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Trayvon Martin marchers to Sanford, Fla., police: 'We want an arrest.'

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posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 07:15 PM
Al Sharptongue is manipulating the media once again, and the public are allowing themselves to be hoodwinked and bamboozled.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro

Originally posted by conspiracy nut
the protests are called for in my opinion, zimmerman should be tried in the death of trayvon martin imo, imo there would be no protests if the SFD hadnt bungled this case from the get go.

There would be no protests if the MSM had been sincere in their reporting and gone with modern day photos of Trayvon from th very beginning.

lol but you are wrong, because it would never have gotten to this point if the SFD would have arrested and charged zimmerman from the beginning. dont be mad that the rest of the country is calling out the stand your ground law for the unjust law that it is in this case. i wonder if zimmerman had any knowledge of the joe horn case? he probably would have thought joe horn was right too.

put it this way, the PETA protestor that through flour at kim kardashian got arrested but zimmerman walks free. :

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
Al Sharptongue is manipulating the media once again, and the public are allowing themselves to be hoodwinked and bamboozled.

So ol Al is up to his Ol games?

Now why would people still
support this guy knowing
what he does?

Either they don't understand
they are supporting a monster
or they are supporting a fellow racist
because they like hearing his hate white people

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
Assuming Pops is Boondock Saint based on the fact they both write in the right margin is not wise. Boondock's verbiage was different and he made threads that actually were relevant and intelligent. This OP...on the other hand......

It's more than just that though. Go look back through old threads of pops, from last year. No left margin writing and completely different verbiage and phrasing. Someone else is using this account now, and it's pretty obvious who it is...

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by popsmayhem

I have not posted to this site for quite some time, but I just have to respond to the stupidity. Why are people morons because they want justice???? Can you explain to me what you have ever done to draw attention too an issue you think is important?? I have a funny feeling that you don't really care what the march is about, but rather your focused on WHO is marching. If a bunch a white people where marching you probably just shout USA,USA. You could probably learn a few things about how to enact change by following what the civil rights movement did.

Do you think that the US Gov. gave black people equal rights out of the kindness of their hearts?? NOOOOOO they did not!!!! It was in part because of so called MORONS (like the ones pictured) took the streets and demanded to be treated fairly. This country may not be the shell of what the founding fathers wanted it to be if people off all stripes would just get off their COMPUTERS AND HIT THE STREETS!! Are you ready or are you whining?

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
The more violence, the better.

The more unrest, the better.

The more division between the races with a hard dose of hate in the mix, the MUCH better.

This the the currency Jackson and to a lesser degree Sharpton have been dealing their entire lives. When they aren't out stirring the pot to make things a nightmare for whatever community they decide needs their focus, they're out extor....errr...encouraging big business to 'donate' to whatever pet cause or a few hundred people will come picket and boycott to help them remember to give.

What will bring peace isn't as much the justice for any one shooting victim, but seeing these two blow hards retire entirely from public life. Only THEN..may some peace be had where they aren't showing up any longer.

- By the way.. "No Evidence - No Trial" makes a cute bumper sticker slogan. I'll have to remember that when I'm feeling particularly shallow. Lets have a Grand Jury take a look and determine the presence or lack of Evidence.... It's just my thought, but isn't that how the system is intended to function?
edit on 31-3-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

No hate, no donations. I think that is a huge part of it. Follow the money works with them also. Behind the scenes we can be sure they are raising money like crazy.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by popsmayhem

So ol Al is up to his Ol games?

Now why would people still
support this guy knowing
what he does?

Either they don't understand
they are supporting a monster
or they are supporting a fellow racist
because they like hearing his hate white people

I think that many of us can agree that Sharpton and Jackson are idiots. They are.

You may not understand why people blindly support Sharpton, but likewise I'd question why some people blindly support Obama/Romney/Bush or any of the countless morally corrupt warmongers.

People follow Sharpton because he stands in the forefront and is willing to endure the hate for the groups that follow him. They feel that he represents the underdog struggling from oppression, and the more that people like you continue to attack Treyvon Martin, the more united they become. Only time will dissolve this situation. Getting in the face of your opposition will only make things worse.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 08:22 PM
i wish this whole subject would go away. pops, you seem to be utterly obsessed with this BS. leave it alone man. it's frustrating to know that the american people are the worst sheep on earth (this trayvon thing prooves it), but don't let it drive you mad.

the part i can't get over is this man has to live in fear even though the police determined witness testimony proves his innocence. and yet the black panthers can put a 10k bounty on another human being and no outcry and crying in the streets, not so much as an arrest. last time i checked offering money for the murder/kidnapping of somebody is ILLEGAL.

the real tragedy here is america's stupidity being seen by the world yet again

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by canihavemyvoteback
reply to post by popsmayhem

I have a funny feeling that you don't really care what the march is about, but rather your focused on WHO is marching.

NO i am focused on what was said
not what color they are not who they
are but what they say and do.

Ol AL is spewing hate speech scaring
blacks into a ruckus, scaring people
that they need to take to the streets because
black kids are not safe walking down the streets!!

Thats 5, 5 now, another black kid
i saw walking down the road. No one
ran out to shoot him. If your following sharpton
and listening to him your a moron maybe a racist, if your al sharpton
or jesse the jack your a moron and a racist.
edit on 31-3-2012 by popsmayhem because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 08:42 PM
If they want a race war, lets all agree to a place we can go and meet to work out the issue man to man. The last race left breathing wins. What do ya say? I think we should give them what they want I am tired of worrying about watching what I say and believe in. If they think violence is the answer, well, I say lets give it to them!

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 08:49 PM
I watched part of a special on CNN about this case and wow, I had to turn it before I had a stroke. People were just flat out lying and no one corrected them, just let them lie. That Guardian Angel dude thats always in the forefront on stories like this, don't know his name, he actually said there were guys all over that area walking around in hoodies and Zimmerman targeted Trevon because he was black. Now I don't know what really happened, but I do know that's a lie.

I know this is about money for Jackson....
After reading all this, I actually began to suspect that Jesse is who had MLK killed. He was sooooo jealous of MLK.
Jackson is not a good man by any means.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by xyankee
If they want a race war, lets all agree to a place we can go and meet to work out the issue man to man. The last race left breathing wins. What do ya say? I think we should give them what they want I am tired of worrying about watching what I say and believe in. If they think violence is the answer, well, I say lets give it to them!

No thanks... I don't want that kind of ruckus around here.

This story is tragic, but further bloodshed and violence would only make the whole situation worse.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by popsmayhem

Krispy Krackers! How many threads are you going to start on this topic? What's the point? What will you do when this is over? Leave? Start now.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by KillerQueen
reply to post by popsmayhem

Krispy Krackers!

That's racist...

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 09:02 PM
Hey Pops,

Please comment on the photos of Martin. The ones with him giving the middle finger were not even him. So please comment. You seem to have a solid viewpoint that Treyvon Martin was a no-good, trouble making, drug dealing gang banger who had no business being in a gated community.

But.. that picture wasn't Martin.

Oh.. and also please comment on the video of Zimmerman. You know the one. The one the MSM released, that is high definition, without any artifacts in the video. The one that shows absolutely NO injuries to Zimmerman. What is your opinion on this? I mean.. I know i'm not that smart and all, but I would think, that someone who was "getting his head bashed in for over a minute", and who had to MURDER a 17 year old child, would have at least SOME injuries.

And I'm also curious. Why is it, that you feel the witness who claims Martin was on top of Zimmerman is "evidence" and proves what happened. What about the witness who said there was no fight? Are THEY not credible because it doesn't fit into your little "Zimmerman is innocent" idea?

Witness Casts Doubt on Self Defense Claim

Can you also show me, why in your mind it was OK for Zimmerman to follow Martin around a neighborhood? Can you show me any proof that Zimmerman identified himself to Martin? Or stated WHY he was following Martin? Or was it simply that a Hispanic male was following someone around while carrying a Kel-Tec 9mm?

You seem so CERTAIN that Zimmerman did nothing wrong, and is completely 100% vindicated in this shooting. Please show me this PROOF... this 100% PROOF that Martin attacked Zimmerman, slammed his head into the ground, and caused enough bodily harm to Zimmerman to warrant being shot in the chest?

Why was Zimmerman allowed a concealed carry permit, when he had two altercations with police? One without violence and one with! What about his domestic violence charge? Could he possibly have gotten off because his daddy was a judge?

Please don't ignore this. You seem to cherry pick what you respond to. But frankly I'm sick and tired of seeing this one sided "ZIMMERMAN IS INNOCENT" crap. I would like to see some PROOF of what you claim. Instead of just this one sided "Martin was a gang banger" crap.

But i'll expect I won't get much of a reply. Just the same old crap.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by DerekJR321
Hey Pops,

Please comment on the photos of Martin. The ones with him giving the middle finger were not even him. So please comment. You seem to have a solid viewpoint that Treyvon Martin was a no-good, trouble making, drug dealing gang banger who had no business being in a gated community.

But.. that picture wasn't Martin.

Oh.. and also please comment on the video of Zimmerman. You know the one. The one the MSM released, that is high definition, without any artifacts in the video. The one that shows absolutely NO injuries to Zimmerman. What is your opinion on this? I mean.. I know i'm not that smart and all, but I would think, that someone who was "getting his head bashed in for over a minute", and who had to MURDER a 17 year old child, would have at least SOME injuries.

And I'm also curious. Why is it, that you feel the witness who claims Martin was on top of Zimmerman is "evidence" and proves what happened. What about the witness who said there was no fight? Are THEY not credible because it doesn't fit into your little "Zimmerman is innocent" idea?

Witness Casts Doubt on Self Defense Claim

Can you also show me, why in your mind it was OK for Zimmerman to follow Martin around a neighborhood? Can you show me any proof that Zimmerman identified himself to Martin? Or stated WHY he was following Martin? Or was it simply that a Hispanic male was following someone around while carrying a Kel-Tec 9mm?

You seem so CERTAIN that Zimmerman did nothing wrong, and is completely 100% vindicated in this shooting. Please show me this PROOF... this 100% PROOF that Martin attacked Zimmerman, slammed his head into the ground, and caused enough bodily harm to Zimmerman to warrant being shot in the chest?

Why was Zimmerman allowed a concealed carry permit, when he had two altercations with police? One without violence and one with! What about his domestic violence charge? Could he possibly have gotten off because his daddy was a judge?

Please don't ignore this. You seem to cherry pick what you respond to. But frankly I'm sick and tired of seeing this one sided "ZIMMERMAN IS INNOCENT" crap. I would like to see some PROOF of what you claim. Instead of just this one sided "Martin was a gang banger" crap.

But i'll expect I won't get much of a reply. Just the same old crap.

All of the zimmerman and treyvon case evidence, updates
and facts are being discussed in .the other thread read the sig
i'll meet you there for that. Now answer my questions
How come it is ok for Sharpton to race bait, spew racist
hate speech, and scare black people into a big fuss
telling them there kid's are no longer safe to walk the streets
because of white people? HOLY MOLLY
LOOK LOOK thats 6 now. ANOTHER black kid just walked
down the road people hot damn no one came out to shoot him!!
They got down the road pretty safe, not even one car tried to hit

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 09:13 PM
and the circle continues.

jesus we have witnesses claiming completely opposite situations reported by the media. how do any of you not see wtf is going on? why is this such an issue? it's out of control and not needed. let it play out if you agree with the outcome or not

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by ~Vixen~

I agree, but I am sick and tired of the double standard. Like the Black Panther group and there reward "dead or alive" that is a crime that any other person would be charged with.

God forbid someone does something the black community does not like. the world must stop and listen to what demands are made or else.........

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by popsmayhem
All of the zimmerman and treyvon case evidence, updates
and facts are being discussed in .the other thread read the sig
i'll meet you there for that. Now answer my questions
How come it is ok for Sharpton to race bait, spew racist
hate speech, and scare black people into a big fuss
telling them there kid's are no longer safe to walk the streets
because of white people? HOLY MOLLY
LOOK LOOK thats 6 now. ANOTHER black kid just walked
down the road people hot damn no one came out to shoot him!!
They got down the road pretty safe, not even one car tried to hit

It's absolutely not ok. I despise Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Their antics only aim to throw fuel on the "racism" fire. I wish people like them would just stay out of it. If Martin was a white kid my opinion of Zimmerman's actions would be exactly the same. It is only those who are looking to serve their own self interests who are throwing race into the mix.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 09:31 PM
I think the guy should be charged.................But there are more people at a Ron Paul rally or veterans march and You see the media completely ignores it. Like Paul says,,,Leave others the hell alone..

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