…..and Drink.
From the time the food leaves your fork, or the beverage leaves your glass, and ends up in your mouth that is exactly who you are. Let me explain,
but this is going to take a while, so I ask humbly for your full attention, because I can 100% guarantee it can change who you are now, to what you
can aspire to be.
Can food and drink change who you are?
I choose this forum because it is not based on facts, links, or statistics cut and pasted from the internet, but from my own experience, philosophies,
and intuition. Some people run around claiming they channel messages, but from my experience we are all connected and capable of channeling
information, so take it however you choose. Knowledge is all there some choose not to see or hear it.
Everything is a vibration, or energy. I am not speaking about the quantifiable; let’s prove it to the other person energy, with a device, or facts,
but an energy known to every single person and creature in the universe. We know about this energy/vibration with our intuition, it’s just that
many of us block, or distort these universal vibrations by eating and drinking a certain way. These claims are not judgments in any way, right or
wrong, just a guide if someone wishes to achieve a higher vibrational state of being.
Our society has become so comfortable with depression, anxiety, fear, hatred, and lower emotions that are spoon fed to them (Pun Intended) that they
choose these lower states, over the higher vibrational states.
I know what some of you are thinking right now, BS. Am I right? Why would anyone want to choose to be miserable? Well I will give you a perfect
A gambler, they love to win correct? Nope actually they love to lose; they are not addicted to winning but to losing. Gamblers continue on a losing
streak because it’s a comfort to them. Gamblers have gotten so used of losing that when they do win, they have no idea how to handle the money,
emotions, or situation and fall right back into the same vibration, that they are comfortable with, Losing.
My Gambler example goes the same for people that eat poor vibrational foods, or foods that don’t nourish their human bodies, thus not allowing their
higher selves to shine through. Sometimes they do eat or drink good for awhile, but they are so used to being in a lower state of existence, they
sabotage the new feelings only to revert back to what they are comfortable with.
So how do we break the cycle? Awareness is key, coupled with baby step actions, that you will be able to notice.
Many skeptics will scoff at what I write, but the fact is I don’t need to prove a thing to you. The only one that can prove anything to you is you,
so do yourself a favor and look within. What I am writing will most likely strike many nerves, and resonate with people here on ATS.
Do any of you know what a magnetic recording is, or how about this a hard drive? Most likely if you’re reading this you know what a hard drive is
and many of you know that it’s magnetized somehow, and that is how information is recorded on the drive. So how the heck does this relate to foods
and drink?
Did you know that everything we consume is similar? Just like that hard drive, it’s magnetized, but not quantifiable in the way skeptics would like
to understand and prove right or wrong. We don't need instruments to measure this, our bodies are that instrument, many just choose not to see that
Food’s and drinks carry vibrations/energy, vibrations that effectively create who we are. Most foods and drinks today are processed by machines,
thus imprinting them with chaotic vibrations. Now granted we are not victims, because we can change this and many people already understand this
concept and choose a different way of life.
How many people are choosing organically grown foods by local farmers, which do not contain pesticides these days? Many of these unconsciously are
making the choice to raise their vibratory state.
If you eat or drink something that makes you feel bad, why do you continue? The answer is my Gambler example; you’re addicted to feeling bad.
Again, this is not a judgment, but an observation because I love you all and would like to see you all, in a happy state of being if you choose to
I will not post lots of specific drinks or foods, because most of you know what is good and bad, if you don’t look within, because no one is your
keeper but yourselves.
In this thread, am not looking for anyone to become a vegan or vegetarian, if you choose it fine, but I am asking you to think about how your food and
drink was processed. How is the food I am about to eat imprinted?
Was the animal respected when it was raised, and then killed for its meat? I am not a religious person, but many rites are performed and care taken
for foods that certain religions consume, there is a reason for that, but not many know the reasons why. The Native Americans right here in the USA,
and Canada were some of the wisest people to walk the earth, because they were always thankful, asked forgiveness when killing their brothers (The
animals), so that they could go on with their personal journeys, they only took what they needed, and always gave something back to Gaia in return.
How many of us think that way? This instills vibrations of respect, thankfulness and love of the earth.
If something tastes bad most of us will stop eating it right away, correct? Then why is it not the same if you are feeling bad after you eat
something, is it because you are not aware?
Try this simple experiment, if you have a poor vibrational diet, or consume lots of processed foods try a menu that consists of the total opposite for
2 weeks, that’s only 14 days, if you see a difference and really like it choose to not be the “Gambler”, but the beautiful being that is trying
to shine through.
Peace Out and Love,
edit on 21-3-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)