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"We are Preparing for Massive Civil War," Says DHS Informant

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posted on May, 7 2012 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by magma
And you are going to do what about it?

When push comes to shove...... You , like all the others will die fighting.
thats my point.

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

It's coming, and I'm as ready as a civilian can be.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 03:36 PM
if it came to a civil war, we'd need to establish a 3rd party military faction fighting for our right to exist.
i'm not fighting for or against your ideas, or fighting for someone else's agenda.

there are 300,000,000+ people in America.
a civil war would encapsulate all of North America (Mexico and Canada)

our objective would be to vacate to the Caribbean and beyond.
unless something happens between then and now.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 11:35 PM
I've heard from a well-placed source in the Dept. of Education that they are actually planning to round-up all the internet trolls that can't manage to form a simple sentence.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 11:43 PM
I think things need to change in this country we all need some kind of medical plan but not shoved down our throats. Give everyone that picks up the medical plan gas at two dollars a gallon(a incentive, not a must). Also we need to fix our national debt not fight over what gets cut and do nothing about it. And this my friends are just the tip of the iceberg we need to feed the hungry help the needy and so on. But we can only do all of this together as one and we need to grow up and start taking care of our country not only for us for our kids and that my friend is no joke. The government really needs to grow up and spend wisely. I think they need to remember we hired them not the other way around. We don't need to fight is my point but I think more people in office need to be fired if they don't start helping this country(yes I am talking about the super committee). And others that don't want to work toward bettering this country. That is all before I blow my top. P.S. When you work you get paid right? Why when they don't work they get paid(when they do things people don't want)?

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 12:02 AM
This post+the post about microchipping our troops scares me

It makes sense if you think about it
American are starting to see whats happening around the world

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by CaptainLJB

A fair and truely representative government might be something which you cannot see on the horizon at this time CaptainLJB, but that hardly means that it is an impossibility. I imagine that back in the early fifties, people in your nation were of the opinion that there would probably never be a black local councillor let alone a black president. And yet, heres Obama. Say what you will about the fellows capacity as a politician, and a leader, he still proves that things which seem unlikely at one time, become old had the next moment.

I believe that if someone works very hard to make it happen, if enough people start using thier heads instead of allowing the field of the mind to fall fallow, if your nations people desire it enough to strive for it, then one day you may get a candidate worth voting for. But only if the old parties are kicked out, town by town, state by state, and confined to Washington, before the ultimate demise of thier dinosaur breed, when the real deal shows up to wipe them off the face of politics forever.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

It's not going to happen anytime Soon in America.

This country's going to the dogs. Just to think that NASA's been more or less Trashed makes me sick.
As Bill Maher once said, the Democrats have moved to the Right and the Republicans have moved to Insanity (well, something like that). The latter guys because the Republican Party's been taken over by Christian "Moral Majority" loons (Bible Belt descendants of Civil War losers, i.e. rich televangelists) preaching Dominionist beliefs (a war between Jesus and the Anti-Christ is going on right here in the U.S.under our noses with "secular socialists" out to destroy Christianity). I have a hard time taking any of this seriously but people believe what they want to in this country, hysteria dominating. I remember back in the 80s all the BS around "satanic ritual abuse" and these guys are Still pushing that crap as Reality.

The most "normal" Americans without this spirituality stigma are just plain wasteful and thoughtless fools. These twits spend their money on bottled water despite there being plenty of perfectly drinkable water freely available flowing around them. They can't drink ordinary coffee either and spend their money at a chain of yuppie places called Starbucks. In this day and age where gasoline prices are higher than ever before in history, you would think that Americans would drive compact cars or hybrids or Something fuel efficient. No. They go out and buy SUVs, trucks, and Hummers. Because Bigger is Better. Because, to sum up the modern American mind: Image Is More Important Than Substance. Following right on the heals of this is the need for Instant Gratification.
So it's no wonder that everyone (but your typing captain!) has a cell phone, does "texting" or "sexting" or whatever the hell they call it, wherever and whenever they are when they're Not yapping away about absolutely mundane BS (typically about their favorite Hollywood whores).

Politicians are trying to appease the masses of course, but when the masses have their brains up their asses, what can be done but to appeal to Them?

If I wasn't so rooted here in the remains of my grandparents' property, I'd have moved out of America.
This place and its people just aren't anything like the way they used to be.
Even the "music" on the radio these days isn't music, it's that ghetto poetry recited with a thump-thump in the background.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by Anon66
This post+the post about microchipping our troops scares me

It makes sense if you think about it
American are starting to see whats happening around the world

One word: CYBERMEN!

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by Leftist

This really doesn't seem unlikely at all. I was told by my dad (who is an officer of over 20+ years at the local PD) that the Police dept. (here in south-central indiana) was given 9 military hummers; 2 in Novermber, then 7 more in April, all of them outfitted with turret mountings (with the small pivoting shields/mount, minus the actual machine guns). I was able to see these in person and took pictures of a couple of them for anyone who wants to see them.

The weird part is that they were simply given to them from the government, and they RARELY get anything from the government, even when they have in the past it was small things and nothing from the military.
Giving 9 military hummers out of the blue to a PD makes me think something is going on. The government doesn't hand off 9 fully working military hummers to a Police dept. unless they think they will actually need them.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Iwannaknow2
reply to post by snarky412

I smell a rat, a wish,a set up, a provocation, a threat to freedom, a dual of sorts, a strong ego in the mix, why must the mind contemplate such a wild endeavor. What could anyone gain by more war?

Are you referring to me or the post itself? If you are referring to me, you need to read the first part of my comment and not twist my words around:

Right you are and like I said before, hopefully this is just a rumor.

Notice I said "rumor"......there's always talk of "what if" scenarios. Is this true or is that true? Whose sources are better.

That being said, it doesn't hurt to be alert to your surroundings on the happenings going on. Something simple as a fight could spark a riot. That's what I'm talking about, especially in my line of work where I travel for a living. That's all I meant and I reiterate that I hope this is just a rumor, dis-information, blown out of context. That's all.

And that we all live happily ever after.....

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Leftist

Not good.

Wait, the DHS and the OBama administration is FULL of leftists like yourself, but you don't like what they are doing?
edit on 8-5-2012 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

So let me ask you this...

If you are given a direct order to commit UnConstitutional actions against other Americans who are COMPLETE STRANGERS TO YOU, and if you don't do them you are told that you will lose your job, you won't be able to feed, clothe or shelter your family, and you are going to tell us that you, and the mayority of law enforcement officers will side with the people, COMPLETE STRANGERS, and not with feeding and clothing their families

When push comes to shoves do you side with keeping your family warm, fed, and secure, or helping COMPLETE STRANGERS even if they are Americans?...
edit on 8-5-2012 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 09:15 PM
The thing about whistle-blower testimony is...

Anyone can blow a whistle.

Without documentation and hard evidence...

It's all hot air.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 10:16 PM
As I caught up with the news last night, I found out the U.S. Govt. ordered something like 420 million M.R.E's for itself. They claim it will feed everyone in the nation for 10 days. Using my past experience with the Govt. and as we seen recently they are not going to tell us the true reason for this. Question with Boldness and we shall find the truth.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Actually...I've had this talk with my buddies both when I was in the military and now that I'm working for the military...and yes. There are a lot of preppers in the military who have backup plans for if something like that happens. More guys than you may think or hear about are ready to take the military's own equipment and turn it against them if that order comes. I know there's a whole group of military from all across the nation who are ready for that, but I can't think of their name right this second...nor do I figure it's a great idea to go spouting it off anyways.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by DaRAGE
reply to post by magma

Yes well, when push comes to shove you can either die on your feet, or on your knees.

Either way its OK you wake up with yourself dead (Hat tip to Billy Joel)

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by DaRAGE
reply to post by magma

Yes well, when push comes to shove you can either die on your feet, or on your knees.

Dead is dead

Once I noticed that it was an equity firm reporting this, I relaxed. They want to get you very afraid over the fate of the dollar so they can sell you a really bad investment that only seems good in comparison to a total meltdown.

DHS is probably gearing up for the civil unrest that will follow the continuation and expansion of severe weather events brought on by global warming. The fact that so many idiots have guns and paranoia to go with them will make FEMA & DHS's job that much more difficult.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Leftist

"We are Preparing for Massive Civil War," Says DHS Informant

“We have problems . . . The federal government is preparing for civil uprising,” he added, “so every time you hear about troop movements, every time you hear about movements of military equipment, the militarization of the police, the buying of the ammunition, all of this is . . . they (DHS) are preparing for a massive uprising.”

(visit the link for the full news article)

Not so. They have in fact been trying for nearly 4 years to INDUCE a civil war...I imagine their pretty desperate at this point. Yes the money system will collapse. It is Selenes, and it is how the Papal and Coven Corporations keep control of the populations. The entire slave system of Babylon has to be removed. For those that don't know, Selene was promoted for her conquest of man and became 'Magda'--"Most High" Magdalene.
She was pharaoh and the lesser queen of babylon. The definition "King of Kings" is for the term "Pharaoh".
Selene created the Vatican, Papal, Royal, Federal, Corporations, Commerce, the Monetary system and the five day work week were all fruits of labor were seized or taxed as 'tribute' to her god "El"(oheim). Azaz-El became "Micha-El", the papal renamed all of them. Covens became 'churches' and 'corporations', etc.

The missing part of the tale is how our society worked before the Invasion of SET (sumerian An) and his branches the El and Anunnaki who are at war with each other.

Commerce is based now, and always has been, on the Energy and Value/Labor a Man gives every day in his life within his community and society. We "Accept for Value" all bills, that is what we called 'Good Will' to each other. We extend each other credit. In return when that person needs something, he is also extended credit and good will for his purchases.

People say we had a 'barter system' ...bull #. We had a system that was similar to the Indians..because we were a world wide civilization. We had no poverty, no one went hungry or homeless and we took care of our elders and the sick. When the war ended, and we became cut off, the system changed slightly for the Indians, but in Europe it was eliminated by the Papal. Created by Selene and Azazel, they claim to OWN(NWO) all Land through conquest and discovery. Azaz-els name in babylon was "Massawa the great architect god" of his coven the Freemason which uses his name. Today, the Hopi call him "Massa" the Landlord of Earth.

If you remove money or even gold, nothing actually stops. You don't stop breathing. Plants and crops dont stop growing. People still mine, and contractors still construct. You see, what they do is like the trick with the elephant. You have actually forgotten how to do business with each other, and how to work or live, without paper or records of paper or gold and silver.

The Congress knew that history, although it is removed now. And at one point, when they knew we were being placed back into that system, they put into laws Acceptance for Value.(UCC 3-409, and HJR 192) And what it does, if used world wide, is first off it eliminates all monetary theft. Secondly, it forgives all debt. The Coven Corporations would be returned to their correct status. A business that is owned by the people.

Most people know that the shortages are deliberate. When Selene put this system in, it created the use of Food as a Weapon.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by YellowRoseTx51

expand your post, I enjoyed reading what you wrote

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by mechcb
There are a lot of preppers in the military who have backup plans for if somethin l, ike may think or hear about are ready to take the military's own equipment and turn it against them if that order comes. I know there's a whole group of military from all across the nation who are ready for that, but I can't think of their name right this second...nor do I figure it's a great idea to go spouting it off anyways.

Sounds like the Resister~ SF Underground , found that link it covers w ha t to me, sounds like the group you alluded to.

Of course since that groups hay day, others have sprung u p with a slightly more public face. Oathkeepers for example, but the best defense is an educated public. One that realises if they want freedom to stay alive, they must stay alert.

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