posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 06:38 AM
Excellent post, but there are two fatal problems with it, in my not so humble opinion.
Firstly, without delving too deeply into families and the multitudinous problems that exist in this day and age, children have not been given enough
guidance to not have the simple sense that God (or whomever you choose) gave them. They post anything and everything personal about themselves, their
friends, their parents.
They have no barriers and seemingly no understanding how wide reaching this can be. It simply astounds me what children are allowed access to and
allowed to do online. As these children grow into young adults, they continue unabated with this open divulgence of things about their college mates,
their jobs, their wives, their personal habits.
This is only going to continue - because this is what they have grown up thinking is normal. The whole point is, the people agreeing to this post and
the ideas here? We are old. Simply put. We recognize the dangers, but we are too many years late to do anything about it. It is embedded, It's too
late. Remember when you used to laugh at your parents and say, "You are just too old to understand."? Welcome to those days. Except, just like them,
you understand all too well, and this is a lesson they will have to learn for themselves. Lessen the damage the best you can by staying as far from it
as possible. That is all you can do.
No amount of voting, protesting, screaming, whining, or complaining is going to change this. Did you notice while so many were sleeping they put
drones in our skies to police us? There is next to nothing left of our rights. The world has changed with the lack of help of the village it *used* to
take to raise a child, as it was busy slaving to make their mortgage payments and car notes and to put food on the table and to buy their precious
kids everything they wanted. The PC's, ipods, and the cell phones, so they could "stay in touch".
This is what people unwittingly wanted, and when they were looking the other way, someone else took the ball that was smarter and sharper than
everyone else, and ran with it. They found a way to capitalize on our ignorance, a way to break our backs.
Secondly, sadly, I have a loved one involved in the legal system. Without going into much detail, I can tell you this. From the ground up, every legal
system in this country is corrupt, because no one is looking. Too many people are out to make a buck, out to get something for nothing, or out to take
someone for eveything they can get. Not just corrupt, however, but brainwashed as well. Why do I say brainwashed? Because several attorneys I have
spoken to don't know simple things about the Constitution and about the law. Things you would expect them to know, and they stared at me, mouth
agape, and had to admit to me they were not aware.
Everything about my loved ones' case was done illegally, and yet, we have no leg to stand on without high priced, out of reach attorneys we can't
afford. Arrest without a warrant? So? Didn't read you your rights? So? No bail hearing in almost 2 years? So? A Prosecutor turned judge that refused
to recuse himself from the case? So? A No Bill from a grand jury yet he was detained indefinitely till they "got the right grand jury"? So? The
signature on the True Bill is a person that doesn't exist? So? Really?! Why do I have to lay out the case for them?
But guess who cares? It sure isn't the DA that was just caught fabricating evidence. No siree. No one cares. Not unless you have a few hundred grand,
possibly more, "beause you just can't tell with these things". Really? Rights? Where?
This is the state of our Union now. Money talks, and BS walks. Like it or lump it, this is the hand we are dealt now. The only thing that any of us
that give a care can do is fight for the scraps we have left and attempt to keep the lowest profile possible so as to not attract attention lest we
find ourselves in the exact predicament the OP pointed out, because you can trust in these words, if they want rid of you - they WILL be rid of
So get your little precious their cell phones so they can go Facebook and "stay in touch". Be sure to post about your next vacation so someone can
find you from the exif info you freely post on your photo albums and come rob your house while you are gone. Post the hillarious vomit pics from your
drunken night out so your future boss can show them around the office when you apply for the management position and you get laughed back to the
unemployment line. Post smack talk about your teacher so in 15 years when you go for that really good job, you have to face them in an interview.
It's a small world.
The worst part about peoples rights is when they give them away by handing over information FREELY.
Someone smarter than your average bear just managed to figure out how to do something with it, and now you all have your knickers in a twist.
Lose lips sink ships, now look what you've done