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You Are What You Eat…….

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posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by elliotmtl
Hmm, I guess I was still having too many carbs then. I had always thought 50 for ketosis, 100 for maintenance.

But speaking of the Inuit diet, the meat vs vegetarian debate is so full of propaganda and woo that I don't know how to find a straight answer to the following question: is there any real nutritional or metabolic advantage to consuming meat versus consuming eggs and milk from pastured animals? I should think that eggs and milk would actually be better, because they contain all the essentials in a concentrated form. But proponents of primal-type diets seem to feel that meat is somehow essential and I don't quite understand why.

No, no, you misunderstood. I was linking that so you would see how their bodies deal with a very restricted diet - not advocating that particular way of eating.

You need to listen to your body.

You are getting all too technical on the "Diet" thing.

It is not a diet, it is a way of life. Your body knows what it needs to survive. Listen to your body (not your mind), and you will not have anything to worry about.

Again, everyone needs different nutrient ratios.

The Inuits have evolved to their natural environment, that is the diet that works in that environment.

We are all different. Some may need more milk/calcium, some may need more meat/protein, some may need more plant matter/vitamins. It is all variable.

You need what you need, you are overthinking it!
edit on 3/23/2012 by ottobot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 10:14 AM
I've never been healthy enough to be able to listen to my body. It thinks it needs sugar, and coffee, and bacon. lol.

I think so much because I'm trying to outsmart my body's determination to lie to me and get me to feed it unhealthy things. lol.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by elliotmtl
I've never been healthy enough to be able to listen to my body. It thinks it needs sugar, and coffee, and bacon. lol.

I think so much because I'm trying to outsmart my body's determination to lie to me and get me to feed it unhealthy things. lol.

So stop eating unhealthy things.

Moderation is key, and even if you can't stop altogether - just know that a little bit of "goodies" won't hurt. There is nothing wrong with an indulgence here and there, it's the binge and habitual diet of processed foods that are bad for you.

For the record, coffee is only unhealthy when full of sugar. Bacon is only unhealthy when full of salt and preservatives.

Here's what I did to retrain my brain and body:

Once I got to the point where I no longer "needed" that junky meal in the evening, I realized that I had the power over my own body and mind and lifestyle.

You have all of the power, sugar only has power if you let it.
edit on 3/23/2012 by ottobot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by ottobot

Since I was about fifteen, forty years ago, I have always done best eating one meal a day. A couple of cups of coffee in the morning with cream and sugar, then a coffee break at around lunch time. After work I ate a large supper and snacked on assorted things after that. If I ate breakfast, I had to eat lunch, that's strange, or I couldn't think right. I needed a little sugar occasionally or sometimes got sugar shakes where I needed to get a candy bar. Your thinking is different burning ketones but it has advantages in that it keeps you from making mistakes because you think a little more in the Alpha or low Beta range. This control of the electrical impulses in the brain to a point in which you can utilize or train braincells to their fullest capacity without overloading with stray voltage is going to be individually specific. If you surpass the levels with too much sugar or with chemicals in foods that cause faster than controllable metabolism of ketones and sugars you will become scattered. Then you can't think right. So much of this is pertinent to a persons metabolism that things can over time cause imbalances or deficiencies in any nutrients necessary to properly think.

I've messed up more than a few times trying to figure out what's going on. I've been studying for six years now and easily but more than 10 hours every day into studying and thinking about ways to utilize what I have studied. Too bad that with all my thought and studying that I have acquired no crudentials, people have been taught to believe that you need formal education with degrees to be worthy of listening to. Oh well, so my knowledge dies with me like it has done with many people before me. I cannot write things down because my knowledge is evolving every day and what I thought only a month ago is only mostly correct. Next month the knowledge that I have now will only be mostly correct too. It's more fun that way, it gives me incentive to learn of what I do not know than to hold pride in what I do know.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

Hey, you are helping us out right now with your knowledge.

Just because you don't have a podium to stand at doesn't mean you don't have anything to say.

Thank you for your studies, they are important!

I was only talking about ketones because that was part of the conversation at the time. Personally, I do best when eating many small snacks throughout the day and one medium-sized meal at night. I'm like a squirrel or something - I use a lot of energy, walk fast, think fast, etc.
This is how my body works. I do know people who only need one or two meals per day. It really is all about your specific body.

So, what do you recommend for elliotmtl? A way to easily transition into eating for the body, not the mind?
edit on 3/23/2012 by ottobot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by elliotmtl

Your body isn't necessarily lying to you, your knowledge is in the way. Lets take bacon for example. It contains pyrophosphates if it is created by real smoking and sometimes by naturally formed artificial smoke flavorings that don't contain things like propylene glycol. These pyrophosphates are sometimes needed by our bodies to correct conditions that occur. They are definitely carcinogens but can also correct some conditions in your body if used in moderation, anti-carcinogens are hard on some things in our circulatory system if overused, causing various other disease conditions. Also the cell walls of fat cells contain Elastins and glucosamines which our body also needs for strength and elasticity. These give elasticity to the veins and arteries, skin, intestines, muscles, and cartilage. Chicken skin is another good source. Giving our body all the necessary ingredients at the same time is important for things to function well.

Next is anticipation, something that is needed to create the chemistry to take apart food properly. If you say I am going to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast the night before, your body will create the chemicals that night to take apart bacon and eggs. Eating cereal will leave a bunch of half used chemicals in your body that need neutralizing. This causes you to get hungry later and eat an antidote. The antidote may also require another antidote, so on so forth. Confusing the body with unknown chemistry causes trial or error neutralizing chemistry and locked cells from chemicals that cause reduced electrical uptake causes more need to eat everything at the same time. Our body stores many types of nutrients but needs triggers to release them to combine them into things that are needed. Then we wind up needing unessential amino acids and enzymes, stuff our body should be able to make. This is hard for me to explain to others without examples and causes my stuff to seem scattered or off topic. It's harder to explain than understand.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by elliotmtl

Another thing Elliot, when we eat foods there are switches on our genetics that take metals or ions to properly set to correct problems in our bodies. Try buying a bottle of those colloidal minnerals, they usually run about twenty bucks at the vitamin stores and see if it makes you feel better. They are not real strong, a sip a day and a bottle lasts about a month. Observe the differences it makes, better some way and worse.

I have experimented with various vitamins in short term higher doses to see if I could jump start deficiencies. I had a deficiency in niacin where I couldn't properly convert tryptothan but it restarted fine after a few doses of Nicotinic acid. DONT take a megadose of that, it could give you an episode of AFIB
I'm used to a history of tachecardia so I found what triggered it now, too much niacin at a time....I can't eat too many chili peppers or tomato products.... Who knew. I no longer have to take beta blockers, those AFIB episodes are scarey. I have a normal heart beat of between 100 and 120 at rest from a hereditary blood disorder, sort of an anemic state where proper iron metabolism is restricted. I'll figure it out some day. If I had found the answer right away I would have quit studying and would not keep bumping into these other things. I often forget about what the reason I started this quest was all about, finding the cure for porphyria, a disorder created by my ancestors mining professions or eating of wild game shot with lead bullets long ago. No present cure is out there and research is in avoidance of certain foods. they say few people have it but by studying tendencies of people I know, I see it everywhere. Symptoms just haven't manifested yet because they have been doing traditional eating styles and the kids irrational behavior has been blamed on the kids too often. Kids will be kids, but they don't need to be irrational. I guess some of us can't eat what is good for you, surviving on burger king keeps you sane and easygoing with this disease but it has other problems. I will find the cure but won't go against the big medical entities that depend on their rich clients funding. I'll give local people hints or will find the companion food that makes them eat the cure. The last sentence explains "the method of the action is unknown"

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:04 PM
Diet is huge.

I purchase whole, organic certified, local foods as often as possible, and make most of my own meals.

If I have more than a cheat meal in 72 hours, I'll be feeling the difference in a variety of ways.

I remember what if was like to be on fast food constantly. I feel so sorry for those who are still purchasing this garbage.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

We eat out occasionally and purchase foods from local farmers preferrably. We belong to the coop and try to buy many of the things organically grown. I wish the prices on some things would come down yet so we could afford to buy more organic. You don't seem to need to eat as much when you eat organically grown food and it usually tastes better.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:53 PM
I weight lift and exercise , I eat no red meat , only fruit , tuna, nuts , semi skimmed milk . I used to love chocolate , now chocolate makes me sneeze and leaves me feeling tired to the point of needing to rest , even sleep. My taste buds detect the smallest traces of salt , sugar etc , that years ago they wouldn't.
Changing a diet can be hell for certain types of people , yet easy for others , exercise can help with the diet change. I don't look my age , I put this down to diet and genes and a positive mental outlook.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by unityemissions

We eat out occasionally and purchase foods from local farmers preferrably. We belong to the coop and try to buy many of the things organically grown. I wish the prices on some things would come down yet so we could afford to buy more organic. You don't seem to need to eat as much when you eat organically grown food and it usually tastes better.


Take a look at this:

This is the full version.

You can skip to 8:28 for the real relevant info. Caution: The video contains some cursing.

edit on 23-3-2012 by Malcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Malcher

I hear absurd absolutes in that video. It's an instant "bull#" meter for the supposed real bull# detectors. I think of those shows on the same level as "myth busters" it's for the average idiots consumption.

Higher Nutrient Value in organics

Pestici de-free foods have higher nutrient values!

Artificial colorings and IQ

I could go on and on...
edit on 23-3-2012 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:58 PM
You have great insights ricky and I can tell that is only the tip of the iceberg of your knowledge. And I certainly know you don't need formal credentials to be knowledgeable about these subjects...the credentials are basically just a license to sell drugs to customers

The problem with me is, I don't want to spend that much time learning and experimenting with diet and healthy. I've already spent more time and learned far more than I ever would have thought a few years ago. And I don't really think it's made me a better person, just more paranoid and confused and slightly bitter towards people who can be healthy without putting in very much effort.

Really, I hate food and I wish I didn't have to eat at all. I want to find a diet that will let me pay very little attention to it. I don't care how bland it is. I want to feel good and have my brain work well, have constant level energy so I can sit in front of the computer 12 hours a day and think creatively without feeling like it's sucking the life right out of me, and then still have enough energy to enjoy nature and exercise the rest of the time.
edit on 23-3-2012 by elliotmtl because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by elliotmtl

Most of the stuff I study only necessitates minor changes in diet so it is adaptable with little lifestyle changes. You do have to quit eating certain processed foods containing certain chemicals but you will soon get your noodles all back. I can only steer you, it requires a small diary where you log in how you feel within eight hours after you eat. many times it's combinations of foods that trigger metabolic problems. The banana and potato have a class 1/class 2 chitinase reaction in certain people. If they are consumed within a day or more of each other the body does weird things. Usually this forms chemistry that Sometimes give a person a latex allergy, an allergic to their underwear and socks or other latex compounds An occasional banana doesn't hurt, in fact it triggers off a histamine reaction that may possibly even cause the body to attack cancer cells. Too much banana and an autoimmune disorder can result. The Chaga mushroom fights cancer by triggering one of these histamines to fight the fungus that isn't real harmful. The harvesting of the mushroom was done in the past but the pharmacutical companies killed most of the trees in Washington and British columbia to get them to grow the mushrooms. The government saw the greed was killing all the trees so told the Pharma companies no more. The birch would have been killed off in twenty years and they don't return easily. The Japanese have created a synthetic Chaga and they have incorporated it into their medicine. It's supposed to have good results and is less invasive to the body than current cancer drugs, but we can't get it here in America because of laws protecting our Pharma companies.. I'm not sure why, but people with Asthma symptoms have less cancer. Trouble is they may die of analphalactic shock and frequently get other problems. I have to find more info on this but it's research is just getting started. Fix one thing and another thing gives you problems. .

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
reply to post by Malcher

I hear absurd absolutes in that video. It's an instant "bull#" meter for the supposed real bull# detectors. I think of those shows on the same level as "myth busters" it's for the average idiots consumption.

Higher Nutrient Value in organics

Pestici de-free foods have higher nutrient values!

Artificial colorings and IQ

I could go on and on...
edit on 23-3-2012 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

Well first i would like to make a claim that the human body and life in general is remarkably resilient.

That said, organic is not pesticide free. Now i am no expert here and not really into this as a past time but the point the video, actually just one of the speakers, was making is that newer pesticides may be safer than what is being used on organics for the simple fact that the technology is better.

I really dont know but that is what i got from it.

So according to what i am reading they use less pesticides, well the jury is still out for me.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 10:31 AM
The human body can adapt to some things when we are developing our immune system, the stronges time appears to be between 15 and thirty years old. Our regenerative abilities are best in that time with males having more abilities than women to eat things that would sicken others. We can adapt to things within reason as a species within this timeframe than outside of it. When we are younger we can adapt but it weakens us and the fats stored for puberty take in these toxic chemicals if they cannot be detoxified by the liver and other organs including the skin at sufficient rates. These toxins then can distort our perceptions as children go through puberty and sometimes give signs or symptoms of their presence. They need to be worked out of the system, not add more toxins to hide the symptoms. Walking helps and the skin can help rid us of them, being created of the same stem cells as the liver. We constantly poison our skin with soaps that are not good for us, ones we have changed and not acquired the genetic knowledge to neutralize. This will create a porphyria type symptom of being allergic to the sunshine.

A plant has a natural defense system and a system employing junk DNA to pass on knowledge to it's young. They may not have a brain as we know it but they have some system to process this information. We need to learn to grow plants where they need to grow to be healthy. Nutrients differ vastly on my five acre site, deptnding on elevations, clay content, etc. A little lime or gypsom and small abounts of fertilizer is all I need to release the chemistry of the clay and things grow. I can boost it but then my land will get burnt out. The old farmers know of the old way, the way that nature interacts without pesticides or plant immune system boosters. It involves the presence of good bugs that prey on other bugs. The wasps are attracted by pheromones excreted by the plants when they are attacked. The availability of nutrients gives the plants the ability to take care of itself to kill all sort of parasites. These nutrients aren't available in burnt out fields, the fields need to rest and have leaves stirred into them occasionally. Our soils are burnt from overuse, even organic commercial farms, and the plants have no strength. This is just the tip of the iceberg, just one example. It involves a dozen or more problems that would have to be addressed, their creation all being created by greed and desire of pride.

We have been lied to for so long that the truth is not recognized by many. I study the changes in food chemistry and the chemicals we have used over the years to make things more profitable. We cannot go back to the way we ate three hundred years ago without complications either, our bodies have evolved to match our environment. It will take us a few generations for our young to get back to normal, their perceptions ever changing, a false manmade generation gap. Some things have improved with our use of chemicals for some people, others cannot properly adapt. Eating something that you are not genetically prepared to eat, even natural things, can cause problems with health and mindfullness. Just because your neighbor can eat it doesn't mean you can. Sometimes the results take a day to manifest and we avoid a different thing we ate that day. I see much of that, people think they have the flue and they have food poisoning. This is more complex than I thought and makes me research everything that exists to fit things together. Awsome, I love learning.

Sometimes I wonder if anything I have said is even on topic at all, my mind takes me deep into things. Connecting the invisible bonds of nature to the human body.
Starting to sound a little flakey again, I better go eat a potato.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 11:21 AM
One carrot and one apple contain all of the amino acids required to build a human protein.

Bovine meat does not require all of the amino acids to create a human protein. You have to get them from fruits or vegetables. You also have to expend great energy to break that flesh down to usable.

To each his own. There is no disputing, however, that today's meat is not natural in any sense of the word.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by zroth

One carrot and one apple contain all of the amino acids required to build a human protein.

Bovine meat does not require all of the amino acids to create a human protein. You have to get them from fruits or vegetables. You also have to expend great energy to break that flesh down to usable.

To each his own. There is no disputing, however, that today's meat is not natural in any sense of the word.

Interesting facts.

Can you post us some links? If I could get completely away from eating meats I would, but I have tried and I always seem to get hungry again fast. And I actually crave meats at least once a week.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

Here is a decent article to start down that path.

Every lie is 80% truth. Protein is necessary without question. My question is always how are proteins made by the body and that answer is through our body using amino acids to build them.

there is always an argument about protein lack in no-meat diets. My opinion is this rhetoric is spread by the people that stand to lose money if folks were educated. It is really no different than the pill versus homeopathic argument.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

That makes it sound depressingly complex and can you possibly ever figure out what is causing what symptom?

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