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How does one Accept Jesus?

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posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

Isn't a Bajoran a species on some imaginary world portrayed in "Deep Space 9" or "Star Trek"?

Beam me up Lord!

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by autowrench

I have a great sense of humor and thoroughly enjoyed your contribution of videos; the banana clip threw me in a fit that had I been in church they surely would have deemed me possessed, talk about belly cruncher!

On a satirical level, here is one you might enjoy!

He quotes from "Colonoscopy 3:1"

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

I believe that we don't know enough to say for a FACT what the soul is...but here you are spouting jun from the Bible like Stephen Hawking himself approved your message!

Maybe I should ask you what your definition of spirituality is.

My definition of spirituality is a feeling of oneness that is not influenced by anything that the Church or representatives of the church may have told me. In other words, spirituality isn't so much about parameters, as it is about KNOWINGNESS. And since your religion is based on FAITH...well, we can all see where that goes, right?

Have you ever had a spiritual experience? I'm guessing not since it doesn't appear that you have any idea what I'm talking about.

Lemme guess, the pastor confirmed it for you, right?

Do you think spirituality is a mind set or something? If so, I disagree with you.

Spirituality is a connection that has nothing to do with the Church. The Church puts definitions and expectations on it that have nothing to do with anything except their that is so old, not even they know the secrets anymore.

Only the Vatican does, and you can bet they're not talking.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:46 AM
I accept Jesus’ Way as a muslim not a trinitarian polytheist.

First and foremost, it must be realized that Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, was the last in the line of Jewish prophets. He lived according to the Torah, the law of Moses, and taught his followers to do likewise. In Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus stated: “17 Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the [way of] the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. 18For, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished.” Unfortunately, about five years after the end of Jesus’ ministry, a young rabbi by the name of Saul of Tarsus, who claimed to have seen Jesus in a vision, began to change Jesus’ way. Paul (his Roman name) had considerable respect for Roman philosophy and he spoke proudly of his own Roman citizenship. His conviction was that non-Jews who became Christians should not be burdened with the Torah in any respect. The author of Acts 13:39 quotes Paul as saying, “And by him every one that believes is freed from everything from which you could not be freed by the law of Moses.” It was primarily through the efforts of Paul that the Church began to take on its non-Jewish character. Paul[137] wrote most of the New Testament letters (epistles), which the Church accepts as the official doctrine and inspired Scripture. These letters do not preserve the Gospel of Jesus or even represent it;[138] instead, Paul transformed the teachings of Christ into a Hellenic (Graeco-Roman) philosophy. The following are some examples of teachings which Prophet Jesus followed and taught, but which were later abandoned by the Church. However, most of these teachings were revived in the final message of Islaam brought by Prophet Muhammad (e) and remain a fundamental part of Muslim religious practices until today.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Greensage

It is good you recognize that! I read where you said you were Baptised and based on your stance I assumed you felt you were "good to go" through your sense of spirituality, your reaction to my experience is very much in line with someone that thinks they have Salvation when they do not; I am now also assuming yours is a New Age belief system of a multi-fauceted "pick and choose" recipe?

More of a Sherlock Holmes type system.

Eliminate the impossible, and whatever is left, no matter how improbable, is the truth.

In other words, stuff that is logically sound...not according to people who think they know everything, or do not require proof of anything (seriously, how is it you don't believe in green elephants?) but according to the FACTS.

I know that New Age believes in the Goddess energies; I suspect you might also feel the need to put a Spirit behind the wind and the rain. I am not so sure I understand why you are in a thread on accepting Jesus if you are not opened to the possibility; I guess there is a word for that too!

It's not New Age, it's Rediscovery. We HAD to "rediscover" the stuff, ever since your "completely innocent" church wiped it all out. They wiped out the sacred feminine as well, you know. Wonder why all of our saints are men? Do you ever wonder why God is depicted as a man? Why is it the women get the short end of the stick in the Bible? And yet we're supposed to live by that?

Yep. It's about time the feminine energies of the world got their fair share of glory.

I'm on a thread about Jesus because I'm hoping you'll learn you don't have to live by pure faith. The reason you choose to live by pure faith..the reason pure faith is your only because you choose to believe in something that is ungrounded, impure, and completely illogical. But you're afraid of being different, afraid of what lies beyond death, you're afraid of both having control and being unable to you want a little of both.

And most of all, you want someone to hold your hand and tell you it's okay. That's why you have religion. Because you're scared in this big bad world...

The funny thing is, if we all took accountability and responsibility and actually tried to improve the world, we wouldn't need religion.

Good luck with that, may the Father fill you with His Everlasting Love; it is eternal by the way!

Do you even know what that means? It's all metaphor, constructed in an age where superstition was our science. Now we have science, why the hell do we need superstition. We're smarter than that!

And now you give me a video on demons...

Did you know deliberate ignorance is a demon? Remove the log from thine eye before examining the speck in mine!

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

Female goddess energy is false energy. The female "energies" you speak of are incapable of "creating life"; women cannot create life, pure and simple!

The ovum is but a void, inert, without the "spark" that can bring forth life. This is why GOD is male, because only men can create life (naturally that is; clones are an abomination of desolation--without souls, much like our Prince William).

Your female goddess is nothing! She is false and void of any GODhood, she is a vessel and nothing more!

My church? I told you, I am not religious, I am not a part of any organization. My fear, no, you see I am "transformed", I have been Graced through Repentence, something that only can be accomplish by way of the Holy Spirit (or as others say Holy Ghost). Something you have never known; probably because with "her" comes the void for that as well. Your goddess is Ishtar, she is false! Mother Earth? She is but a vessel, she can support life but she cannot create it, only HE can!

Your reasoning is just as void of any merit as you have no sense of the Supernatural that GOD is, you simply define it all as all inclusive ying to your yang! You didn't watch the video?

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23

I believe that we don't know enough to say for a FACT what the soul is...but here you are spouting jun from the Bible like Stephen Hawking himself approved your message!

That's funny, I could have sworn I saw you do the same thing in another thread. Here's your own quote:

Don't forget the soul. Never forget the soul. Because no matter what technology creates, whether it's an online avatar or artificial intelligence, it can NEVER create a soul. And if, in the end, our souls are destroyed...

Now, back to this thread...

My definition of spirituality is a feeling of oneness that is not influenced by anything that the Church or representatives of the church may have told me. In other words, spirituality isn't so much about parameters, as it is about KNOWINGNESS. And since your religion is based on FAITH...well, we can all see where that goes, right?

So, what exactly is your spirituality influenced by?

And now you're putting parameters on spirituality by saying it's a knowingness instead of my definition of a feeling? My feeling is knowingness to me. What makes your knowingness any different or more real than mine?

I already told you that my faith was influenced by spiritual experiences, so where exactly does that go according to you?

Spirituality is a connection that has nothing to do with the Church. The Church puts definitions and expectations on it that have nothing to do with anything except their that is so old, not even they know the secrets anymore.

How would you know how the church defines spirituality, have you ever been to one? Have you been to mine? Do you think all churches practice and define everything the same way? Probably, since you appear to cringe at the topic of churches and religion. I doubt you've been to one, yet your split personality defends religion and you say it served a purpose in the past?

Who are you anyway? You appear to defend and debunk everything all at the same time. So, what exactly did you learn from your own thread on "The Bible isn't Stupid, We Are"?

Starchild, you hold more contradictions than all religions put together from my observation.
edit on 23-5-2012 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

It's not New Age, it's Rediscovery. We HAD to "rediscover" the stuff, ever since your "completely innocent" church wiped it all out. They wiped out the sacred feminine as well, you know. Wonder why all of our saints are men? Do you ever wonder why God is depicted as a man? Why is it the women get the short end of the stick in the Bible? And yet we're supposed to live by that?

Yep. It's about time the feminine energies of the world got their fair share of glory.

It is about a Balance too. the "Holy" (cough, cough) Roman Church threw the entire world completely out of balance by demonizing everything from the Divine Feminine down to the most insignificant woman working in the fields. Some accounts say over one million women were tortured by the most diabolical means possible, with devices such as this:

Its name comes from its shape. This instrument had a screw mechanism by which it was progressively expanded to the maximum aperture of the two or three elements it was made of.

This instrument was forced into the mouth or rectum of male victims and into the vagina of female victims. The oral, rectal, or vaginal pear was inflicted on people guilty of sodomy, on women guilty of adultery, people guilty of incest or sexual union with Satan, and it was also inflicted on heretical preachers and blasphemers.
And this kind of "Witch Hunting" has descended into a frenzy in countries like Nigeria.......

African Children Denounced As "Witches" By Christian Pastors

EKET, Nigeria — The nine-year-old boy lay on a bloodstained hospital sheet crawling with ants, staring blindly at the wall.

His family pastor had accused him of being a witch, and his father then tried to force acid down his throat as an exorcism. It spilled as he struggled, burning away his face and eyes. The emaciated boy barely had strength left to whisper the name of the church that had denounced him – Mount Zion Lighthouse.

A month later, he died.

Nwanaokwo Edet was one of an increasing number of children in Africa accused of witchcraft by pastors and then tortured or killed, often by family members. Pastors were involved in half of 200 cases of "witch children" reviewed by the AP, and 13 churches were named in the case files.

Some of the churches involved are renegade local branches of international franchises. Their parishioners take literally the Biblical exhortation, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

"It is an outrage what they are allowing to take place in the name of Christianity," said Gary Foxcroft, head of nonprofit Stepping Stones Nigeria.
And then Christians are screaming that they are being killed in Nigeria. I say it is a tit for a tat.

"God" was once a Woman.

From an Egyptian Hymn in the 14th Century BC; “In the beginning there was Isis: Oldest of the Old, She was the Goddess from whom all Becoming Arose. She was the Great Lady, Mistress of the two Lands of Egypt, Mistress of Shelter, Mistress of Heaven, Mistress of the House of Life, Mistress of the word of God. She was the Unique. In all Her great and wonderful works She was a wiser magician and more excellent than any other God.” (pg x)
Merlin Stone, sculpture, and professor of art and art history writes in her book “When God Was A Woman”, “In the beginning, people prayed to the Creatress of Life, the Mistress of Heaven. At the very dawn of religion, God was a woman. Do you remember?” (pg 1)
In Greek religion and mythology, Athena or Athene was the main Goddess.
Athena is the Goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. Minerva, Athena's Roman incarnation, embodies similar attributes.

I say we put the Goddess back on here Throne, and again have a Balance in our lives and the world.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23

Yep. It's about time the feminine energies of the world got their fair share of glory.

Why? Would that boost your ego?

I'm on a thread about Jesus because I'm hoping you'll learn you don't have to live by pure faith. The reason you choose to live by pure faith..the reason pure faith is your only because you choose to believe in something that is ungrounded, impure, and completely illogical. But you're afraid of being different, afraid of what lies beyond death, you're afraid of both having control and being unable to you want a little of both.

You're on a thread about Jesus because deep down you know he serves an important and useful purpose, but your ego won't let you absorb that yet. (See, I'm using your tactics now. How does it feel?)

The believers aren't afraid of what lies beyond death because we already know. On the other hand, your threads and comments wreak of insecurity and desperation.

And most of all, you want someone to hold your hand and tell you it's okay. That's why you have religion. Because you're scared in this big bad world...

I smell more insecurity in your above comment. Why must you always tell people how they feel? This is your own desperation trying to convince yourself it's others that feel this way, when it's really all about yourself.

Did you know deliberate ignorance is a demon? Remove the log from thine eye before examining the speck in mine!

Sheesh, Starchild, you point more fingers and judge more people than anyone else I've seen on ATS!

Wait a minute, I think that reminded me of another quote you made in the last day or so!

What was that again??!! In your own words...

We should be watching ourselves. Sleep on it, and you'll know I'm right. But I don't care about being long as you see that while we have enemies, we have to be careful so as not to make more. Just because we're being oppressed, does not make us innocent. Just because we're bereft, does not make us deserving. And in your self-righteous tirades, make sure you don't cut your neighbor down. We're all in this together.

So, how long does it take before you start taking your own advice?

edit on 23-5-2012 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by Greensage

Female goddess energy is false energy. The female "energies" you speak of are incapable of "creating life"; women cannot create life, pure and simple!

The ovum is but a void, inert, without the "spark" that can bring forth life. This is why GOD is male, because only men can create life (naturally that is; clones are an abomination of desolation--without souls, much like our Prince William).

May I politely ask what all male planet you hail from? Women cannot creat life? Perhaps you should look at this?

Experts in Australia believe they have found a way to fertilise a woman's egg with cells from any part of the human body.

These could include those from a woman and mean that a child could be conceived without the need for sperm, let alone a father, leading to endless possibilities.

The team said the technique could allow a lesbian couple to have a baby, with one woman contributing an egg and the second a cell to fertilise it.

Both partners would be its 'natural' parents. Researcher Dr Orly Lacham-Kaplan said the process mimicked nature.

'This was similar to an embryo derived from fertilisation by sperm,' she added.
Even in normal gestation, all a man provides is sperm, it is the woman who gestates, grows, nourishes, and gives birth to the baby.

I assume by your pure ignorance in this mater, you have never witnessed a live birth, or been present at someone's death. I have watched as my son was born, and saw the Spirit, the Soul enter his body. I asked the OBGYN if he saw it, he replied he sees it all the time. I have also watched a person die, and saw the Spirit, or soul rise from the body.

Your female goddess is nothing! She is false and void of any GODhood, she is a vessel and nothing more!

I could retort here like you have done, obviously you are one of the brainwashed masses of fundamental Christians. But I will not stoop down to your level. What you post is so filled with Hatred for all things Female, it stinks to high heaven. Where does all this hate come from, if I may ask?
A Female Goddess was freely worshiped for 45,000 years before your God came along. Research some history, will you?

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Deetermined

Why? Would that boost your ego?

Would relying entirely upon masculine energies boost YOUR ego?

As a huge fan of divine balance, I am in support of sexual equality...which includes masculine and feminine energies within the universe.

Apparently, balance is not one of your concerns.

You're on a thread about Jesus because deep down you know he serves an important and useful purpose, but your ego won't let you absorb that yet. (See, I'm using your tactics now. How does it feel?)

Sweet! I love reverse psychology! ...hold on, I should amend that. I love reverse psychology when properly used. I.e. not in your post.

He serves a purpose so far as to be a role model. He does not serve a purpose as far as taking you by the hand personally and guaranteeing a reservation in Heaven simply for not only knowing his name, but believing he died for you. That's not how life works.

You're just afraid of both control and lack of control. That paradox results in an illogical thinking process designed to comfort you in the difficulties of life. You don't even know the TRUE purpose of just feed into the cover story because it makes you feel nice and warm and protected, and all ooey gooey because of the Clockwork Orange psychology they employ to boost effectiveness.

I smell more insecurity in your above comment. Why must you always tell people how they feel? This is your own desperation trying to convince yourself it's others that feel this way, when it's really all about yourself.

Because that's exactly what Christianity offers. And if I were to ask you what it offers, you'd quote straight from the Bible and go on and on about being saved.

Why did I presume to know your feelings? Because your feelings are predictable. You're Christian, of course you feel a certain way. You're TRAINED to feel that way...because you can't bear to be any other way.

Sheesh, Starchild, you point more fingers and judge more people than anyone else I've seen on ATS!

Wait a minute, I think that reminded me of another quote you made in the last day or so!

What was that again??!! In your own words...

We should be watching ourselves. Sleep on it, and you'll know I'm right. But I don't care about being long as you see that while we have enemies, we have to be careful so as not to make more. Just because we're being oppressed, does not make us innocent. Just because we're bereft, does not make us deserving. And in your self-righteous tirades, make sure you don't cut your neighbor down. We're all in this together.

So, how long does it take before you start taking your own advice?

There's a reason I engage in these's because, while you are on your knees begging an invisible deity from a religion born two thousand years ago to bring peace and calm to this planet, the people who are actually having a visible impact on this world are blowing the **** out of it.

You are putting your hope in something that is OBVIOUSLY ineffective, instead of doing everything yourself. Stop looking to the clouds for help and start looking to yourself, because your lack of action is indirectly hurting the planet.

And on the flipside, when you DO decide to do something, you decide to start condemning homosexuals and blaming political strife on the lack of Christianity in their country!

That's my point. I'm trying to wake you up, and you just roll over, fart, and go back to sleep...because your dreams are more pleasant than reality.

edit on CWednesdaypm545415f15America/Chicago23 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Deetermined

And now you're putting parameters on spirituality by saying it's a knowingness instead of my definition of a feeling? My feeling is knowingness to me. What makes your knowingness any different or more real than mine?

Because your "knowingness" is influenced, guided, directed, dictated, and overall controlled by an organization that will say anything to make sure we don't go extinct.

In a time where survivalism is no longer necessary.

How would you know how the church defines spirituality, have you ever been to one?

Many times, actually. And they quote the same stuff...messages that are all well and good, then saying, "because of this guy. Be good because of this guy."

Why not be good to be good? What's the problem with that? Not to mention that anything regarding spirits and natural power and energy is regarded a satanic...because admitting that it isn't would result in the complete meltdown of the doctrine, showing that half of it is a lie which casts doubt on the rest of it.

Who are you anyway? You appear to defend and debunk everything all at the same time.

I'm the Devil's Advocate. And I argue everything from all angles, because to know the truth, you must know what is untrue, and why.

So, what exactly did you learn from your own thread on "The Bible isn't Stupid, We Are"?

I learned that people still rely on the Bible for more than its moral lessons. They rely on it as proof (ridiculously) that not only is the Devil real, but that Jesus will save us all and we don't have to do a damn thing to save ourselves except believe that the Bible is telling the truth.

My point there was that the Bible is metaphorically accurate, and was partially dictated by a retarded being who doesn't train his own dogs. Moreover, we're stupid because the Bible just sits there. We're the ones who pick it up and base our lives off of it because we're too scared of ourselves and each other to do anything else.

Without the Bible, we wouldn't have the first clue about what to do with ourselves. Plain and simple.

Starchild, you hold more contradictions than all religions put together from my observation.

That's because you're too deeply buried in your Bible to see what I'm saying.

That's okay. I'm used to horses who won't drink water.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Greensage

women cannot create life, pure and simple!

My mother is a woman. And you are a moron.

The ovum is but a void, inert, without the "spark" that can bring forth life. This is why GOD is male, because only men can create life

This is why I burn Bibles. Blatant examples of sexism...

Your female goddess is nothing! She is false and void of any GODhood, she is a vessel and nothing more!

So my mom is a vessel and nothing more? I'm no longer surprised you appear to have been dropped on your head more than once.

As for goddesses...MY goddess? I have no goddess. I worship nothing. I show honor to the Source by revealing the truth for all to see...and what truths I don't know, I try to find. Because I don't want to live in ignorance. That's an insult to Source.

My church? I told you, I am not religious, I am not a part of any organization. My fear, no, you see I am "transformed", I have been Graced through Repentence, something that only can be accomplish by way of the Holy Spirit

As you can see here, a brilliant example of redundant contradiction...bravo, good sir!

Your reasoning is just as void of any merit as you have no sense of the Supernatural that GOD is, you simply define it all as all inclusive ying to your yang! You didn't watch the video?

If it's a video encouraging me to debase myself daily to a god who cares more about what we do wrong than what IT does wrong, then no, I didn't watch it.

I don't handle hypocrisy very well, sorry.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 03:12 PM
I am not even going to try to explain science because I am not a scientist, however, cloning is not natural, plain and simple; it can only duplicate a created being but sadly one without a soul.

Naturally, I would love to see how a woman creates life without the given "god-force" spark; but I know that is false and a lie. A spermozoa, a free swimming, completely contained, life producing phenomenon that women do not possess is required for LIFE!!!! They have eggs which are nothing more than a single cell, inert, void of the needed life-producing energy; at best no different than any other basic cell component.

Anything outside of the Natural Order is an Abomination, and is Desolate, meaning without!

Someone's sister, someone's mother, or those of that persuasion have no ability to create; they are just "ovens for the bun". Does that make them any less human? Do I de-humanize them by speaking scientific fact? NO, and they know they are just vessels otherwise the wickedness of their kind would have rid themselves of men long ago.

Eve was not created from clay but is an extension of the True Creation of GOD and that is Man! She, like her brethren, is likely very endowed for the most part but not with the ability to create! Like every woman of her line she is the reason we left Eden; but of course, most would say Eden, Adam & Eve, and the Devil do not exist, or at least the goddess would tell you so.

I can understand arguing scripture based on ignorance, but science! Oh come now! Wake up and "Deny Ignorance". Without GOD, who is Male, there would be nothing!

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Greensage

it can only duplicate a created being but sadly one without a soul.

So all clones have no souls?

Wow, that's such smart thinking. You're not judgmental at all.

Without GOD, who is Male,

Who says "God" is male?

And what proof do they have?

It's all faith! And sexist faith at that!
edit on CWednesdaypm525214f14America/Chicago23 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23

Would relying entirely upon masculine energies boost YOUR ego?

No, because I am a woman.

As a huge fan of divine balance, I am in support of sexual equality...which includes masculine and feminine energies within the universe.

Apparently, balance is not one of your concerns.

If you understood the definition of the words "divine balance", you would know that everything is already divinely balanced and sexual equality isn't needed. There's already an equal balance of masculine and feminine energies in the universe.

A smart woman knows that she can use any combination of her feminine energies and qualities to hold the world in her hands without the need for validation from anyone else.

Personally, I choose not to kick a gift horse in the mouth.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Greensage

Time for a little education. Got your little book handy? In the Talmud the Deity is called "Elohim." "Elohim is the Hebrew plural word meaning "Goddesses and Gods," but each time it appears in the Bible it is translated as "God" only. The word Elohim itself doesn't identify the number of Gods or Goddesses in it's meaning. However, we can find that out in another part of the myth: "So Elohim (Gods) created people (man) in their own image, in the image of Elohim (God) created they (he) them (him); male and female created they (he) them." We all know that one man Adam and one woman Eve were created in the image of the Elohim. Since two images, one female and one male were created, it is only logical that the Elohim are two images, one Goddess and one God.

Even the Apostle Paul, writing to the Celts in Galata acknowledged the Goddess: "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the Mother of us all," (KJV - Galations 4:26)

The Bible book Esther is really about a priestess of Ishtar. The name Esther is derived directly from Ishtar, the Goddess.
The Holiday of Easter is her day.

She appears in the New Testament as Wisdom, translated from the Greek word Sophia, a female noun. Sophia is a Goddess of Greek philosophers, also known as Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom. She is the Queen of the South in Luke 11:31 and Matt 12:42, by the way God came from the south (translated as "teman") in Habakkuk 3:4. She also appears as the Word in the New Testament. "In the beginning was the Word (Goddess Logos) and the Word was with God and the Word was God," John 1:1.

In America, during the 1800's, the Maiden Goddess Liberty was placed on coins and many art works display her holding a chalice, the Holy Grail. One painting has an eagle (the Father God's symbol) drinking from the Grail while held by the Goddess Liberty.

Goddess Liberty Enlightening the World


The Goddess of America's Founding Fathers

Wisdom of Solomon (7:22-30)
“For in Her there is a Spirit that is intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, mobile, clear, unpolluted, distinct, invulnerable, loving the good, keen, irresistible, beneficent, humane, steadfast, sure, free from anxiety, all-powerful, overseeing all and penetrating through all spirits that are intelligent and pure and most subtle.

For Wisdom is more mobile than any motion; because of Her pureness She pervades and penetrates all things. For She is a Breath of the power of God, and a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty; therefore nothing defiled gains entrance into Her. For She is a reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of the working of God, and an image of His goodness.

Though She is but one, She can do all things, and while remaining in Herself, She renews all things; in every generation She passes into holy souls and makes them friends of God and prophets; for God loves nothing so much as the man who lives with Wisdom. For She is more beautiful than the sun, and excels every constellation of the stars.

Compared with the light She is found to be superior, for it is succeeded by the night, but against Wisdom evil does not prevail.”
One of her statues discovered in now modern-day Turkey dates to 6,000 B.C. A carving of her is found in a prehistoric cave dating to 25,000 B.C.

The Goddess existed from Immortal time, while the God of Christians is new, modern by terms of history. Christianity may have eliminated a million of her followers, and built churches on top of her shrines, but they cannot kill her, nor can they rewrite Ancient History, even though I'm certain they would love to.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Greensage
I am not even going to try to explain science because I am not a scientist, however, cloning is not natural, plain and simple; it can only duplicate a created being but sadly one without a soul.

There isn't too much difference between a clone and an identical twin.

Personally, I don't think anybody has a soul. There is only God and he lives in everything. Some things like rocks can't express God's will as easily as a human being. But rocks are just as alive as humans.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by cloudyday
Personally, I don't think anybody has a soul.

George Rodonaia ALSO believed that until the KGB ran him over on the sidewalk. Three days in a freezer has a tendency to bring about a "Change you can believe in".

"Dr. Rodonaia was killed by the KGB, pronounced dead, taken to the morgue for three days and returned to life during his own autopsy. Dr. Rodonaia was a psychiatric researcher who worked for the KGB and later became a dissident. He was a scientist trained in historical materialism and did not believe in God."

"George Rodonaia underwent one of the most extended cases of a near-death experience ever recorded. Pronounced dead immediately after he was hit by a car in 1976, he was left for three days in the morgue. He did not "return to life" until a doctor began to make an incision in his abdomen as part of an autopsy procedure. Prior to his NDE he worked as a neuropathologist. He was also an avowed atheist. LINK

George was a vocal Soviet dissident during the time when such a stance could get you killed. And that is exactly what happened - he was assassinated by the KGB. Because his case was highly political, an autopsy had to be performed. His corpse was stored in a freezer vault for three days until then. He revived on the autopsy table as he was being split open by the doctors, one of which was his own uncle. Of all the cases I have investigated in my 26 years of work in the field, his is the most dramatic, the longest, the most evidential, and the most soul-stirring. LINK

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Did anyone notice the pure Joy in this mans face as he describes his experience...

To his own disbelief... He was still alive after being declaired clinically dead...

This is the Joy of knowing God exists...

It is very real...

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