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Trayvon Martin marchers to Sanford, Fla., police: 'We want an arrest.'

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posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 05:10 PM

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by popsmayhem

“We live in the middle of an American paradox,” Rev. Al Sharpton, attending the rally, told the crowd. “We can put a black man in the White House but we cannot walk a black child through a gated neighborhood. We are not selling out, bowing out or backing down until there is justice for Trayvon.”

Neither are we jesse, we have something
called the rule of law. It states you need evidence
to charge someone with a crime. If there is no evidence
that a crime has been done there is no charge.

The body of a dead boy is evidence

The phone call with the shot in the background is evidence.

The bullet hole is evidence.

The reports by those first on the scene are evidence.

Seriously kid, you need to go and have a real think about your argument before you start trying to debate with the grown-up's. You're coming across as an ignorant fool with a racist motive - and nothing more.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by binkbonk

Try and keep up, will you? That is not the Trayvon Martin associated with this case. I hope the kid who's picture they used sues for slander because it's really disgusting the lengths some people will go through to push their agenda. (And that goes for the Jesse Jackson and Co., as well. Both sides are far from innocent in pushing agendas.)
edit on 31-3-2012 by CoherentlyConfused because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-3-2012 by CoherentlyConfused because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by binkbonk

To bad jesse jackson
was not in the pic with
treyvon. The picture with treyvon giving us the
finger you know,
Another black boy just walked down the road
and you know what HE IS OK!
Jesse stop inciting people.
WHO's IQ is lower jesse jacksons or al sharptons?

People take this a hole seriously?
edit on 31-3-2012 by popsmayhem because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by MastaShake

and NO-LIMIT-NIGGA sure sounds like the handle a drug dealer would use. definitely not a name a smart teen whos looking into aeronautics would choose for a public place since ya know, his future employers would see it.

I think he might have been referring to No Limit as Master P's No Limit, where he made a fortune and became mega wealthy through his music and record company No Limit Records
Just an observation.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by popsmayhem

Originally posted by conspiracy nut

a. he killed martin without legal authority i.e he wasnt a cop
b. he killed him for a presumed offense

You don't have to be a cop to protect yourself
self defense is a right per the second

How many blocks did the guy have to follow him, against the order of the police, in order to get into a "Self defense" position..

Stand Your Ground is not applied here, and will not be used..because stand your ground does not mean tail others...especially when told by 911 to stop following.

My guess at the moment, The guy will be convicted of manslaughter..and rightfully so.

What we know so far:

The guy tailed trev.
The guy killed trev.
The guy had a motive (f... coons)
The autopsy report shows no abrasions on trev's knuckles or anywhere else consistant with fighting
The guys story is that his arms were pinned...yet he was able to get his gun on his waste and shoot him at a high angle, illogical.

My guess...He got too close to Trev, Trev pushed the guy and he fell down. and the zimbo, in anger, took his gun out and shot while laying down. According to the eye witness, there was a guy on the ground...just a single guy. a bit later on, a shot came. Vengeance much?

At best, the guy is a douche for racial profiling and stalking, against the orders of the police.
But he is probably a murderer (court will decide, but its looking rough for him).
How does it feel to strongly defend someone like that? Your defending the rights of people to hunt and murder people if they look different our out of place.

At the risk of bringing up Godwyns law, I must say, you would have done well in Nazi germany.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 05:38 PM
Pops, I'm sick and tired of all the Zimmerman v. Martin threads you're doing.
The bit of info you used to start this thread could've been added to one that you'd already started and it should've been.

I'm also in agreement with the other poster who outed you as being Boondock Saint. Boondock always kept his sentences on the left hand margin. If I'm remembering correctly, Boondock had a problem with his eyesight and did this so he could see all of the text. Pops does this same thing.

You're the same person and your agenda is becoming crystal clear.

I wish the mods would close your next thread (hell, this thread for that matter) and direct you to one of your previous threads. All updates need to be on existing threads. I'm so sick and tired of seeing you create thread after thread after thread about this situation. We get it. You're on Zimmerman's side. Now, please go and get some fresh air.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
I wish the mods would close your next thread (hell, this thread for that matter) and direct you to one of your previous threads. All updates need to be on existing threads. I'm so sick and tired of seeing you create thread after thread after thread about this situation. We get it. You're on Zimmerman's side. Now, please go and get some fresh air.

Let the mods decide that.
This is a jesse jackson and AL sharpton thread
i posted the link to the existing thread if people
wanted to discuss the case itself.
As we can see people are discussing
the case because it does relate to
it. Also there was 10* other people that decided
to start zimmerman martin threads today not
in the existing ones.
We are showing here that sharpton is inciting violence
as he said a black boy can't walk down the road
and three have passed this window in the last 30min.
So since sharpton is lying to people to get them in an uproar
i think it needs to be discussed. I get the two morons
mixed up they are really one of the same
edit on 31-3-2012 by popsmayhem because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by binkbonk
Maybe if Trayvon wasn't inside a gated community where he didn't belong and cooperated with the rent a cop like a civilized human being with nothing to hide, and if he didn't start beating on the rent a cop while he was hiding underneath his hoodie in the gated community that had experienced a rash of burglaries that had the rent a cop on high alert, maybe the 'perfect', well behaved Trevon wouldn't have gotten shot????

Where is the personal responsibility here?

I hear people saying, if you walk into a bad neighborhood and you don't belong there and you are drunk, you are going to get what's coming to you... Well same for Treyvon.

I haven't finished reading the thread, but did I can't believe what I just read. His father lived in that gated community, so he did in fact belong there. Hiding behind a hoodie? It was raining for christs sake. That is not uncommon. What if there was a white middle aged female wearing a hoodie, shouldn't she be a suspect as well under this logic?

I believe Zimmerman is guilty. As much as I hate the fact that racism still exists I can't deny that it does, and I do believe this was racially motivated. What I hate is how this have been turned into a white against black issue.
I wish this tragedy could be turned around to bring people together not against each other.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 05:49 PM
That picture is great, who is the white guy in the middle? He looks very uncomfortable.

- Trayvon Martin is fake
- The 911 calls were faked

This whole story makes me wants to type lkdshflakhsfhgsflSJD;SHGFJASHBLAJSVJAGSFLgsjfhsahfdgsf

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by calstorm
I believe Zimmerman is guilty. As much as I hate the fact that racism still exists I can't deny that it does, and I do believe this was racially motivated. What I hate is how this have been turned into a white against black issue.
I wish this tragedy could be turned around to bring people together not against each other.

Well as evident as this is
in the thread, look at what
al sharpton and jesse jackson
are saying. Look at this march
and listen to the hate speech
MAKING THIS A BLACK on whites issue
Jesse Jackson and Al sharpton
are the race baiters.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by calstorm

White middle aged females do not commit burglaries (very often). It's not unreasonable to target someone because they fit the 'common description'. I bet you do it daily without even realizing it.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 06:16 PM
I just read this! it is about time someone stood up.

Texas lawyers offer $10,000 for George Zimmerman's legal defense
The National Association for Legal Gun Defense wants to contribute $10,000 toward George Zimmerman's legal expenses, a member said today.

The group represents gun owners involved in self-defense shooting cases, said attorney Blue Rannefeld of Fort Worth, Texas.

Rannefeld said he has not been able to contact Zimmerman, 28, and is trying to reach Zimmerman's attorney, Craig Sonner of Altamonte Springs to make the group's offer of assistance.

edit on 31-3-2012 by SkipperJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy nut

Originally posted by Zaanny
Looks like a black lynch mob to me...

But hey I'm just a racist white guy.

i hope your just kidding. do you know what a lynch mob is?

Noun 1. lynch mob - a mob that kills a person for some presumed offense without legal authority lynch mob - a mob that kills a person for some presumed offense without legal authority
mob, rabble, rout - a disorderly crowd of people

hey isnt that what george zimmerman did to trayvon martin? funny i dont see anyone killing anyone in that picture of a peaceful looking protest.

it is driven by race, for crying out loud there are loads of cases where black people have been killed by other blacks (or whites by blacks) that never make it to court/

This is just a racist parade, driven by racist masters and fed on by racist puppets

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by SkipperJohn
I just read this! it is about time someone stood up.

Texas lawyers offer $10,000 for George Zimmerman's legal defense


That's good hopefully this can help him out
a little since he is in such a sad situation
with him being used as the fall out guy
for these monsters.
Would Al Sharpton approve?

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
Pops, I'm sick and tired of all the Zimmerman v. Martin threads you're doing.
The bit of info you used to start this thread could've been added to one that you'd already started and it should've been.

I'm also in agreement with the other poster who outed you as being Boondock Saint. Boondock always kept his sentences on the left hand margin. If I'm remembering correctly, Boondock had a problem with his eyesight and did this so he could see all of the text. Pops does this same thing.

You're the same person and your agenda is becoming crystal clear.

I wish the mods would close your next thread (hell, this thread for that matter) and direct you to one of your previous threads. All updates need to be on existing threads. I'm so sick and tired of seeing you create thread after thread after thread about this situation. We get it. You're on Zimmerman's side. Now, please go and get some fresh air.

Assuming Pops is Boondock Saint based on the fact they both write in the right margin is not wise. Boondock's verbiage was different and he made threads that actually were relevant and intelligent. This OP...on the other hand......

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by NightGypsy

Left margin.
ATS is about speculation, is it not?

Pops evidently has his mind made up and continues to go on and on and on and on about this case.
If he truly wants to do something besides complain, he needs to contact Zimmerman or his brother who was recently in the news and become his spokesperson.

So, since Zimmerman isn't man enough to speak for himself, Pops should get off the pot/soap box and take his megaphone opinions to the streets.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by binkbonk

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought

So, since Zimmerman isn't man enough to speak for himself, Pops should get off the pot/soap box and take his megaphone opinions to the streets.

Zimmerman nor I have to prove anything
to you. Zimmerman not speaking is using
the 5th, does not make him any less of a man.
Look who is talking for treyvon Al Sharpton
getting black folks all worked up because
he is telling them their kids' are not safe to walk
down the road.
Another black kid just went down the road.
When I have now seen 4 black kids
walk down the road and they are just fine
why sharpton is doing this is obvious.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

So, since Zimmerman isn't man enough to speak for himself, Pops should get off the pot/soap box and take his megaphone opinions to the streets.

with a million bucks on your head you would come on out ?

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