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Ron Paul speaks out on the MSM blackout and recently won states.

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posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by DelMarvel

If what you say is true he would have much more media coverage than he does, for america is a corporatocracy.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
Young people dont vote and the internets opinion doesnt matter. Ron Paul is not popular. The media ignores him because he is irrelevant. You guys think he has a chance but hes struggling to come up with 650k. Lol. Obama charges 35k for breakfast. Stop being delusional.

You fail to see the point here sir, it not about money.... That's kinda the problem with all of this stuff we call an "election". You see Dr. Paul stands for something much bigger than that, he stands for a free America. An America where you the little guy has a voice again, an America where corporations and wall street don't make decisions for you, an America that stands for liberty and honesty. What is so hard to see about that? It makes me sad to see a party so split over something so simple. The republican party (my party) has been run off the tracks by greed and the lust for power. The democrats are no better like you so gracefully informed us. Breakfast with the President of The United States of America should be free to all tax payers.

Just my 2 cents but for what its worth I think Ron Paul is on the right track to bring back a strong America, even if he does not win (he is going to thought) he has started a fire in the heart of true Americans that will not be put out!

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by Danish

I completely agree that Ron Paul has started something. He has given us hope that throwing off the shackles of a two party system is possible. I just dont want him as president.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Domo1

Fair enough, I can't argue your opinion. And that's whats great about being an American you get that right. Now what's wrong with having some more of those right back? I mean the way things look now on the road we are traveling things don't look so good for us little guys. So why would you vote for a cookie cutter candidate that the Media and the silly ass GOP has groomed for you? Or the piece of work we have in office now?

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by Danish

Id really rather not vote for any of them. I suppose I landed on Mitt because I think he will stop Obamas runaway govenment and not just dismantle everything as Paul seems to want to do. Someone brought up a good point to me that Paul wouldnt necessarily make.all his proposed changes overnight, and that was a good point. We wojld still have checks and balances.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by Domo1

Paul doesn't want to "dismantle" anything but the Fed, and that needed to end yesterday. He simply wants to make changes to things needed changes. Some of what he says is a little radical, I understand that. But don't Obama and Romney? It just seems to me that a country that is almost 16 trillion dollars in debt could vote for another wall street brotherhood member, a man who clearly does not undrstand how it is to live on 40 k a year, and expect this nation to go any where but bankrupt.

It just seems nuts to me not to be able to read through the crap both Romney and Obama spew. I mean they both flip flop on issues almost daily. How could you ever trust that? That's what greedy sleazy clebrites do, do you want Kurt russel running the nation? I don't I want someone who stands for something other than making millions a year.
edit on 12-5-2012 by Danish because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-5-2012 by Danish because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:47 AM
I'm not an American, and and happy to say so. As an outsider I hope that Ron Paul wins for the majority of the American people, he is on the right track with the GOP convention. If I didn't actively seek out that he was still in the running I might not know that he is still in the race as a Rep. Nom. This just shows the American people on how bias the brought media can be. From what I can tell the American news stations have wrote him off and fail to report any news on the Rep. Candidates still in the race. I hope that the American people stand up and not be dictated to like so many media run countries in the world today. I use to look to the US super power elite for guidance in my own countries views, but greed is now the US downfall. Prove the world wrong, fight for what your not hearing about and look to other countries news media to weight the truth. Don't be OWNED

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by litterbaux

Really asking for money, this was nothing more than marketing like Obama does to get people to open up their wallets...just as their is Obama sheeple there are also RP can deny it all day if you want to at the end of the day RP is looking out for himself, he stays in as long as he can off your hard earned money and gains more political capitol and bargaining powers with the Republican more no less...

You are all fools to think he would be able to accomplish or do even a small amount of the things he said he would, least you forget the legislative and judicial branch...: ) even if he pushes for something it still has to get passed, after all he is not a dictator right...? is not using executive orders and bypassing the constitution (congress, supreme court) not any different than from what a dictator does...?

I am not against RP on most items but be realistic no one person can do even a small amount of what he says he will is BS to get you excited, vote and donate...not much different from our current useless POTUS...stuck in grid lock..


posted on May, 12 2012 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by Danish

you live in a fair tell land...or our stuck on "Star Trek Next Generation" reruns...if you think you really know something about RP and his motives...


posted on May, 12 2012 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Danish
reply to post by Domo1

Paul doesn't want to "dismantle" anything but the Fed, and that needed to end yesterday. He simply wants to make changes to things needed changes. Some of what he says is a little radical, I understand that. But don't Obama and Romney? It just seems to me that a country that is almost 16 trillion dollars in debt could vote for another wall street brotherhood member, a man who clearly does not undrstand how it is to live on 40 k a year, and expect this nation to go any where but bankrupt.

It just seems nuts to me not to be able to read through the crap both Romney and Obama spew. I mean they both flip flop on issues almost daily. How could you ever trust that? That's what greedy sleazy clebrites do, do you want Kurt russel running the nation? I don't I want someone who stands for something other than making millions a year.
edit on 12-5-2012 by Danish because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-5-2012 by Danish because: (no reason given)

You need to go to his website you dont know alot about your candidate! First he wants to eliminate the federal departments of Energy, Commerce, Interior, Education, and Housing and Urban Development. Then theres the state department anlets not forget wants to close every overseas military base and basically put defense back into the hands of the states,Yeah 50 little militaries just what we need. Then theres his healthcare stance Ron Paul wants there to be no laws concerning healthcare and instead wants to entrust Christian churches to care for the sick who are broke and uninsured.The days when our churches could shoulder such a burden are long past. Weakened by false preachers, building mortgages and other unbiblical obligations, they are often unable to care for their own congregation, let alone reach out to those in need in the wider community. I guess since im not christian im just screwed this isnt the 1800s and as much as he would like we cant go back.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by Domo1

Obama gave so many hope and most of the morons who voted for him are still waiting for him to do anything he promised...

People if RP cannot get legislation passed after being in Congress for more than 12 years, how the hell do you think he will be able to get his ideas and agenda's passed...? unless he ask like a dictator...? please do tell...


posted on May, 12 2012 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Rayzor

Well I am American and happy to say so...


posted on May, 12 2012 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by marinesniper0317
reply to post by Danish

you live in a fair tell land...or our stuck on "Star Trek Next Generation" reruns...if you think you really know something about RP and his motives...


Say what you will man, it makes no difference to me how or what you think. No need to be a jerk, same team remember, Americans.... I want what's best for every American not just the ones that agree with me. As far as living in a fairy tail, if a free America is a fairy tail then must be true, I mean you said it so must make it true.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by dragonridr

Originally posted by Danish
reply to post by Domo1

Paul doesn't want to "dismantle" anything but the Fed, and that needed to end yesterday. He simply wants to make changes to things needed changes. Some of what he says is a little radical, I understand that. But don't Obama and Romney? It just seems to me that a country that is almost 16 trillion dollars in debt could vote for another wall street brotherhood member, a man who clearly does not undrstand how it is to live on 40 k a year, and expect this nation to go any where but bankrupt.

It just seems nuts to me not to be able to read through the crap both Romney and Obama spew. I mean they both flip flop on issues almost daily. How could you ever trust that? That's what greedy sleazy clebrites do, do you want Kurt russel running the nation? I don't I want someone who stands for something other than making millions a year.
edit on 12-5-2012 by Danish because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-5-2012 by Danish because: (no reason given)

You need to go to his website you dont know alot about your candidate! First he wants to eliminate the federal departments of Energy, Commerce, Interior, Education, and Housing and Urban Development. Then theres the state department anlets not forget wants to close every overseas military base and basically put defense back into the hands of the states,Yeah 50 little militaries just what we need. Then theres his healthcare stance Ron Paul wants there to be no laws concerning healthcare and instead wants to entrust Christian churches to care for the sick who are broke and uninsured.The days when our churches could shoulder such a burden are long past. Weakened by false preachers, building mortgages and other unbiblical obligations, they are often unable to care for their own congregation, let alone reach out to those in need in the wider community. I guess since im not christian im just screwed this isnt the 1800s and as much as he would like we cant go back.

I know plenty about my candidate have supported him since 2008. Oddly enough he really hasn't changed much. You my friend have added your own spin Dr. Paul's views, your just as bad as fox or CNN. And what you call eliminate I call " changes" that need to be made. Sometimes you have to get the bottomfeeders off the top of the foodnchain. Big government is not a good thing maybe its time we restructure as we are going bankrupt? Maybe get rid of some folks that have sucked on the tax payes for long enough. As I said before some of his views could be seen as radical. But when the norm has not worked for a very long time, something radical needs to happen. Pretty cut and dry if you ask me. And for the record I am very no religious. As far as god is concerned he has no place in politics. If you open minded enough to hear what others have to say maybe you would see Dr. Paul feels the same way.
edit on 12-5-2012 by Danish because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by marinesniper0317
reply to post by Domo1

Obama gave so many hope and most of the morons who voted for him are still waiting for him to do anything he promised...

People if RP cannot get legislation passed after being in Congress for more than 12 years, how the hell do you think he will be able to get his ideas and agenda's passed...? unless he ask like a dictator...? please do tell...


Well congress is a whole nother moster to be discussed. In my opinion Dr. Paul is the only guy on the hill doing his job. Every one else is in some ones pocket somewhere. So no wonder he can't pass anything he wants to end their meal tickets. Not all that hard to see that the all mighty dollar or lack there of runs this country. We the people died a long time ago and corporations have taken over.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by Danish

I completely agree that Ron Paul has started something. He has given us hope that throwing off the shackles of a two party system is possible. I just dont want him as president.

I agree with you so much on your one point i couldn't agree with you more that we need more then a two party system we at least need three major parties to brake up the monotony in what has become a monopoly of sorts for both the Dems and Repubs, i myself am registred independent but my views lean towards the Libertarian party more then the rest at this point.

Also i understand your concern that Ron Paul might get rid of some programs that you may like but i would hope that if they were that important he would bulid something new and better in there place.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
Young people dont vote and the internets opinion doesnt matter. Ron Paul is not popular. The media ignores him because he is irrelevant. You guys think he has a chance but hes struggling to come up with 650k. Lol. Obama charges 35k for breakfast. Stop being delusional.

And this is the kind of guy you want to be in charge of your country? I don't understand why people think money makes a person powerful. Being a good man makes a man powerful, money is just an illusion of power.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by DelMarvel

He is truly a terrifying candidate. That and doing away with govt. programs Im sure alarge number of ATS members use.
edit on 11-5-2012 by Domo1 because: (no reason given)

Heaven forbid you mention anyone using a government program and Ron Paul in the same sentence... I mena the man wants to end the fed, and pull all the troops out, anything else isn't important. People will be suffering and scraggling for years just to eat, and kids that have special needs will be forced out of school, but it's ok because as one RP supporter on here made it ever so clear to me "If they aren't going to be a viable working member of society, society has no obligation to teach them squat"

Oh and let's not forget the Dept of Health and Human Services, yes those people that have programs for those who cannot afford insurance, oh heaven forbid anyone who needs care isn't able to get it.. oh wait, Liberty Liberty Liberty......... so what if hundreds of thousands die because they can't get drugs or medical care, it's all in the name of liberty.......... As another RP supporter said "Well some people will have problems with the transition, and I admit some will die, but in the end everyone will be able to afford anything they want, isn't the end result worth it?"

And...... OH LAWDY........... Getting rid of the NOAA, I guess noone gives a crap about the weather, and hurricane warnings, etc.... Let's just shunt all that onto the states, oh wait.... the states don't own the equipment, nor do they have the training to operate it... What's that coming up the coast? oh it's just cloudy.... WHAM! Category 4? Well we could have given you a warning, but the Federal Government isn't responsible for the well being of it's citizens, no not at all, that's all on the states to do.... Emergency services as well? Sorry, you didn't pay your local Fire, Ambulance and Police fee..... Not our fault that you're gonna die horribly in that fire, or that you just had a heart attack... As yet another RP supporter stated "That's right, everyone needs to pay for those services, if they can't afford them, they don't deserve them"

GET PAST THE FLUFF.... Yes Ending the Federal Reserve is a good idea... never said it wasn't, where's the replacement? Don't just assume we can go back to a gold standard overnight and everyone will be fine, we can't. Where's the plan?

Yes bringing our troops home is a good idea, never said it wasn't, however......... should that also mean we give up on assisting our treaty obligations? and stop defending our allies in Europe or Asia? well silly me, I forgot.... treaties mean nothing, just paper, we dont' have to honor them..

A very dangerous man, even if for the fact that the states cannot possibly handle the burden that would be placed upon them if he got into office and shunted all these programs to them, you keep talking about riots and the like here on ATS? Nothing compared to the riots when people can't eat because their money is suddenly made worthless by this man, with NOTHING VIABLE to replace it in the short term, riots that would make the Arab Spring look like a picnic..

We don't need to kill everything just to fix the system, there HAS to be a balance, and in my opinion, not one of the candidates (before everyone just says "you aren't' a patriot, just go vote for murder inc or Obamacare) has given a plan that strikes a balance that would be needed to a) fix the issues, and b) ensure that people don't starve while you're doing it.. (and no I don't have the answer either, so don't make nasties demanding i come up with one.)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by King Seesar

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by Danish

I completely agree that Ron Paul has started something. He has given us hope that throwing off the shackles of a two party system is possible. I just dont want him as president.

I agree with you so much on your one point i couldn't agree with you more that we need more then a two party system we at least need three major parties to brake up the monotony in what has become a monopoly of sorts for both the Dems and Repubs, i myself am registred independent but my views lean towards the Libertarian party more then the rest at this point.

Also i understand your concern that Ron Paul might get rid of some programs that you may like but i would hope that if they were that important he would bulid something new and better in there place.

I live in the UK, we had 3 major parties and look how that has turned out. A lot of people finally voted for the third party and now we have the coalition who don't know their arse from their elbow. Third party is now destroyed because their MPs are all jumping ship.

It's funny how things happen. The libs had a lot of good ideas but the tory-lib coallition(if you can call it that, more like the libs are tory whipping boys) has completely destroyed the third party. It almost seems like it was planned that way but surely not!?

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by NeoVain

I'm probably the first in line to say that Ron Paul is an absolute loon on many of his policies and that said policies would end a Nation. BUT . .. I will absolutely be first in line to say he is not only getting screwed by the GOP brass but also by the MSM. It is clear they are intentionally sticking it to the man and the GOP's actions border on fraud.

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