posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 03:35 PM
The NHS hasnt "added" anything "new" in long time.Here is some new insight.
When you are shorter,slower,weaker,less co-ordinated and less experienced than your opponents in NHL Hockey you can still win consistantly and if
you are consistantly executing as an individual you can win consistantly in a DOMINATING FASHION.Hockey is a sport where it is extremely easy for one
man to win or lose games on behalf of the Team,there are reasons for this dynamic reality we wont touch on today.
At any given moment any single player can go end to end and score a goal,if he can put together a sequence of interwoven seamless moves and work the
edges of anywhere from 1-6 spheres of influence,he can complete a possesion optinally by depositing it in the net where it belongs. This is the
dynamic every single possesion has the potential to be realised as a puck in net.Because of the high volume of possesions actioned in
evey game the EXPECTATION is that many goals be scored in 60 minutes every game......the primary natural direction in sports dynamic landscape like
this is FORWARD which translates into OFFENSE or GOAL SCORING.There are very few excuses for wasting a PUCK POSSESION......everything the Process you
use focuses on must begin and end with POSSESION as the primary driver.
Keeping these loose parameters in mind......Moma2 once competed in Doubles Badminton tournament which was being used to mark a portion of Gym Class
in High School,when the 2xs team were put together Moma2 was new to the School and didnt know anyone and when Moma2 latched onto a partner it was the
only head-banger dressed like Moma2 we began the Tournament together....after the 1st day Moma2s partner absconded from Gym Class and
dropped it....the next Class the Instructor posted Losses on the schedule for all of Moma2s Tournament games ....because with no partner the games
were forfeit....... Moma2 asked if he could play on in the 2xs Tournament as a Singles player and was given permission to do so.Moma2 WON THE
TOURNAMENT which just so happened to contain PAIR OF SENIOR HIGH DOUBLES CHAMPIONS........Moma2 happens to be an Inuitive Empath auto-didact
ambi-dextrous type of player which means Moma2 uses both hands and never turns away from the playction staying "square and aware" at all times and
focusing everything FORWARD.......switching the Racquet from hand to hand E/W using a laterally managed process.Moma2 dropped over 150 shots in the
exact same spot during that tourney,same on everybody,same basic tactics on every Team but one .Every 3rd point Moma2 scored came out of a "balk" by
the opponents or a stutter-step catalysed by a miscommunication.Playing as a single in a 2xs tournament was BEAUTIFULL....I didnt have really any room
for error only missteps and because I was using a Hybrid style of play by facing forward at all times and eliminating most of the TURNS AND TWISTS
out of my processes by proxy, my decisions were faster and more urgent and more committed, my margins for error DECREASED because my tactical
management and dynamic anticipation was based upon aknowledged disadvantages all over the place,I eliminated many of the complicated traditional
philosophies concepts and tactics and I improvised and optimised.To make things even sweeter my Gym Instructor didnt enjoy Headbanger rebel types and
was salivating when the Senior High Badminton Doubles teammates came to play to say Moma2 switched it up like MacTavish used
to do and reversed engines and used the BACKHAND to dig out all of the howitzers being driven at Moma2[which were very easy to read incoming]....and
for Moma2 when projecting from center court the stabbing reachacross dig was faster than the reaching forehand digs and the recovery from the 75%
commited backhand to forehand in a correction is quicker and the crossover stretch when you are using the backhand is the optimal reach you can
execute .The extra speed gained in setting up the backhand allowed Moma2 more"touch" or "feel" on the digs or returns ....because Moma2 was using a
square and aware posture and primarily looking to use the backhand most tactical 2ndary movements and recoverys or pushes catalysed out of a very few
spins and very small footwork adjustments....the bottom line was no one team could beat me not even real badmonton players because I had discovered
how to apply IDA and IDM to "slow the game down" for me and to "quicken it" for my opponents.
The point of the story is this I got the lowest Gym mark of High School and had a huge batle with my Instructor who claimed that even though I
destroyed everyone by basic techinques and execution of basic tactics was off-base,wins or not.
Do you know of Bushido Lobsang?
The Oilers are having a similar problem right now,they have 7 players who have become the top of their classes and attained pinnacle landmark
designations........but every last one of them became top'o'the heap by OCASSIONALLY STEPPING OUT OF THE NORM TO BECOME DYNAMIC CONTRASTS TO WHAT WAS
GOING ON AROUND THEM.......Lobsang everything around an offensive player what the System and his temmates do is FOOWORK TO HIM and HE THROWS THE
Had the Oilers formed up around Hall and traded every pick after him to simply keep buying up on players and bolstering around Hall they would be
powerhouse by now.......had they decided to build around Nuge and forsake all else they would be powerhouse today,same with Nail ,Ebbs ,and and Leon
and McDavid and Nurse.... had the Oilers chosen just one of these elite level players to build around and then nailed down all their loose ends around
them buttoning them into a simple KISS System run by a Coach like ANY OF THE LAST 6 MARTYERS.....they would be Playoff team this season.
But you see this group is gunning for a multi-Cup focus....they are building a Dynasty and NO ONE HAS EVER DONE IT LIKE THIS one in NHL
history has had the moxy and patience and good fortune to ammas such a huge warchest of elite talents,the INTENTIONS AND IMPETUS are well
meaning.....however the methods hve been severely lacking.
Because NO ONE HAS EXECUTED A BUILD THIS WAY one can slap a timeline on progress and if one thing is certain it is that a NEW method
will NOT ABIDE BY CONVENTIONS when it produces reults , so this means traditional conventional valuations and assesments WILL BE OF ZERO ANTICIPATORY
What nobody talks about is the dream every Coach of the last 6 has had,is been the same Dream,to revive the Oilers Historic Franchise........and what
no one asks is why they have all failed so miserably?
Its simple....the NHL has no process or System which can incorporate the skillsets the Oilers now posses,there is NO MANGEMENT PROCESS AVAILABLE which
can actively plug-and-play this many elite offensive skillsets congruently. No one has ever put together a Philosophy System or Process capable of
allowing mid-sized offensive minded players to seamlessly step onto the NHLs small ice-surface and dominate bigger sronger players via process.
Wayne Gretzky CATALYSED EVERYHING with the Dynasty Team and he did it by using Macro and Micro-management processes like tools at perfect times in
pefect places to dynamiclly sculpt opportunitys for wins every time he was on the ice.Until 2006-07 nothing has been able to duplicate this elite
on-ice managemen processes impacts not even Wayne himself, HOWEVER in 2006-2007 an Edmonton hockey Fan managed to do exactly this when he
conceptualised and created Moma2s NewAge Hockey System.
Wayne created OPPORTUNITY for his teamates to become famous......he could have built a Stanley Cup Team out of any Franchise as it stands today using
his personal skill-set .IIt wasnt hard to shut down Gretzky,NHL teams just did not understand how he was doing what he was doing so they could not
devise tactical responses to him.
What most people fail to understand is that Wayne Gretzky needed to use IDA to orchesrate and plan consistant dynamics to build IDM based
opporunitys ,so even if you made the same mistake consistantly Wayne could use that fact to his advantage..... sooooo.....basiclly Wayne was like
Nuge and Nail and Conner and he needed his teammates to all be predictable for him to optimise his skillset.
So you see Lobsang....even Wayne Gretzkys Coaching methods revolve around one single on-ice management focus stepping out of sync from a consistant
dynamic template to create offense.....and this is why you hear guys like Gretzky and lemieux say defense wins Championships its because they know
that a sound KISS defensive structure will feed one on-ice manager plenty of opportunitys to score 2-3 goals per game,so they set the scale of
offensive expections at this level because they dont have anything better to offer .The NHS far exceeds the Management acumen and skillsets of all NHL
Head Coaches AND NHL Players and EX-Players bar none....yes Lobsang for the uninitiated the only reliable way of supporting Waynes thinking and
traditional thinking is to build an airtight KISS defense to find the consistancy of dynamic execution they need with every man in exact position
.......until you learn what the NHS is and how it works....then you realise that by ABANDONING the defense first focus and using an OFFENSIVELY
this is possible using EveryMan average NHL Players....well then you simply expect much much more.
To bring it all together here,lets say that the only hope the Oilers have of managing a tremendous historical Core group like they have and to
OPTIMISE EVERYONE in the process they must EXPECT MUCH MUCH MORE OFFENSIVELY....not adjust expectations in an evolving downward direction as they
have been doing .Even thinking about trying to ask a group like this to consider playing a defensive style of hockey is assinine and ludicrous.The
Oilers should have been escalating the offensive creative quotient 4 years ago substantially and exponentially.
The Oilers tried to use advanced/enhanced stats since 2007 to discover a way to bring these elite players together and to optimise their skillsets and
acumens.....they have failed EPICLLY because it cannot possibly be accomplished using data based on past results and numbers based structure.....which
is why no one has ever spent time and resources listening to the stats crowd.....until the Oilers dove in headfirst in 2008 with Darkhorse Analytics
People dont just crawl out of their parents basements on their 25th birthdays and display a lifetime of competative sports acumen,and this includes
stats people,and this observation includes University nerds who can use Word and Excell as well.......the Oilers failed to follow Industry protocals
and they allowed people with less than acceptable credentials and backgrounds into their processes.......they took a big big risk with Darkhorse and
Dellow and this risk has blown up in heir faces now......even today Todd McLellan and his Boss Peter Chiarelli must by due process look at where
Darkhose and Dellow CAME FROM and what their Resumes said......they cant just accept inputs in place by others before they arrived,in fact they should
have every reason to suspect anything pe-existing to possibly be the thorn they need to remove.Maybe because Dellow has been moved and Darkhorse has
had since 2008 to ingrain themselves PC and McLellan see no danger or see no impacts being created to be concerned about......if McLellan and PC sat
and talked to Moma2 for 60 minutes they would leave the room go to their offices clean them up then both meet at the Bar to phone Katz and tell him
they both want out ASAP if Darkhorse and Dellow and anyone even remotely connected to them are not 86ed immediatly.
The Oilers need to use the NHS because they need to score 4-7 GPG and they need to play suffocating defense and they need to do it by process not by
player.The Big-Man Era is ending now as every NHL Team focused this way is failing to win the Stanley Cup....even the Kings dont play the "Big-Heavy
Game" we hear so much about and havent for 3-4 years now.The Oilers havent lost Nail YET so they are still intact....and this is very good because you
Hawks/Islanders are going to showcase the NHLs future....only the Kings guts and experience will keep them in it this year because the Hawks NHS
interpretation is more offensive and equally as defensively capable,and the Islanders are emulating the Hawks NHS interpretation and kicking it up a
notch offensively.The big heavy Teams will be removed in the 2nd round.No one is paying attention to should....he figured out
the NHS long ago.
Rolling 3 offensive lines is the key,understanding officiating trends and seasonal trends is critical,learning to remove the Ref by scoring enough to
make their job easy is the key,the closer games are the more difficult the Refs jobs become..... its the 2 Ref system which removes the single Refs
ability to keep the game balanced and flowing.With 2 Refs AND instant replay the NHL is setting itself up for twice as many visually misrepesentative
errors to be illuminatated on National Television possibly sending the wrong message about Officiating in the NHL.Low scoring games that are very
close put Refs under tremendous pressure......and with technology creeping in the NHL needs wiggle-room and removing one Ref because of well
documented space-related player/Official safety concerns is a present day opportunity that should be capitolised upon ASAP.Both Officials and Players
have lost an unpecedented number of man games recently and this dynamic has been ending up causing negative impacts since the extra official was
Everything about todays NHL is pointing towards the creation and maintenance of MORE EXCITING anyone with even an iota of foresight
must see the "big heavy" game going the way of the Dinosaurs...right?
When you are playing from behind big heavy players dont show so well....only when its 2-1 and this slow grind is accepted will a big team show well,an
NHL hockey a team must ACCEPT THE SLOW GRIND because its harder to build than it is to break because of the tremendous number of possesion changes in
NHL Hockey.You see Lobsang? It is harder to build consistant defense than it is to break it....this is the secret nature of NHL Hockey and the
keystone to the NHS.
One man can win any given game if he is gifted and the Process supports him,when you have SEVEN MEN capable of winning games on their own you have
what we call options.When I was a country boy Shotgun Shells were pretty much all the same to I know what Bird-shot/buck-shot/Dragons
Breath/Slugs/Armor Piercing ect ect and many more rounds are and what their specialtiies are.....the Oilers have every kind of ammunition in the
world to chamber but they cannot find a Shotgun capable of handeling the wide variety of rounds they have under varying dynamics situations.The Oilers
"found themselves" with this selection of ammunition and no Gun ........Todd McLellan is the equivilant of a double-barrel shotgun,when the Oilers
Need an Auto-Loader,even a Pump-Action is not good enough,Semi-Automatic is the only way for them to go.
Sure there will be challenges,Semi-automatics tend to jam up on you ,but who cares if my Auto-Loader jams on me after I have sent 4-5 rounds into you
and all I need to do is keep dodging your flailing attempts to survive ?I want those 4-5 rounds to be ON THE WAY TO YOU case something
jams up on me I want WALL OF IMPACT ON ITS WAY ASAP.
The NHL is like a close-quarters environment where you use a combonation of overwhelming blunt firepower combined with aggressive room-clearing
forward motion to win the day every day,he who hesitates is lost.Shotguns are IMHO best for clearing houses but you have to shoot first on instinct
and be indiscriminating about your targets remembering there ARE NO GOOD GUYS in the house .The Oilers must begin to clean house like stone-cold
cleaners,no house is a clean house until they have been in and about it.
The Oilers need to shrink the rink....they need to make it their house....they need to make it so ONLY SHOTGUNS as powefull as theirs are will be
effective so as to force people to play their game.....inside the Devils PhoneBooth ....from the o-zone to the back of the opponents net.They must
eliminate the d-zone completely and the collapse defense prevents this from happening ,its NHL evolution dictating how the Oilers must begin to
Lets not forget that McLellan and Babcock could both have been techniclly and sylisticlly behind the NHLs evolutionary curve and beyond their NHL
expiry dates because of it when they moved on to the Laughs and Spoilers.