside of town for such a job and then move out

However let's not say there's no jobs out there
That's just not true

I'm not saying it's easy out there, but you don't jump to "There's No Jobs!!!"

Nah. Not everyone can be a plumber. Not everyone can be a landscaper. Not everyone would want to clean toilets and wash dishes if they can help it. People have their own skills that they can use. The problem starts when they're fired from their jobs, livelihoods which their competence is connected to. The point there is if the government will put the people in mind first rather than their own greedy and evil selves then we wouldn't have these problems in the first place.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by DrEugeneFixer

Ironically, now you hope to distance yourself from the very collective you've chosen to defend. Any individual can recognize nonsense when they see it. No individual is required to pretend that individuals arguing in defense of collectivism are really individualists because they are individuals.

I don't drink alcohol, but I can understand your desperation at this point.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by nahahh

Originally posted by Revealation
No company is willing to hire me for $200
Let me stop you right you can MEDITATE on those words..............................................

Ok, breaks over. 1) You ARE your own company, 2) You are your own boss and 3) You're charging too much! Lower your prices. Go after $100 instead. How HUNGRY are you? Not only do you offer GREAT service....but GREAT prices, as well. Business is done, by WORD OF MOUTH. If your work is good, and your prices are GREAT.......people WILL flock to you. Do you think Coca-Cola gained it's billions, from $10.00 a bottle or $1.00?????? During these HARD TIMES....people still have leaky roof-tops. HOOK-EM-UP. 1 New Customers, gets you 3 more.

Coca Cola sold an addicting drug (Cocaine) to it's customers... I dont think this is quite the same.

Those companies did not start from scratch either. They all had backers. The US was fresh back then also. There was room for work, even though they were paid very little, today, you have more people penalized for small companies than you would had you owned a multi billion dollar company that COULD survive.

Remember... Unless you're doing something that will benifit someone else in power... you're probably not going to make it.

How many success stories have you actually read where a person starts from nothing and becomes a rich man...from nothing. Sure, you heard these stories in the early ages, the 1800s, early 1900s, etc... But do you really think that you can do something that millions arent already doing and actually make a comfy living from it? Sure, it happens, but not in the way you're describing it. There are ALOT of factors...

But hey.. Thanks for making your success another man's heartache...

I have a very dear friend from my highschool days. His dad is a foot doc out around LSU in Baton Rouge, LA.

His family are loaded but they are also the kind of people that has parents that are very strictly.. "you have to work for it, I wont give you a dime". This guy put himself through school.. he's worked more jobs than I can remember to put himself through school. He took on more than he could carry VERY often. Often taking more than 1 job just to make ends meet. He's never lived pricey, always lived far below his means, extreemly bright, very gifted, smart, knows more about chemistry than I could ever... yet... This same guy is just about to be put on the street with his family because he is over qualified to sell insurance! The one damn thing that's actually putting food in his kids mouth right now. Now all 3 about to be booted because he cant find and hold a job to save his life.

This is the most down to earth and logical people I know... yet, you're basicly telling me that he's a looser because he cant find one of these great jobs your talkin about.

Hey, I have that same mentality about my work skills, ethics and abilities as you... Look for it, you will find it..

BUT I also know reality... it's not like you say. it will never be like you say. Its survival out there and I dont care who you know, how much you know, or how good you are at it... If you have a chance... What's the point?

The number 1 downfall with looking for a job... They know you are... and they know you need it and you often become someones bitch for a many year untill you can get into that spot.

I was talkin to one of the guys here at work today. he's in his early 20s. He's making around 20$ an hour doing almost nothing, very easy work! This is his last week...... He wants to go back to school. He's a kid making 20$ STARTING at a VERY secure job that has nothing but doors opening.

He's 21 now... how old do you think he'll be before he'll ever see 20$ again? My wadges always went up... never down, through out my working life. It took almost half of it to get where I am today. if I leave it.. i start over... ALL over... Well, not min wadge maybe, but I say age is more a factor than knowledge.

Age... Not need, not knowledge... Just Age cause wether it's in the field you're in or not... Age still = Experiance.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:24 AM
There are jobs out there. A good many of them are menial and hard and minimum wage. But, hey, we made a point of sending all those Mexicans back just so you could fulfill your dream of picking lettuce all day in the hot sun. After all, why else did you get that diploma? If you want indoor work, the local hospital needs orderlies to empty bedpans and such; and imagine the respect and dignity you'll be treated with.

Starting this thread with a complaint about not enough plumbers was silly. Plumbers have to serve an apprenticeship and then get a state license; one cannot just jump into that career.

One of the problems is that the student loan program encouraged a lot more kids to go to college and grad school than would have happened otherwise. They (and their parents) are hoping and expecting well-paid professional jobs. Moreover they're saddled with backbreaking student loan debt that they could never pay off picking lettuce. They're waiting and looking for a job commensurate with their education and a paycheck that can put a dent in their debt.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
That's it, turn it into a partisan debate now. The last refuge of the incapable.

Insults are the first refuge of the inarticulate. Let me note that you are the one spouting right wing talking points endlessly in this thread. Let others decide whether I am partisan for pointing out your clear affinities.

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
You also seem to have the problem of placing quotation marks around sentence that are yours pretending your quoting me . You know damn well I never said what you are pretending I said.

Of course I paraphrased, but only in order to clarify that you were providing no answer at all. But you still have not explained any objection to collective bargaining except to note that collective bargaining restricts those bound by the bargain from engaging in individual bargaining... but why should employers and unions be forbidden from making such bargains?

In fact, I said I have no problem with companies making collective bargaining deals, just as long as I am able to make my own individual contract outside of that collective.

There it is- you are clearly against the freedom of companies and unions to come to terms that they find mutually beneficial if this is contrary to your personal interests as an outside party. Now who's the bully?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by Shoonra

I would have to make at least $12.50 per hour to balance out my losing my benefits but now that I think about it I would have to make more to balance out my loans.
My loans would be about $400 per month when I start paying them back. So lets just round the pay I need up $2000 per month. Of course there are taxes so in reality I need to make about $2500. In reality I need to make $20 per hour Mcdonalds or low paying jobs will not do me any good at that point. I am on a special disablity repayment plan where I pay $0 until I get off disablity.
This is why the college grads won't just settle because if you only have $1000 to live on and $400 goes to loan repayment then you have to get welfare,. The whole point for me is to eventually get off of benefits in the next few years. There is nothing wrong with welfare or benefits but for me I would like to make a little more.
Plus I can't work many hours.
I think a lot of people have worked for crap and put up with so much that they are no longer willing to work themselves to death for an employer who does not care. I am 37; not 18; if I was 18 I would be ok starting at the bottom. How many times do I have to pay my dues?

edit on 20-5-2012 by dreamseeker because: (no reason given)

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