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posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by tankerpilot

Right here.

Soros: not a funder of Wall Street protests

Is Reuters good enough for you?

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 10:04 PM
More useful idiots to fuel the furnaces.

The US will survive having a Marxist such as OBummbler as CinC, what is less assured is that we will survive a population that thought electing him was a good idea. As my secretary stated, she voted for O because he is cuter than McCain. There theres a deep intellect for ya. I fired her ignorant butt.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 10:07 PM
Aw c'mon jvl, DEEPER.

Where does Reuters gets its funding??? How about the Huffington post? MSNBC?

LAMESTREAM MEDIA. I trust Al-Jazeera more than any of these "news" organizations including Fox.

USE the grey matter.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by tankerpilot

It gets a lot deeper than you are able to see.

I don't think the occupy movement was intended to be what it is, in more ways than one.

It was hijacked a million times over, but it is what it is, not what you want it to be.
edit on 19-3-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by tankerpilot

I've done my research, I've answered and argued the same dumb BS the right wing media puppets spew everywhere, over and over. I'm not doing it for you, when it's you who were clearly lazy and bought into the spiel and didn't bother to check if it was true or not.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by tankerpilot

Al-Jazeera is a great source, how bout you search Soros/OWS on it?
You'll find the same answer you have been given here, debunked.
By the way, we (well a lot of us) don't like Obama either, we're just not childish about it.
edit on 19-3-2012 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
Its my opinion the baby boomer generation have lead us to this place, there fear and welcoming of a police state will not be tolerated by the younger generations.

Go kids!!! fix what your parents have broken!!!!

Don't be silly or sound so uninformed. It was us baby boomers who put the first hippy movement out there to try and get the establishment riled up. We did a pretty fine job until we either died out through Nam, drug overdose, other physical ailments, or just got old enough to be scared.

It will be your generation that brings about change, until you too die of war, drugs, other physical ailments or just get old enough to be scared.

Pssssst. Secret.... History is repetitious.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:05 AM

tankerpilot: OWS was NOT, I repeat NOT a spontaneous eruption of dissatisfaction with the status quo by a fed up populace. It WAS an orchestrated series of protests planned well in advance

RSF77: People say that a lot, but I have yet to see anyone conclusively prove that is the case.

AzureSky: the organizers for all OWS protests are random people who took it upon themselves to do so. I know the ones at my local occupy, good guys, interested in changing the status quo.

I don't know enough about Soros/Stern, so I won't go there. But in Vegas anyway, OWS was not random dissatisfied people. It was started, coordinated & managed by Van Jones using local MoveOn members. I think he started building in July-Aug; I know I started getting notices in Sept 2011 (don't ask how I got on "the list" ;-)

Here's an excerpt from Sept & Oct mailings:
"Maybe you haven't yet heard, but something big is happening in America. Beneath the corporate media's radar screen, it is growing faster and buzzing more than anything we've seen in recent memory ... from Wisconsin and spread across the country. From massive protests in the state legislature in Ohio to 45,000 Verizon workers on strike today ... Now it's time for us to gather in person, to learn from each other, get inspired, and show everyone that we will not back down ... We'll have movement leaders, local volunteers, students, teachers, unions, community groups, and more all coming together to help strengthen our new movement. ... The tea party promotes policies that would kill our dreams. ... thousands of concerned Americans will assemble ... to take control of our country and our lives. We will occupy the plaza and hold a People's Assembly ... and demand that these solutions be presented and that the people's needs be addressed. We will plan and engage in creative acts of civil resistance and demand that our inherent rights ..."

Sound random to you? What more proof do we need? Mailings include dates, locations, what to bring to "events" (noisemakers & water), weekly meetings, speakers etc. Nothing random about it. OWS here, was created, managed & orchestrated.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:18 AM

"Due to the fact the Occupy Movement operates on a General Assembly basis ... several core people who run the location who are all progressive activists ... MoveON or Democracy for America (DFA) ... bring the force of those movements to back-up Las Vegas' occupation. ... get a board in place of the core progressive organizers and shut down decision making by the Libertarians and Tea Party activists. If DFA or MoveON wants a seat you need to talk to core organizers now. MoveON and DFA both need to assign a field organizer to this movement and help with your assets. As you know the Democratic party cannot share its mailing lists or send out on behalf of Occupy - but MoveOn and DFA national already are doing so ... as an elected board member of the Democratic party I am not allowed to organized PAC actions. However I can offer "suggestions" and connect parties together."

No machine, no coordination no manipulation going on here. No siree. Just random voices.
edit on 20-3-2012 by AtlasShrugging because: misplaced closing italics

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by AtlasShrugging

I think you must be confused, what you wrote is from the American Dream Movement, it doesn't have anything to do with OWS.

Dear MoveOn member, I have an invitation for you. I want you come to Washington, D.C. with me October 3-5, 2011, for an event I couldn't be more excited to announce: the first-ever national gathering of the American Dream movement.

Here's some more of the text.

This year, we've watched this people-powered phenomenon grow out of the courage and inspiration from Wisconsin and spread across the country. From massive protests in the state legislature in Ohio to 45,000 Verizon workers on strike today, people nationwide are standing up.

I love your...strategic...use of...periods.

If you want to do a smear job, at least try to get a source.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:29 AM
Peace. In my opinion, the majority, if not all of the occupy movements are bound to go nowhere. The changes these "movements" are requesting requires revolution. This means complete change. A complete change means to overthrow the goverment and establish a new one. This requires bloodshed. There is no peace without war. The difference between other countries around the world and "America" is that they are willing to literally fight and die for their cause. They are prepared not to come home if that occurs. Their "life" is dedicated to it. "Americans" won't go past marching, screaming and holding signs. Even though other countries are colonized, the masses of those on this landmass are "Americanized." That is a hell of a system to be under. "Especially" if your someone of color. Bottom line is that if you aren't prepared to fight and die then you shouldn't even be on the frontline from the start. As far as cops beating up "innocent and peaceful" protestors, they are cops. Study the history of cops in America. What do you expect them to do. They are prepared for war. You aren't! Peace

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by jlv70
reply to post by AtlasShrugging

I think you must be confused, what you wrote is from the American Dream Movement, it doesn't have anything to do with OWS.

I love your...strategic...use of...periods.

If you want to do a smear job, at least try to get a source.

First off, I don't know you. Second, you, to my knowledge, do not read my mail. Third, I have better things to do than "smear" something that needs no smearing. And fourth, your accusations are out of line.

I couldn't tell you if OWS Vegas "borrowed" the content from some other movement. I know what I received from them, & what Jones said at the meeting. Being rude doesn't change those facts.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by navy_vet_stg3
I wonder if they'll protest at the CEO's and Banker's houses, or if they'll be protesting people at Walmart distribution centers making $12/hr.? Seems they could make more of an impact if they actually disrupted the people they're pissed at, rather than making the day miserable for people just trying to earn a paycheck for their families.

They've already done that many times, actually.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:45 AM

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:58 AM

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by spacedonk

Who cares.The occupy movement is a joke.And it makes Americans look lazy.As I've said on here before they do not speak for me and they never will..The clown that wrote the article is playing it up.

this cracked me up though "Last fall, our movement showed what was possible when people came together to fight for their vision of the future. The movement will take off again if more people feel empowered to speak their minds and share their dreams"

Your vision is nothing but you complaining because some people have it better then you do.You're not proving a point by living in a tent for 2 weeks and not showering and #ting/pissing all over in public.Nor are you making a point by getting in the way of the working man when they're going/coming home from work.So in other words,acting like those morons proves nothing.They're fighting for nothing.All they're doing is bitching because they're too damn lazy to do things for themselves.
edit on 20-3-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by tankerpilot

Grow up man. pulling a trigger doesn't make you tough, tough guy.

As for the OP, I believe this year will give rise to a more pronounced movement. It's sad I must qualify my statements but it should be known I'm the antithesis of a stereotypical occupy protester. I am in law school, played college sports, Austrian advocate, ect. However, as I see it our great nation needs a restoration. The static of political culture has not evolved in the way our world has and I see occupy as a catalyst resulting in unknowable transformation.

edit on 20-3-2012 by lives because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by lives

No I carry a gun because I am NOT a tough guy. I am intolerate of morons and lawyers however. Billy was right. First thing we do is shoot all the lawyers.

Until we are governed by people who speak english instead of legalese, we are doomed.

If you are so enlightened, why in the hell would you want to become a lawyer?

Lawyers have had thier souls evicerated willingly for personal enrichment. The entire breed is morally reprehensible and is a scourge upon humanity.

Prove me different...drop out. Think of how many people you will be saving from poverty.

I hate lawyers.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by tankerpilot

We got real people in the world trading bullets everyday and genius here wants to spout off on the net about it.

Edit: I redact my previous comment (you might take it seriously), instead go find some help. Maybe take some time and smile at someone, smell a fresh flower or whatever it takes to renew your sanity. Whatever you do, don't hurt anyone or else people will be coming for you, I guarantee it.

Considering what has happened on this site before, you better be damn careful with what you say. Think about that # holmes, then research an ATS member named Erad3. You just got red flagged all to hell, don't be surprised if you get a knock on the door early this morning.

Are you ready to spend some time in prison? They'll love your opinions there, among other things.
edit on 20-3-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 06:43 AM
What is the difference between the protesters who started the riots in Tunisia, Egypt and now Syria, and the OWS in America? How long before a leader from one of the gulf countries goes on tv to say to Obama that he must step aside, much like the US told Gaddafi et al?

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