posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 09:48 AM
What I am about to state will be a bitter pill for most of you to swallow, but those of you who are capable of digesting the truth in an unbiased way
will want to read this. One thing that is missed in this whole "revolutionary" mentality is the fact that social hierarchies develop naturally in
every animal society from ants to humans. Left-wingers always ignore the simple truth that every revolution has resulted in just another example of always starts as something so "Utopian" and the "leaders" of the revolution always promise such grand things to their "followers",
and that's what it all comes down to...there will always be leaders and there will always be followers, because the majority of people in this world
"want" leadership. Our "slavery" did not result from our evil rulers schemes to bind us in a state of debt slavery, or the hijacking of our
government by "occupiers"...these are just effects of a cause...the cause being the willingness of most humans to fallow a leader "period". Our
civilization has evolved over thousands of years to produce two kinds of people; followers and leaders, so let me put this into perspective for you,
it all boils down to intellect. The average follower (i.e. average human) has an IQ of 90 to 110, the average Chimpanzee has an IQ of 50 to 80, the
top leaders and scientists of the world have IQ's in excess of 150 with some as high as 190...thus the difference between those in the higher ranges
of Intelligence quotients and the average human is greater than the difference between the average human and a chimpanzee. Sorry folks but its the
truth. I believe that most of the people on this site are those people in between, with IQ,s of 110 to maybe 130, intelligent enough to question your
lot in life, but not intelligent enough to acquire enough information to look at the big picture (luckily I am not in this category). What would the
average person do if they had no leader telling them what to do, and how to manage their life. Most would probably kill themselves by accident and
society would collapse completely into an anarchy situation, in areas where statistically less intelligent humans congregate (i.e. the hood) pseudo
anarchy already exists, and these areas are plagued with poverty, murder, and crime, not because they are socially disadvantaged but because these
people are statistically less intelligent. The sad, but glaring truth is that the majority of humans are simply to stupid to manage on their own, and
if the anarchy of revolution were to take place, out of the Chaos of rulers would emerge to take the place of the old ones...and usually
not for the betterment of humankind, as history has proven. Now I'm not saying that you should all tolerate a loss of your human rights, and accept
total slavery. What I'm saying is that you need to be realistic and look at the world for what it really is and not what you wish it was, and the
reality of your own inadequacy to rule yourself and how disastrous it would be if everyone was expected to do so. this whole idea of total
independence and freedom for every individual is an impossible pipe dream, because as soon as it happens, and someone uses their new found freedom to
kill someone else and take their sh*t, then people will insist on rules, and rules must be enforced...and lo and behold you have another government!
Please don't misunderstand me I believe another revolution must take place, simply because we have idiots in power, and that is why things are
falling apart, we need to replace this idiocracy of monkeys with people possessing the genius to rule effectively so that the majority of people can
live in relative tranquility and prosperity...unfortunately there will always be those people who draw the short straw in life and will wail and moan
about it until they die...this is simply reality. Our current Ideocracy has arisen because the families who initially seized power in the 19th and
20th centuries have degenerated or devolved in intellect... let me tell you why. These self made men called the Robber Barons were the cream of the
crop concerning intellect, but as many successful, self made men do after achieving success is that they start taking advantage of their power in to
form of sexipades. They delighted in sexually dominating as many physically attractive woman as possible regardless of intellect, in fact a lower
intellect is preferred amongst these men as it pumps up their feelings of dominance. Then as is inevitable they impregnate one of these half-retarded
bombshells producing an equally half-retarded offspring to inherit their dynasty, hence we get people like George "Dubya". This is why we need a
revolution we need to replace the stupid people with the smart people, because despite popular opinion and political correctness...all people are not
created equal! Sorry to burst every ones bubble...