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How does one Accept Jesus?

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posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by RRokkyy

Originally posted by Akragon

People say... All you need to do is "accept Jesus into your life"... What is required to do this?

New Living Translation (©2007)
"If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it." Luke 17:33

"Except a man be born again, he cannot even see or understand the Kingdom of God!" (Mat.18:3; John 3:3) "

What Christians say about Jesus is irrelevant as Jesus was not a Christian and Christianity
is not about Jesus.

To Truly accept Jesus as God into your life you must be born again , meaning to go through a spiritual death and rebirth.
It is a change of consciousness and reversal of the Kundalini energy flow from down the spine to up the spine.

This occurs when there is Radical Understanding that you are constantly separating yourself from
your own nature as Reality. Adi Da explained this in simple terms without parables in The Knee of Listening.

Good post...

Would you mind explaining this a bit more?

I've never considered a reversal of this flow of energy... Perhaps a shift from wanting material things to wanting spiritual things?

Interesting idea!

edit on 19-5-2012 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by Akragon

Religious trolls will be ignored... im not looking for smart assed comments... i want some Christian perspectives on this issue.... and the debate will take hold from that point...

Good luck Christians

So in otherwords you only want christian perspectives so you can belittle us and deride us and tell us how wrong we are and lord it over on us then? Sorry but, you don't need our help and this is nothing but another christian bashing thead in your attempt to ridicule us.

Sorry, not taking this bait.

If you already know how this thread is a pointless waste of time and energy.

edit on 19-5-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

You are incorrect sir...

but believe what you will...

Im not going to explain myself over and over...

Asumptions help no one...

edit on 19-5-2012 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 12:02 AM
I am a new Christian! I was raised non-religious and non-spiritual, yet deep down inside I knew right from wrong (I think we all do). So my life was spent in pursuit of Spirit by way of any esoteric measure available. I would participate in psychic fairs, read books upon books, and I also had many teachers along the way (also non-Christian). My foundation was simply "New Age".

I have felt what is called "Spirit" before; a motion or energy that literally can alter reality, but I had never met Jesus even though through all those years (40+) I had heard plenty in regards to him. I attended a Unity Church years ago with a profound feeling of Fellowship and Love, yet I did not know Christ at all.

I believed he lived, as a man, but more in the lines of what others call "Ascended Master"; I even believed he rose from the grave, but I wasn't a Christian.

Then it happened, I was embraced by the Holy Spirit, the "Baptism of Fire"; the most profound life-altering experience of my life. It lasted for several days maybe even an entire week. My eyes saw the world differently, almost similarly to a psychotropic experience, the information that began to flow through me was intense and extensive that most times I was weeping and on my knees. I saw everything from the beginning of Time and Space; it was without a doubt intense and humbling, I wept and I wailed as I viewed my life through this experience. I had no clue what was happening to me and there was no one to guide me, I only knew that Eternal Life and GOD existed and He was reaching out to me!

As it subsided I began to unmask my previous paradigms as they simply just began to fall away from me. I was always a believer in the "Goddess/Mother Earth" energies, the Kundalini, the "Wheel of Life", but suddenly my mind no longer felt a part of all of that, I changed! Somehow, someway I had been altered; I now know it as "Repent". To repent doesn't mean you decide to change, the process of repent is one outside of ourselves which reaches in and tranforms us. I am not who I used to be and yet I am exactly who I should be.

I never read the Bible, I remember reading Revelation as a younger man, but I never read the Bible because I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried the words would not have any meaning to me at all.

So, I guess what I am saying, based on my own experience with the Holy Spirit (three times now) is that no amount of knowledge, no amount of reaching or learning will bring you to Him; it is through the Baptism of Spirit, through Fire that he will bring you home. If it does not happen then it is likely because it is not meant to happen or you are prevented from making the choice to receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit. There are, in my opinion, people who know how to talk spiritually, but they are without Spirit.

It is my conclusion that the Holy Spirit is you, it is you who has reached that "Nirvana" or Heaven; just not yet! Through Time and Space our "fulfilled" Soul can cast its Spirit back to ourselves to deliver our own personal redemption. If it does not happen that way it can only mean that the person in question does not have a Spirit to deliver such a Gift.

Have I met Christ yet? No, because he has not returned yet, but through the Holy Spirit I am repentive and I am now opened to receive the knowledge that is so abundantly given. Even though now I reach for the Bible, and now I find that Scripture literally comes alive, proving to me that the Bible is the "Living Word" in my life, I realize the validity in accepting Jesus and that he was truly the God-man, GOD manifest in man, so that we can "repent" in order to receive him; because we cannot overcome Death or Hell, not without GOD and GOD cannot help us without actually being within us first. We are born of Sin, no matter how innocent we are, all of us are born out of Sin, but that is not the discussion and I am not about to point out why our DNA is the way it is, as that would take us to a past that I am not a participant of by choice. Maybe when Lucifer makes his way into human form, to perform as Christ, we might get some answers. However, he will have to face Christ's return and given the fact we know the end result, I highly doubt Satan will be as forthcoming in Truth.

GOD wants to live within us, but the Temple is not equipped to contain Him; the Temple is you! Maybe it is time, ask the Holy Spirit to transform you. Simply speak to the Father and ask him to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Forget religion, forget churches, forget the Son; the Father will fill in the blanks and then you will realize that only one man contained GOD within his Temple, it was Jesus!

To be perfectly honest, anyone can declare Jesus in their heart, but it requires that we "repent" in order to receive him. To repent means to change, to transform; and if it were a choice all Christians would be Saved, but they are not. It is a Paranormal experience, not a Declaration!

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Akragon
And you assume im gay now?


Sorry I didn't know you would take the one thing in my sentence that didn't have anything to do with my point or Jesus and blow it up. It wasn't the biggest assumption. By saying that my input when directly related to the topic is not relevant somewhat proves my accusations, but I can read body languange through words on the computer (of course if body languange is 93 percent of all communication it exists in the words me see from others). I would say that you are persecuting me maybe without even knowing it, maybe the people who persecuted Jesus didn't even know it. As some here they were raised a certain way, maybe even like a lion atfer all it is nature. I know for a fact that I need to learn how to be persecuted, and that can be another relation to Christianity.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by RRokkyy
New Living Translation (©2007)
"If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it." Luke 17:33

"Except a man be born again, he cannot even see or understand the Kingdom of God!" (Mat.18:3; John 3:3) "

What Christians say about Jesus is irrelevant as Jesus was not a Christian and Christianity
is not about Jesus.

To Truly accept Jesus as God into your life you must be born again , meaning to go through a spiritual death and rebirth.

That point is something that I try to make when accepting Jesus, that Jesus was a Jew. So to Christians, why would you not respect the Jewish religion as much as the Christian religion when Jesus was a Jew?

I think the born again part has to do with ego, delusion, and realization. Accepting Jesus only has to do with loving a soul that stepped foot on this earth.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:29 AM
Many people will tell you that you need to recite some formula or perform some outward ritual or believe a certain set of historical facts. But if you look at the lives of those who have done such works, including people like Adolf Hitler, the people who conducted the inquisitions, and numerous pedophile priests, it does beg the question of "What does it mean to accept Christ?"

Perhaps it might be better to look at the idea of truly "following" Christ or becoming "Christ-like" or even attaining Christ-consciousness. This is a much more rare phenomena. All of those who say, "Lord, Lord, I did many mighty works in your name..." will not enter the kingdom of heaven (within you). But He will say, "Depart from me you doers of iniquity. I never knew you."

You will know the true followers by the fruits they bear (love, patience, kindness, peace, joy...). It has nothing to do with the names people call themselves or what buildings they go to on certain days of the week or drinking grape juice and eating crackers. The kingdom of God is within you. Be still and know..

Instead of seeking the opinions of men and traditions, what if Jesus wanted to teach you Himself?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Greensage

Define the Holy Spirit.

And for that Matter, define God. And the Holy Trinity.

You pretend to understand concepts that are, by their very Biblical definition, infinite. How can your very finite mind understand, or even begin to grasp, something so infinite?

I'll tell you how: you can't. But you want to, because you have lost all faith in mankind, so you choose the most suitable thing to have faith in...something that has no logical basis, but cannot be disproven.

This is why you have chosen religion. Because you want a failsafe, regardless of how little sense it makes. But hey, we humans are pretty damn good at not asking questions.

Maybe Loki was right. Maybe we want to be ruled. Maybe we want to feel powerless, and have someone else make order out of chaos at our expense. Maybe we want slavery, instead of overwhelming freedom that we can't handle.

So what does that say about our species?
edit on CSundayam222245f45America/Chicago20 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Akragon

Originally posted by RRokkyy

Originally posted by Akragon

People say... All you need to do is "accept Jesus into your life"... What is required to do this?

New Living Translation (©2007)
"If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it." Luke 17:33

"Except a man be born again, he cannot even see or understand the Kingdom of God!" (Mat.18:3; John 3:3) "

What Christians say about Jesus is irrelevant as Jesus was not a Christian and Christianity
is not about Jesus.

To Truly accept Jesus as God into your life you must be born again , meaning to go through a spiritual death and rebirth.
It is a change of consciousness and reversal of the Kundalini energy flow from down the spine to up the spine.

This occurs when there is Radical Understanding that you are constantly separating yourself from
your own nature as Reality. Adi Da explained this in simple terms without parables in The Knee of Listening.

Good post...

Would you mind explaining this a bit more?

I've never considered a reversal of this flow of energy... Perhaps a shift from wanting material things to wanting spiritual things?

Interesting idea!

edit on 19-5-2012 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

"The usual man is satisfied with emptiness.The extraordinary Man is
satisfied with desire itself.
God is the Supreme Meditator.
Radical Understanding is the Meditation of God." Adi Da

Jesus:"I and the Father are One."

Life is nothing more than Seeking.
God Consciousness is the Radical Understanding of Seeking,
which is No Seeking in the Divine Heart. -Adi Da

Read The Knee of Listening and The Method of the Siddhas.
You may PM me.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by greyer

I would say that you are persecuting me maybe without even knowing it,

Let me remind you... that YOU came after me with accusations and assumptions

I didn't ask you to post here... And i've even politely asked you to leave my thread if you have nothing to offer but garbage that has nothing to do with the topic...

You've provided nothing but thinly veiled insults... And im tired of it honestly...

This is the last reply you'll get from me in this thread unless you have something intelligent to say... and thus far i've seen nothing of the sort...

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by Starchild23

So what does that say about our species?

It says...we were created as slaves, and many wish to remain slaves. To anything bigger than they are, no matter what it is, their book says it is all good, at least if they don't research it. Just take it all on blind faith, and you get a ticket to Heaven.

I put this question to my neighbor a few days ago when I first read the OP. "How does one accept Jesus?"
He replied, "Give over your heart, soul, and will to Jesus, and take him into your heart, forsaking all others."

I cannot wrap my mind around that. My heart is a muscle, buried in my chest, if I take it out, I will fall down dead before I can hand it over. I am my Soul, I only reside in a human body, so this one is moot. I cannot give over myself to an invisible Spirit. And my will? That is my DRIVE. Without human will, I may as well die. And for the last, take him into my heart. I have never seen Jesus, only pictures, and in truth, he just doesn't look like Middle Eastern men look. So, with no accurate description of this Spirit, in truth is could be anything. No thank you. I am not into possession of any kind.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by autowrench

This is the reason i made this thread... to get at the root of the issue from a Christian stand point...

By the way auto... your heart has an energy... its not just a muscle. Just as your brain has an energy, its not just an organ.

Perhaps that is what he/she meant?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Greensage

I despise the term "saved", in the sense that it's being used here. It implies that one simple action, one simple belief, can turn everything around in your life, like a program where you change single line of code and the whole thing works.

Life doesn't work that way.

If you want to be "saved", start with yourself. Come to terms with the fact that you will never KNOW what lies beyond death until you are there, and that you will never KNOW where everything came from until you are no longer in this world.

You can't KNOW any of that...not in this reality, this vibrational field. Knowledge is dangerous, and I suspect that that kind of knowledge would turn this world into a giant flaming minefield, because we have proven ourselves incapable of handling world-changing data effectively.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

I did and you didn't understand it!

Another learned person without any Truth and angry that someone would insinuate (sounds funny: "In Sin you ate") that they are saved but you are not? Is this why you are angry, because what I describe is impossible to conceive and you know it does not apply to you, because you have never experienced what I speak of?

Sorry, I cannot help you, I am not religious as that would imply that I have suddenly joined some organization. I am simply a Christian by way of the Holy Spirit, Baptised just as the Bible says we should be, by the Blood/Fire of Jesus Christ.

What I experienced was not meant to be formulated to the extent that GOD or the Universe is "defined", but given the fact I realized that I was receiving a personal experience based on my personal life, and it transformed me, I cannot imagine why it would cause you to get so rattled by it.

I think you have been Baptised by water and that is not a true Baptismal. If it were, Jesus himself would have taught others this very simplistic ritual. He himself was Baptised by water but as a means to "initiate" his task to hold our Sins. You see, if he truly was without sin, why would he have to be Baptised? He would not! I would really consider what I said and realize that you have never received the Holy Spirit, you are likely not saved, just as I mentioned previously! Time is short, his return is near, there is no place for those who proclaim but do not accept Him!

This is very much the parable of the "foolish virgins", without enough oil to bring them fully unto Him. Sorry to see it that way but your candor is quite alarming coming from someone who has been "Saved" by declaration.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Greensage
reply to post by Starchild23

I did and you didn't understand it!

Another learned person without any Truth and angry that someone would insinuate (sounds funny: "In Sin you ate") that they are saved but you are not? Is this why you are angry, because what I describe is impossible to conceive and you know it does not apply to you, because you have never experienced what I speak of?

Sorry, I cannot help you, I am not religious as that would imply that I have suddenly joined some organization. I am simply a Christian by way of the Holy Spirit, Baptised just as the Bible says we should be, by the Blood/Fire of Jesus Christ.

What I experienced was not meant to be formulated to the extent that GOD or the Universe is "defined", but given the fact I realized that I was receiving a personal experience based on my personal life, and it transformed me, I cannot imagine why it would cause you to get so rattled by it.

I think you have been Baptised by water and that is not a true Baptismal. If it were, Jesus himself would have taught others this very simplistic ritual. He himself was Baptised by water but as a means to "initiate" his task to hold our Sins. You see, if he truly was without sin, why would he have to be Baptised? He would not! I would really consider what I said and realize that you have never received the Holy Spirit, you are likely not saved, just as I mentioned previously! Time is short, his return is near, there is no place for those who proclaim but do not accept Him!

This is very much the parable of the "foolish virgins", without enough oil to bring them fully unto Him. Sorry to see it that way but your candor is quite alarming coming from someone who has been "Saved" by declaration.

To my ears, this sounds very arrogant. Is arrogance a fruit of the Holy Spirit?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by cloudyday

No, that is my Human Nature!

I did not say I was without Sin.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23

You pretend to understand concepts that are, by their very Biblical definition, infinite. How can your very finite mind understand, or even begin to grasp, something so infinite?

Your mind can't, but your soul and spirit can.

This is why it's so hard for people to understand. It doesn't start with any kind of rationalization in the mind. It's felt with the heart. There is no explanation until you FEEL the work of the Holy Spirit on your soul. The mind will never be able to comprehend it until your soul feels it. Those who only choose to use their minds will never find the answers to fulfilling their spirit.

It helps to start with prayer. Heartfelt prayer.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 02:09 AM
"Accepting Jesus" is a term used by religious people. Accepting Jesus is NOT in the Word of God.

"Read the Bible as many times as you will, but nowhere does any person say this or offer this. Jesus never asked people to accept Him as a personal Savior to be saved. None of the apostles ever made this statement. No evangelist or any other preacher recorded in sacred writ ever uttered this sentence. It is not found in any of the epistles to the churches. It is simply just not there.

...a person must be alive spiritually to accept anything spiritual. What can a dead man do? Nothing! A person who is dead in trespasses and in sin (not born again) can not accept anything. He can’t hear the gospel, he can’t see, and he can’t respond. A person must be alive spiritually to receive spiritual things...

I find another problem, possibly more important than the rest which is this: how can a person say they have accepted Jesus when they have not accepted his doctrines, the Holy scriptures.

When it boils right down to what accepting Jesus really is, it is decisional salvation which means that a person is suddenly born again, and the blood of Jesus is actually and really applied, when a person makes a decision. LINK

Diabolical Doctrine 1) Accept Jesus as your personal Savior, and you will be saved

This is one of the most harmful doctrines preached in evangelical Christendom. It’s a reflection of our impatient, intolerant, self-willed “instant society,” another expression of sinful flesh preserving itself, finding a face-saving way to placate God, survive, and appear righteous before men. It is grossly harmful because it gives a false sense of security. It is a doctrine of devils.

This doctrine has people deluded into thinking they’re saved. And it’s a concoction of devils to draw more people into religious circles. Because many people believe this lie, others are persuaded it must be true. The notion goes, “Many are invariably right and few are most certainly wrong because they are few.” But God never worked, doesn’t work, and never will work that way. LINK

What REALLY happens when a person is born again? Jesus' blood is applied.

"In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins." -Colossians 1:14

Hebrews 9:22, "...without shedding of blood is no remission. (forgivness )"

“Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! John 1:29

"Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot."
-1st Peter 1:18,19

...and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin" (1st John 1:7).

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 02:16 AM

  1. We don’t “accept” Jesus, He redeems and then accepts us.
  2. Jesus doesn’t enter our heart, the Holy Spirit does.
  3. I don’t invite Jesus into my life, He invites me into His.

First, there is nothing more arrogant than for us to assume that Jesus must earn or receive our “acceptance.” The truth is, “the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot” (Romans 8:7). In fact, “those who are in the flesh cannot please God” Romans 8:8). The truth is, you are either in the flesh or in the Spirit (Romans 8:5). There’s a direct contrast between the two, so to tell someone—anyone—that they have the capability to accept something to which they are hostile is foolish. It would be like telling the darkness to accept the light or a decaying corpse to accept life. It cannot. The miraculous truth is that God accepts us because of the finished work of Christ. The only option we have is to bow down in humble worship and gratitude because we have been accepted (Colossians 1:13-14).

Second, Jesus doesn’t enter your heart. I have two big, big problems with this claim. Of greatest concern is that it doesn’t say this anywhere in the Bible. Sure, Jesus is “with us always (Matthew 28:20),” but no where in the Bible does it say that Jesus lives “in our heart.”

“When I became a Christian I didn’t invite Jesus into my life, He invited me into His.” Jesus doesn’t join your life, your plans, and your purposes. You join Jesus’ life, plans, and purposes. The point is simply that you do not attach Jesus to what you already have going on as though He’s a simple accessory to be added to your wardrobe. Instead, we reorient our entire lives around Him. Jesus becomes our True North. Instead of living for ourselves, we lay down our old lives and live for Christ." LINK

As we cannot physically see the wind but see the evidences of its presence as it blows by "so is everyone that is born of the Spirit". True believing is an evidence that a person has been born again. A person does not become born again because they believe -- they believe because they have been born again. Our salvation is totally and completely the work of God and a product of His Will, not our own will -- as John 1:13 declared. Faith (believing) is the evidence that God has done a work in your heart. In our own will, we would never choose to seek God as Romans 3:10,11 says,

Salvation always begins with God's action (which we cannot physically see) and always results in our action, as we act upon faith and begin to seek to know and grow in a relationship with the Lord. To say that a person must "accept" Christ in order to be saved is leading people to trust in their own work of accepting and believing. The Bible is very clear that trusting in our own work in any way, can never lead to salvation LINK

The problem is that nowhere does the Bible speak about “accepting Jesus as your savior”.

What does John mean by “receiving Him”? It means receiving Him in total. Not just as our savior and the one who blesses, but as our Lord and Master, as the savior and the righteous judge. It means accepting the conditions He set which includes “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24). John also qualifies receiving Him with two additional conditions. We need to believe in His name and we need to be born of God. This is far more than simply signing your name on a piece of paper. This involves the greatest miracle of all – when God through His mighty power transforms a sinner into a saint.

The Bible is clear that only those whose names are written (by God) in the book of life will be saved. And He does not write any names there that have not been washed from their sins by the Blood of His Son. God’s plan of how we are to be saved: the Blood of Jesus shed at the Cross of Calvary. LINK

edit on 22-5-2012 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Wow! That's a very insightful message!

I think it could also be a very confusing one to people who believe in only part of Jesus' message, but don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah and savior of mankind. As we know, it takes more than living LIKE Jesus. It takes living THROUGH Jesus and believing the ENTIRE message that he spoke in scripture.

I'm going to point out some of what I consider to be the most insightful message from your comments:

I find another problem, possibly more important than the rest which is this: how can a person say they have accepted Jesus when they have not accepted his doctrines, the Holy scriptures.

1) We don’t “accept” Jesus, He redeems and then accepts us.
2) Jesus doesn’t enter our heart, the Holy Spirit does.
3) I don’t invite Jesus into my life, He invites me into His.

What does John mean by “receiving Him”? It means receiving Him in total. Not just as our savior and the one who blesses, but as our Lord and Master, as the savior and the righteous judge.

The only option we have is to bow down in humble worship and gratitude because we have been accepted (Colossians 1:13-14).

Salvation always begins with God's action (which we cannot physically see) and always results in our action, as we act upon faith and begin to seek to know and grow in a relationship with the Lord.

The only thing missing from this message is the desire to repent as part of the process of being born again.

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