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Tip Of The Iceberg--The Beginning Of The End For Britain? {Brit returns hometown 2 assess Muslim}

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posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Originally posted by ollncasino

Originally posted by detachedindividual

You're bringing up ancient religious text and using that to explain the average Muslim of today?

You appear to be unaware that the world's Muslims take that ancient religious text, the "Koran" rather seriously.

And you appear to be unaware that there is more than one American politician right now proclaiming that his Bible is the way forward and that gay people should not have rights. These men use Bible quotes to justify their homophobia.
These men are running for office.

Are you also aware that while the majority of the UK is secular, we have a Christian in office who would like to use the taxes of others to give married couples social and economic superiority?

Once again, it's very easy to pick and choose an instance to cast a generalization across a people or a nation. And that is exactly what most in this discussion are doing right now.

It's shameful to see such intolerance in a community that suggests it's more enlightened than the rest of the ignorant sheep out there. It seems we have just as many ignorant sheep in our little community too.

intolerance??????? really?????? strict muslim countries are ALL INTOLERANT...they KILL THEIR WOMEN for religous reasons...they BEAT THEIR WOMEN for wearing western clothes.... they treat their women as if they are junkyard dogs. what's wrong with you?
edit on 30-3-2012 by jimmyx because: spelling

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

Muslim men accused of hate crime over anti-gay leaflet...

Those are just the ones that dont have the same platform as the one you posted..

They move into an area... Run it down on purpose.. The house prices drop.. Then they buy up everything cheap.. Then do this:

It is nothing more than a sly occupation..

This Christian country allows gay partnerships et al.. We allow freedom of religion.. Islam does not..

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:33 AM
Not a fan of religion at all really.

But Islam does seem to be the one that takes the biscuit a little.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by jbmitch

So you are basing your entire judgement of a people, philosophy and way of life on one incident (i'll presume its legit, though I suspect it might not be)?

I am by no means a fan of organised religion, but to pidgeon hole an entire people based on one anecdote is nothing more than ignorant.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:35 AM
this is the problem. as with most groups these days, if you give them an inch they will run a mile. its already starting to effect society in the uk. things like the nativity play being banned in some schools etc. if it isnt addressed it will only get worse in my opinion. ive got no problems with people of other races i just have a problem with them moving to the UK then not tryingto intergrate which is what is happening.

That video of the march was sickening but becoming more common then id like to admit to myself. The other video of the catholic school is laughable. when is enough just enough?

Originally posted by BO XIAN

Originally posted by wingsfan
The whole point to this all is this, people grow up in nice places. They come back years after the "multi-cultural BS" has had time to work it's magic, and those once nice places are crap now. But political correctness and societal guilt have rendered everyone voiceless to the whole damn thing.



And folks blindly, mindlessly seem to think that

such things will NOT effect their daily lives in any negative way?

What idiocy.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Originally posted by ollncasino

Originally posted by detachedindividual

You're bringing up ancient religious text and using that to explain the average Muslim of today?

You appear to be unaware that the world's Muslims take that ancient religious text, the "Koran" rather seriously.

And you appear to be unaware that there is more than one American politician right now proclaiming that his Bible is the way forward and that gay people should not have rights. These men use Bible quotes to justify their homophobia.
These men are running for office.

Are you also aware that while the majority of the UK is secular, we have a Christian in office who would like to use the taxes of others to give married couples social and economic superiority?

Once again, it's very easy to pick and choose an instance to cast a generalization across a people or a nation. And that is exactly what most in this discussion are doing right now.

It's shameful to see such intolerance in a community that suggests it's more enlightened than the rest of the ignorant sheep out there. It seems we have just as many ignorant sheep in our little community too.

intolerance??????? really?????? strict muslim countries are ALL INTOLERANT...they KILL THEIR WOMEN for religous reasons...they BEAT THEIR WOMEN for wearing western clothes.... they treat their women as if they are junkyard dogs. what's wrong with you?
edit on 30-3-2012 by jimmyx because: spelling

We do not live in any of those countries. We are discussing the UK!

People come to the UK to get away from those intolerant regimes, and that is something we should be proud of.

I am pointing out the intolerance of people on this forum when it comes to classifying an entire group of people as threats, terrorists, hateful and dangerous people, based on one video of one instance of one group of radicals causing a fuss.

That is intolerance, and it's intolerance in a supposedly tolerant community where the motto is to deny ignorance.

I can't help it if you are incapable of following a discussion properly.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

In my neck of the they are not taking over...I believe that's just because here in the lovely suburbs of Bartley Green, we are a very close knit community, not wisteria lane close...

But we have certain English, Irish and Scottish families over here that go back a generation or two...we keep the local pubs and shops in check, the only Muslims you find here are a few in the corner shops, and there the English sort if you know what I mean...Although this is one a of the few safe havens left...I fear what will become of my beloved home town in ten years time!!


We're only a little island
Asia's big...why do they feel they need to do this to us??
edit on 30-3-2012 by Sinny because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by EvanB
reply to post by detachedindividual

Muslim men accused of hate crime over anti-gay leaflet...

Those are just the ones that dont have the same platform as the one you posted..

They move into an area... Run it down on purpose.. The house prices drop.. Then they buy up everything cheap.. Then do this:

It is nothing more than a sly occupation..

This Christian country allows gay partnerships et al.. We allow freedom of religion.. Islam does not..

You and I both know that the above was a single instance by a small group of radicals in London, and that there was a campaign to remove all those stickers by the community - a community which was comprised of gay, straight, men, women, Christians, atheists AND MUSLIMS TOO!

If you're really gonna bring up all these little instances as some kind of evidence for your fantasy, please use instances that require a little more work for me to shoot down, then you might have a chance.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:47 AM

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:48 AM

and i'm sure the muslims in this video are perfectly capable of having a proper discussion. the muslims in this video DO NOT look like they want to live in a tolerant country. they want the english people to abide by sharia law...they have it written right on the signs they are carrying. what part of sharia law is tolerant?

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by ImaMuslim

Originally posted by Taz2122

Originally posted by ImaMuslim
Yea, Islam will eventually take over the world, It's a sad fact for you, but it's the only way. Either Islam takes over
the world, or the Hour will come.

Over my dead body.

Religion is a plague and needs to be eradicated.

I think that atheists like you should be eradicated because you don't even have the dignity to serve your on purpose. You think life is meaningless and not worth living for. Then why don't you go shoot yourself to see where you end up, and if you realize you're somewhere, call us with a phone and tell us the truth. But you're afraid of dying aren't you? Simply because you don't know what the truth is or how to look for it. Saying religion is a plague will never get you anywhere, but will get you to the other side, if you know what I mean.

All right thats it. I seen you and hacksaw trolling on here enough. If you cannot have a conversation without being snarky, insulting and calling for violence against people you do not need to be here. Oh and yeah telling someone to shoot themselves and asking where they end up really classy. Its obvious to me you have no intentions to actually have a discussion on this and are just here to cause trouble. MODSs mayby you can go back and read some of their previous post please? These two have got to be baiting or something.
edit on 30-3-2012 by yuppa because: had to remove a sentence because someone made a stupid statement

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by gibbajabba
The only movment i'd join is if there was an atheist one that's against all religions,religion needs to go.Look how it makes weak minded people think and act,yes i said weak minded.Also if they don't like how the uk is run why don't they go back where they came from,bunch of rats.The uk needs to be more like australia when it comes to letting people in,i don't really care who comes to the uk but if you've got a problem with how we live then # off.

This basically, although aithism seems to be turning a bit militant these days from what ive seen and read. Religions do seem to be a thorn in the worlds side. i dont see why you need to be in a religion to believe in a creator. if there is a creator he certainly didnt intend for the figting between religions.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by cavtrooper7

Protest is fine chanting for someones death is a threat.

Very good and valid point...........once any group start threatening another group that is clearly a hate crime.

Where then are the police?????

Idea - Maybe some people that live in this area should start trekking down to the city hall and complaining or calling the police. If enough people complain that they feel threatened then maybe the police will put down their doughnuts and coffee long enough to take some affirmative action.

Doing your own thing is fine, I protested at OWS, peacefully and did not threaten, obstruct or be disrespectful to anyone walking along. Our police told us, you can protest, but do not obstruct or threaten anyone - which I can understand.

Again, why in sam heck can't everyone just play nice?

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 09:58 AM
Its also interesting to note that those extremists were allowed to march and did not have a police escort....the English defense League in the UK, are not allowed to march, but are kettled by the police

I've just signed up to a recruit for the EDL...

I do not condone half the stupid things they say or do, I am not racist, but I do want to put an end to the people that come to this country and want to make it theirs.

Maybe I could be a positive influence on their campaign..
edit on 30-3-2012 by Sinny because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 10:03 AM
The video has been posted on youtube by burnislamburnallah and when you click on that name/user on youtube, it takes you through to a page titles Pigspiss4mosques

So that's Burn Islam Burn Allah & Pigs Piss 4 Mosques.

And people are judging this as a credible source? An unbiased account by some independent woman into her "home town"

Give me a break...

This is some Far-Right, BNP/EDL crap... where this "Harmless" lady moves back to luton... I guarantee she is the wife or sister of Some EDL guy or BNP member, just used so people think... awww poor lady, getting hassled by those evil Muslims.

Oh well

Carry on

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

My little fantasy hey??


That little fantasy of mine will bite you on your ass soon...

To be honest.. I could not care less what you think.. I see with my eyes what is happening here.. So do my comrades both past and present..

The Ishmaelites and their apologists are not fooling anyone anymore so bleat as much as you like..

We also know that the whole thing has been manufactured by previous governments, however they are still here and the problem that has been created will need to be dealt with..

Luckily for the British people there are people like myself who have plenty of experience at war dealing with these people.. A whole standing army of serving and served battle hardened guys and girls who have no qualms with dealing with it..

And with those that created the mess in the first place..

Apologize away numpty xxx

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 10:06 AM
How many of those that protest in favor of Sharia law would actually Survive in that atmosphere? Just like many Christians, they don't strictly practice what they preach. They are enjoying being in a country that allows them the freedoms to say what they want. Send'em back where the law is actually enforced and see what happens to them.
Just like those TV Evangelicals that preach about following the bible, but when the cameras are off and in private, it's snort a line, have a drink and screw anything in a dress.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 10:12 AM
[reply to post by jimmyx

Oh, my.

Listen, pay attention, and try to comprehend what I am saying...

I know that these protesters are intolerant. That is not being questioned.
I know that the Taliban and others are intolerant. That is not being questioned.
I am fully aware that there are radical extremists of all kinds in the UK, the USA and various other countries. This is not being questioned.

I am not trying to defend those protesters. I am not defending the extremist fanatics of any faith, be it Christian, Muslim, bloody Buddhist!

What I am saying is that to use one video, of one small group of idiots, to "prove" some imagined "invasion" of the UK, and suggesting that this is how ALL MUSLIMS think is INTOLERANT.

There are extremists here, nationalists on the verge of being radicals themselves, using propaganda and hate speech about an entire religion, based on one video.
It's insanity that there are people using miniscule events to stir up hatred and intolerance amongst an ignorant group here while proclaiming that there are extremists trying to destroy the UK.

It's ironic that so many here are screaming about radical Islam, while they fail to see that they are spreading a radical nationalist message themselves. They are using propaganda to promote religious and racial hatred - pot-kettle-black.
edit on Fri Mar 30 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: Mod Note: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by ImaMuslim

I think that atheists like you should be eradicated because you don't even have the dignity to serve your on purpose.

What purpose is that then?

And you reaaly believe that all Atheists should be eradicated?

Quite an advertisement for the religion of peace aren't you.
And you then have the nerve to speak about dignity?

You think life is meaningless and not worth living for.

I suspect that as a generalisation Atheists probably tend to put more value in life than Theists simply because they believe that this is it, end of.
There is no after-life private members party or another go on the wheel according to them so they tend to value every moment of their time here.

Then why don't you go shoot yourself to see where you end up, and if you realize you're somewhere, call us with a phone and tell us the truth.

See, that's the thing....despite all your convictions and faith no-one has ever come back and said 'hey guy's guess what, there is an afterlife'.....which tends to make me lean slightly towards the Atheist's point of view if I was to rely on evidence alone.
Never known any of them martyrs come back and say those 72 virgins are great, have you?
Let's face it, it tends to be the religious type who go around killing themselves in the name of whatever God you care to mention.

But you're afraid of dying aren't you? Simply because you don't know what the truth is or how to look for it.

I personally don't want to die just yet, but I'm certainly not afraid of it.
And for once you are right - I don't know what the truth is, no-one does for sure as it's unprovable.....which is why I am Agnostic.

Saying religion is a plague will never get you anywhere, but will get you to the other side, if you know what I mean.

Organised religion is the bane of mankind and without it all our lives would be just that little bit easier and straight forward.
Blind faith in anything get's you killed.
edit on 30/3/12 by Freeborn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by blupblup

So the video uploader might be biased...and what?

They didn't create the events that happened on the video.....

don't shoot the messenger!!

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