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moma2s NewAge Hockey System

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posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 03:35 PM
The NHS hasnt "added" anything "new" in long time.Here is some new insight.

When you are shorter,slower,weaker,less co-ordinated and less experienced than your opponents in NHL Hockey you can still win consistantly and if you are consistantly executing as an individual you can win consistantly in a DOMINATING FASHION.Hockey is a sport where it is extremely easy for one man to win or lose games on behalf of the Team,there are reasons for this dynamic reality we wont touch on today.

At any given moment any single player can go end to end and score a goal,if he can put together a sequence of interwoven seamless moves and work the edges of anywhere from 1-6 spheres of influence,he can complete a possesion optinally by depositing it in the net where it belongs. This is the dynamic every single possesion has the potential to be realised as a puck in net.Because of the high volume of possesions actioned in evey game the EXPECTATION is that many goals be scored in 60 minutes every game......the primary natural direction in sports dynamic landscape like this is FORWARD which translates into OFFENSE or GOAL SCORING.There are very few excuses for wasting a PUCK POSSESION......everything the Process you use focuses on must begin and end with POSSESION as the primary driver.

Keeping these loose parameters in mind......Moma2 once competed in Doubles Badminton tournament which was being used to mark a portion of Gym Class in High School,when the 2xs team were put together Moma2 was new to the School and didnt know anyone and when Moma2 latched onto a partner it was the only head-banger dressed like Moma2 we began the Tournament together....after the 1st day Moma2s partner absconded from Gym Class and dropped it....the next Class the Instructor posted Losses on the schedule for all of Moma2s Tournament games ....because with no partner the games were forfeit....... Moma2 asked if he could play on in the 2xs Tournament as a Singles player and was given permission to do so.Moma2 WON THE TOURNAMENT which just so happened to contain PAIR OF SENIOR HIGH DOUBLES CHAMPIONS........Moma2 happens to be an Inuitive Empath auto-didact ambi-dextrous type of player which means Moma2 uses both hands and never turns away from the playction staying "square and aware" at all times and focusing everything FORWARD.......switching the Racquet from hand to hand E/W using a laterally managed process.Moma2 dropped over 150 shots in the exact same spot during that tourney,same on everybody,same basic tactics on every Team but one .Every 3rd point Moma2 scored came out of a "balk" by the opponents or a stutter-step catalysed by a miscommunication.Playing as a single in a 2xs tournament was BEAUTIFULL....I didnt have really any room for error only missteps and because I was using a Hybrid style of play by facing forward at all times and eliminating most of the TURNS AND TWISTS out of my processes by proxy, my decisions were faster and more urgent and more committed, my margins for error DECREASED because my tactical management and dynamic anticipation was based upon aknowledged disadvantages all over the place,I eliminated many of the complicated traditional philosophies concepts and tactics and I improvised and optimised.To make things even sweeter my Gym Instructor didnt enjoy Headbanger rebel types and was salivating when the Senior High Badminton Doubles teammates came to play to say Moma2 switched it up like MacTavish used to do and reversed engines and used the BACKHAND to dig out all of the howitzers being driven at Moma2[which were very easy to read incoming]....and for Moma2 when projecting from center court the stabbing reachacross dig was faster than the reaching forehand digs and the recovery from the 75% commited backhand to forehand in a correction is quicker and the crossover stretch when you are using the backhand is the optimal reach you can execute .The extra speed gained in setting up the backhand allowed Moma2 more"touch" or "feel" on the digs or returns ....because Moma2 was using a square and aware posture and primarily looking to use the backhand most tactical 2ndary movements and recoverys or pushes catalysed out of a very few spins and very small footwork adjustments....the bottom line was no one team could beat me not even real badmonton players because I had discovered how to apply IDA and IDM to "slow the game down" for me and to "quicken it" for my opponents.

The point of the story is this I got the lowest Gym mark of High School and had a huge batle with my Instructor who claimed that even though I destroyed everyone by basic techinques and execution of basic tactics was off-base,wins or not.

Do you know of Bushido Lobsang?

The Oilers are having a similar problem right now,they have 7 players who have become the top of their classes and attained pinnacle landmark designations........but every last one of them became top'o'the heap by OCASSIONALLY STEPPING OUT OF THE NORM TO BECOME DYNAMIC CONTRASTS TO WHAT WAS GOING ON AROUND THEM.......Lobsang everything around an offensive player what the System and his temmates do is FOOWORK TO HIM and HE THROWS THE PUNCHES ONLY WHEN HE SEES OPENINGS NOT WHEN HIS FEET SAY.....

Had the Oilers formed up around Hall and traded every pick after him to simply keep buying up on players and bolstering around Hall they would be powerhouse by now.......had they decided to build around Nuge and forsake all else they would be powerhouse today,same with Nail ,Ebbs ,and and Leon and McDavid and Nurse.... had the Oilers chosen just one of these elite level players to build around and then nailed down all their loose ends around them buttoning them into a simple KISS System run by a Coach like ANY OF THE LAST 6 MARTYERS.....they would be Playoff team this season.

But you see this group is gunning for a multi-Cup focus....they are building a Dynasty and NO ONE HAS EVER DONE IT LIKE THIS one in NHL history has had the moxy and patience and good fortune to ammas such a huge warchest of elite talents,the INTENTIONS AND IMPETUS are well meaning.....however the methods hve been severely lacking.

Because NO ONE HAS EXECUTED A BUILD THIS WAY one can slap a timeline on progress and if one thing is certain it is that a NEW method will NOT ABIDE BY CONVENTIONS when it produces reults , so this means traditional conventional valuations and assesments WILL BE OF ZERO ANTICIPATORY VALUE IN GUDING OR DEFINING THE EVOLUTION OF THE OVERALL PROCESS.

What nobody talks about is the dream every Coach of the last 6 has had,is been the same Dream,to revive the Oilers Historic Franchise........and what no one asks is why they have all failed so miserably?

Its simple....the NHL has no process or System which can incorporate the skillsets the Oilers now posses,there is NO MANGEMENT PROCESS AVAILABLE which can actively plug-and-play this many elite offensive skillsets congruently. No one has ever put together a Philosophy System or Process capable of allowing mid-sized offensive minded players to seamlessly step onto the NHLs small ice-surface and dominate bigger sronger players via process.

Wayne Gretzky CATALYSED EVERYHING with the Dynasty Team and he did it by using Macro and Micro-management processes like tools at perfect times in pefect places to dynamiclly sculpt opportunitys for wins every time he was on the ice.Until 2006-07 nothing has been able to duplicate this elite on-ice managemen processes impacts not even Wayne himself, HOWEVER in 2006-2007 an Edmonton hockey Fan managed to do exactly this when he conceptualised and created Moma2s NewAge Hockey System.

Wayne created OPPORTUNITY for his teamates to become famous......he could have built a Stanley Cup Team out of any Franchise as it stands today using his personal skill-set .IIt wasnt hard to shut down Gretzky,NHL teams just did not understand how he was doing what he was doing so they could not devise tactical responses to him.

What most people fail to understand is that Wayne Gretzky needed to use IDA to orchesrate and plan consistant dynamics to build IDM based opporunitys ,so even if you made the same mistake consistantly Wayne could use that fact to his advantage..... sooooo.....basiclly Wayne was like Nuge and Nail and Conner and he needed his teammates to all be predictable for him to optimise his skillset.

So you see Lobsang....even Wayne Gretzkys Coaching methods revolve around one single on-ice management focus stepping out of sync from a consistant dynamic template to create offense.....and this is why you hear guys like Gretzky and lemieux say defense wins Championships its because they know that a sound KISS defensive structure will feed one on-ice manager plenty of opportunitys to score 2-3 goals per game,so they set the scale of offensive expections at this level because they dont have anything better to offer .The NHS far exceeds the Management acumen and skillsets of all NHL Head Coaches AND NHL Players and EX-Players bar none....yes Lobsang for the uninitiated the only reliable way of supporting Waynes thinking and traditional thinking is to build an airtight KISS defense to find the consistancy of dynamic execution they need with every man in exact position .......until you learn what the NHS is and how it works....then you realise that by ABANDONING the defense first focus and using an OFFENSIVELY FOCUSED PROCESS which implements IDA and IDM and BY PROXY OF PROCESS creates AN EVEN GREATER VOLUME OF CONSISTANT SCORING DYNAMICS , when you realise this is possible using EveryMan average NHL Players....well then you simply expect much much more.

To bring it all together here,lets say that the only hope the Oilers have of managing a tremendous historical Core group like they have and to OPTIMISE EVERYONE in the process they must EXPECT MUCH MUCH MORE OFFENSIVELY....not adjust expectations in an evolving downward direction as they have been doing .Even thinking about trying to ask a group like this to consider playing a defensive style of hockey is assinine and ludicrous.The Oilers should have been escalating the offensive creative quotient 4 years ago substantially and exponentially.

The Oilers tried to use advanced/enhanced stats since 2007 to discover a way to bring these elite players together and to optimise their skillsets and acumens.....they have failed EPICLLY because it cannot possibly be accomplished using data based on past results and numbers based structure.....which is why no one has ever spent time and resources listening to the stats crowd.....until the Oilers dove in headfirst in 2008 with Darkhorse Analytics .

People dont just crawl out of their parents basements on their 25th birthdays and display a lifetime of competative sports acumen,and this includes stats people,and this observation includes University nerds who can use Word and Excell as well.......the Oilers failed to follow Industry protocals and they allowed people with less than acceptable credentials and backgrounds into their processes.......they took a big big risk with Darkhorse and Dellow and this risk has blown up in heir faces now......even today Todd McLellan and his Boss Peter Chiarelli must by due process look at where Darkhose and Dellow CAME FROM and what their Resumes said......they cant just accept inputs in place by others before they arrived,in fact they should have every reason to suspect anything pe-existing to possibly be the thorn they need to remove.Maybe because Dellow has been moved and Darkhorse has had since 2008 to ingrain themselves PC and McLellan see no danger or see no impacts being created to be concerned about......if McLellan and PC sat and talked to Moma2 for 60 minutes they would leave the room go to their offices clean them up then both meet at the Bar to phone Katz and tell him they both want out ASAP if Darkhorse and Dellow and anyone even remotely connected to them are not 86ed immediatly.

The Oilers need to use the NHS because they need to score 4-7 GPG and they need to play suffocating defense and they need to do it by process not by player.The Big-Man Era is ending now as every NHL Team focused this way is failing to win the Stanley Cup....even the Kings dont play the "Big-Heavy Game" we hear so much about and havent for 3-4 years now.The Oilers havent lost Nail YET so they are still intact....and this is very good because you wouldnt want to be DECONSTRUCTING THE EXACT SAME TYPE OF ROSTER EVERYONE ELSE IS TRYING TO BUILD RIGHT.Right?With Moma2 out of the picture the Hawks/Islanders are going to showcase the NHLs future....only the Kings guts and experience will keep them in it this year because the Hawks NHS interpretation is more offensive and equally as defensively capable,and the Islanders are emulating the Hawks NHS interpretation and kicking it up a notch offensively.The big heavy Teams will be removed in the 2nd round.No one is paying attention to should....he figured out the NHS long ago.

Rolling 3 offensive lines is the key,understanding officiating trends and seasonal trends is critical,learning to remove the Ref by scoring enough to make their job easy is the key,the closer games are the more difficult the Refs jobs become..... its the 2 Ref system which removes the single Refs ability to keep the game balanced and flowing.With 2 Refs AND instant replay the NHL is setting itself up for twice as many visually misrepesentative errors to be illuminatated on National Television possibly sending the wrong message about Officiating in the NHL.Low scoring games that are very close put Refs under tremendous pressure......and with technology creeping in the NHL needs wiggle-room and removing one Ref because of well documented space-related player/Official safety concerns is a present day opportunity that should be capitolised upon ASAP.Both Officials and Players have lost an unpecedented number of man games recently and this dynamic has been ending up causing negative impacts since the extra official was added.

Everything about todays NHL is pointing towards the creation and maintenance of MORE EXCITING anyone with even an iota of foresight must see the "big heavy" game going the way of the Dinosaurs...right?

When you are playing from behind big heavy players dont show so well....only when its 2-1 and this slow grind is accepted will a big team show well,an NHL hockey a team must ACCEPT THE SLOW GRIND because its harder to build than it is to break because of the tremendous number of possesion changes in NHL Hockey.You see Lobsang? It is harder to build consistant defense than it is to break it....this is the secret nature of NHL Hockey and the keystone to the NHS.

One man can win any given game if he is gifted and the Process supports him,when you have SEVEN MEN capable of winning games on their own you have what we call options.When I was a country boy Shotgun Shells were pretty much all the same to I know what Bird-shot/buck-shot/Dragons Breath/Slugs/Armor Piercing ect ect and many more rounds are and what their specialtiies are.....the Oilers have every kind of ammunition in the world to chamber but they cannot find a Shotgun capable of handeling the wide variety of rounds they have under varying dynamics situations.The Oilers "found themselves" with this selection of ammunition and no Gun ........Todd McLellan is the equivilant of a double-barrel shotgun,when the Oilers Need an Auto-Loader,even a Pump-Action is not good enough,Semi-Automatic is the only way for them to go.

Sure there will be challenges,Semi-automatics tend to jam up on you ,but who cares if my Auto-Loader jams on me after I have sent 4-5 rounds into you and all I need to do is keep dodging your flailing attempts to survive ?I want those 4-5 rounds to be ON THE WAY TO YOU case something jams up on me I want WALL OF IMPACT ON ITS WAY ASAP.

The NHL is like a close-quarters environment where you use a combonation of overwhelming blunt firepower combined with aggressive room-clearing forward motion to win the day every day,he who hesitates is lost.Shotguns are IMHO best for clearing houses but you have to shoot first on instinct and be indiscriminating about your targets remembering there ARE NO GOOD GUYS in the house .The Oilers must begin to clean house like stone-cold cleaners,no house is a clean house until they have been in and about it.

The Oilers need to shrink the rink....they need to make it their house....they need to make it so ONLY SHOTGUNS as powefull as theirs are will be effective so as to force people to play their game.....inside the Devils PhoneBooth ....from the o-zone to the back of the opponents net.They must eliminate the d-zone completely and the collapse defense prevents this from happening ,its NHL evolution dictating how the Oilers must begin to execute.

Lets not forget that McLellan and Babcock could both have been techniclly and sylisticlly behind the NHLs evolutionary curve and beyond their NHL expiry dates because of it when they moved on to the Laughs and Spoilers.

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 07:04 PM
The NHS owes Conner a payback for undue stress caused... lol...,so here it is, Conner needs to become the up-speed penetration support and he needs to be activated with the puck 3-4 feet into the o-zone on his right side so he can turn sideways at extremely high up-speed to be square and aware as he executes a quick-release shot.So to review what the NHS defines as "upspeed" it is when Nuge attacks the o-zone from his slightly right of center side with far left-side lateral support and a d-man far left sneaking up as well Nugey recieves a short 15-20 foot pass in the n-zone from Conner ,Nuge then attacks just slightly to his right side of Center at 70% speed[enough speed to force the defense to commit] and hitting the blueline with time to set his stance wide penetrating 3-4 feet before dishing it to a Conner McDavid who is busting in FULL SPEED through the n-zone only 3 steps behind Nugey,timed so that even if Nuge recieves high contact Conners speed and stick will let him pick off pucks as he flies-by.This Up-Speed playaction off of the right side allows McDavid to get BEHIND Nuge and the d-man who engages him and to pucks dribbled in or headmanned to that open seam,if they engage Nuge high it simply gives Conner MORE ROOM AND A LONGER SEAM.....and if he slips in behind everyone he will be clear to turn his body square to the net on his forehand.If the defense collapses on Nugey and allows him deeper zone penetration then Nugey just cuts to the middle and leaves it for Conner who simply comes in behind Nuge and rips shots low far left corner of the net on his forehand looking for that wide lateral support[Kassian] on the far side to be standing backdoor waiting. Conner doesnt like to shoot the puck sraight-on as much as headman it or play around to build angles ,it so he needs to be given relays he can pick up on-the-fly and little dishes into open ice he can break away from cover and get to spots where he can transfer his N/S speed into an E/W shooting stance on his forehand from the right side.Another benefit is Conner strikes early and deadly when he is one on one with goalie and has the speed advantage,he doesnt make lot of stickhandeling moves hes one and done and is looking to bury it ASAP so when he picks pucks up entering the o-zone UPSPEED he will be commited to shooting quickly which is what you want him to do,no overplaying it,with NUGEY coming in behind looking to snipe rebounds in ASAP with NO PASSES just one-and-done.Every possesion Conners line gets should be good for 2 shots on net if this KISS method is followed ,with McDavid and Hopkins Kassian getting his chops wet far-side backdoor with lots of pucks coming his way and lots of opportunity for glory.Managing Conners speed this NHS focused way transitionally will result in multiple points over these last 2 games,maybe 4-5 pointers.

posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 03:01 PM
Well it looks like the evidence is in......there is no Esprit de Corps whatsoever....this is a fractured group with no binder holding it together.

5-0 with 2 games left in another white-washed season,only 5 players remain since 2011 so this IS NOT A MATTER OF LOSING HABITS......there are 18 Men who were not here in 2011-12........and the 5 who were do not answer for those 18 mens work ethic or results........IMHO we have an enire group of guys riding the losing streak and feeding off of the Oilers long term losing reputation to hide their sub-par levels of give-a-spit.

Players and Fans need to understand something.....McLellan hasnt been referring to his Core of Nuge-Eberle-Hall-Nail-Leon-Lander-McDavid -Nurse................he was referring to everyoe else when he was advising Players to consider all the Ex-NHLers out there who once they lose their spot in an organisation NEVER RETURN TO THE NHL......everyone besides the 8 players I listed must consider their immediate futures......methinks that this Lockerroom-Doom will continue until everyone understands their jobs .......the CORE IS IN PLACE......and until it is surrounded by the right types of supports it will go nowhere.

!8 men need to be valuated over the summer,no one even fought last one deemed their job to be important enough to go fight for it...........maybe McLellan needs to specificlly SAY the Core is EXCLUDED FROM HIS IRE RIGHT NOW..... because they should be....right now EVERY SINGLE OILER EXCLUDIING NUGE-HALL-EBBS-NAIL-LANDER-LEON-MCDAVID-NURSE................must understand their roles......and appaently after 200 days with their Coaches 18 of them dont get it.

When Moma2 worked on the Oil Rigs it was easy to tell just by first impressions exactly how efficient and Professional a Crew would be judging by the "State of Affairs" of things.....when I wanted to move forward in my career I "scouted" companies and specific Rigs when I could by driving out to them and looking clean and tidy is no sloppy and disorganised is no good.......clean and tidy Oil Rigs are like clean and tidy Kitchens ....something is wrong ...a busy functioning worksite shows signs of life signs of constant teaching and transitions.

On MY always became the focal point,moving people long was important,the work became secondary....first you learned to do it efficiently and quickly ,you STREAMLINE AND OPTIMISE PROCESSES and then you used the time you saved to teach people things they want to learn like how you do your job like how the Bosses do their jobs,you know free made soooo many Industry enemies by doing this its a highlight of my LIFE....I HATE weakness and graft,if you arent the best man for the job then you shouldnt have the job if a better man is available,I was always teaching eveything to everyone and this upsets complacent lazy people who are "connected" and who are weak links in the chain.When you worked with me learning was a part of earning,yes you did your job ,but then you were given opportuniy to learn and if you took it you stayed on my Crew and if you chose not to take it you were promoted away from my Crew.This is why a o-clean worksite is bad sign,it means that maybe optimal processes have been found and organisation has been achieved but it also means wayyy to much of tha saved time is being spen cleaning and doing maintenance and there is no sense of a crappy workplace urgency is catalysed because everything is always a cluster-puck and everyone has to 2x time it just to get basic tasks completed on time,in a better workplace there is no rushing because eveything is co-ordinated there is no urgency and it looks like guys are on a holiday ,in the best workplace everything is co-ordinated no one is ever out of sync and the urgeny levels are high because eveyone is INVOLVED IN A LEARNING PROCESS or WORK so there is always an superficial mess around,not a "derelict mess" but an in the moment type of mess a work in progress level of mess.

You see everyone wants to be good at their jobs,but unless there is a process in place to help people feel proud of themselves then the elie level of professionalism will not evolve,there are working environments and learning environments and the best thing to build is a working environment in which you are constantly learning.Once the learning stops everything stops.

So you see when I see the Oilers locker-room its to perfect its to clean.....everyone is over-focused on just doing their exact job and nothing else.....its a Union mentality.The micro-challenges have been removed,all of the factors which build esprit de corps are removed from the equation and the Men have nothing to bring them common causes..... nothing is being thing that stands out from all the Dynasty Oilers interviews is when they talk about learning from their mistakes,pay attention to how many times that elite HISTORIC GROUP uses the word LEARN or LEARNING when they wax poetic about the olde days......they were on a learning curve ALL AT THE SAME TIME.......these current Oilers need to also begin a learning curve together,one which begins on game one and ends with a Stanley Cup... now what do you think hose Dynasty guys were referring to when they said "learning to win"????....the processes and clipboard notes......or the levels of personal sacrifice needed from EveryMan?So you see the "evidence" says we have an Esprit de Corp issue here.......changing the System and Coaches and Players has NOT WORKED...6 Head Coaches 12 Systems and every Player purged save 5 since where is the Esprit de Corps? Where is it suppossed to come from....Eakins spat on the Oildrop and Kevin Lowe let him desecrate Oilers History and the where exctly do todays Oilers look when they want to connect to the teams Legacy and History???To WHOM DO THEY LOOK.

I am afraid there has been a distinct lack of learning present since Ralph Krueger left,and that Quin,Renney and Krueger and Nelson were all TEACHERS.........Eakins was to green and McLellan is a Foreman or an Operator not a teacher.....the Oilers were to impatient with the really good teaching NHL Coaches they have had.... both Eakins and Mclellan had issues because they expected the Men to be ready fully experienced and prepared to simply shut up and do their work like journeyman NHLers.....LMAO....why exactly do you think a man becomes the 1st Over-All pick???...hes the best LEARNER of everyone sheesh!!! what happens when you take 5-6 or a full CORE of TOP END LEARNERS and then suddenly tell them all who happen to be at different critical infantile learning points in their NHL careers to shut up and do their jobs and stop learning?Well you screw them all because what made each of them so special is that they are OPTIMAL asking them to shut off their cerebral hi-beams put their heads down and arses up and WORK LIKE BULL,is stupid and derelict.

A Head Coach asking Nail Yakupov why he needed to keep learning when thats all he wants to ever do is assinine derelict bushleague and actually sickeningly abusive.Calling out a young learning Core repeatedly over 2-3-4 years when YOU have artificially stopped their learning curves is backwards and is damaging to all of them.

You see learning brings grading and graduating.....and this means you must have personell TRANSITIONING nturally and normally through your system,so they have and feel an obligtion to be a part of a pecking order,it what the Oilers screwed up on and what they fail to properly respect fom the olde days,guys like Fogolin.You see you need OLD guys and you need MIDDLE AGE guys and you need YOUNG GUYS and you always need KID OR TWO.You need this balance because you want an assembly line action happening to give players proper sense of urgency and of the moment so players are always here and now .You want your Core to be able to look at the old guy finishing off his career and think ahead and also to be able to look beside him and see the Cabin Boy Kid who you used to be and when this happens the Oilers will be ready.......well it didnt happen because they flooded the room with young kids.....and as soon as they did that they had to have known they upset the normal evolutionary curve and normal Lockerroom dynamics right?

Ideally you want to begin with a few OLD coots who are respected in the room because of the LEGACY they represent.You build a Championship Team around an INTANGIBLE around a LEGACY.The Oilers lost Ryan Smyth and then all the youngsters had left was the Lockerroom and Organisational Legacy to lean on until Eakins flushed that last string holding todays team connected to their rightfull Legacy down the crapper.

Now its time for the Owner/Managers/Powermongers[Lowe] put up or shut up......they created this Legacy VOID and now it must be filled in properly........with the 5 players who have been here since 2011-12...Eberle-Hall-NUge-Lander-Nail these are the rightfull heirs to the Oilers throne and Kevin Lowe has kept driving the kids way from Leadership , like an old Lion who will not die but cannot reproduce anymore will keep on competing for females if he has strength,Lowe should have tired out long ago but Katz gave him an immunity Idol and he has now become an old Rouge TomCat who bites to much and is never going to be settled and calm and trustworthy again......just give Nuge the "C" and set some new traditions up in the room ,help the 5 kids sit down and decide,dont tell them just suggest things to them and let them make final calls.For gods sakes you cant have guys like Maroon and Pouliot and Hendricks and Sekera and Kassian thinking they will rise to a leadership role here.....the problem resides in people not knowing their niches.....the Letters belong to TRADITION and the Teams who best exemplifies Wayne Gretzky???Obviously Ryan Nugent-Hopkins a very very long margin.The Letters belong to the longest serving Oilers not to every tumbleweed who blows into town because those Letters are earned by we have only 5 men who qualify....Ebbs-Hall-Nuge-Nail-Lander.......the rest are simply not on the docket.No McDavid is not a Captain.....nor is Nurse or Leon...they may be one day but not today.....If I had to pick the top 2 candidates I would Pick Nuge and Anton and throw in Nurse for the youngest generations sake.Just set the tone so everyone can settle in,leave if your leaving and stay if you are staying.

How do you think it makes the Core feel to be valued so LOW....Kevin Lowe waited to long to give them the pecking order they all needed....hes cruel and he waited until now after every single Core #1 pick had crap rubbed in their noses enough to understand they could ever be as great as olde six rings to settle leadership issues.....he forced the young men to build walls between each other by waiting this was no accident.....he eroded Esprit de Corp this way.......then he brought in non-Oilers and tried to force his own kids to shut up and sit down while others came into THEIR HOUSE and played with all of their toys eroding Esprit de Corp even more and IMHO intentionally.....many wrongs have been committed.

2017 must be a year of COMMITTMENT by the Oilers,they must name a Captain MUST DO IT....and McDavid cannot be that man....its that simple.IMHO Draisaitl is more Captain material than McDavid is and they are peers in every way and even in 6-7 years when Nugey moves on Leon will likely show better.The Vets coming in need to know they dont have to do to much just be themselves,right now the Oilers are projecting like every single man they bring in must be a Mark Messier becuse there is no leadership in the even every new man comes in distacted from his basic NHL role and they arent looking to Nuge or Ebbs or anyone in the room for directions on even basic traditions ...the Oilers Management have really dug themselves a deep hole on this one IMHO.Put the "C" on Nuge,end this fiasco and let some of the other young guys get a little loosey goosey and misbehave a know develop charachter.....because we have 5 young men who have been forced to wait on eggshells and BEST BEHAVIOUR for 4 years for Christmas morning to come.....its stupid already.....just pick a guy and let the rest feel the pressure of Leadership fall off of their will be amazed at what happens.....guys who arent woried about keeping the rules enforced tend to BREAK MORE RULES which makes them edgy and truculent and the way Moma2 sees it 4 out of 5 of those young men should be FREED FROM THE BONDS OF THIS HEADGAME so they may define themselves without being emotionally hi-jacked with a carrot hanging just in front of them they will never catch.

The Oilers will likely tell you they were waiting for the cream to rise to the dropped the ball usual.Most of the Oilers problems have been caused by THE OILERS.....they are self-inflicted injuries.Kevin Lowe doesnt trust anyone he is paraniod and he has refused to allow now TWO GENERATIONS OF HOCKEY TALENT TO STAGNATE WITH NO LEADER......Moma2 TRUSTS the CORE.....and Nuge is Moma2s choice hands down for many reasons.

Halls and Ebbs and Nuges and Nails evolutions have been obstructed by this Nurse and Leon and Conner are being thrust into it as well because so many of them ARE LEGITIMATE LEADERSHIP CANDIDATES.

Who in their right mind would travel the entire country rounding up every LOS LOBOS or #1 l lone-wolf studs who are Alpha-male to the core no matter how they look on the outside ....then when all of the nearly equal wolves who all have Alpha-toendncies are captured....LMAO....put them into a cage together to let them fight it out till a leader is every one will fight till the end because its in their genetics AND they will destroy each other in that cage because in each of their hearts they know if they go just a bit further that 90% of the rest of the wolves should roll over for you see Kevin Lowe et al have INTENTIONALLY FOSTERED DISSONANCE IN THE LOCKEROOM BY NOT TAKING HIS RISK AND NAMING A LEADER he hedged his bets and waited to long and now the caged wolves are fully grown and hurting each other.Nail is ripping at the cage door.....simply naming a Captain puts Nuge and Hall and Ebbs and everyone in a better frame of mind.

posted on Apr, 4 2016 @ 08:34 AM
Value...valued....valuation......all things traditionally cnnected to "results" or "Stats".....well Moma2 is here to brek the news to you that NHL Hockey is NOT "results" or "stats" based business......far from it.

One Mr.Kevin Lowe discovered erly on in his career that the best excuse to give the paying fans when an oppositionally defiant decision was made which everyone knew made little to no sense ...was to say hockey is a "results based business" .....this keystone BS line of hockey being a "results based business" keeps the ownership LOCK on players and gives ownership COMPLETE CONTROL over a player and his future.....because owners and Coaches know very well that by simply using player differently or less which they can NEVER BE CONDEMNED FOR DOING they can by manipulating their time on ice ...control slaries in the Cap era......Nail Yakupov is a prime example of this method of undercutting a player.You see the Oilers didn have to do this wih Nail when they only had Hall and Ebbs and Nugey......however they jumped the gunn on Ebbs and fed him 6 million bucks which he has earned but then hey didnt know what to do with Nail...then long came Draisaitl and McDavid and Nurse and they produced their own values immediatly and statisticlly because of he experienced veteran young Core of the Oilers,Leo and Conner did not come in to Edmonton and blow away he previous high picks at all,hey BENEFITED FROM THEIR NOW VETERAN EXPERIENCE.

Now that we know what ws done to Nail Yakupov and why....he was manipulated from his 2nd year forward by people running the books who were interested in keeping his value artificially low by manipulating his minutes and opportuunitty while they bought time.....they messed with Nails head when they messed with his game and it was a sordid affair on every level.Now they bring in PC and Mclellan who have no clue how business was being done here and expect the fanbase to give them mulligans which will cover up and erase the poor decisions being made for so about we leave PC and McLellan "mulligans alone" so THEY can use them if and when THEY need them......not give them to Kevin Lowe et al.

You see VALUE is determined in many ways....some good some bad.....some accurate some not.

So heres the problem which in Edmonton is always left for the Fans to solve .

On a tradittional NHL Hockey Team and on ANY competative Sports team there must be a leader,there must be a focal point and EveryMan or EveryWoman must support and give ALLIEGENCE TO this focal point,many people or things can be actioned as this focal point some being more reliable than others. NORMALLY one players has so much more potential that everyone caalyses around them and if you are extremely lucky you could end up with Crosby and a Malkin or a Gretzky and Messier or Sedins.As I said there are mitigating factors which define how much sucess you will achieve and on what type of timeline they will manifes upon,these factors are ALL DEPENDANT on how the MAJORITY WISH TO BUY-IN.

You cannot force people to follow anyone.....Kevin Lowe has been shuffeling the deck looking for a combonation to fit a growing Halls leadership.....but Nuge came along and made this forever impossibe which was obvious from his rookie year on......but Kevin Lowe still insisted Hall was his man and he put Nugey through hades making him jump through hoops for years while he kept shuffeling Players in and out tying to find men to catalyse around didnt happen and Lowe DID NOT LET NUGE NATUALLY ACHIEVE THIS STATUS HE HAS ALREADY EARNED.......then along came Nurse who clearly has leadeship qualities down the road as he matures and Leon who also is showing these same leadership qualities as we speak......and Kevin Lowe has been caught red-handed screwing with the teams natural evolution...... now the putz is in deep waters because McDavid is to young and green to be a Captain in the NHL and Leon has actually showed better and Hall is not the man now so with Nuge just being stonewalled we are in a Kevin Lowe vanity driven stubborn mental lockdown which ALWAYS ends up with the Oilers losing because Kevin attitude only works on the ice when you play ,in the office it submrines you every time.

So as I was saying, traditionally its easy for a room full of men to come to an adhoc group decision on who is the best man ocassionally you get wo like Wayne and Mark or Sidney and Evigney or the Sedins.......but generally there is only ONE MAN who comes in heralded as a future elite player and EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING IS DONE TO PROMOTE THI8S PLAYER INTO THE ELITE RANKS OF NHL IMPACTS BE IT DEFENSE OR SCORING.

The Oilers didnt do this with Hall because IMHO they PLANNED ON DUMPING MULTIPLE SEASONS and they wanted to wait a year or two before they went all-in building around Hall......they made a choice then and have to live with it......since then they have been kicked in the sack by sucess over and over getting #1 pick after #1 pick and laughably because of Kevin Lowes stubborn vanity they have lost themselves in the Candy store with a handfull of money and no inner fortitude and the Bus is leaving them behind ......Lowe et al refused to reverse course and to re-set around Nuge using the excuse he wasnt proven yet and taking no risk and supporting Hallsy TO MUCH RIGHT OFF THE BAT you see what Lowe did was buy Taylor more time to develop leadership qualities LOWE WAS SURE WERE IN THERE.....big vanity driven mistake.

You see you will never build Esprit de Corps by is ALL EMOTIONAL can encourage certain things to happen but you cannot dictate,the first two years Kevin Lowe gave Hall to grow into a leader were encouragement but when Nugey showed better it became a burden to the Franchise to follow Lowes vanity driven crusade.

Now we have a situation where Nugent Hopkins is STILL THE BEST PLAYER ON THE ROSTER who is beyond impact player definition he is a Franchise cornerstone and McDavid may or may not become a player as good as Nuge is, he could be another Hallsy an elite player and the keystone on any team except the Oilers ,no one has the 2-way impact on games like Nuge does and he has room on both sides of the equation to elevate in Playoffs if needed .Ebbs and Nail and Leon and Nurse and Lander are leaders and Taylor Nail and Conner are elite impact players who will not benefit from "C" .....any of these current definitions can be changed provided it is a player driven change but to my-eye this is how things are evolving.

A big reason the Oilers seem so "soft" is because their top 5 players have all been trying to be Lady Byng candidates and uber-leaders setting the perfect example....jeepers come on lets fix this,this has been a Kevin Lowe inspired traffic jam and players are now beginning to get hurt by it.......we need everyone except Nugey to IMMEDIATLY BECOME TRUCULENT LIKE NAIL YAKUPOV....Nail is the ONLY ONE WHO GOT IT RIGHT because NO ONE INCLUDED HIM IN LEADERSHIP CONVERSATIONS so he wasnt under any illusions.....he knew he had to become truculent to benefit the Team so he did it just like Nurse does and just like Hendricks does both men are keepers....on this note Nail Yakupov has shown every quality you want in a leader,thie passion his work ethic his effort levels his buy-in his sacrifice and risk being truculent his positive upbeat outlook his incredible level of patience his ability to continue to perform under undulating bi-polar circumstances,this brave young man walked into a new country and brought his family and set up shop in the most discombobulated confused process in the NHL and then he encountered and survived the Eakins Purge.....this guy is RESSILIENT....and he is also a developing leadership candidate.

Heres a curve-ball for you.....Moma2 can prove the Oilers Players have been forced to produce losing results because of their management.....that they are losing because to a man the CORE is trying to hard in every game and on every shift.....there is irrefutable evidence of this.Do you understand what this means?The harder they try the tighter the noose gets around their necks.A defenseman asked to tighten it up and trying to be elite will have a very difficult time doing so....LMAO....already elite Forwards have a snowballs chance in hades of playing tightened up defense....and for anyone who has never played competative sports and been an offensive elite impact ,everyhing is based upon MISTAKES and yes many times elite playes consistantly turn their mistakes back into offense so they MUST BE ABLE TO TILT THINGS ON THE ICE A LOT AND HAVE LATITUDE TO MAKE MISTAKES and also be able to rely on the DEFENSE TO BE ADJUSTING FOR THEM...not the Forwards adjusting to support the defense.Understand this ok Lobsang.....when Crosby takes a risk in the offensive zone and makes a mistake and loses possesion he MUST KNOW WHERE HIS TEAMATES ARE so he can immediatly re-enter the playaction the proper way,so he needs consistancy of execution from his teammates defensively which ranslates into POSITIONAL STATIC ACTION, this means he has to be able to visualise where everyone will be hovering or fighting for real estate,this is how Crosby is optimised in a traditional System,how Gretzky was optimised,EveryMan creates consistant predictable dynamics for the SpearTip of the Process. Soooo this means you need a big heavy team who can hold real estate or a very special System which EveryMan knows well that is fluid and creative but you cannot have both.Traditionally Franchises build around only one or two players....and this is deeply ingrained in all Pro sports...if you wish to optimise a Core like Edmonton has you must take things to another level and leave stats numbers adition and your safety-net behind.

posted on Apr, 4 2016 @ 09:28 PM
The NHS allows EveryMan to seamlessly become the Driver of the "Bus" at any given moment during any given playaction and still keep the "Bus" on the road between the white lines.

Like we covered erlier today,traditionally NHL Teams have used Structured Stats or Numbers based Systems which require these types of thinkers in high volume.These Systems project a solid consistant defensive focus and build offense predominantly off of opponents errors.So "creativity" and excessive movement arent good ,and inability to naturally and consistantly hold and dominate real-estate without having to finesse and escape every engagement without holding ice to support System Structure is not good.In these Systems One or Two players dominate puck possesion and on-ice management actions and the other men are basic simple big strong ice-owning immovable EveryMan NHL Players who only need average NHL skills and acumen physiclly and cerebrally to become meaningfull links in the chain .The driver behind these Systems is stats and numbers because these Systems do not create PARITY OF OPPORTUNITY for more than one or two players in volumes high enough to create meaningfull stats results.....basiclly the best they can do is support a few offensive appetites .

The NHS is designed to create PARITY OF OPPORTUNITY for Everyman on the Roster in every game on every shift on every playaction.There are absolutely no defensive drivers or System structure based tactics and advanced/enhanced stats are rejected completely.

The NHS is Possesion/Transition based Philosophy which centralises all concepts around individual possesion management being surrendered to Process and focuses on an end result of optimal conversions of possesions to goals as the PRIMARY DRIVER.Everything is mico-managed creatively and fluidly on every possesion and playaction to produce goal ASAP there are no crooked lines...everything is bullzozed diectly and expediently into the net and team shooting %s hover around 23%.+.

The Oilers specific problem is how to roll every line out as an offensive line and how to produce points consistantly on every single line as per equal minutes being line matching just rolling one same-minded offensive line out after another .I think the team can score on every 6th possesion.I think its better to use a high power offensive System and roll it out every shift for 60 minutes no line matching because no structure forces players to hold ice or real estate and they can be fluid and free to use their skillsets guile and hockey IQs to convert possesions into goals.There is no "BOOK" to learn and study and rely on or blame , everything evolves naturally and independantly of structure on every possesion.

Gretzky got mad when players missed picking up passes or surrendering pucks because Wayne was always viewing the game on a 60 minute timeline based upon how many possesions his team might get accoding to how Sathers System interacted with the opponents.Gretzky didnt care how accurately his team executed structure he INSISTED NO ONE SURRENDER PUCKS VOLUNTARILY because Gretzky knew full well that possesions are the fuel driving offensive engines,structure may break down and collapse or be read and reacted to but as long as possesion isnt surrendered needlessly the odds fall in your favor in hockey.

Think about what the NHS can produce...... goal every 6th possesion not shot.....if it were every 6th shot it would be 5 goals every 30 shots is pretty anemic.

With the NHS every 6th POSSESION will result in a goal.10 goal games are not impossible to produce consistantly over 82 games.

posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: one4all

Another way to look at the situation is to redefine possession of the puck. The player with the puck owes a responsibility to his teammates on the ice. This is opposite of having teammates owing the responsibility to support the player with the puck. With this slight fundamental shift, we can begin to incorporate NHS.

We begin to realize that voluntary dump-ins become wasted possessions. This is not to say you should never dump in the puck, but there could be four pairs of fresh legs ready to go. Why waste the subsequent shift recovering the puck?

Shrink the rink when you attack the puck and open the rink up when you attack the net.

posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: BlueThunder4All

Exactly....the general idea is to dissolve traditional structure and to enable EveryMan and allow him to be a determinate factor in every playactions outcome by having the possesion player executing properly in support of his teammates by creatively surfing and managing their dynamic impacts , "if you build it they will come" Sam Gagner was teaching his teammates when he racked up 8 points by simply properly utilising IDM .

All you need to do is traverse 200 feet and shoot the puck,if you subtract the pass distances in reality players do not really have to move much if they are in synch.Up to 75% of the resources invested in playactions are consistantly wasted.To much treble and not enough bass.A possesion should be a goal.

Why skate for nothing? If 75% of you on-ice movements are supportive of stats or numbers based tactics which in every pro-sport it IS...then you are simply spinning you wheels,like in this follwing video.

That is figuratively the Oilers in the Police car chasing the winning formula the outlaw NHS has in the getaway car.....ROFLMAO.

The focus of EVERY TEAM SPORT IS TO OUTSCORE AN OPPOSING you think the NHL awards 2 points the team that allows the fewest goals or the team that scores the most goals?It doesnt matter which side of this fence you fall on because both of these impacts support OUTSCORING THE there is really no question of which foot should be put foward first the offensive foot ALWAYS LEADS and the defensive foot always FOLLOW because airtight defense is a bypoduct of optimally executed possesions which are by proxy offense will ALWAYS COME BACK TO OFFENSE BEING THE PRIMARY DRIVER.

Any time you see someone trying to sell you a story that defense wins championships you know they have never coached because stopping a goal from happening with your defense is only valuable IF YOU HAVE EXPRESSED ENOUGH OFFENSE TO HAVE A LEAD TO PROTECT.Defense with no offense to protect CANNOT BY PROXY BE DEFENSE ...soooo...there can not possibly be such a thing as defense-first hockey.Defense helps offensive players express MORE offense than the opponents do,soooo,of course you hear them spout off that defense wins championships....but ask a Championship defenseman and he will tell you that it was the OFFENSE that helped them out because they kept on getting the boys the "one more goal" they needed to make it all keep rolling.

The nature of NHL hockey has always been to support and foster POSSESION CHANGES....until the 90-2000s when rule changes began to unintentionally drain offense removing the play stoppages for Faceoffs when pucks are pinned which CATALYSES SUBSTANTIAL HIGHLY EXCITING OFFENSE.....poorly concieved of changes like adding another on-ice Ref when what is clearly needed to fulfill the technical side of Officiating ALL SPORTS are now dealing with is an off-ice officla with every crew at every game doing the drama we see Officials doing now looking at palm pilots and wee little screens during play stoppages is an insult to NHL hockey and makes it look bushleague ,yes the Officials dont wish to take a step back and lose jobs so just shift one to the off-ice area ASAP before next season so the Goalie equipment changes get some support by having a bit of extra skating and passing room out there.Then next year [it will likely take this long]when they finally understand that their trying to save time by removing Faceoffs to make games shorter has hurt them,now Arenas are being designed as entertainment centers which keep Fans around much much longer than in the past and the focus is to extend the entertainment experience,to create longer value added experience with more glitz to satisfy the senses and stimulate peripheral spending before and after NHL games.The game is quickly orientating itself towards 80sish level of offense,IMHO the Big-Man Era is over now.

Once a Ref is removed from the ice then we will see a normalised NHL Game again, with the 2-Ref system the Officials couldnt ever enter the Rythem of the game to compliment it they had to intererupt the rythem of the game and distract from its evolution to enable the 2-Ref system.Now its simply a matter of seeing it the NHS way now and realising its about getting a Ref off the ice surface but not losing any Officiating jobs and also properly implementing technology under tighter League mandated and hands-on maintained checks and balances.

2 Games to go now till the NHS deadline.I hope McLellan has come to terms with his future,he has had a year to get his bearings,Moma2 has well over a thousand multi-faceted adjustments for the Process which need to be implemented ASAP.

McLellan should not let history repeat itself and look another NHS gift-horse in the mouth....he should consider the opportunity he still has for 2 more games to be evidence of his own personal clean slate with Moma2 and the NHS....the simple opportunity to have the NHS on his side should be unttainable to McLellan due to past wrongs comitted by his predecessors,but he is getting his shot to reach out and post up here to negotiate his own terms with the NHS.Todd McLellan has shown so many signs of tuning in to the NHS its simply silly to not get on with the program.
edit on 5-4-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2016 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: BlueThunder4All

If you parse the generic focuses of your interpretation it would be fair to say that the overriding guiding philosophy would be one of symetrical cohesive appliance to a tactical management of dynamic actions, or an adhereance to a Tactical Dynamic Template built using IDA and IDM which projects impacts defined by the on-ice application of base IDM concepts,the "habits" or" instincts" of the players must be turned away from stats or structured based cerebral muscle twitches and re-focused on reacting instinctively to NHS situational and dynamic they have to basiclly re-wire their Motherboards.

For NHL Players who have been brainwashed since childhood with stats numbers and structure it is very difficult to convert to the NHS without recognising and understanding a NewAge concrete ask someone to "trust" the NHS before they have "connected with it" would be asking a lot.This is why some Coaches and NHL Managers trying to action the NHS fail terribly.....because they try to plug-and-play the concepts and tactics without teaching their men the PHILOSOPHY so they can read each other on the ice.

It took a tremendous amount of effort to connect to and tutor the first few NHL players using online forums a decade ago....many many philosophical ideologies had to be posted and expanded upon enough to hit the right channels with individual NHLers to enable them to "connect" with the NHS.|Enough "right things" had to be posted BEFORE the wrong things were done to build trust......then small details had to be tried out on strictly results based basis...without detracting from the NHL job being done....nothing could EVER SUPERCEDED COACHES ORDERS as was stressed players were NEVER told by the NHS to override an NHL Coaches diectives....quite the opposite the NHS has always encourged Oilers players to embrace and learn their Coaches system because before they can implement the NHS they have to first implement a consistant set of on-ice dynamic patterns which can only be produced when you correctly and consistantly adhere to some type of System.The "system" the Coach asks the Players to execute is not important because ANY SYSTEM WILL DO .....the NHS has System Management Pograms like IDA and IDM which are OVERLAIN ATOP an existing base System.

So it took YEARS of being "more right" consistantly than anyone else online where players went to read data to even catch anyones attention....and the NHS data is intentionally so AGAINST THE GRAIN AND NON-TRADITIONAL that when it is executed it leaves unique signature patterns of impacts. takes TRUST to implement the in philosophy concept and tactics...once the ability to recognise dynamic patterning is developed and the NHS philosophy is understood then players build new instincts.Wayne Gretzky always "trusted" someone would skate into his passes and 75% of the time his teammates didnt know they would end up where Waynes pass was ALREADY ON ITS WAY TO BEING.....well the NHS has reproduced Waynes dynamic pattern based anticipatory skillset and built a set of Processes which if followed will teach these "habits" perfectly and will allow EveryMan and entire Rosters to build and action a level of dynamic awareness very very close to Wayne Gretzkys.

Sam Gagner didnt get 8 points because his TEAM was using the NHS he scored them because HE WAS USING THE NHS and building his tactics off of his IDA observations OF HIS OWN SYSTEM AND TEAMMATES and his IDM tactics were built and directed from and by this IDA dataset.Moma2 knew the Oilers would not endorse openly and completely the NHS so Moma2 taught Silent Sam how to reproduce an individual version of Waynes exact on-ice management focuses using his own team as the catalyst instead of the opponets System ,something which Sam already knew had to be actioned WITHIN THE TEAM SYSTEM FOCUS and this is exactly what Sammy did....he read his teammates accurately for 60 minutes following a PROGRAM which accomodated him.Pay attention to the evolution of Gagners scoring stats and note how and when his multiple point games evolved.The NHS if it had been used teamwide as Moma2 has in every other case been teaching would have been focusing more on managing the opponents dynamic patterning.

Even now when I see Gagner playing with the Flyers he sets his teammates up in PERFECT NHS POSITION CONSISTANTLY on every possesion but they are not as a team dialed in to know how to take advantage of or recognise their next step or the "opportunity".For the record Moma2 identified Kessel as an NHS natural long ago who thinks like Gagner now thinks....the NHS way.How Kessel finds his successes is pure NHS when he is given room to step out of the System and groove.

IMHO Todd McLellan needs to show the Players WHY executing their System mistake free HELPS THEM WIN show them that its not the DEFENSE this tight disciplined execution produces or lack of is in fact the consistancy of production of dynamic patterning on the ice which benefits them and supports their focus on winning the game by enabeling them to execute offensive impacts more often.It is all about putting the puck in the right mens hands to score goals ASAP as many times as possible,the FORWARDS SUPPORT THE DEFENSEMEN BY POSSESING THE PUCKS AND SCORING GOALS.All the defensemen do is get the puck back into their Forwards hands other words lightening fast puck transitions to the forwards in all areas of the ice including the defensive zone.You see the stats based philosophys concepts and tactics have brainwashed by process NHL players to rely on structure when under pressure which means someone always has to be somewhere and this takes precious time to set up,this results in negative d-zone impacts because to much time is spent in the d-zone setting up pressure relief structure ending up in turnovers and errors in the red-zone and an inability to execute n-zone transitions ....the o-zone negatives are impropely timed zone entries trying to build structured entires , overpassing beacuse of the huge lag-time between zone enry and structural set-ups,which results in less finishes because the defense gets time to fill passing and shooting lanes with sticks just before their bodies get there,and also the surrendering of to many odd-man rushes because structural responsibilities force players to push the envelope positionlly because if you HAVE to be somewhere you HAVE to vacate real estate under orders so many times players "know" they are taking risks but the System forces them to take them because of its structural reliance demanding players pigeonhole themselves.Justin Schultz is excelling now because he is not handcuffed....he still has to execute his System duties which he is doing just fine at but now he isnt pinned into the same Oilers style stats based structure and his teammates and the Process with the Pens bends and will creatively ADAPT to errors instead of breaking on them like the Oilers System does.

posted on Apr, 7 2016 @ 11:01 AM
The NHS utilised last nights Farewell to Rexall place as a learning tool,when you have some of the best in NHL history talking you look for inferences.All Moma2 heard were echos....everyhing the NHS has been pushng towards was mentioned in part or parcel by the Dynasty and Pre-Dyansty....evey last one of them were SERIOUS about how they referred to NHL Hockey and their comments were deep and meaningfull.

Anyone following the NHS will understand the connections between the NHS a Symphony Orchestra Mr.Pat Quinn and the Edmonton is epic because it was the first solid NHS /NHL "connection".

M.Pat Quinn was looking down at that Symphony Orchestra in the O-zone and he was smiling because he understands the special significance and the meaning behind it being out there on the ice,it was a Tribute of sorts to the pioneering vision of a Hockey Icon we have all bid farewell to who Moma2 greatly respects.

Kevin Lowe looked "tired" during the Ceremony....and Moma2 realised something....its over... Moma2 has the opponent shaken and stirred and softened up for the KO but but but its not going to happnen because of the "code" between Champions that only winners understand ----Moma2 is making a Victors choice decision to not apply the coup de gras...Kevin Lowe is hereby granted amnesty lest Moma2 in some twist of Karma-connectiveness is ever required to bear his burdens because they are Herculean. Kevin Lowe will never be engaged by Moma2 again on any level and IMHO he deserves to have some years to relax and spend some time reflecting instead of re-building ,the re-build will bear fruits by proxy now, the mastering measuring and mixing are done now and the heavy lifting is over and even if the Oilers finished last place in 2017 if they went on to win a few cups in the next 10 years it would still be Kevin Lowes victory as well because he willl forever be connected to how this Group pans out so Lowes legacy can be spun into Gold at any given time by their sucesses even if he cashed in his chips and retired tomorrow ....but its a bittersweet victory....Moma2 is glad there are only 60 minutes left before the NHS leaves the building for the final time in more game to go...if the NHS deadline of the end of the regular season for contact right here isnt met and dont show suitable respectfull levels of urgency ,then Moma2 walks with a clear conscience,having went above and beyond convention to be all the NHS can be to and for the Oilers.

60 minutes to potential freedom.

Special shout out to Sidney Crosby smart to listen to Gagner he has an excellent eye for valuating Players...good call on Justin Schultz....and to J.S.....well done....carry on....this is the correct spot on the evolutionary curve for you to be on so just keep working on your game details, add some superstition to your game it is a tool,Moma2 is saving the explanation for one of the books coming out so just trust me for now and find yourself some quirky habits to begin to ritualise,doesnt matter what it is,eat a 1/4lber with cheese before every 2nd game,whatever turns your crank,just think about it choose a few things and do it .

PC and McLellan were properly awed by the Alumni ....this is a very good thing.They will be driven to excell now from a much more balanced and Family orientated perspective after connecting directly to the source of dynastic levels of sucess. about the Symphony Orchestra they implemented?? huh? I was left in awe of the serendipity of it

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: one4all

It has taken years to restore the Oilers heritage after the great wood chopping and water carrying purge. Wayne and Mess may have led the Oilers to victory, but not without EveryMan believing in the system and process.

As the playoffs are looming, we will get to enjoy a multitude of competing hockey systems and philosophies. Will NHS hybrid adjusted teams reign supreme? Stay tuned.

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: BlueThunder4All

I agree that it has taken time to get over the "broken-wing" belligerent punative flavor Eakins brought to the table,Dallas and Ference and Dellow worked together in a Group Witchhunt and 86ed EveryMan one by they were hired to do.

I agree Wayne and Mess needed EveryMan to believe in the Groups ability to win every night and that they did in fact all buy-in to the System being utilised by the Coaches and kept it simple and basic, because EveryMan knew that if they were just patient and trusted in each other to play the System 100% that Wayne or Mess would always find ways to implement IDM tactics off of that consistant set of Systkem induced dynamic patterns and produce meaningfull offense .

The NHS modified Adjusted-Hybrids will reign Supreme.....but the Pens and Isles are now spearheading an Eastern Conference NHS drive and will be very exciting to watch,Sidneys revival was directly related to his Teams implementation of NHS philosphies and tactics.

What we will see early and often is a philosophical divide on the definition of and optimal application of puck possesion,so we will see Teams who maximally dump-in pucks and Teams who minimlly dump-in pucks.....the NHS focused Teams will not generally be voluntarily surrendering puck possesions without shots on net,they may use tactical adjustments which include manipulation and execution of their own spheres of influence as basic NHS focuses say small teams needs to do against bigger Teams,but these are more head-manning to yourself plays than zone dump-ins.

I am interested in how the Capitols do, they are last seasons Lightening ,an offensive Team who asked Ovie to play into a more defensive system like Stamkos was asked to do.....if Ovie goes deep playing defensively and ends up in the Finals he will implode if he has to fight his offensive instincts under ube-pressure.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: BlueThunder4All

Its a long story and diametriclly opposite to the NHS/Oilers/NHL story but the application of IDA and IDM to Pro Football produces the same awsome impacts that are created in NHL Hockey...... Moma2 learned in the Field how to produce optimal results and offered NHS data to specific individuals consistantly enough for a long enough period that the validity of the data was able to build a conduit of trust.....if I am online and am Couch Coaching a game and EVERYTHING I say is MORE accurate and anticipatory than the inputs and tactical direction you are getting from your coach, well , when you sit down post game and read the online chronological posts as you watch the game you will immediatly recognise the virtues of the NHSs real-time data and not be able to honestly deny the NHS commentarys validity and value....this is how "trust" is built...I AM RIGHT ALL THE TIME.....and if you are HONEST with yourself you will simply recognise the truthfull insights and respect the Process driving them.If Moma2 posts anticipatory tactical adjustments online and you DO NOT read and react the incoming opponents focuses properly as per the NHS directives and you get burned by this oversight or breakdown or disconnect then you have "evidence" of there being a BETTER WAY TO DO THINGS......sooooo...if you happen to experience this dynamic I explained ONCE then you might pick up on it but if you are like the Oilers and have been recieving the NHLs PREMIER HOCKEY ANALYTICS gratis for a Decade and you have developed an oppositionally defiant relationship with the NHS and refuse to follow directives then you are surely lost.

So in hockey Moma2 wasnt able to connect seamlessly due to intentional interference,in Pro Football the story was the opposite and when Moma2 sent a simple e-mail official contact one on one with the HIGHEST LEVELS of Managerial inputs was engaged 24 hours after Two4All or Moma2 posted a few basic applications of IDA and IDM online.The "connection" which is ongoing and current was almost instant with no interference or static.Within one season of this "connection" to the NewAge Football System or NFS and a Professional League Championship was won.I sometimes run across this post when I am Google searching Moma2 or JAFO or NewAgeSys looking for old commentaries , I thought I would share it. Moma2s work with Sam Gagner was duplicated with JC as an individual and with the Team in the challenging of traditional perspectives and views on the ways Pro Football can be interpreted and projected were exactly as against the grain as Moma2s NHL observations and for nearly exactly the same reasons.As opposed to NHL Hockey where Moma2 because of a hostile reception was fully engaged in catalysing League NHS evolution ,in Pro Football only ONE Team has ever and will ever recieve NFS data and it will continue to be done 100% in private off-line.
edit on 9-4-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 11:37 AM
Two factors will determine the Stanley Cup winner this season.....Possesion/Transition acumen and the ability to seamlessly execute an NHS/ TSP.Tactical Shooting Programs can and do run Vezina Goalies out of the net because NHL Coaches traditionally think its an off nite for their Tender when the first 3-6 shots are because I have seen NHL Players severely rip up Goalies using the Chicken-wing and shooting for the Elbow-bone since the NHS illuminated this sweetspot and because I have noted specific TSP impacts coming from specific teams...I know a couple of NHL Teams no one expects to be eliminated will be going home early......because.....if you can generate consistantly executed zone transitions using a possesion focused System and you then implement a properly designed KISS NHS/TSP you WILL run Goalies out of games early and consistantly. The Possesion/Transition supports the consistant workmanlike EveryMan philosophy and the TSP elevates the offensive impacts from EveryMan to All-Star.

Yup,its game-on now,let the Showdowns begin.There are Heros to be made.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 10:10 PM
Trade talk is beginning now.

Names like Yakupov and RNH and Eberle are being tossed around like beachballs at a Beach Boys Concert.

Hold the line.

The bottom half of the Roster has an identity crisis and needs to settle into a group mindset with a firm understanding that they are ALL TO A MAN there to support the Stable of Studs.

On a sidenote.....does Yakupov ever look good running the 2nd powerplay ....jeepers his passes are crisp well paced and placed and ACCURATE ,he always makes sure he moves it very quickly.Nail should have been running the 1st PP unit with RNH long ago.....I mean seriously watch his on-ice awareness and ability to find open men and HIT STICKS with passes...hes the 2nd best passer and closing on Nugey.It is inconcievable the Oilers lose Nail Yakupov,he will with a 100% certainty prove to be a long serving point producing NHLer this is clear and obvious......and being only 22 and the youngest of the #1s there is no wayyyy the Oilers should be letting him go anywhere....his potential hasnt even been properly valuated yet.My god just roll 3 offensive lines with equal ice-time....Todd McLellan needs to change his approach now,the whip needs to come out next year because 3 lines of offense are needed rolling even minutes and there can be no whining,if this is done then Yakupov will recieve enough minutes in a proper role with skill players to produce goals and assists,I would expect Hall to be able to play on the 3rd line and bring everyones game up,I would expect Eberle to be able to work up and down the lines.I would expect Nail Yakupov to be fed 1st line RW minutes and I would expect his teammates TO SHOOT OFF OF HIS PASSES IMMEDIATLY BECAUSE NAIL ALWAYS PICKS THE SCORING PASS HES NOT LOOKING TO PROLONG POSSESIONS HES LOOKING FOR YOU TO BURY IT.

Ok ,I have to do a wee bit of fanposting,it is the last game.

We will begin with the word Slapshot.1/2 slapper,take em on-the-fly,from the tops of the circles, the zone entries are working nice so now use the quick executed slapper from the tops of the circles.....just for some conrast...maybe 25% of your o-zone possesions.

Remember that when Nail passes to you he EXPECTS YOU TO SHOOT IT NOT SCREW AOUND WITH IT SO STOP WASTING HIS GOOD SETUPS BY NOT BEING COCKED AND READY TO SHOOT AND MAKING AN EXTRA NEEDLESS PASS....McDavid is the pass to create a longer playaction so he can go to the backdoor type,Nail is a shooter first so his passes are to guy sopen to SHOOT not play hot potato,especially on the PP,just make the passes to Nail hen everyone look to shoot off of his givebacks ASAP no pauses or passes ,Nail is he Rigger so just be his trigger.With Conner or Nugey you recieve the pass in non-shooting spots with room and time and can look for them to go to open ice,they are looking to be more creative and less urgent and goal orientated than Nail is,Nail sets you up crisply so you have extra time to shoot,Nuge Leon and Conner feather passes a lot more.

We have all seen Nurse fighting so now lets see him scoring,let him rush some pucks all the way in,greenlight him to just bust it all the way in on every single possesion,they will wait for you to stop greenlighting him but dont,run Darnells battery down tonight looking for end to end rushes.
edit on 9-4-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 10:30 PM
A few games back McDavid made an excellent zone entry on the left side,he breached the blueline using his speed to push back the defense and then slowed down and made a little back-pass/relay to an UPSPEED support coming in behind him who took it to the middle while Conner snuck backdoor for rebounds. Give it a whirl,it keeps Conner on his forehand with his back safely to the boards on the left side.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 10:37 PM
Vancouvers defense likes to staddle the blueline,this is dangerous,they are vulnerable to aggressive checking,push them hard on the bluelines by going for them 100% with your checks center chest center body-mass legs DRIVING THOUGH pushing them back ,be decisive and explode at the blueline puck carriers looking to drive through the PLAYER hitting them threatening to drive him out of the zone and using your speed to cut down his options .

Well done Darnell,excellent work.

As I was aying pressure their habit of straddeling the blueline and be aggressive looking to use speed and incoming sure contacts to block out pucks keep them on their heels and run them pucks back up-ice in a footrace with them.

The Nucks do not want to commit to checking you behind the ne,so get yourself turned around sooner,get right behind the net because it takes them out of their comfort zone systemiclly,so get it deep and get your back to the boards ASAP and make sure both sides have a player closing at 1/2 speed or hovering looking backdoor,if you COMMIT to the KISS plyaction it will exploit their unwillingness to go behind the net and exend to the boards deep in their zone.Just do what Wayne did,bust it HARD ALL THE WAY BEHIND THE NET THEN TURN AND CHIP IT TO A BACKDOR make sure BOTH SIDES HAVE SUPPORT CLOSING PROPERLY KNOWING FULL WELL HE PUCK CARRIER WILL ALWAYS BE GOING RIGHT BEHIND THE NET TO WAYNES OFFICE ....just keep it simple .You need BOTH BACKDOOR SHOOTERS to keep their sticks on he ice and be looking for QUICK RELEASE SHOTS RE-DIRECTS SCOOP-SHOTS WHATEVER IS QUICKEST.When you know the pucks will come to you from behind the net you can bully to shooting lanes.If you simply exploit this reluctance of their Process to commit physically to prolonged contact behind the net you will be pressuring a System habit and will eventually burn them.Remember those backdoor shooters DO NOT have to be crashing the net they can BE WIDER OUT LIKE JARI KURRI USED TO SET UP as long as they have back-door angle on their forehands so the coaches need to ensure the lines ae set up to have the shooters on their strong hands and the passer behind the net turn his body ASAP and be on his forehand and waste not time chipping it out make the suport look bad if you have to but on every possesion take it to Waynes Office and just bust an IMMEDIATE MOVE TO CHIP IT OUT TO A SHOOTER or where they should be,this playaction should allow the back-door suppors to extend thei sticks for redirects and to use their bodies o box out defenders so their sticks are in position early because BOTH BACKDOOR SUPPORTS MUST HAVE A SHOOT FIRST MENTALITY and RELEASE PUCKS IMMEDIATLY .....when someone works the Office behind the net you FINISH THE PLAYACTIONS OFF YOU DO NOT LOOK FOR ANOTHER PASS BECAUSE YOU HAVE A MAN CAUGHT finish.Nugey is slick enough to get deep and squared up facing the playaction quick enough same with Nail. Just KISS.
edit on 9-4-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 11:04 PM
That was a very quick result with Nurse now wasnt this....Darnell has music and rythem in his feet,so did Petry,just let him finish what he starts and he will become a consistant finisher....because of his RYTHEM.

Leon looked really really sharp finishing last game, so have him come in as backdoor support for the plays coming from behind the net, hes money on his forehand and when he is closing on net,Leons release is so quick.

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 11:06 PM
He caught Talbot with the Chicken-wing shot to the elbow -bone.....LMAO.

I cannot help but say Yakupov looks like one of the best players on both sides......maybe Larionov can smooth things out because there is no denying Yakupov is a more dynamic puck manager than Eberle,in fact Nail looks very dangerous whenever he has the puck.

Eberle is a good passer but a different type of passer,less urgent and more slick and sneaky,not as overpowering as Yakupov is with his passes and pass decisions.

If anyone can make things work its Igor Larionov he is very very respected in the Hockey World and is known as an honest fair negotiator .
edit on 9-4-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 11:25 PM
Nice shot by Leon on his forehand.....just keep working it and be patient....KISS.

Taylor should look to power his way to the net like last game , show some aggression towards the blue-paint.He needs a few good shifts here.Blue-paint...5-hole.

This late in the game and going into OT the basic KISS give-and-go playctions executed at a sure handed 75% speed converted into shots in net are always a good idea.You dont want to be giving pucks away this late or in OT sooo nothing fancy ,just practice like give-and-goes.20-25 foot passes.

Leon needs to bull it to the net himself,if you want i done right you need to do it yourself....soooo....greenlight Leon to drive it to the bluepaint ASAP looking for something greasy.
edit on 9-4-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 11:42 PM
Beautifull pass by Nail Yakupov and excellent focus on the finish by Maroon,that is how you treat Nails FINISH on them.

Well done,nice job by Hall of turning his back to the boards behind the net and chipping a nice pass out front.

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