I cant get the Ramsay comments out of my mind...I respect Craig so much I havent stopped thinking about it because I so trust his judgement that it
must be my own lacking somewhere that is causing such big disconnect.
Maybe I figured it out....you see there is certain environement which is conducive to producing optimal teamwork and co-operation accountability and
pride.....it is a Winning Formula of its own...and it is actioned BEFORE WORK and AFTER WORK ...one which if it is included in your process already
you might take for granted like I did when i interpreted Craig Ramsays remarks....I missed the boat.... I took for granted and misunderstood a basic
concept Craigs experience and acumen led him to make a primary focus....Criag was correctly trying to illustrate seperation between what the men are
willing to do for him and for themselves.....Craig was NOT questioning the effort or the heart of the men he was simply pointing out that there is
another PROCESS WITHIN THE PROCESS which needs to be supported.......heres the thing......the NHS does this on auto-pilot but the process the Oil are
using does not so there IS a huge void which Ramsay is diagnosing....only a fool would ignore anything the olde dogs say its just tough as nails
understnding them most times they re like The Ancient Ones.
Craig Ramsay asked in his olde dog way for everyone to please look over this issue with him and tell him what they think......Craig is telling the
men that there is a way they can make an extra effort to come together in ways which can give them competative edge in the NHL.Graig is looking to
raise the bar of professionlism in the room .
I will put it this way to the men for Ramsay......................look past the paycheque and get to know the Man behind it.No man is truly defined to
himself by the money he makes he is self-defined by HOW MUCH OF HIMSELF HE GIVES WHEN HE MAKES THE MONEY and his heart self-polices so he doesnt
lie to himself....we all know when we let others down,when we just do enough to get by,when we work harder than others expect us to,when we only give
75% of what we have becuse its status quo,when we cannot give enough to contribute,when all of these dynamics are happening WE KNOW IT.
It is very difficult to self-police oneself...or we would all be Bill Gates....or Ghandi.....but there IS A PROCESS FOR THAT....and it begins with
RESEPECT----SELF-RESPECT FIRST.....----and respect for others 2nd.
If you respect yourself properly there are certain behaviours you will not willingly action,there are moral and emotional checks and balances you
action upon which carry different levels of responsibiiity-accountability-and committment with them.
I am going all NHS now and tripping to a related story....when i worked on the Oil Rigs I once asked for more work on my time off and agreed to work
with another Rig and ended up with a lousey Boss who had a lousey attitude and produced lousey crews who produced lousey results,this Boss had poor
management skills and after 1 week in Camp with this shoddy group I diagnosed the entire problem...they needed to fire the Boss.....because he
disrespected the Cooks and Support staff......this is no joke......he had an unofficial company record for firing Cooks and support people when his
Crews complained ,so when his overall results fluctuated as they always did becuse he had poor management skills when he hd to explain to the Head
Office he simply protected his crew who were compliant with the con-job because they grew his attitude nd reslised the Support people were their own
excuse as well as their Bosses,the Boss would blame the lack of production on unhappy Crews then fall back on the SOP excuse that it must be the
crappy food and unclean housing making the men unhppy up North---then the weasel would screw up peoples careers by firing a couple of Support people
every time---- usually good people.....he was Franken-Boss who created a Franken-crew.When my 2 weeks was up I got the Frank out of there.
My Rig within the same Company structures was run optimally by a good manager....... no one disrespected any Support Staff in fact they were given
MORE respect than on any other Rig because our Boss was setting the standard for us all...he wanted us to respect ourselves and he knew that if we
learned to respect the people we out-earned who were giving up the same time in their lives up North along with us the same as we respected each other
and him we might have a chance to learn self-respect......it was an optimal process.First he set a baseline he exemplified ,and this gave each
individual a chance to exceed the bar or fall below it,everyone ws give the opportunity to be a better man if he so chose....and if he didnt he had to
be willing to stand alone in that position.....because positive peer pressure was being generated and the strong dynamic self-police just like the bad
ones do.Lazy con-jobs did not willingly stay on my home-Rig....none...there was to much work and to much peer pressure to maintin the compettive inner
status quo---everyone was lways trying to get better...as individuls...this ment the work ws never done...this environment scares lazy non-comitted
people away sooner than later....anyone whose attitude prevents them from becoming a constant learner who is aware of it nd proud of it must move
You see fellas someone has tried to whitewsh everything..to sterilise it....the flavors have all been removed from the recipie now....the charchters
are gone....vanilla is smelling up the room like like it does in an Elder Ladys Bathroom.
It doesnt matter what type of man walks through the door at work when you are trying to support an optimal process,as long is there is a process which
weeds out the unfit ones......this means you have to keep the door willingly open to ALL APPLES and trust your process to weed out the ones which do
not make the cut.....you cant assume because a man didnt fit in another Barrel that he wont fit into your Apple Barrel .......you need to trust your
I am saying the Oilers need some spice in the recipie.....the crew NEEDS VARIETY....we now see Ference the passive-aggressive type.... Hendricks
the Military stand-up guy,Gordon the Quiet leader...Gadzic the steady pugilist....where is our Rat?Purcell the Pacifist-Puoliot the
Honeybear.......Lander has great poop-disturbing potential because he has skill and edge....Yakupov is naturally proud guy who doesnt back down easy
and emotion makes him tick........Nuge is Nuge he gives 100% everywhere.Klefbom can have streak......Klinkhammer is the main disturber now but he is
even a clean hitter without the real nsty edge.
The majic combonation of edge and skill is missing....the majic combonation of skill in the room and good clean internal brothership competition is
missing...the vision to see that the opponents beatdowns are the CURE TO ALL ILLS....that WINNING MAKES EVERYTHING BAD GO AWAY.....but remember these
Bad things must be built in the mind to self-police.You need to build an inner monster called PRIDE..Brotherhood...Esprit de Corp.....AND BUILD IT
CHAMPIONSHIP SIZE.....chalenge yoursleves as a group.
But alas you cannot find a way to do this...I understand...how can an average man be expected to bring to the table the skillset and experience to
pull this off on command???/He cannot....K-Lowe-Mac-T-Ramsay-these men are all capable in their jobs......but they are all hockey men,forever branded
by this environment and its processes,branded for life.
In case the issue is not in perspective DYNASTYS are and always have been RARE....this is because "with all the Kings men and all the Kings Horse" no
one knows how to FORCE this dynamic to happen....how to grow it naturally by following a specific Template....all we hear are excuses...things like
"hockey has changed" and players from one Era could not produce stats outside of their own Eras...which is pure BUNK because it is the PROCESS which
catalyses superior results and superior process is superior in any ERA.....
Rammer cannot possibly compete with me in terms of communication optimisation to a group,no one with the Oilers cn.
Craig is asking everyone to consider ways they can help him find this Winning Formula by looking above the ice-surface,by finding a way to send
everyone the same message at the same time along the same series of conduits---from the ice up to the Velvet Crown Royale bag,up to the spine,up to
the Ticker and finally up to the Bean-bag ....Craig is asking everyone to check these spots and make sure there is something there because he wishes
to re-set the environment in which everyone is now functioning....he isnt critiquing the mens efforts or heart or compete or committment....he is just
suggesting that there might be better way to build an overall environment for everyone to grow together within than everyone is
recognising.....Rammer was very diplomatic...good thing because it is a tricky topic if it isnt sent to everyone through a suitable blanket
I got you now Rmmer.....if this was your message......yes things cn be upgraded in that "awreness area" but you need the right model and the right
person to make it work.......right now the Oilers incorrectly believe it is an NHL hockey influence they require....they are failing to recognise that
Dynastys are RARE and that thousands of NHL hockey men try to reproduce it every decade BUT IT JUST DOESNT WORK THAT WAY....you cannot just throw
numbers at things.
Without sounding intentionlly disrespectfull I do not personally see how any Hockey person who has made it their life and career which translates to A
LIFETIME because many begin as small kids committing to the lifestyle....COULD POSSIBLY have had the OPPORTUNITY to gain the types and volumes of
acumen I am referring to.
I do not see how any single man or mind which committed to any single or even several long term career or lifestyle paths could possibly provide the
types of inputs needed to create the Winning Formula,or even manage it if it were dropped in their lap.
It takes a special mind nurtured in a special growth environment then given extenuating extreme life opportunitys which are EMBRACED and CHALLENGED
and OVERCOME to build the type of acumen I am talking about. You need to hve or be a real-life STORY....because you see my friends ONLY STORIES CAN
BECOME LEGENDS......you need to have the catalyst within one special mind and nurture it enough to make it strong and independant then immerse it in
white fire until it tempers or melts down....the last part normally never gets to catalyse without tradgedy or extreme hardship....this is the type
of WINNER you need to be looking for....one who has done incredible things by fate or fortune.....but the EXPERIENCE MUST BE THERE........Mac-T
especially understands this dynamic because he has lived it. He has been a survivor of extreme circumstances.....in fact I have often wondered how he
could not immediatly connect to the NHS due to his life experiences.
I must also say that unfortunately this type of Soldier-of-Fortune Winning Perspective never bows down,never wastes time in losing dynamics,and never
gives less than 100% because he is always excercising free-will and he is also excercising SELF-RESPECT and treating his decisions with the proper
sense of seriousness and urgency......seriousness becuse he needs to win to move forward nd urgency because the next winning adventure cnnot begin
until he hs CONQUORED the current one...these minds LIVE TO COMPETE AND WIN 24/7/365.Life IS a series of competative dynmics and WINNING is the
primary focus....winning t everything the minds thinks about....never letting an optimal opportuity go by without utilising it and never wasting time
dwelling on dynamics which do not produce dominant results.This is how I knew it was a series of PROCESS ERRORS screwing up the Oilers development and
evolution.....winners cannot remain in losing dynamics...its against their grain...and the roster is CHOCK FULL OF WINNING MEN....who simply need to
be lead out of the Jungle by the right man....one who has Mastered the Jungle we call life.....no fellas he isnt going to look all G.Q for you because
he is a VETERAN he will look more like the Ships Captain on Jaws....the real deal.No he isnt EVER going to bow down to any of you because he has to
much self-respect......you just couldnt have earned his respect by proxy if you spent your entire life doing one or two or three or four things well
if you havent broken the bank and done a hundred things sucessfully then you arent even in the game----trick is the hundred things need to be done
SUCESSFULLY---neither love nor money will sway him from his path based upon the Winning Formula and by proxy of inner growth he will have passed up
plethora of opportunitys others would kill to have to follow the Path.
A rebel genius with nowhere to truly call home except the heat of competition or battle, this is the man who by NATURE AND NURTURE the FICKLE HANDS
OF FATE will have found the opportunity to test muscles most never learn they have,this is the man who can help you fellas .I just dont see any darn
way that a man like this can be found on the roster or in the organisation...heres why.......everyone is to nice.....and the version of street-smart
or "tough" in the room is generally a child of multiple divorce or transient childhood devoid of normal structures....or both.......but the OLDE
SCHOOL TYPE of Street-Smart-TOUGH players were ctalysed out of quite different much more hands on dynamics of hardship,ha ha ha we had the Wood-Cave
to worry about ha ha ha,and the infamous "Strap" my olde pal,ha ha ha.
So you see you Oilersteins grinding your gears trying to make this work....you are ALL OLDE SCHOOL.....you putzes.....you were BORN FROM THE WHITE
FIRES OF TRADITION .......you CANNOT traslate in an equitable manner the percieved hardships men today faced growing up compared to the percieved
hardships your generation and those within reasonble timeframe after...........you ha ha ha...cant find a real darned tough one in the entire
Pickle Barrel no matter how hard you have been looking..... you SERIOUSLY believe you have a SOFT ROSTER.....in your guts you old coots you have lost
so much self-respect over all of the comfortable years in your safe-house the NHL fraternity that you lost the ability to self-valuate and self-police
long ago.....this means you are out of synch....behind the proverbial times if you will....you actually think inside that MOST OF THE MEN are
butterballs...snowflakes...Vanilla Gorillas....powerpuffs....say it you cowards because I can smell it all over you as a management group.
I believe that the NHSs Tactical Dynamic Template has illustrated that the current Oilers and the Barons rosters contain every single dynamic piece
of the puzzle the Dynasty Oilers carried to so many Championships.
I believe I can prove there are very very few and possibly no soft-balls in play with the Oil....I think there is plenty of p__and vinegar in the
room,in fact I KNOW FOR A FACT every dynamic ingredient required to action the Winning Formula in terms of personell is available to be tapped and
moulded into an EveryMan capable of becoming part of Championship Process.
I know how to make J Schultz become an edgy d-man with Norris level offense,one who is feared league-wide by simply showing him 2 or 3 small NHS
Intuitive Dynamic Management processes he can apply on a personal level.I can give Justin a shot at the Norris next season....I can give Nail /Ebbs a
shot at the Rocket Richard....Hall/Nuge a shot at the league MVP... Nuge/Hall a shot at the NHL points leaderboard....Ben or any of the Tenders a
shot at the Vezina.....any rookie in play will own the Calder by proxy........ these are attainable goals this coming season.....shattering Oilers
Dynsty Records is doable this coming season.....the NHS provides the platform upon which to make all of this happen.It shows you why and
disenfranchises statisticlly based why-nots....it LEADS THE WAY.
But I cannot make these things happen unless I am in position to teach not negotiate or waste time.
I am writing history on-the-fly not writing books you can read at your leisure about how to write history...so no fellas there is no slow-hand
version of this....you need to buckle-up smoke-em-if you-got-em and prepare to hit a performance envelope you never knew existed.
I expect as per NHS standards 4-7 goals per game over 82 games with 25 % increase during the playoffs.This is the NHSs Bar.
That is a baseline from 328 to 574 non-playoff regular season goals. The current record is 446.....I have given you a process which still forces you
to give 110% in every area of the game to produce Winning Formula...the efforts consistancy is the key and as always remains a group decision game by
game unless a superior process removes this game-by-game indecisiveness and window of opportunity for disconnects the traditional dynamic create by
proxy.I have even built into the NHS System a process to manage this consistancy level internally and optimally.
I could even sit down with you and fill in the numbers under any names you wish to have earn them...its simply a process and anyone capable plugged
in will produce the numbers....this was designed into the NHS specificly to create the optimal environment for internal rewards based
competition...when everyone knows ANYONE can put up numbers if they are given the minutes EVERYONE works harder to EARN THOSE MINUTES which can only
be accompliched ONE WAY which is to INCREASE POSSESION/SHOT/GOAL CONVERSION RATES which only happens if you care enough to make it happen and have the
proper levels of motivation to push you beyond that which must be internally catalysed.
I have built the System and created the Battle Flag........now its a matter of belief.And one of Darryls Paper-Tigers with long tail.
You need an anerobic mind which had developed methods to create elite level sucesses in a constellation of areas or careers so they experience the
full spectrum of dynamic interactions...the more challenges of different types a man has faced and defeated the better chance he has of learning
enough to understand the language of the winner while he still has the physical tools to make things happen,or of teaching it to others.
edit on 5-4-2015 by one4all because: (no reason given)