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Trayvon Martin marchers to Sanford, Fla., police: 'We want an arrest.'

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posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 06:53 AM
2 totally different cultures and upbringings. This is part of the reason there will NEVER be that FANTASY, storybook racial harmony everyone imagines. Same as trying to find harmony in religions. We all have different views and beliefs.

I'm just tired of everyone blaming WHITEY. Simple fact is the black community can't even find racial harmony amongst themselves, unless it's to do a march against the white community. Sooner or later it's all gonna implode. Watch what you wish for.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 06:55 AM

I have a picture of me at 7 years old giving the my sister the finger. So... does that mean I was an "offensive" kid who should have been shot if some over zealous nut job with a gun approached me?
reply to post by DerekJR321

I would only have a picture of a missing digit because my father would have tore my finger off before I could bring it back into my fist! That is why I never turned out to be a punk! and my father put the fear of God in me! But I never dared step out of line!
When my father was dying, I will never forget what he said to me. He said "Son, I am sorry I have been so hard on you growing up, but it was MY JOB to make you a MAN!" I think of this every day I raise my son. I teach him to "walk soft, but carry a big stick" to be a gentleman and polite unless the situation demands havoc, at which point be merciless.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 07:07 AM
The guy deserves to be arrested. He murdered a teenager.

Anyone who thinks this is a comedic situation is as low as Zimmerman or any other racist scumbag.

I hope none of your children are ever shot to death...or maybe I do because maybe then you'd have some common sense.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by Auricom
reply to post by popsmayhem

Without hate, Al and Jesse are out of a job. And they can't allow that to happen so they stir up the hate.

For your information, lots of people -- in government, and out of it -- would be out of jobs without the incitement of hated. Jackson and Sharpton are not even close to being the most egregious exploiters of culture, race, and violence. Most of them, strangely enough, seem to be members of the 'conservative' media.

Your bias is obvious in focusing in on those two, but try to develop a better rounded sense of what is actually happening in the country.

For your information, Jackson and Sharpton are no longer viewed as trustworthy spokesmen by many in the Black Community at large, due to moral and personal judgment failures. However, they are exactly right in this case.

Continuous pressure needs to be applied so that the cold-blooded murder of Trayvon Martin will not be swept under the rug, as many in the power structure would doubtless desire to happen.

Lastly, if you don't want people like Sharpton and Jackson to be front and center on certain issues, then matters like Trayvon's shooting need to be properly handled. If Zimmerman had been arrested and charged, as the lead investigator wanted to do, then there would have been justifiable anger, but at least the legal process would have been put in play to adjudicate the matter.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 07:35 AM
I wonder if the Kel Tec PF-9 9mm handgun Zimmerman used jammed, malfunctioned or he just didnt want to use it against Trayvon. if I see a 6'3" 150lbs guy punching me in the face I would shot him too. Zimmerman apparently didnt wanted to shot this kid and thats why he took the beating and screamed for help to see if Trayvon stopped hitting him, but since Trayvon didnt stop hitting he got no other choice that to shot him.

Facts are:
1) Zimmerman was looking for him WHILE talking to the police officer and giving him the meeting point address (Trayvon attacked him once he hang up the 911 call) he kew Zimmerman was talking to the police, instead of Trayvon say "Hey I live in one of this Condo's" he decide to ask Z if he had a problem and started the fight.

2) Zimmerman took a beating and was screaming for help (its his voice confirmed by eye witnesses) if he had his gun out like some of you say, Trayvon would never had the chance to touch Zimmerman and I know that Trayvon would never engage a fight if he saw a gun, unless he is retarted.

3) Trayvon was suspended from school, used drugs, stole some jewerly, was a bully, did graffiti all this in less than a year, + add the fact that he had tattoos, gold teeth and dressed like thug its for sure he was not a good kid and could confirm why he jumped Zimmerman, he wanted to be the big man, who got shot for been stupid. His parents allowed this to happen if they consented to him having tattoos at 16 and for letting him get gold teeths.

edit on 1-4-2012 by cdesigns because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-4-2012 by cdesigns because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-4-2012 by cdesigns because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by shepseskaf

Continuous pressure needs to be applied so that the cold-blooded murder of Trayvon Martin will not be swept under the rug, as many in the power structure would doubtless desire to happen.

This is the problem! You cannot make statements like that! wether or not what you say is true, NO ONE KNOWS! You do not have the PROOF to back up that statement! You cannot go and arrest someone just because you say so! I personally don't think Zimmerman has done any wrong. So who is right? That is what a court of law is for. If he is found innocent in court are you going to have faith that justice was served? I know if he is found guilty I can live with the fact that at least he was given a chance to prove his innocents.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 07:44 AM

Trayvon attacked a man and reached for his gun! he shoots the kid and hes in trouble? So its either him or Trayvon now......what would you have done? Everything that leads up to this point means nothing because he reached for his gun and that got him killed you dont reach for someones gun without expecting to get shot??? How is this not easy for all of you to understand?? ha ha

Stop with the lies. There was no fight. Zimmerman lied about being attacked in order to invoke the protection of the 'Stand your ground" law.

There is so much misinformation being spewed about this case. Let me remind you that the lead investigator in the case, Chris Serino, did not believe Zimmerman's story (lie) and would have charged him, at least for manslaughter.

The process was short-circuited when the political hack in the state attorney's office vetoed the charges because there ostensibly was "not enough evidence to lead to a conviction". That's pure bs.

We have Zimmerman, who says that he was engaged in a life and death struggle with Trayvon, in which his head was repeatedly bashed against the concrete, and such a perilous situation developed that his only choice was to use deadly force.

None of the evidence supports this. We have all seen Zimmerman sauntering into the police stations roughly 30 minutes after the incident. He showed absolutely no sign of being in any kind of a struggle. His clothes were unblemished; there were no grass stains or blood; his face and head showed no bruises, etc. No objective person who watched this video could believe that he was even in a minor scuffle.

Added to this, the coroner who examined Trayvon's body stated that there were no marks on his hands and arms to indicate that he was engaged in any violent, physical confrontation. Reportedly, Trayvon was found face down. In short, he was running away from the stalking Zimmerman, not moving toward him to attack. This interpretation is also matched by the testimony of Trayvon's girlfriend, who was on the phone with him when Zimmerman attacked.

An autopsy has been done, but a shroud of secrecy is surrounding it. I'm betting that if it contained information that was exculpatory to Zimmerman, the details would have been all over the media by now. It probably shows that Trayvon was shot in the back, which would conclusively rule out any claim of "self-defense".

In closing, I reiterate that the lead detective who questioned Zimmerman did not believe his version of that night's events, and wanted to charge him. If he had been charged, we would see none of the outpouring of rage and frustration that now exists.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 07:59 AM

Zimmerman took a beating and was screaming for help

Yet another lie. It has now been conclusively proven by voice experts who examined the 911 tapes that the person screaming for help COULD NOT HAVE BEEN ZIMMERMAN.

Let me repeat that.

Two voice experts closely examined the voices on the 911 tapes, and both conclusively stated that the voice crying for help was NOT Zimmerman.

One expert, Tom Owen, used voice identification software to rule out Zimmerman as the source.

"I took all of the screams and put those together, and cut out everything else," Owen says.

The software compared that audio to Zimmerman's voice. It returned a 48 percent match. Owen said to reach a positive match with audio of this quality, he'd expect higher than 90 percent.

"As a result of that, you can say with reasonable scientific certainty that it's not Zimmerman," Owen says, stressing that he cannot confirm the voice as Trayvon's, because he didn't have a sample of the teen's voice to compare.

How unfortunate that Trayvon was murdered, and is thus unable to provide a voice sample.

The volume of information confirming that Zimmerman is a virulent liar continues to mount, as his version of the night's events crumbles under the weight of evidence.
edit on 1-4-2012 by shepseskaf because: Corrections and text additions

edit on 1-4-2012 by shepseskaf because: Fix italics

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by shepseskaf

The fight was confirmed by at least 5 EYE witnesses, 3 of them saw Trayvon in top of Zimmerman, the other 2 were to far to say whi was on top. Zimmerman was on top of Trayvon after he shot him and pushed him to a side.

You saying there was not a fight shows that you dont know what you are talking about.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by cdesigns
reply to post by shepseskaf

The fight was confirmed by at least 5 EYE witnesses, 3 of them saw Trayvon in top of Zimmerman, the other 2 were to far to say whi was on top. Zimmerman was on top of Trayvon after he shot him and pushed him to a side.

You saying there was not a fight shows that you dont know what you are talking about.

I have serious doubts about the eyewitness accounts. Reports of police tampering with the witnesses has already emerged, and the physical evidence from Zimmerman's appearance at the police station and the coroner's statement about Trayvon's hands and arms both directly contradict the occurrence of any struggle.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by cdesigns

BS only one claimed anything about anyone being on top,, plus their are witnesseses who said it was the voice of a child screaming, a younger man not Zimmerman. Now we have 2 experts who confirm it was not Zimmerman voice.

I cant wait till this guy is charged and convicted, i love that posts stay up on ATS so everyone can go back and see who the ignorant ones were once all has came out.

edit on 1-4-2012 by Deranged74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by shepseskaf

The EYE witnesses say it was the guy who had the red jacket that was screaming for help, Zimmerman had the red jacket, holding a persons head and slaming it to the floor doesnt produce fighting marks on your hands. Zimnerman was punch in the nose once and then when he felt to the ground his head was slammed.

Zimmerman voice was soft, if you hear Zimmerman 911 call you will see the voice is very soft and could easilly create a soft scream of help. But why Im explained this to you 3 EYE witnesses confirm this :-)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:23 AM
Let's also not forget that proven scientific evidence will take precedence over eyewitness accounts.

Also remember, it was dark and there have been reports that the investigators were leading the witnesses to get the answers they wanted.

Also remember, Zimmerman stated he was not following Martin, he was only looking for a street name and was going back to his truck when he was attacked. I'm STILL waiting for Zimmerman supporters to explain how he ended up behind the houses. And that's only one discrepancy in his story.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:26 AM
Here are some FACTS:

1. Zimmerman called 911 at 7:11 and stated that he was in front of 1111 Retreat View Cir.

2. At 7:12, he tells the operator Trayvon is coming toward him, he looks like he is on drugs and that he has his hands in his waist. He also advises that Trayvon has something in his hand and something on his shirt. George then states that "These assholes always get away with this", indicating that he was NOT happy that JUSTICE is not being served!

3. At 7:13, he said that Trayvon has run away and that he was following Trayvon.

4. At almost 7:14, he says that he would LIKE police to call him first so that he can advise where he will be (essentially, still following Trayvon after being advised not too)

5. The 911 call ended at 7:15.

6. Trayvon was on the phone with his girlfriend at 7:12 - 7:16

7. At 7:16, the girl reported that George confronted Trayvon and the call dropped.

8. Police arrived at 2831 Retreat View Cir @ 7:17. Trayvon was met with negative response.

9. Trayvon was shot before sometime between the phone call and the time police arrived.

10. George reported that he had his HEAD bashed in by Trayvon and a bloody nose. However, in the VIDEO, George's alleged injuries are inconsistent with the evidence seen on the video.

11. The police video was captured at 7:54pm, which is 35 minutes AFTER Trayvon was shot.

Trayvon is not the aggressor!

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:31 AM
Here is part of the interview of an EYEwitness who was less than 20 feets away from them.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:35 AM
Zims story doesn't add up, it's unraveling day by day. Keep them talking, daddy judge, the "friend", get momma on the phone and eventually the perp, zimm. They will trip up on their own lies and be convicted from their own mouths.

There was only one "thug" there that night, he was armed with a 9mm. Zim saw his chance to "make his bones" with the LEOS. He didn't anticipate the 911 calls would lead to his exposure. He didn't think his lies would be revealed. He didn't realize the world would see him for the bully, the weak wannabe, the cold blooded killer he is

Zim has been in hiding, like a scared rat in a dark hole, but now the light of day is shinning and the whole world is watching. Arrest him, and let a jury decide his fate

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by cdesigns
reply to post by shepseskaf

The EYE witnesses say it was the guy who had the red jacket that was screaming for help, Zimmerman had the red jacket, holding a persons head and slaming it to the floor doesnt produce fighting marks on your hands. Zimnerman was punch in the nose once and then when he felt to the ground his head was slammed.

Zimmerman voice was soft, if you hear Zimmerman 911 call you will see the voice is very soft and could easilly create a soft scream of help. But why Im explained this to you 3 EYE witnesses confirm this :-)

Oh, sure. Zimmerman had someone on top of him, slamming his head in the ground and punching him in his nose, yet he emerges from the "scuffle" without a spot or stain on his clothes and no bruises on his face.

Stop the lies; its just pathetic at this point.

Zimmerman's voice may have been soft, but he sure could pull a trigger to kill an innocent, unarmed person. Please also note that volume has nothing to do with the signature characteristics of a voice, as examined by experts with specialized software.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by popsmayhem
The fools are people that are continuously race baited into beliveing what ever they are told by the Jackson's and Sharpton's of there race. The fact that so many people follow these race baiting socialist shill's is proof that this has nothing to do with a 17 year old kid being shoot but pure hate for anyone not black, this quit being about this kid long ago.

This has gotten to the point that it almost looks like a false flag for an out and out race war, day after day of the same thing with no president in site to calm things down, racist hate in the senate and all through the political agenda, again with no call for calm just the race baiting, lies and miss info that the MSM are putting out every day on every show.

The question is , what will it take before this goes horribly wrong........................ whats going to happen if Obama looses the election????
edit on 1-4-2012 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by Battleline
reply to post by popsmayhem
The fools are people that are continuously race baited into beliveing what ever they are told by the Jackson's and Sharpton's of there race. The fact that so many people follow these race baiting socialist shill's is proof that this has nothing to do with a 17 year old kid being shoot but pure hate for anyone not black, this quit being about this kid long ago.

This has gotten to the point that it almost looks like a false flag for an out and out race war, day after day of the same thing with no president in site to calm things down, racist hate in the senate and all through the political agenda, again with no call for calm just the race baiting, lies and miss info that the MSM are putting out every day on every show.

The question is , what will it take before this goes horribly wrong........................ whats going to happen if Obama looses the election????
edit on 1-4-2012 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

No, this IS about an innocent, unarmed 17-year old who was murdered in cold blood. The vast majority of the people closely following this case, comprised of many races, want to see justice done and the killer charged for his crimes.

Whether or not Obama wins re-election is immaterial to the central case of achieving justice for Trayvon.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by shepseskaf

They are comparing his clear audio 911 call to a faint 911 call scream. Those softwares are meant to compare voices in a conversation to say who is who, you cant compare a normal clear voice conversation to a faint scream, you need a current scream of zimnerman to compare voices, they havent done that yet, so those tests mean #. My friend has a recording studio and I know what type of program they use, you need more than a faint scream to compare voices.

Zimmerman having a soft voice could easilly produce a "child like scream" I wonder if someone has Trayvon voice recorded somewhere to hear his voice, most 17 year old have deep voices = deep screams.

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