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America - April 19th, The Start of the Revolution - A REVISIT

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posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 02:55 AM
I'm not going to lie, I read some of the front page, then skipped to here b/c I thought of something and wanted to post it before I forgot, so if this has been mentioned, forgive me.

I hate to be one of "those guys", in sentiment I agree with most that has been said here already, HOWEVER, just to play devil's advocate let's say for the sake of argument you have what you want. Important buildings are burned down, traitors are hanged in public, (And hell no I aint mentioning no names LMBO) and freedom has been achieved. Now the 64K question:

Who was smart enough to grab the launch codes? Who has the football?

Cause you see, when we were taking our country back, the world leaders of not so nice countries caught wind of it, cause it was all over CNN and they decided now would be a really good time for a first strike.

And since there is no govt anymore, who remembered to grab the launch codes when everyone was burning down stuff?

Cause here's the sad truth; as much as we hate what is happening to US, what WE have done to the WORLD is far more sinister, and payback is coming. Not the manufactured payback that has led to such beautiful ppl as homeland security & the TSA, but real payback that involves us paying for what we have done. (or allowed to happen) And while we try and take it back, do you guys really believe the world will cross it's fingers with baited breath, hoping the "good guys" win? I doubt it, you should really think about a two-pronged war.

And as much as I am in love with the idea, this whole concept is a dream, really. Go against cops & military? Tell ya what, when I see ppl standing up against false arrests, and ppl standing up for going to jail for TAKING PICTURES & SHOOTING VIDEO IN PUBLIC, then I'll believe it's possible. But until ppl believe they have the right and MORAL OBLIGATION to stand up against tyranny personally, you can forget this whole national take back America business. If you're willing to get arrested for not doing ANYTHING wrong, and you KNOW IT and you STILL allow it to happen, how do you expect this to move forward as a collective?

I'm not trying to be the party pooper, I get it, it sucks, everything is deceit and guile and sheeple still believe in this THING, I get it. But if someone can explain to me the two points I brought up, without sounding contentious, I'd really appreciate it, b/c as much as I'd like to see it happen, I just don't see it with these two facts out there. No one is discussing it, no one is trying to present SOLUTIONS, just more "vote the bums out" nonsense, and more rhetoric, and no substance.

Thanks in advance for those that decide to reply.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 02:59 AM
S & F

It's coming. Inevitably. In the past decades, the preparations by tptb have been obvious to anyone paying attention, and increasing exponentially. It seems only a matter of time until some idiot(s) decide to cast the first physical stone. Until then all this protesting is and will continue to be shrugged off and make little to no difference.

To the post complaining about hypocrisy, so what? When martial law is in their face, we'll see where their priorities lie. I believe it was John Adams who estimated that only one-third of the population was for the revolution at the time. He's also the one that made the point that war was not the revolution, but a consequence, and that the revolution was in the minds of the people. Even if only 10% of the population took up arms, that's roughly 30 million people. Sounds like a hell of a force to reckon with. And then when the family and friends of those who've been passive are getting brutalized, will they remain as such? Only a handful stood at Concord to defend the right to bear arms, but once fired upon, thousands of Americans came out of the wood works. Maybe I'm too optimistic and mistaken to compare modern citizens to their ancestral countrymen, but then again...
edit on 20-4-2012 by jlm912 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by schadenfreude

Are you suggesting all current structure would collapse? I mean, those are legitimate concerns you bring up, but on the flipside of countries taking initiative to attack, do you believe none would assist? And are those really matters anyone relative would openly lay out a plan to counter?

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by schadenfreude

And speaking of reaping what the country has thus far sewn and foreign assistance to a freedom movement, a close eye would need to be kept on any "allies." Assisting a revolution to then turn around and assume control would be a taste of our own medicine indeed; a page straight out of American imperialism

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by jlm912

I agree. I don't think western civilization would be completely vulnerable. North America would have most of Europe on it's side, and Australia for that matter.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by jlm912
reply to post by schadenfreude

Are you suggesting all current structure would collapse? I mean, those are legitimate concerns you bring up, but on the flipside of countries taking initiative to attack, do you believe none would assist? And are those really matters anyone relative would openly lay out a plan to counter?

I'm saying if everyone "got what they wanted", then who would have the launch codes to defend this nation? would the military recognize their authority? and who gets the codes, Billy Bob or Sue Ellen?

As for any assistance from any other countries, it wouldn't matter. once the bombs are headed our way, it'll be to late.

my only point is, as much as we want and need this idea, if you don't plan on continuity of govt in SOME fashion, in this day and age you will effectively kill us all. (IMHO of course)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by schadenfreude

Right, right. But I imagine defense systems against foreign missiles are already in place? I don't factually know, but I think it's a safe assumption. I mean, regardless of who's in charge of said defense or launch codes for retaliation, unless it's all in the hands of one misanthropic nut job, I think what would need to be done would get done.

And historically, looking again to the revolution era, I think the constitutional congress wasn't in place until after Concord, and even then, it mirrored the local governments in place beforehand.
edit on 20-4-2012 by jlm912 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:48 AM
How about we create a global manifesto and take world wide strike action on one day in the future and say enough is enough

How about the 21st december ?

the global manifesto of our brave new world !

we need 10 action points

Stop wars
stop the destruction of our environement
stop the erosion of our human rights
political reform
financial reform
education reform
healthcare reform
justice system reform

thats all I can think of the top of my head at the moment ( at work)

So can we create our manifesto , we put it to the vote on our 10 points
we then use our internet savy we mass produce our manifesto in digital format for download
P2P , stick ti on pirate bay , we hand them out and we have our world wide strike day
we get everyone in the world who's opinions align with our 10 action points
which should be pretty much 99% of the population of earth.

We then take it from there , show the powers that be , whom have taken the power we have given them
and ritually abused us and our homeworld for years that we are more powerful than they are .

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by jlm912
reply to post by schadenfreude

Right, right. But I imagine defense systems against foreign missiles are already in place? I don't factually know, but I think it's a safe assumption. I mean, regardless of who's in charge of said defense or launch codes for retaliation, unless it's all in the hands of one misanthropic nut job, I think what would need to be done would get done.

And historically, looking again to the revolution era, I think the constitutional congress wasn't in place until after Concord, and even then, it mirrored the local governments in place beforehand.
edit on 20-4-2012 by jlm912 because: (no reason given)

No, we have no defense missile system in place, hence the need for the launch codes. The closest thing I think that you're referring to that exists is russia's abm's which when launched create a plasma shield over moscow.

You have 5 ppl in line from the president down, in govt continuity. if these 5 are removed for whatever/however, then whose next? generals? which one? if they're the same rank, the one with seniority, or the one with the most political clout? (who may be eyeing the recently vacated potus spot.)

so you see the dilemma, there's alot more here than meets the eye.

as for the colonial days, all those points are moot. back then you didn't have missiles that could destroy an entire city, now you do.

again, i'm just trying to bring a fresh angle to all this kind of talk. by trying to have a second revolution, if you don't plan for these kind of things, you may ending up destroying America in one day rather than saving it. (and no i am not suggesting it is "impossible") i'm just saying that i haven't heard anyone mention this scenario so until someone can explain to me how to take our country back and defend it AT THE SAME TIME from our enemies, it's all hyperbole.

(not trying to rain on anyone's parade)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by sapien82

Hats off to the intentions, but I think tptb are more than aware of what the people are capable of. Hence the NDAA, the drones to soon be flying over us, the Trespass Act, the EO's of "national emergency," FEMA and related (concentration) camps, etc...

A strike would indeed be awe-inspiring, but I think it will rub the elite the wrong way more than make them want to change who they are...

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by schadenfreude

You have me at a loss, sir. Unfortunately, I don't have adequate knowledge to contend with such questions efficiently. I know I will fight for everything I love and believe in should anyone move as a direct threat. Beyond that, I'd leave it in the hands of the capable and hope for the best.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by gwydionblack

It is a little sickening to think of what all our forefathers and bretheren past have fought and died for to see what has become of their sacrifice. They fought and died forging this nation, so we COULD live in the greatest nation on Earth, and we are told and convinced that our rights must be rescinded in order to preserve them. How psychotic is that? It just tells me our rights never really existed in the first place.

The pathological greed and wanton corruption inherent to our system is NOT what our countrymen, true patriots of this great nation - then, nor now - died for. Our illustrious beacon has been hijacked by sophisticated thugs, thieves and criminals.

That is all I have to say (and I REALLY have to go to bed now lol)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by schadenfreude

For the sake of argument, though, I provide this information. Make of it what you will.

BMDS - DoD Site

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 04:32 AM
People fail to think of the other aspect of this. The veterans. We have been militarized and conditioned into a Spartan society. We have so many people with military training that have been themselves conditioned into making questionable judgment calls that go against the most sacred law, the constitution. What would make them make another judgment call and go against the authority they now respect? All it would take is one incident where they are forced to do something they might have a problem with. It is one thing to hype things up against a foreigner. It is another entirely to hype things up about your fellow American.

With the amount of reservists, active duty personnel, and militias in the US, one can't help but think that all the technology and supposed omnipotence in the world can't stop millions of trained people who know and understand said systems of control.

Imagine if we have a valid protest for whatever reason and the military is called in to quell it. Imagine things get out of hand they are forced to/ or by accident use force in excess and 5 people die. The public outcry will not be quick and easily silenced by talking heads.

Now imagine what the active military will think. Will they side against their own people?

I think that unless the government caters to military families , which we know they don't, they will face the very people they trained to subjugate foreign populations.

Tack onto that the millions of willing and able people at home.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by sapien82

You have some great ideas, but unfortunately this would just give them an excuse to implement martial law. We can't start out small and gradually gain momentum, because that gives them a chance to fight back. If we're going to do anything we have to hit as hard as we can the first chance we get so they don't have time to think.

Think of it as being in a one-on-one fist fight. You don't start out with little slaps... you hit the person as hard as you can immediately so they don't have a chance to hit you.

reply to post by BIHOTZ

This is one of the biggest things the civilians are up against. The military personnel and police officers who have been brainwashed into believing that the system is correct and righteous. Soldiers are brainwashed into becoming emotionless killers (this is why so many soldiers come back home with severe mental problems, because of the psychological conditioning they were subjected to in training.) They are taught to kill without hesitation. This is why the military will be the biggest obstacle if there is an uprising.

edit on 20-4-2012 by Xaphan because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-4-2012 by Xaphan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by Xaphan

I think he was speaking more along the lines of military more than likely not being against the citizens. There are those who would follow command blindly, but the handful of my own family and friends who are active, reserve, and veteran, seem pretty confident most of their brothers in arms would reject orders of violence against fellow americans, though they've all said they know a couple of those blind followers...

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by gwydionblack

An interesting read, offence, your English grammar, spelling and punctuation is appalling, are you American? or are you from another country where English is not your native tongue? the way you word your OP, you make the reader assume that you are American or British, but as I have stated above, your post looks like it's been fed through google translate or similar.

1.Don't write using street slang - your only insulting your own intelligence and the readers
2. If English is not your first language, then tell the reader, they may even help to improve your English skills for both written and spoken English.
3.Don't use TXT/gangsta speak - see (1) and (4)
4.Don't write in your regional accent - it demonstrates poor education, also see (1)

had my rant, but i think others will agree.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by technologicalsingularity

Man, if you're going to post a reply attacking someone's English and grammar, at least use it correctly yourself. I see comma splices, incorrect verb usage, among other pretty basic errors. What's with the grammar policing, anyways? This isn't an English class nor a strictly professional atmosphere. Also you're off-topic. Jeez.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by Xaphan

again that can go either way. It is truly a double edged sword for them. These people might not have a problem ridding themselves of whoever gets in their way. I think we tend to think that they are robots. They are people too just like cops. There is a limit to what they will do to their own people. Cops wouldn't go on their own against trained and motivated resistance. Swat is the most they have. I would bet on a handful of trained veterans over a whole departments swat teams. But hey whatever, numbers will always be the people´s greatest allies. You literally can't kill MILLIONS of people fast enough before they prove to be more of a problem in open revolt.

You have a better chance trying to be nice to them and convincing them with talking heads rather than all the security check points and armed thugs you can pay to dismantle an armed resistance.

That is what is being discussed here. Not like a bunch of kids smoking pot and crapping outside. We are talking about all walks of life looking for the ruin of a system and the establishment of another. It sounds worse than what that really is. It wouldn't last long. I would say the actual violence if there was any in mass would last about 3-6 months.

We also have to mention the fact that it would only happen after years of insufferable conditions. We are talking about 15-25 years from now. When the dumbasses that made all this possible are dead and their kids that grow up without the dumb comforts we have are forced to live like no human wants to.

They have to kill about half of us or in that time we will have grown to numbers that no amount of tech or threat can control. This is not a comic book. In real life humanity is a force to be reckoned with, hence all the trouble they go through to pacify us.

They can kill all the single individuals or groups they want. The only way to control this world is to eliminate everyone except yourself. There will only be greater numbers against you once you start to use a heavy hand. They are that dumb because they are so disconnected with reality that they think a little force will scare HUMANITY into submission. Yeah, right. Like life is not suffering to us already.

edit on 20-4-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by jlm912

exactly. Our own people are not the enemy. They are our greatest asset. I trust the military not to hurt its own people. No matter what they tell them. In the end I think scum bag mercenary armies are more of a threat.

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