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Trayvon Martin marchers to Sanford, Fla., police: 'We want an arrest.'

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posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 10:24 PM
I'm sure there is a lot of other people that want justice done as well. I don't see why this one particular black kid is anymore important than anyone else.

Oh that's right, there is a profit and an agenda to be made. These people are nothing more than opportunists and racists, like they give a damn about Treyvon Martin when they go to sleep at night.

In my eyes these people are pathetic, they turned this young man's death into a mockery regardless of any truth of the matter.
edit on 31-3-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by RSF77
I'm sure there is a lot of other people that want justice done as well. I don't see why this one particular black kid is anymore important than anyone else.

Oh that's right, there is a profit and an agenda to be made. These people are nothing more than opportunists and racists, like they give a damn about Treyvon Martin when they go to sleep at night.

In my eyes these people are pathetic, they turned this young man's death into a mockery regardless of any truth of the matter.
edit on 31-3-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

THAT RIGHT there is the truth!
I wonder how much al got paid to show
up at the march? Can we speculate?
50, 60 grand?

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by binkbonk
reply to post by conspiracy nut

If you do not cooperate with an authority with a firearm, you might just end up dead. Common sense.

When said "authority" is following someone with a gun, it's also common sense that they're not "standing their ground".

This dude deliberately followed the kid because he looked suspicious to him. He was locked and loaded and disobeyed the police. He followed the kid and shot him dead. Zimmerman is wrong in every way possible. Ask yourselves this, since this suppesedly isn't a racist incident.

-What if Zimmerman was a black man with gold teeth and corn rows and he shot dead a white kid named Tyler?
C'mon guys/gals. If it looks like crap and smells like crap, and your dad is a judge and theres no blood on you from your bloody nose and the tape has a kid screaming for help before his's murder.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by DerekJR321

Are you talking about this picture of him giving the finger because this is definitely him. You can even see the tattoo he had on his arm.

Look people believe what ever they choose to in this story. Ive seen so many people throw around false or misleading information its getting kinda silly actually.

Heres the facts Treyvon Martin was walking through the neighborhood wearing a hoodie. George Zimmerman thought he was acting suspicious. Since he was wearing a hoodie and it was raining when he was asked by the 911 operator what color was he? He answered im not sure black i think. This tells you he really wasnt aware of his race when he called the 911 operator. So something else made him suspicious of Treyvon.Trying to make this out as the reason he died is because hes black is stupid. The real point of this is did zimmerman shoot him in self defense. If he did he did then he did the right thing if he didnt he needs to go to jail.

But everyone is changing the story into what they believe quite frankly it doesnt matter what you believe it matters what can be proved. If there is evidence the shooting was not in self defense.He will go to jail but speculating why he did it is pointless.He might have had an irrational hatred of hoodies.He could have hated people who didnt use umbrellas. what are you people doing?????? This is why the legal system should never try to convict someone by what they were thinking but instead what they did.

Now If you truly believe this is a racial thing you might want to reexamine your own beliefs because your making assumptions about Zimmerman having never met him. That in itself is a form of profiling and that makes people hypocrites screaming about profiling yet doing it to someone else.As far as Sharpton and Jackson if they get people killed over this i hope they try them for manslaughter by inciting a riot. good night everyone and for gods sakes think peaceful thoughts and stay safe.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by dragonridr
reply to post by DerekJR321

Are you talking about this picture of him giving the finger because this is definitely him. You can even see the tattoo he had on his arm.

Look people believe what ever they choose to in this story. Ive seen so many people throw around false or misleading information its getting kinda silly actually.

Heres the facts Treyvon Martin was walking through the neighborhood wearing a hoodie. George Zimmerman thought he was acting suspicious. Since he was wearing a hoodie and it was raining when he was asked by the 911 operator what color was he? He answered im not sure black i think. This tells you he really wasnt aware of his race when he called the 911 operator. So something else made him suspicious of Treyvon.Trying to make this out as the reason he died is because hes black is stupid. The real point of this is did zimmerman shoot him in self defense. If he did he did then he did the right thing if he didnt he needs to go to jail.

But everyone is changing the story into what they believe quite frankly it doesnt matter what you believe it matters what can be proved. If there is evidence the shooting was not in self defense.He will go to jail but speculating why he did it is pointless.He might have had an irrational hatred of hoodies.He could have hated people who didnt use umbrellas. what are you people doing?????? This is why the legal system should never try to convict someone by what they were thinking but instead what they did.

Now If you truly believe this is a racial thing you might want to reexamine your own beliefs because your making assumptions about Zimmerman having never met him. That in itself is a form of profiling and that makes people hypocrites screaming about profiling yet doing it to someone else.As far as Sharpton and Jackson if they get people killed over this i hope they try them for manslaughter by inciting a riot. good night everyone and for gods sakes think peaceful thoughts and stay safe.

Yes, that is the picture. He is so offensive
im glad it is an external link. Anyways, listening
last time i checked inciting a riot IS A CRIME

TAKE to the streets and chant that be careful you might
get jumped

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by dragonridr

No I was referring to the one of a black teen with his pants half down giving two middle fingers.

But even the picture you linked.... are you telling me that defines who this child was? I have a picture of me at 7 years old giving the my sister the finger. So... does that mean I was an "offensive" kid who should have been shot if some over zealous nut job with a gun approached me?

I still would like to know what role Zimmerman's father is playing in all of this. I find it awful convenient that the police find this an open and shut case of "self defense". Just like all the other charges Zimmerman got away with. Assault on a Police Officer twice, domestic abuse, etc. Hell if they are going to classify Martin as a trouble maker for giving the finger, can we classify Zimmerman as a sadistic alcoholic speed freak? I mean he did get a speeding ticket. He did have to enter an alcoholism program.

Zimmerman isn't this happy go lucky guy who was just out protecting his neighborhood. He is a troubled individual who shouldn't have even had a license to carry to begin with.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy nut
the protests are called for in my opinion, zimmerman should be tried in the death of trayvon martin imo, imo there would be no protests if the SFD hadnt bungled this case from the get go.

But let's be honest. Sharpton and Jackson aren't interested in justice. They only want their precious free face time in front of the cameras; that and to play on people's hate to build up their coffers.

Zimmerman should be tried only if there is enough evidence to try him. That is the law. He's already been tried and executed in the court of public opinion by a vast majority of people. Now, it's time for everyone to step back and let the law do its thing.

I guarantee that the only thing that will come out of Jackson and Sharpton's presence is innocent blood being spilled. And the most disgusting, sick, vile thing about that is they probably know that will happen when they cry "ESCALATE", but they don't give a damn as long as THEY are the ones making the news.

There are all kinds of self-serving, corrupt, egotistical morons pontificating themselves as righteous leaders from all races. The black community would do itself a tremendous service in taking a step towards moving past bigotry, racism, hatred by disavowing these charlatans as their leaders. I truly believe that black on black violence has gotten worse, due to in part, by people like this who use violence for their nefarious purposes.

And with the MSM only interested in one position (i.e. theirs), it goes to show you how the elite create the environment so as to enslave all of us. Yes, slavery is alive and well, and it knows no color.
edit on 31-3-2012 by Freenrgy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by DerekJR321
reply to post by dragonridr

No I was referring to the one of a black teen with his pants half down giving two middle fingers.

But even the picture you linked.... are you telling me that defines who this child was? I have a picture of me at 7 years old giving the my sister the finger. So... does that mean I was an "offensive" kid who should have been shot if some over zealous nut job with a gun approached me?

I still would like to know what role Zimmerman's father is playing in all of this. I find it awful convenient that the police find this an open and shut case of "self defense". Just like all the other charges Zimmerman got away with. Assault on a Police Officer twice, domestic abuse, etc. Hell if they are going to classify Martin as a trouble maker for giving the finger, can we classify Zimmerman as a sadistic alcoholic speed freak? I mean he did get a speeding ticket. He did have to enter an alcoholism program.

Zimmerman isn't this happy go lucky guy who was just out protecting his neighborhood. He is a troubled individual who shouldn't have even had a license to carry to begin with.

Let me put your mind at ease about his father he was a magistrate in virginia i checked. As a magistrate he had the power to issue search warrants sign arrest warrants and issue subpoenas. He had no power in some states this is done by a court clerk worse down in Florida no one would know or care. Looking into zimmermans background there was nothing to lead me to believe he was racist or for that matter evil.Where you aware the domestic violence charge was do to a divorce. Did you know he actually put a restraining order on his ex. And its common once a restraining order is filed the other person does the same. That the first thing a law firm will advice you to do. The assault on a police officer was from his refusal to leave while his friend was being arrested. He claimed he didnt realize it was an officer holding his friend i find this a little iffy here but he didnt assault the officer but instead interfered with an arrest. The case was dropped mostly because i think the arresting officer didnt know what he was doing. Notice i said dropped that means either the officer changed his mind or the ATF decided not to prosecute. And i assure you the ATF has no fear about prosecuting anyone who breaks the law.

This is what im talking about people making up half truths and down right lies because they believe something to be true.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by popsmayhem

As for you please dont agree with me it makes me want to reconsider my position. You have also been telling half truths and and some of your posts have been down right vile. Treyvon Martin was an 17 year old kid who died.This in itself is tragic and my prayers go out to the family theres nothing worse then loosing a child. Demonizing him means nothing ultimately it comes down to was this self defense or not. Not how a confused 17 year old is trying to figure out how to be an adult lord knows i made lots of mistakes.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2

Originally posted by conspiracy nut
the protests are called for in my opinion, zimmerman should be tried in the death of trayvon martin imo, imo there would be no protests if the SFD hadnt bungled this case from the get go.

But let's be honest. Sharpton and Jackson aren't interested in justice. They only want their precious free face time in front of the cameras; that and to play on people's hate to build up their coffers.

Zimmerman should be tried only if there is enough evidence to try him. That is the law. He's already been tried and executed in the court of public opinion by a vast majority of people. Now, it's time for everyone to step back and let the law do its thing.

That is what gets me.
These people look up to sharptin
as some hero and god send
to the black race, he's not.
Him telling these poor people
that black kids are not safe walking
down the street is an outright lie.
Keep letting these morons
get incited and worked up over
this and they are going to riot.
Maybe that is what they want,
way to excite the voting base,
NEXT we will see sharptin jackson AND obama
all going to where zimmerman is holding out at
and arrest him

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:53 PM
If under stand your ground there is no case against zimmerman he shouldnt be arrested just because people get riled up. However a closer look at stand your ground is in order, such as amending the law in a way that it does not cover people who go against people standing their ground, because the one who stood his ground was Trayvon against the pursuit of Zimmerman.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

Thank you another sane voice in the crowd i agree 100 percent. Id give you 2 stars if i could thanks i was beginning to think i was alone.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by dragonridr
reply to post by popsmayhem

As for you please dont agree with me it makes me want to reconsider my position. You have also been telling half truths and and some of your posts have been down right vile. Treyvon Martin was an 17 year old kid who died.This in itself is tragic and my prayers go out to the family theres nothing worse then loosing a child. Demonizing him means nothing ultimately it comes down to was this self defense or not. Not how a confused 17 year old is trying to figure out how to be an adult lord knows i made lots of mistakes.

Don't attack the messenger.
I only agreed
on the picture. The rest of my posts
was about al sharptin.
I am demonizing sharptin and jackson
for the obvious race baiting, and riot inciting.
Sharptin telling black people that black kids
are not safe walking down the street is crazy.
I watched 6 or 7 walk down the road just fine
and no one came out shooting at them lets
get real.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
If under stand your ground there is no case against zimmerman he shouldnt be arrested just because people get riled up. However a closer look at stand your ground is in order, such as amending the law in a way that it does not cover people who go against people standing their ground, because the one who stood his ground was Trayvon against the pursuit of Zimmerman.

His lawyer wont use the stand your ground law to defend his client he all ready said he doesnt think it applies and i agree with him. This will be your standard self defense since he had a permit to carry legally the use of the gun is acceptable under any circumstance where he feels his life is threatened. With the police report and paramedics he has proof he was injured and i read he also saw a doctor the next day to set his nose. So his attorney can prove he was assaulted.In truth the State has a tough case proving it wasn't self defense but again im not privy to all the information.

Ps i was thinking about this after i posted you do bring up an interesting legal point however. You could make the argument that the stand your ground law applied to Treyvon. Im going to get back to you on that im intrigued.
edit on 4/1/12 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by conspiracy nut

Hmm then lets think about what was said here! (ill put it in small terms so you understand what you said) lol
1st - lynch mob - a mob that kills a person for some presumed offense without legal authority........
How is that any different from what the Black Panthers are doing? They put a price on his Head!?
Sooooo...."A Mob"....
Hmmmm sounds like the (Black Panthers) -
"kills a person for some presumed offense without legal authority"
Sounds like something a Lynch mob would do? So no hes completely right about how they are "like" a Lynch Mob!
Racism at its finest ha ha think before you speak!

Trayvon attacked a man and reached for his gun! he shoots the kid and hes in trouble? So its either him or Trayvon now......what would you have done? Everything that leads up to this point means nothing because he reached for his gun and that got him killed you dont reach for someones gun without expecting to get shot??? How is this not easy for all of you to understand?? ha ha

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 12:09 AM
All I'll say is this:

Having a CCW permit is a big responsibility. It's not an excuse for morons to go around playing cowboy and then hiding behind it when they realize they f*'ed up. They tell you in the class you will be held accountable should you ever exercise your right to use force and you better have a damn good reason. Nobody knows what really happened because, according to the press reports, there were no witnesses; and dead men tell no tales.

The most guilty party I find throughout all of this is the Media and their despicable treatment of this story. But the masses always need some sort of distraction, right?

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by Mfindlay84
Trayvon attacked a man and reached for his gun!

Hold up...source please? I have not read that at all. Is that the latest account being reported or are you using creative license to fabricate events that haven't been reported?

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by LeaderofLostSouls
All I'll say is this:

Having a CCW permit is a big responsibility. It's not an excuse for morons to go around playing cowboy and then hiding behind it when they realize they f*'ed up. They tell you in the class you will be held accountable should you ever exercise your right to use force and you better have a damn good reason. Nobody knows what really happened because, according to the press reports, there were no witnesses; and dead men tell no tales.

The most guilty party I find throughout all of this is the Media and their despicable treatment of this story. But the masses always need some sort of distraction, right?

Yes i have a feeling Zimmermans lawyer agrees with you since i suspect he leaked the information about the gun still having an empty round chambered. This would only happen if something interrupted the movement of the slide. So theres actually proof they fought over the gun well not proof but lets say corroborating evidence.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by conspiracy nut

Originally posted by Zaanny
Looks like a black lynch mob to me...

But hey I'm just a racist white guy.

i hope your just kidding. do you know what a lynch mob is?

Noun 1. lynch mob - a mob that kills a person for some presumed offense without legal authority lynch mob - a mob that kills a person for some presumed offense without legal authority
mob, rabble, rout - a disorderly crowd of people

hey isnt that what george zimmerman did to trayvon martin? funny i dont see anyone killing anyone in that picture of a peaceful looking protest.

if you think Zimmerman lynched Martin, it is very obvious to me YOU dont know what a lynch mob is.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by LeaderofLostSouls

Originally posted by Mfindlay84
Trayvon attacked a man and reached for his gun!

Hold up...source please? I have not read that at all. Is that the latest account being reported or are you using creative license to fabricate events that haven't been reported?

No Zimmermans testimony stated Treyvon grabbed for his gun during the fight. This can go either way what im curious about is did the police dust it for prints. If they did and his fingerprints were on it then that is one of the reasons they let him go.

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