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CHART: Economy Has Recovered All Private Sector Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office

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posted on May, 6 2012 @ 02:09 PM
I work in sales for a company that manages industrial building projects. We can barely keep up with sales. Sales are through the roof and no signs of slowing down. 2011 was a record year and looks like 2012 will beat 2011.
edit on 6-5-2012 by zerotime because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 02:11 PM
They say not to weigh yourself every day...or maybe at all. The best way to gauge your weight, body fitness, etc. is to decide how you your clothes fit, etc. And when I look around at all my family, friends and prior co-workers who can't find a job, or more likely, can't find a job making anything close to what they used to make...I know the economy is in trouble. I, for one, make 20% of what I made eight years ago. Where is THAT chart? Most of my "friends" that are working average about 40-50% of what they made 6-8 years ago. Where are THOSE numbers? You can open a million McDonalds and employ twenty workers at each one, but that doesn't fix anything. One of my friends calls it "the working poor".

I see people who can not fix their old cars, can not make their mortgage payments on their 100K homes, and find themselves disappointing their children on birthday's and Christmas. If you want TRUE NUMBERS, find a chart of what was the TOTAL IRS REPORTED INCOME OF EVERYONE IN THE US when Obama took office and what that number is now. Perception and charts like this will never prove anything. Try showing this chart to a certain friend of mine who just lost his home. Tell him how nothing has changed as he goes off to work twenty hours at Wendys.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 02:14 PM
PS: Also...I don't in any way blame Obama ONLY for the state of this country. A lot of it has to do with prior decisions, etc. and the mentality of the people.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

nice chart to look at...but....
are the jobs that have been lost of the same quality as the jobs that have been recovered. or did we trade our higher paying, decent jobs for lower paying crap jobs?
and the public sector jobs that have been shed, are they those bull crap jobs that we really don't need, or are they our policemen, teachers, firemen, and those other public workers we kind of rely on...

I'm not even gonna get into weather or not the chart is accurate, who know!!! But, it does seem to me that if one considers the two issues above, one would come to the conclusion that this really isn't that good, even if the chart is accurate!!!

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Too bad that the GOP's hair-on-fire cutting of government jobs at the state and local level has offset those private sector job growth numbers to make this seem like a sluggish job recovery. They need this economy to stall completely before November, and they'll do what they can (with their money hoarding bankster cohorts) to make sure it does stall.

I wonder if it's illegal to conspire with lending institutions to restrict credit flow in order to tank the US economy for political gain if you're a Republican? I know that it's illegal if you are a Democrat and you do that sort of thing, but I think that one of Bush's signing statements might've cleared the way for the GOP to do this. That, along with slander, libel, torture and aiding and abetting the enemy during a national crisis.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

nice chart to look at...but....
are the jobs that have been lost of the same quality as the jobs that have been recovered. or did we trade our higher paying, decent jobs for lower paying crap jobs?
and the public sector jobs that have been shed, are they those bull crap jobs that we really don't need, or are they our policemen, teachers, firemen, and those other public workers we kind of rely on...

Watch your local news. The police and firefighter and school teachers are being axed every year unless local tax levies are approved. That state and local aid used to come from the federal government, but the GOP's austerity cuts have killed off most of that. Every community in the country is laying off 1st responders, and being forced to consolidate the schools between 3 and 4 villages and getting rid of bus service to pay the bills. The local news has this stuff covered all the time over the last couple years.

The jobs that Bush "created" were 90% service sector jobs (restaurants, fast food, temp jobs, hotel cleaning, telemarketing, nonmanufacturing labor), with the wages taking a 20% hit compared to cost of living. Those jobs and private sector government-contract Intelligence, Security, Mercenary, and Wall Street gambling casino jobs. No jobs that exist in the middle between the entry-level minimum wage and the 6 figure inside-game jobs.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by WeAreAWAKE
They say not to weigh yourself every day...or maybe at all. The best way to gauge your weight, body fitness, etc. is to decide how you your clothes fit, etc. And when I look around at all my family, friends and prior co-workers who can't find a job, or more likely, can't find a job making anything close to what they used to make...I know the economy is in trouble. I, for one, make 20% of what I made eight years ago. Where is THAT chart? Most of my "friends" that are working average about 40-50% of what they made 6-8 years ago. Where are THOSE numbers? You can open a million McDonalds and employ twenty workers at each one, but that doesn't fix anything. One of my friends calls it "the working poor".

I see people who can not fix their old cars, can not make their mortgage payments on their 100K homes, and find themselves disappointing their children on birthday's and Christmas. If you want TRUE NUMBERS, find a chart of what was the TOTAL IRS REPORTED INCOME OF EVERYONE IN THE US when Obama took office and what that number is now. Perception and charts like this will never prove anything. Try showing this chart to a certain friend of mine who just lost his home. Tell him how nothing has changed as he goes off to work twenty hours at Wendys.

Map out the impact of a 20% cut in state and local funds for construction sometime. The ripple effect is devastating. Materials sales, direct construction labor losses, loss of local purchasing at stores and small businesses, big drops in distributor orders to local stores, larger company sales drop, restaurants losing customers, even fast food chains getting hit; the ramifications are staggering.

Factor in the cuts that force lay-offs of state and local employees, and the ripples get even more damaging. People spend money when they have it, and they provide businesses with customers. Rich people getting additional money doesn't cause them to spend more. They already have more money than they can readily spend. We get nothing per dollar spent on them (through revenue cuts, of course).

Maybe it's too simple and that's why no one believes it when it's explained to them. Giving tax breaks to people who have more money than they can put into the economy isn't as good an investment as taking that same amount of money (that is being cut from revenues) and putting it back into the economy as jobs for people who need to spend all of it as soon as they get it, just to survive. Then, as those people start doing better, they upgrade their cars, computers, clothes, homes, and whatever it is they need to get by, and the businesses that provide those products and services get the increased business, and start doing better as well.

A rich person's investment portfolio only benefits that person and the brokerage house that manages that portfolio. Their monthly spending isn't affected at all by the increases. They've already got what they want and need. The economy doesn't benefit at all from the increased net income that rich person has received.

If we care about the economy, the then strategy is obvious. Put the money where it will be put right back into the economy again as soon as possible. Maybe it just makes too much sense?

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

I am all for putting money back into the economy. The government should stop spending so much on bull and return more of our tax dollars. Corporations should be fined or taxed for outsourcing jobs, etc. But that money should not and never be taken from any group simply because "they have enough". Is it OK for my neighbor to take from me because I have more food in my fridge? "Borrow" my car (without permission) because they think I drive enough? No...and this government and administration has to tighten their spending. 500K here, 500K there adds up and if I can eat boxed sandwiches from Walmart, do my own oil changes and tighten my belt...with my money...there is NO REASON they can't do the same...with my money! The rich are rich because of what they have accomplished...the government spends like they are rich because of what WE have accomplished.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster

A rich person's investment portfolio only benefits that person and the brokerage house that manages that portfolio. Their monthly spending isn't affected at all by the increases. They've already got what they want and need. The economy doesn't benefit at all from the increased net income that rich person has received.

If we care about the economy, the then strategy is obvious. Put the money where it will be put right back into the economy again as soon as possible. Maybe it just makes too much sense?

Now attack on the rich?

Is this atlast shrugged?

I wouldn't wish a tax hike on my worst enemy!!!
Tax cuts ACROSS THE BOARD needs to be done..

Maybe this chart could show obama doing well
if obama changed every single fiscal policy he has made in office.
Right now looking damn bad for obama and aint no chart
going to fix the economy or obama chance at getting back in.
hes done for this chart just shows the desperation!!

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by tkwasny

I have been looking everyday and our ads have decreased by about 70% in the last 3 years....lots of telemarking and scam jobs.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:16 PM

The economists AP surveyed said they believe the economy has entered such a "virtuous cycle." But they said they don't expect unemployment to reach a healthy level — below 6 percent — until 2015 or later.

Last Month's Employment Numbers Dropped Way More Than Expected

Hmmm.........2015,or later......

Americans cant wait that long.


posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
CHART: Economy Has Recovered All Private Sector Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office

And you believe this.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by WeAreAWAKE
reply to post by NorEaster

I am all for putting money back into the economy. The government should stop spending so much on bull and return more of our tax dollars. Corporations should be fined or taxed for outsourcing jobs, etc. But that money should not and never be taken from any group simply because "they have enough". Is it OK for my neighbor to take from me because I have more food in my fridge? "Borrow" my car (without permission) because they think I drive enough? No...and this government and administration has to tighten their spending. 500K here, 500K there adds up and if I can eat boxed sandwiches from Walmart, do my own oil changes and tighten my belt...with my money...there is NO REASON they can't do the same...with my money! The rich are rich because of what they have accomplished...the government spends like they are rich because of what WE have accomplished.

Just allowing the Bush era tax cuts to expire would fix everything. No extra taxes. Just letting the taxes that were intended to be temporary expire (and 2 years after they were supposed to expire, by the way) would do the trick. The Jobs Bill - to fix the worst of the infrastructure problems - would do the rest and we'd be all set within 5 years. And the rich folks would be fine, and they wouldn't be paying any more than what they already agreed to pay by this time when the temporary cuts were agreed to by the rest of us. Fair is fair and a deal is a deal.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

I am no statistician or accountant, but I have eyes and I don't see how this helps your case?

2001 = falling numbers....really bad year for America remember?
But I also see it as a result of Clinton's policies.

Then all through Bush's years it consistently went up.

Then when O took office and passed Obummercare it dove and now since GOP got some majority it is going up very slowly.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:33 PM
Globalisation could not care less about Obama's cooked statistics. Tell that lie to the thousands of unemployed or at best underemployed americans who LOST their jobs to the underpaid asians. Companies do what raises the bottom line for their shareholders best.

There is neither an incentive nor decentive to stay in america. Multinationals form when they have expanded beyond the business they are capable of sustaining in the national markets. The companies are making the correct decisions but the government is not, and healthy kickbacks from insider trading and healthy donations during each election period more or less guarante these results.

Just raising the tariff rates ALONE on all american brand merchandise made overseas would raise biillions(perhaps even trillions) and provide ample decentive for every medium-large company to not seek offshoring so much. As well it would allow asian companies to compete on a much more fair basis and allow globalisation to sustain itself.

I am not against globalisation as such. Just anti-american globalisation!

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by WeAreAWAKE
reply to post by NorEaster

I am all for putting money back into the economy. The government should stop spending so much on bull and return more of our tax dollars. Corporations should be fined or taxed for outsourcing jobs, etc. But that money should not and never be taken from any group simply because "they have enough". Is it OK for my neighbor to take from me because I have more food in my fridge? "Borrow" my car (without permission) because they think I drive enough? No...and this government and administration has to tighten their spending. 500K here, 500K there adds up and if I can eat boxed sandwiches from Walmart, do my own oil changes and tighten my belt...with my money...there is NO REASON they can't do the same...with my money! The rich are rich because of what they have accomplished...the government spends like they are rich because of what WE have accomplished.

I agree with almost all of what you stated. But I do not agree with your assessment of the wealthy, at least in part. The tax codes have been skewed in their favor for quite some time. So, regarding that, I say enough is enough.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Yeah,your chart helps who again?

According to the federal government, there are 12.6 million working age Americans that are considered to be "officially" unemployed, but there are another 87.8 million working age Americans that are not working either.

The federal government considers those Americans to be "not in the labor force" so they are not included in the unemployment rate.

Yes, there are certainly millions upon millions of working age Americans that do not have jobs and that do not want jobs. But you have to be delusional to believe that there are nearly 88 million working age Americans that do not have jobs and that do not want jobs.

There Are 100 Million Working Age Americans That Do Not Have Jobs

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

And the source for that chart? I can easily make a chart showing that I made more than Ford, GM, Chrysler, AIG, BoA, JP Morgan, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, plus the United States and half of Europe in 2008.

Oh, wait... I actually did - yes, make more and make a chart to show it.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by popsmayhem

Originally posted by NorEaster

A rich person's investment portfolio only benefits that person and the brokerage house that manages that portfolio. Their monthly spending isn't affected at all by the increases. They've already got what they want and need. The economy doesn't benefit at all from the increased net income that rich person has received.

If we care about the economy, the then strategy is obvious. Put the money where it will be put right back into the economy again as soon as possible. Maybe it just makes too much sense?

Now attack on the rich?

Is this atlast shrugged?

I wouldn't wish a tax hike on my worst enemy!!!
Tax cuts ACROSS THE BOARD needs to be done..

Maybe this chart could show obama doing well
if obama changed every single fiscal policy he has made in office.
Right now looking damn bad for obama and aint no chart
going to fix the economy or obama chance at getting back in.
hes done for this chart just shows the desperation!!

Another tax cut would sink this entire economy. No money would be spent by anyone and businesses would collapse. No private sector government contracts (like snow plowing in local towns, towing, road repairs, etc) means no private sector jobs in most areas. Tax cuts work if the tax % is really high (over 50%), but tax cuts below a certain % have the exact opposite effect on the economy, as we're finding out now, with the top 5% paying less than 15% in taxes.

Poor people have no money to tax. The working poor's 25% isn't much more than nickels and dimes when you look at what it costs to keep the lights on at the local, state and federal levels. Middle class people are carrying 35% with no loopholes, but again, we're having to ax the private sector contracts that have traditionally fueled local economies because the middle class skilled jobs have been shipped to India (after sending all the manufacturing jobs to SE Asia and China in the 80s and 90s). So, if the wealthy are off the hook for even 20% (net, after loopholes and breaks) then get ready for a complete collapse of our national economy once we get to the point where the decent paying jobs have all been shipped for good.

Then, watch the newly rich lose everything. And I mean everything. Small and medium business will fail completely. Hell, what customer base will they have? No customer base at all. You can't force people to buy stuff that they can't afford. No public school funding? Great. No education for any kids, since charter schools cost money that people won't have after their businesses and jobs are gone. That'll eventually tank the charter school too. Home schooling for everyone, I guess. With a tax cut mantra as our marching orders, we'll be the biggest banana republic in the world within 10 years.

That is, if the underclass doesn't take advantage of the deep budget cuts that have eliminated local police jobs and just kill off the newly rich and take what they want from them. Good luck sending in the National Guard. They couldn't even control the insurgency within one Iraq city. They wouldn't even be able to take on Baltimore, let alone the entire East Coast. New Orleans was under water and the cops there couldn't get control of it. If the underclass ever decided that there wasn't any reason to not just take what they want, there'd be no one to stop them.

And your tax cuts wouldn't mean much anymore. Would they.

Think about it.

edit on 5/6/2012 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by WeAreAWAKE
reply to post by NorEaster

I am all for putting money back into the economy. The government should stop spending so much on bull and return more of our tax dollars. Corporations should be fined or taxed for outsourcing jobs, etc. But that money should not and never be taken from any group simply because "they have enough". Is it OK for my neighbor to take from me because I have more food in my fridge? "Borrow" my car (without permission) because they think I drive enough? No...and this government and administration has to tighten their spending. 500K here, 500K there adds up and if I can eat boxed sandwiches from Walmart, do my own oil changes and tighten my belt...with my money...there is NO REASON they can't do the same...with my money! The rich are rich because of what they have accomplished...the government spends like they are rich because of what WE have accomplished.

I would rather not pay any taxes at all if they are going to lose it with going to war for the slightest reason and bail out the "too big to fail". The hell with taxes. It goes to the wrong people anyway.....much like all the charity organisations that cry for help and then embezzle at least 50% if not more.

It should be well known that 1/3 of the money goes to pay our national debt, which keeps growing and growing, thanks mostly to republicans. That means interest payments to all the bondholders of the debt, which proves the capitalist vultures always win.

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