posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:46 PM
I'm going to highlight your points because if I try to copy and paste them I wont have enough room for my replies.
“Who defines what is “right” and what is “wrong”?
I'll give you that. The first thing I thought of was the Salem witch trials. Maybe not the best analogy, but the first thing I thought of and it is
“Good” governance (both corporate and national) tends to be the exception rather than the rule.”
I'm going to change the wording here to “intelligent” I don't look at people as being either good or bad, but rather intelligent; or not so
much. I always have and I think it's because I never really took too much stock in our elected officials. The first bit of political news I remember
hearing was about Nixon. And I don't remember thinking he was a bad guy because he didn't come across that way to me. He came across as dumb. The
only leader we ever had in my lifetime IMO who could be construed as smart was Clinton and that was only because he shared his life with a woman who
always came across to me as smart. I always figured it might rub off on him. I guess this is why I'm not too concerned with jackbooted thugs kicking
down my door. Almost every common man and woman I've ever run across and socialized with seems to have more common sense than our leaders.
“The system can grind up innocent people in all sorts of ways.”
Just like it did 100 years ago. I don't think that's a valid argument against all the security we have. The cameras aren't malicious. Some of the
people behind them are.
“Malicious individuals exist within every organization.”
See the response above.
“A teenager making a stupid You Tube clip may find it hard to get a job ten or twenty years later. I say this is not fair.”
If he or she doesn't have the foresight to see that, that's their problem. Don't blame the system for what stupid people do. That's like blaming
the way small towns work (everybody knows everybody and you can't pick your nose without everyone knowing about it the next day) for the fact that
Johnny was a greaser, did stupid greaser things, and now can't get a reputable job. Let me put it this way; that kid who did stupid things on You
Tube.....I wouldn't want him manning the cameras you posted in your OP. Would You?
“We can observe behaviors used to assert dominance and superiority in the pecking order in our fellow primates, as well as other mammals,
suggesting something deep and possibly hardwired into the human psyche.”
You kind of shot yourself in the foot with that one. Again, don't blame the system, blame the people manning the system.
“The right to present different faces to different people at different times”
This argument I don't understand at all so I'm not qualified to debate it. Whether I'm at work, home or on the computer.....what you see is what
you get. It just seems like hard work to me to try and be “different people at different times”. I've never understood people who do that and I
never will. Maybe that's why I've always been misunderstood: I'm real.
“When you surrender your own narrative to Facebook, you are giving them the power to “define you” in multiple ways.”
Now I think you're bitching just to bitch. You tell a story on Facebook, thereby willingly giving up that part of your privacy. All Facebook is doing
is expounding on that the same way the person who got your story will. Do you think the recipient of your story will just stop at what you told them
and think no further about it? Have you even talked to people lately? People draw their own conclusions from what you say all the time, what Facebook
is doing is no different except they're doing it on a more business level. They are a business after all.
“Don’t you simply want to be left alone sometimes?”
Yes. And I know the place I can go to do just that. The privacy of my own home.
“It is psychologically stressful to have this feeling going all the time, twenty-four hours a day.”
I'm sorry you feel that way, but I don't. I for one don't have public cameras in my home and I certainly don't feel like I'm being “watched”
24/7. You're right. That would be stressful.