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Tip Of The Iceberg--The Beginning Of The End For Britain? {Brit returns hometown 2 assess Muslim}

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posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by ComeFindMe
"Blame the Muslims....they look different and think different things, so they must be to blame!"


To all those who claim to 'deny ignorance' those who claim to be reasoned thinkers....just step back and think what you are advocating, by making a sweeping generalisation on the character of a group of people based on the actions of a tiny minority.

Is it any wonder a group struggles to integrate when the indigenous population around them are so hostile?

the blame is brought on by the muslim religion itself...the muslim people in england do not integrate...they form their own communities, treat their women as property, refuse the western judicial system, teach their own children about islam and the quran, not about the very culture of english society and the rules of englands western ways. they want england to turn muslim, and some of their clerics will come right out and say it.
and then you wander why westerners are hostile???? duh!

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by OliArtist

Your's is the best post in this topic... BRAVO!!!

Unfortunately, I feel the US is "hot on the heels" of the UK. The biggest threat to our countries IS NOT Islam though. It's the idiocy of being politically correct.

See ya,
edit on 30-3-2012 by BenReclused because: Typo

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by ollncasino

Starred your post for the information.

Now Christians who are suppose to live and have what they call "Christmind" have like wise tortured and killed tens maybe hundreds of millions of poor innocent fellow humans in the name of God.

The hate, violence and murder must stop.

The question now is how?

We need solutions, how can we stop the hate, the violence and all the other brutal acts humanity performs upon each other?

Many of your posts show you are a deep thinker, one who can come up with solutions and thinks outside the box.

A change in world attitude but how do you think we can accomplish this?

TPTB want us to fight among ourselves.

"They" whoever the heck "they" are use the religion and race card to stir us up against each other.

Keep them divided and you will keep them conquered.

United we stand, divided we fall................and I speak not only for a nation, a culture, a race, but as a species.

Any ideas are welcomed.

edit on 30-3-2012 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:16 PM
I find this post both enlightening and disturbing.
I live in a town in the UK which has a muslim presence, but the reason im not bothered is i married one.
Im a 40 year old bloke who grew up the normal way, getting drunk at the weekends and fighting at football, and all the general scallywag stuff. But i fell in love with a muslim girl and decided that she was the one. I have had a gun put to my head and been threatened more times than i can remember, but i thought bollox to you and didnt let them get in my way.
I have a muslim family on my wifes side and there is no trouble now what so ever.
The problem isnt muslims, it is just the renegade extreamists, they seem hell bent on turning the world in to pakistan, but it will never happen .
England and its countrymen are too strong, nothing will ever overpower St georges cross, and may god help anyone who tries.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by IronArm
This is the main issue. Islam in and of itself strives not to intergrate, but to change everything.

The Koran is clear. Integration is not allowed.

Look up verses 60:1, 63:4, 58:14 , 58:15, 5:80, 53:27-29, 4:144, 5:51, 33:48, 9:107, 5:45, 59:11, 6:106, 16:39, 3:110, 9:125, 45:31, 16:27-29, 9:7, 9:9, 4:89, 3:118, 9:84.

What makes me laugh is that so many defenders of Islam haven't taken the time to actually study what Islam is. Then we have the Muslims who defend islam.

The Koran is clear. Integration is not an option and Muslims must take the Koran literally.

Of course most Muslims don't. They are no more religious than most people. But the fanatics do (and the Imans).

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by OliArtist

This is like a group marching in the US and burning the US flag and shouting ==snip== America.

That happens, but those that complain about such acts are the one's that are most popularly criticized.

Don't ya love "political correctness"?

See ya,
edit on Fri Mar 30 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:22 PM
99% of muslims i know love the UK because they can live like us and have the same rights as us. Everyone should sit down and listen to a normal everyday muslim and hear what they have to say.There is no hatred . But the TV wont get the ratings they crave unless they air extreamists.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:23 PM
If they don't want to live by the law of the land and by the customs of the society to which they have come to, then they should be deported immediately. Without fail and without delay. You live in a Western country, you abide by Western rules. Don't like it? Go back home.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:25 PM
I agree with the " when in rome,do as the romans do" attitude. but when we go abroad, do we?? half of spain is like london due to our expats. It seems like one rule for us and one for everyone else

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by hammanderr

Very good post indeed! BRAVO to you as well!!!

See ya,

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by Auricom

They need to find the guy, have her identify the guy (that close to her for that long a time I am sure she even knows him by smell as well as sight) and the authorities need to deport him and either put him in prison for a long period of time and or possibly castration so he cannot do this to another woman.

Rape..................I am a survivor of rape.

It does more to a woman than invade her most private of parts, it scars her soul.

A man or boy raped likewise is scarred.

Nobody has the right to force themselves upon another - NOBODY.

If Muslim men have this attitude, the police really need to become more vigilant and the laws need to crack down on this crime.

All people, men, women and children do not deserve to be forced into satisfying the animal lust of another.

Starred your post, excellent video.

My heart goes out to this young brave woman.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by richoxon
The problem isnt muslims, it is just the renegade extreamists, they seem hell bent on turning the world in to pakistan, but it will never happen .

There is a lot of truth in that. About 50% of UK Muslims are Pakistani. They are a hard core bunch.

83% of Pakistani Muslims support stoning adulterers

80% Support the cutting of hands of thieves

78% of Pakistani Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam

Nor are they a tolerant bunch.

Pakistan: Pakistan evangelist set on fire by Muslim extremists

Pakistan: Targeted Killings Force Hindus to Flee Pakistan

Pakistan: Cleric Affirms Death Penalty for Insulting Islam.

Pakistan blasphemy laws used to justify 'murder': EU parliament

Pakistan: The Christian woman facing death over a work squabble

Pakistani Muslims Beat and Severely Burn Christian for Evangelising- to Christians

Pakistan city tense after 'blaspheming' Christians shot

Pakistan: Leader of Pakistani Political Party Claims Assassin Will Go Straight to Heaven

Pakistan: Cleric Ups Offer to $6000 for Killing Christian Woman

Pakistan: Christian Parents Serve 25 Years in Prison for Touching Quran...

Of course, it would be 'racist' to not allow Pakistanis who hold values diametrically opposed to UK values to immigrate to the UK.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:33 PM
83% of Pakistani Muslims support stoning adulterers
( ask me if its ok for my wife to have an affair ) NO 100%

80% Support the cutting of hands of thieves
( probably asked shopkeepers)

78% of Pakistani Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam

I find islam is more of a culture than a relegion, its something your born in to, so they have it drilled in to them from birth. Maybe they should ask converts

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:34 PM
Any male that touches my grand daughter will really wish he had not.

To any Muslim men reading this: Here in America, even us old women are being trained and are allowed to own guns.

I am against violence, however, any male attempting to hurt my grand daughter or me will meet his maker rather quickly.

That is not a threat but a promise, a gentle warning.

Do not come to America and think you can just grab any female - we are not like your women who will bow to your cruelty or barbaric ways.

Again, this is not meant as a threat, simply a warning.

I hit the very center bulls eye now pretty much 90% of the time and the other 10% I come close.

edit on 30-3-2012 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:35 PM

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent



Though . . . it occurs to me . . .

Court ordered Bobbitization along with castration might be better justice.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by richoxon

England and its countrymen are too strong, nothing will ever overpower St georges cross, and may god help anyone who tries.

White Britons to become minority by 2066

White Britons will be outnumbered by 2066 if the rate of immigration continues, researchers have claimed.

Foreign workers will "change national identity" according to a population expert, unless the flow of immigration is dealt with.

The warning from Professor David Coleman, from Oxford University, comes ahead of an announcement today by the Migration Advisory Board of its recommendation for the proposed immigration cap for people outside the EU.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:42 PM
@ ofhumandescent

Totally lost me with this one !. Your grand daughter is never allowed to grow up and fall in love?
you are a complete racist.

edit on 30-3-2012 by richoxon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by ollncasino
The Koran is clear. Integration is not allowed.

Look up verses 60:1, 63:4, 58:14 , 58:15, 5:80, 53:27-29, 4:144, 5:51, 33:48, 9:107, 5:45, 59:11, 6:106, 16:39, 3:110, 9:125, 45:31, 16:27-29, 9:7, 9:9, 4:89, 3:118, 9:84.

What makes me laugh is that so many defenders of Islam haven't taken the time to actually study what Islam is. Then we have the Muslims who defend islam.

The Koran is clear. Integration is not an option and Muslims must take the Koran literally.

Of course most Muslims don't. They are no more religious than most people. But the fanatics do (and the Imans).

That's an impirical question . . . My PhD didn't get into Islam 35 years ago. The degree of religiosity is routinely measured.

My impression from watching these decades is that

a MUCH higher percentage of Muslims believe to a stronger degree in their hearts . . . in the tenants of the Koran

whether or not they obey them all

than is true for so called "Christians" in general and the Bible.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Patifier

The video is clearly biased, of course it'll be lots of muslims during a march and give the impression her hometown is "taken" by them, also I can understand the annoyance she caused during the arguments she engaged. But sure there are the extremists and for dealing with them I have a very simple suggestion: just give each one £10k, a couple goats or a camel and escort them wherever they choose in middle east or Africa, where their laws and culture are acceptable, they are bound to be much happier there.

The marchers in that video were already annoyed and expressing their hatred.

You are far more biased than the video was, if you can't see that.

See ya,

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