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2nd Trimester Abortions, What Is Your Stance On Them?

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posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

There are three types of people on earth: Those who steal, kill and destroy; those who honor, defend and protect, and those who do not know the difference. Choose a side or be ignorant of the gift we are given with free will. Either way, we suffer on one side and have a blessing on the other. It's a choice. Freedom is given by God to choose, but the result is a consequence of our choice on either side. If the law is broken, it breaks the one who makes the choice.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by happyhomemaker29

you, my friend, are one of the rare gems. If only more women were like you, then we wouldn't need to comment on such things.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 10:45 AM
My stance on 2nd Trimester abortion is much the same as my stance on abortion in general...

It's none of my business what other people do with their own bodies. I am against it for me personally, but I can not be expected to, nor should I tell others what choices they should make.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Maybe it's not as simple as that. Many people with heart problems are advised against unnecessary surgeries. Just as you have the right to share your *opinion* of what you think everyone should do, people have the right to do what suits them best, even if it's what you disagree with. I for one, am not about to alter my body via surgery to prevent a pregnancy. For me, the risk outweighs the benefit. Maybe for you or another individual, this is a great option. I say go for it then. I have sufficient knowledge of herbs and vitamin combinations that work with my body to keep me from conceiving a most unwanted child without me having to mutilate my body and throw it's balance off. Again, as we speak, thousands of women are having second trimester abortions in the US alone, right now. What is being mad going to do about that?

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 10:51 AM
I don't have a uterus, so my stance is simply let those with them decide how to use them.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 10:55 AM
Well, my stance on the title..without reading the ops, or watching any gut wrenching videos, etc...pretty simple really
in the second trimester, there is a functional central nervous system and brain functioning...this is a lifeform and should be seen as a little person inside of you. Only if it is deformed, or endangering the life of the mother should it be terminated..otherwise, ya..your discussing killing a thinking human

3 months is long enough to decide...if your still unsure after, well, your subconscious already chose for you anyhow.
Choice is on replicating blobs...not thinking humans.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

The world is to diverse to comment on this topic thoroughly with out months of study. Circumstance is the biggest factor here. People who are against take diversity and circumstance and throw them out the window so to speak. I will only add that there has to be a limit to abortion i.e not for career purposes. The second trimester is a bit to far gone in my opinion.
edit on 20/3/2012 by indisputable because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 11:56 AM
Abortion is murder, pure and simple. It's the ending of a human life. Persons responsible for abortions should be charged with murder. The "choice" is made when people decide to have sex in the first place.

"What about all the people who have children as a result of rape or incest?"
Place the child under adoption, and the government should make the process easier for those people who would make good parents. "But it's not fair for a victim of rape to have to carry a child to term and give birth." What's not fair is that the person was a victim of rape in the first place. The child being carried is also a victim though. Are they to be killed because of somebody else's crime? The rapist should be the one punished, and much more severely than they are right now I might add.

"What about those going through dangerous cancer treatments like chemo?" Do everything you can to save BOTH lives. Chemo isn't the only option for cancer treatment, and there are many others that appear to be more successful that would not be harmful, but of course the FDA, government, and insurance companies don't want you to know about those effective and cheap ways to cure cancer. That's another whole conspiracy to talk about.

The majority of abortions aren't done as a result of rape or dangerous medical treatments anyway. They are done to hide adultery (when a woman get pregnant by someone other than their husband and they dont want them to find out), they are done to hide premarrital sex (when a teen gets pregnant and doesn't want mommy and daddy to know), and they are done because it would be an inconvenience (Doesn't fit my plans for my career or I just don't have the money to raise a child). If I went out and killed everyone that inconvenienced me, I would be charged with murder wouldn't I? I don't think "But they were messing up my career plans" is a valid excuse for murder.

Abortion is murder. If a woman makes the choice to kill the child she carries, she should be charged as a murderer. Can such people be forgiven? YES! But it doesn't change the fact that abortion is murder.

Edit: Just wanted to add that while I'm against abortion in its entirety, the idea of abortions this late in the pregnancy is just disturbing. I don't know how it can even be considered.
edit on 20-3-2012 by Mykahel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Nobody is Pro-Abortion. By stating that those who think a woman should have access to a legal medical procedure are pro-abortion, you make it clear that the issue is black and white to you. Therefore, a discussion with you is moot.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by theplu
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Nobody is Pro-Abortion.

Well, if it is before 5th month of pregnancy, I am quite pro-abortion. Not only is it not wrong at all, but it is arguably a highly moral act to kill the foetus if mother is unsure whether she is ready.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by Mykahel

Abortion is murder, pure and simple. It's the ending of a human life.

Ending of a human life is not always murder. Killing of a human in war, self-defense or defense of others, even defense of ones property (castle doctrine) is not murder.

Killing of a biologically alive but braindead human is also not murder, it happens in hospitals regularly (thats where transplants come from). Since fetus in the first trimester is equally braindead (it has no brainwaves), why should it be treated differently?

The point is, not all killing of a human life is murder. Murder is unlawful killing of a human person. Is early fetus a person? I think not. Personhood requires mind, and fetus before 5th month does not have one, just like braindead human.

edit on 20/3/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:28 PM
So there is a conspiracy............for money.

Abortion Provider Speaks

Watch this trailer for Blood Money.

If you see one movie this one is not graphic - but this is the business aspect of it and a real eye opener.

Description of video: Carol Everett, former abortion provider and clinic operator, speaks about abortion in the film Blood Money. Pick up the film narrated by Ms. Alveda King, Dr. MLK Jr.'s niece at

If there is money to be made, a predator will take advantage.

In the video they said they dispensed cheap condoms and low dosage birth control pills so that they would get "more business".

$300.00 per baby = a really good business.

Remember they don't look at your babies as your babies, they look at your babies, our babies as $$$$$

If that isn't a conspiracy I don't know what isn't.
edit on 20-3-2012 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:38 PM
It's the woman's body and the woman's life - and it is their right to do whatever they want with their body. However, the baby's body is another matter altogether! The baby's body does not belong to the mother! The baby's life is not the mother's life. Killing another human life that is growing inside you is nothing less than murder.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
If one has heart problems, poverty - get a partial hysterectomy or your tubes tied or an IUD.

After my third I got my tubes tied, no big deal.

Or use a condom and spermicide.
edit on 20-3-2012 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

For me every pregnancy is unhealthy for me. Most women when they get pregnant, their body sees it as a parasite and allows it to thrive. (This was how my OB/GYN explained it to me.) My body sees it as a virus and the white blood cells attack the baby. After 2 miscarriages and my daughter being born dead, and almost unable to bring back to life, as well as almost killing me due to septicemia, I tied my tubes. It was the hardest decision I've ever made. Did I want to make it? No. But it was either that or risk death with every pregnancy. Unfortunately I went on to have 3 more miscarriages after the tubal and my tubal was a tie and burn. One of my miscarriages was even a tubal. Would I have had an abortion? It just isn't for me. My first miscarriage was a depo shot. My last one was Jan 2010. I mourned each and every one of them.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Maslo

I concede to your point about murder and killing being different. This is something I am well aware of (one of my favorite Biblical heroes is King David, a man recorded as slaying his "tens of thousands" which were all in military campaigns and were justified). The Bible itself makes differentiation between murder, manslaughter and legal execution/self-defense/war. I made a poor choice of wording in that previous post.

My argument would be that the natural course for a child in the womb is to move from a state where brain-waves are not present to a state where they are. It's not the natural progression for a person who becomes brain-dead later in life to start having them again. I never read it but I saw a book titled "Reclaiming our right to die" and I would have to agree with it. We try so hard to prevent ourselves from dying (mostly, I think, because of a lack of faith and a fear of death). But that seems to me to be completely different from ending a life that in the natural course of time will become self-sustaining. Brain waves or not, they are still a person.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by couldbeanyone
reply to post by happyhomemaker29

you, my friend, are one of the rare gems. If only more women were like you, then we wouldn't need to comment on such things.

Thank you, I appreciate that.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:56 PM
Nature/god seems to have no issue ending perfectly viable pregnancies when It sees fit, and yet, even the uber religious accept that, but heavens forbid if a human makes a choice to do the same of her own supposed "free will", then that's all wrong and bad.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:07 PM
I promised myself never to be drawn into the abortion debate but here i am, conscience pricked.

My own beliefs stem from personal experiences and those of my wife as well as some study and actually being present during my nurse training at an abortion.

I believe it to be a true statement that when a zygot is present within the womb we have a human being with potential, not a potential human being so any decision to terminate the individual has to be take seriously and that the mother should be given full information as to what is going to happen to the child, they should see a procedure on film and the bloody mess it leaves in a jar of severed limbs a crushed skull etc or the result of saline abortion and other forms, there in the mother can make a fully informed choice.
Also we need to teach the men and women in the world that when you play with fire theirs a chance your going to get burnt, so responsibility for ones actions MUST be promoted too, you have sex, theres a chance of pregnancy and both partners must be responsible for the child, not the state as it is here in the UK.
Abortion as an option for those poor women who have been raped, well on this issue i must turn to my wife as many years ago before we were married she was raped and became pregnant, i was one of a few that admired her courage to continue with the pregnancy but would not of condemned her if she chose otherwise, sadly she lost the baby a month or so after.
As to health, well a person has the right to life too and i know of many medical emergency abortions having had to be done so the woman could continue her life and be a part of the lives of those around her.
Its an emotive subject to say the least and there are too many variables that need to be considered, my overall opinion though is no to a 2nd trimester abortion.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:10 PM
Abortions should only be an option within the first trimester, and preferably as early as possible, they need to be available and covered fully, so all can do this. Some may be able to take the morning after pill, some can't. Some can't even take the pill, get migraines and pre stroke symptoms. Its not all even, we're all different.

Basically if the fetus is easily miscarried, but not later.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I feel like that's too far along. There must come a point at which "sentient consciousness" begins, probably in the 2nd half of the 1st trimester - that should probably be the ultimate limit point.

And by the way, there are very few people who are "pro-abortion" - I for example, am very much personally against abortion, but as a Constitutionalist American, I'm pro-choice. People should be allowed to have abortions if they so choose, but there's no excuse to figure that out in month 4.

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