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Abortion Addict Confesses 15 Procedures in 16 Years

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posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:41 AM
15 abortions=1st degree murder in my opinion. I dont care what stage the babies were in. What a sick woman.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by antmax21

The woman admits to addiction. However, I rewind to my OP, lots of unanswered questions. Sure you may nitpick one line about Malpractice but everything else I said coincides with a correct claim about this entire ordeal. Step one is get the information about this case.

I disagree. There is no step one. From a legal and technical perspective nobody did anything wrong. If abortion is going to be legal in all cases, and we are not going to limit the scope or practice of it, then there is nothing here to talk about. Being a self-described addict is not a diagnosis, and even if a therapist diagnosed her with some type of personality disorder making her susceptible to addictions such as this, it still wouldn't preclude a doctor from performing the procedure.

What is the alternative? Should the doc make her give birth to a child and put the child in harm's way? Should a judge order her to be sterilized? There is no good alternative to this case. Nobody did anything wrong except for the sick woman, but what she did is not a crime.

She wrote a book about herself, but in this thread alone there are people talking about cases almost as bad. Personally, I know of two different girls that had 2 abortions each in the same summer! Well, actually for one of the girls, one of the abortions was the real deal and one was just the Morning After pill, but that was still within a few months time. The other girl had two regular abortions..... one in April, one in August.

15 abortions in 15 years is probably a pretty normal amount in certain circles. Horrendous as it may be, it is legal in every way.

The solution is to force abortions to require both parents consent, and only be legal during the 1st Trimester, and only after at least 2 counseling sessions. Anything after the first trimester should only be for excepted reasons such as rape, incest, or health of the mother, and it should require a judge to sign off to approve it.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:55 AM
I'm pro-choice, because I think there are sometimes extenuating circumstances, but I also think that after 2 abortions, you should be forced to have your uterus taken out. That way, you can have all the sex you want, but you will never get pregnant again. Leave the ovaries, so you don't put someone into menopause, but take the uterus.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:58 AM
I really don't see what the issue is.

I keep reading that science has proven that there is no God.
So since science proves that there is no God, we as humans can do as we please.

Rational, logical and scientific minded people believe there is no God, so there is good reason to care about a little piece of meat getting aborted from its mothers body.

I bet only people who believe in sky fairies find news of abortion offensive.

Science and reason will prevail.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by sk0rpi0n
I really don't see what the issue is.

I keep reading that science has proven that there is no God.
So since science proves that there is no God, we as humans can do as we please.

Rational, logical and scientific minded people believe there is no God, so there is good reason to care about a little piece of meat getting aborted from its mothers body.

I bet only people who believe in sky fairies find news of abortion offensive.

Science and reason will prevail.

If you rationally, Logically think, then you would know killing is wrong, just because there is no god does nt mean lets all go crazy and kill each other, there is a reason why humans can communicate and reason.

I'm atheist and i think abortion is disgusting.

Mindset like yours is what is wrong with the world.
edit on 4/17/2012 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/17/2012 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by luciddream

Eh, you speak as if we were given a law that establishes that abortion is wrong.

I personally think its wonderful that rational minded people have realized that there is nothing wrong in abortion, as there is no law against it.

Why be a slave to religious mind control, when you can be free?

Abortion is simply another form of birth control...carried out by rational men of science... i.e doctors.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by sk0rpi0n
reply to post by luciddream

Eh, you speak as if we were given a law that establishes that abortion is wrong.

I personally think its wonderful that rational minded people have realized that there is nothing wrong in abortion, as there is no law against it.

Why be a slave to religious mind control, when you can be free?

Abortion is simply another form of birth control...carried out by rational men of science... i.e doctors.

What the heck does religion and abortion have to do with anything? religion is some idiotic belief, aborting is terminating a potential life Take preventative measure, don't try to get rid of Blastocysts because at that point they would already start assigning specific cells to the body (like liver, brain etc).

It look like your saying you cant be moral without religion.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by luciddream

I gather you are atheist and all... but you are starting to sound like those brainwashed religious folks who protest against abortion, calling it murder and stuff. Just saying.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by sk0rpi0n
reply to post by luciddream

I gather you are atheist and all... but you are starting to sound like those brainwashed religious folks who protest against abortion, calling it murder and stuff. Just saying.

Its common that religious folks are against abortion, but i do it to protect a potential life. Of course, Abortion from rape, incest, terminal disease are an OK for me but It seems like killing a potential life(who may find cure to cancer
) for convenience is retarded.
edit on 4/17/2012 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Kalixi

Standard abortions are done with only 10 mg. of Xanax and a small shot to numb the cervix. They hurt like hell.

For a couple of extra hundred dollars, a woman can be anesthetized and put out (usually with Versed) for a short sleep while they complete the procedure. Poor women cannot afford the extra anesthesia and so they have to grit their teeth and bear the pain.

Afterwards the hormone levels drop and, along with the pain and bleeding, women are upset, tearful and depressed. This is the reality of it.

Some do scream. They're getting their insides scraped out. But only the poor ones have to endure it.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

I'm not doubting your account, and I have heard of women screaming, but many years ago I was present for one, at a Planned Parenthood location, and the girl got the very basic procedure, and she didn't complain of it being overly painful, she didn't scream, she didn't cry from anything other than emotions, and she was back at school the following day and no one ever knew any better. Maybe she was just very tough, but I think you may have exaggerated somewhat in your post.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

sadly many young women are treating abortion like a contraceptive - years ago in the late 1980's I was in school with a girl who had 3 abortions by the time she was 17 - years later I got to know her sister who told me that the girl developed serious mental health issues as she got older , would self harm to the extreme and was incapable of forming a normal healthy relatiosnship - all stemming from the soul wrenching guilt she felt for aborting those unborn babies .

My sister in law was forced into an abortion at 16 by her parents - she too has real issues around guilt and has tortured herslef over what happened to her as a teen and the feeling she has had to live with that she had conspired in killing her own child.

what for many may seem like a quick fix can indeed be a life changing decision that for some proves impossible to live with - for women motherhood is the most natural thing in the world - to then have it terminated with such casual finality must leave scars that for many will never heal.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Masamune69

I agree. No way abortion should be done without thorough counseling before and after, and no way it should be done without consulting the father of the baby. Women will get all up in arms about that stance, but the decision is far too important to be made by one person in an emotionally compromised state. There need to be some safe guards in place for everyone involved, including the pregnant women.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:33 PM
Why is this anyones business? People need to worry about their own problems rather than the women who are too poor to raise a child right, who are single, and those that have drug addictions. I dont get why people need to involve themselves in the choices of others. No its not right but these women have their reasons to make their own choice. The title of this story is down right disgusting.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by sk0rpi0n
reply to post by luciddream

Eh, you speak as if we were given a law that establishes that abortion is wrong.

I personally think its wonderful that rational minded people have realized that there is nothing wrong in abortion, as there is no law against it.

Why be a slave to religious mind control, when you can be free?

Abortion is simply another form of birth control...carried out by rational men of science... i.e doctors.

I respect most athiests opinions, as they are usually about preserving life, but you sound like you are just not a good person. Killing babies should not be ok with ANYONE, unless you worship the devil.

"I personally think its wonderful that rational minded people have realized that there is nothing wrong in abortion, as there is no law against it."

People who are pro-life don't have rational minds?

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by lobotomizemecapin
Why is this anyones business? People need to worry about their own problems rather than the women who are too poor to raise a child right, who are single, and those that have drug addictions. I dont get why people need to involve themselves in the choices of others. No its not right but these women have their reasons to make their own choice. The title of this story is down right disgusting.

What about the babies involved? Who is looking out for them?

Or, suppose you don't feel a fetus is a baby, in that case, what about all those wasted stem cells that could have cured 100's of people of their diseases and disabilities?

We have a major problem in this country. Half the population thinks we are throwing away human lives in the form of abortion, while the other half thinks those are just miscellaneous cells that have failed to organize into a life. So, as par for our broken political system, we take the worst parts of both arguments and make that our compromise. We decide that it might indeed be a life, therefore we can't use those miscellaneous cells for anything good, or any research, or any life-saving treatments, but at the same time, we have to protect the choice of the mother, so it is ok for her to discard the cells like they are not life at all. It is fine to throw them away, but it is illegal to use them for anything good? It is a crime to have a car accident and kill an unborn fetus, or a crime to smoke or drink or do drugs while pregnant, but it is perfectly legal to go to a doctor and intentionally discard the fetus.

This article and title is just one account of a serious fracture in our society. To be honest, I don't care which side of the argument wins, as long as one side clearly wins, and we can start doing things that make sense, instead of having senseless compromises that hurt everybody!

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:47 PM
preposterous on every level. Propaganda. Even more absurd, this is ONE woman out of 3+ billion - ONE! One person, if true, does make a trend, or any measurable statistical event of any kind. This is called an anomaly, like a three headed chicken. How absurd would it be to see ONE three headed chicken and call in the UN to alter the DNA of chickens to stop the madness?

It is remarkable to me how people can see one story - a lie or not, and extrapolate out to "everyone" from there. If this is true, and I'm sure it is not as the physical damage by abortion 10 would have rendered her uterus useless for conception, it does NOT mean anything at all other then ONE person out of billions has a PERSONAL issue.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
It looks like all the other news, and lots of books.


Most women would have been fixed by then.

No one who is sane is addicted to abortions, they are not pain free by any stretch of the imagination. Most women in the clinic scream.

So there is something wrong with this situation, woman and book. Its agenda, and I would even go so far as to be suspicious that someone who has done this over and over is a M'Kultra Satanic ritual slave. And this is like child sacrifice to their group.

I used to work as a psychiatric nurse at a state security hospital.

We had at least 3 patients who self injured themselves so they could have surgeries. One guy kept opening up his abdomen so often it started to heal as an open wound, we had to strap him down to a bed for 6 weeks until he healed enough that his wound closed.

One week out of bed and the first time he was allowed to eat in the lunchroom he opened it back up with a broken razor he had hidden in his waistband. As gross as dressing his wound was, this was worse. I was blood from head to toe as well as two other nurses and he almost bled out completely. The last BP I took before the ambulance showed up was so faint I couldn't give a reading.

There are people who are addicted to surgical procedurs, and not all of them are locked up.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

The biggest problem in this country and world is that everyone has to know everything and meddle with other peoples personal lives when they have no reason to do so because it does not affect them. I dont think its right but I have known people in this situation and trust me the child was better off not coming into life. It isnt like they are really alive anyway they are potential lives but cannot think feel see smell etc. The point is its the individuals decision not other peoples.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 01:00 PM
I knew a girl who had 5 abortions in 5 years. Her family was anti-abortion so she claimed she was raped in every case. Her family was OK with the abortions, since it was rape. Nobody ever tried to find the rapist, as he never existed. This girl was an egomaniac and her family had terrible values.

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