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Abortion Addict Confesses 15 Procedures in 16 Years

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posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
It looks like all the other news, and lots of books.


Most women would have been fixed by then.

No one who is sane is addicted to abortions, they are not pain free by any stretch of the imagination. Most women in the clinic scream.

So there is something wrong with this situation, woman and book. Its agenda, and I would even go so far as to be suspicious that someone who has done this over and over is a M'Kultra Satanic ritual slave. And this is like child sacrifice to their group.

I don't know...I know an 18 yr. old that has already had 4. I thought that was disturbing.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 04:43 PM
you are ignorant, dr's took food addicts and did mri's then they had them look at pics of food and their brains lit up like crazy, like the drug addicts. Alcoholics, their bodies process alcohol different than non alcoholics. educate yourself.

Originally posted by babybunnies
reply to post by AzureSky

I'm absolutely fed up with people calling addiction an illness.

It's not an illness, or a mental condition. It was YOUR choice to start yourself down the road that led to your addiction.

YOU made a choice to start doing the weird abortions, collecting, taking drugs, drinking, or whatever your addiction is.

Yes, addiction certainly does take over and becomes the only driving force in your life, but YOU started it, and YOU can end it. Quit blaming mental illness or others for your condition and take action. While hard to break, addiction CAN be broken by simply stopping the activity, unlike an illness, which you cannot ignore.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by RealSpoke

Perhaps there should be a law.. first 2 times is understandable.. a third and you get sterilized since you've obviously got some issues.

And you get to decide that why? Sorry while I think that the whole prospect of 15 abortions is well, sick, I also don't' think it should be used to tell women what else we can do with our bodies, there's enough regulations saying what I can and can't do that it makes me JUST as sick as someone who has an "abortion addiction"

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:08 PM
I agree, but something does need to be done. I don't know what. If you refused to give a woman another abortion after a certain number, I'd hate to imagine what would happen to that child. It wouldn't be fair for the child to have a mother like that. But, this is not right. This is fetus serial killing.

In any case, I think the best choice is always adoption. So many couples want children and can't conceive. Abortion is such a waste of life.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:37 PM
Whether you agree with abortions or not,this is taking the p*ss.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:44 PM
Ladies and gentlemen I offer forced sterilization as a solution to this woman's woes.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by vkey08

And you get to decide that why? Sorry while I think that the whole prospect of 15 abortions is well, sick, I also don't' think it should be used to tell women what else we can do with our bodies, there's enough regulations saying what I can and can't do that it makes me JUST as sick as someone who has an "abortion addiction"

Why shouldn't we as people get to decide? I get sick sometimes of old politicians, old laws and old ways, let us decide from now on.
Concerning abortion i'd say 3 strikes and you're out!!! 15 strikes and you lose the right to decide what happens to your body, full mandatory sterilization. Make love not war

Fair right?

Tell us about other regulations, i don't think i've heard of them?

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:26 PM
ABC "News"?

Owned and operated by Conservatives. Now part of the Disney empire ~

Disney - ABC Television Group

This is straight up Anti Abortion / Pro Breeding Propaganda.

I have doubts as to the validity of this story. And even if true - this is a very rare and very bizarre case.

I wonder why they decided to do a 'news' story on it?

Oh, right - they want the WHITE Consumers to BREED MORE.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:38 PM
Poor woman.
I read the article and just my heart weeped for her. Married to something like that, plus growing up in a country where the usa force sterilized women?

Just that last bit alone turns my stomach. How dare we (of the USA govt) force sterilize anyone??????

I'm pro choice, and I just gotta say that the article said something like 86 thousand terminations were done in one year. Given the population troubles, that'd be 86k more mouths to feed, welfare recipients, people who cant get jobs and suffer.

I hate saying it but really, maybe being taken out before having to live a hellish life is better off. :/
I know I'll get some hate for that but man, think about it. We're in trouble as it IS with all the babies being born all the time and abandoned or abused etc. Plus more people means less money, food, jobs, etc.

Or instead of termination, do ya mandate forced sterilization and only let the finest of the breeding stock have kids? Or should we make like China where more than one kid per family will be killed and set outside to die if it's female? After all, that one kid better be male to carry on the family name.

Best answer? Let people do as they will. What's right for them is right for them. End of story, truly.

I have no idea where that all came from. Obviously I needed to vent out my opinions.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by MrWendal
I would not call this an addiction to abortion, it is more a case of 'too stupid to use a condom'.

There is a difference.

This is way beyond being too stupid to wear a condom. This chick has no problem with getting abortions...she seems to enjoy it. If she didnt like it, she would do something to prevent it.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:52 PM
the best part of this story is that it is breaking news from 2009.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by Zinky

Pro Breeding Propaganda

Yes because God forbid we keep breeding, because we don't need to propagate to continue to evolve and better our species.


You have no evidence to support that this women's story is not true, nor that Disney/ABC is controlled by conservatives pushing a radical Christian agenda of abstinence.

Sorry if I come off as unkind but I'm still kind of shocked by sk0rpi0n's post...

reply to post by sk0rpi0n

really don't see what the issue is.

I keep reading that science has proven that there is no God.
So since science proves that there is no God, we as humans can do as we please.

Rational, logical and scientific minded people believe there is no God, so there is good reason to care about a little piece of meat getting aborted from its mothers body.

I bet only people who believe in sky fairies find news of abortion offensive.

Science and reason will prevail.

Most dark chaos magicians would agree

Human beings are transcendent, with the ability to overcome our nature and instincts with reason. However we have a funny way of using that "reason" to feed our nature and instincts. Nine times out of ten we use our knowledge for malevolent purposes before we use it for benevolent ones, almost all forms of applicable scientific developments are used for military, government or industrial purposes before it available for use by the laymen.

I think abortion is so prevalent in our society now days not because its more "logical" or "scientifically" acceptable, In fact abortion before the 16th or 17th century was common and not looked down upon by the majority of cultures. I think its used now days because it is difficult to raise a child and young people do not want to deal with the responsibility of raising a child, and society has deemed it more acceptable due to the push for individual rights.

This is commendable.

But those rights conflict with the rights of other people, an unborn child IS a human being it cant be anything else. I love the argument that some make that unborn children are just parasites, this has to be the biggest propaganda phrase by radical pro-choice advocates who would rather see this world devoid of human life than have us succeed as a race.

I am not a follower of Abrahamic religion, or any major religion. I simply think it is wrong for us to kill our own race hell any race for that matter, by legal means (i.e. capital punishment, abortion...) or illegal means.

edit on 17-4-2012 by Openeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:21 PM
Looks like this woman is stoking publicity so she can sell her book. I can't believe her stuff would still work after that many abortions. This screams of a publicity stunt to sell her book to me.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Kalixi

I experienced an abortion at 17, and was not given anything at Planned Parenthood, not put under and no pain meds till after the procedure. Women do scream and cry through the procedure.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:51 PM
Not to be too short about it, but...

Who cares?

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Kalixi

Originally posted by Unity_99
.... Most women in the clinic scream.

They are aneasthised during the procedure and are still groggy afterwards for several hours. The screams wouldn't be from pain but the emotional element. But I get your point.

Not for early abortions which are the most commonly performed in Canada, and yes they do.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:42 PM
After just reading everybody posts here, its funny to see all of the 'i dont want to touch this subject' so afraid of the PC police. It all just reminds me of 'im not gay, not that there is anything wrong with that'

Abortion is killing a human life (the embryo is human and it is alive), regardless of the spin you put on it. The people who have been brainwashed are those who are refute the simple fact just because the mainstream tells them its taboo to say otherwise.

The other hypocritical thing i've been saddened by here all the people who claim 2 abortions are okay. If that zygote or 8.99 month old fetus (or whatever) isn't really alive, what difference does 2 or 20 make? Hypocrisy.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:32 PM
I have had heard of girls using asbortion as a form of birth control haveing 3 or 4 abortions but 15 is crazy. All i can sat is wow.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by babybunnies
reply to post by AzureSky

I'm absolutely fed up with people calling addiction an illness.

It's not an illness, or a mental condition. It was YOUR choice to start yourself down the road that led to your addiction.

YOU made a choice to start doing the weird abortions, collecting, taking drugs, drinking, or whatever your addiction is.

Yes, addiction certainly does take over and becomes the only driving force in your life, but YOU started it, and YOU can end it. Quit blaming mental illness or others for your condition and take action. While hard to break, addiction CAN be broken by simply stopping the activity, unlike an illness, which you cannot ignore.

Amen! Thank you
some one out there gets it! Addiction is a choice... I'm sick of hearing one of my in laws moan and complain about thier past addiction being an illness and if I have a drink now and then that means I'm sick too.. grrrrr addiction is just a repeating of what you like to do .

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

No sane woman would kill her Child regardless of his / her size or age either would she?

Just your 'propaganda' to the advocating of killing children

edit on 18-4-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

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