I do think it might be time to consider Deism and just how it may be common to perhaps athiesm and true Christianity......is there really that much
difference as the unembellished truth is exposed in religions? Not that much, in retrospect. Give me thousands of Thomas Jeffersons, who many
would call an athiest, as these Jeffersons would be true moral leaders of man in the same regard as Jesus.
Individual deists varied in the set of critical and constructive elements for which they argued. Some deists rejected miracles and prophecies but
still considered themselves Christians because they believed in what they felt to be the pure, original form of Christianity – that is, Christianity
as it existed before it was corrupted by additions of such superstitions as miracles, prophecies, and the doctrine of the Trinity. Some deists
rejected the claim of Jesus' divinity but continued to hold him in high regard as a moral teacher (see, for example, Thomas Jefferson's famous
Jefferson Bible and Matthew Tindal's Christianity as Old as the Creation). Other, more radical deists rejected Christianity altogether and expressed
hostility toward Christianity, which they regarded as pure superstition. In return, Christian writers often charged radical deists with atheism.
Diests are sometimes called Athiests because they don't buy into supernatural miracles or Trinity for Jesus, but then the Essene and Jesus didn't buy
into that either. So, were they too athiests for understanding all the Bible's Language was about nature's order when put into the correct natural
settings contexts that we know today? Are Scientist too atheist, or do they actually study the ways of the diest view on god.
Diests are sometimes called Christians, by those who get the message of the Essene and Jesus correct.
Do Athiests that see the natural world and pick out there are things made in nature that show order, believe in the same context that Jesus sought to
explain? It think it very close. Diests reject the made up exaggerations and embellishments in Biblical Narratives of things of the natural order,
and so do Athiests that believe in the natural order. Nature is the "I am that I am". Scientists study that "I am that I am" in their learning of
the ordered ways of nature, and the ways that many things show an intelligent design. In the old days, doing that found miracles and supernatural
effects for the unschooled, but today----no miracles, but some old methods and references for riturals on what they considered gods in the old days.
They got down to one, but the old ways of references to nature's forces as god lingered on and on.
On the theme of Christianity's rise, it came into vogue for political reasons under Constantine and Rome and the core concept was to promote peace
over wars, promote moral standards for man who tends to become more savage than the worst animal without that code to live by. Constantine got part
of the equation for man correct to establish a move into peace, but messed up with the inclusion for Empire mixed in, that still promoted wars due to
private wealth issues.
Constantine got the Jesus message into a book, which was poorly understood in that time as now, but it got the words of Jeus into the open.
Constantine's Jesus move began the move to a kinder and gentler world in 300 AD or so. Another noticed that success several centuries later further
south of Rome's Empire.
If we look, the same lack of moral standards was ripping apart the Arabs and the Prophet Mohammad came along with a moral code to live by and became a
promoter of peace between the tribes of Arabia. Jesus appears to have even predicted his message would take into the Arab world with the Book of
Barnabis, which also speaks to Jesus as a Prophet. Islam respects Jesus as a Great Prophet, and Islam would better respect Christianty if Jesus was
a Prophet like Muhammad. It really is true that Jesus could not become the "I am that I am," that is all the ways of the natural order across the
Jesus appears to have gotten things started on dumping the evil in religion and the Essene didn't shy away from pointing out the poor moral standards
and those designed for exploitation, which exploitation is a moral violation as well. Muhammad's goals appeared to have also been shaped by Jesus
and the Essene, stimulated by Constantine's success on peace, and Islam were perhaps a better copy of the Jesus values than that of the Constantine
Empire's tainted attemps that mixed in too much Babylon image that allowed Christianty to be so easily corrupted.
If one cuts out the embellishments in the Christian Religion and the Constaintine carry over of Babylon, the Islam and Christianty would be in high
agreement of the major points of moral codes to live by, yet both have their faults that should not be so insurmountable if considerable common ground
is agreed.
Thank You for the good comment for the good words that I have tossed out to hopefully explain in a rational and reasoned way where Christianty took
wrong turns and I hope you kick those explanationa around, share them with others, and help to turn this dying world around. Spreading the words of
truth to return religion to the correct understanding, would provide my greatest thanks from you all. Thank you for understanding my words and good
intentions, though I don't agree with the OP's message. I would hope the OP comes around to see the merits in many of the beyond the single book
sources of information that such information really goes to support much of the Bible's Narratives, just not the supernatural and miracle magic other
than those science and natural order processes that are well known these days.
If this world is to grow, get beyond wars for the have and have not, if we are to prosper, trust, explain, share information, find a common religion
main values, then that is what Jesus and the Essene expressed as being servants to mankind and being good stewards for the planet. Religion at its
highest expression was just that.
Constaintine's Empire goals have gotten out of hand in the present day, this has been the seeds for all world wars. The games are private ownership
of large tax sheltered corporations, that go beyond the wealth of nations, so as to control those nation's elected Officials. It runs by
Corporation's immense power and that overlords Governments, and fuels the banks with private wealth far beyond the economic power of even the US.
That needed to be curbed and prevented and would have by Thoman Jeffereson's theme learned from old world methods for exploitation and Empire. The
US didn't want Royalty, no Kings, and they wanted Equality for All. That only happens with the proper keeping of the money under the control of we
the people in the shared fasion of the Essene.
Thomas Jefferson was a Diest, some say him an antiest, some say a Christian sans the miracles and Jesus as god, but Jefferson understood the messages
of religion from Islam and the Essene better than anyone in history perhaps. He used the good extracted religion values to make the Constitution of
the US, so getting religion right is imperitive to restoring the health of the US and keeping it from harm and ruin with the Foreign Religious wars
that Jefferson warned the US to avoid. Most tell that Jefferson was the most brilliant person to ever enter the White House, and I would agree.
JFK became a close second, really close, but just as Jesus got close, that close gets you killed. No single person can change this massive mess in
the US, it takes us all, and that is what my writings hope to explain, and find the real and poius message of religion in the process. Our values
have to be in harmory, there has to be a better concensus, for the US to survive and we have to get closer to the rest of the world's lessons on how
not to become the victims of tyranny or tyrants. Islam and other religions have protections against these tyranny and tyrants taking over.
Jefferson's oppositions to private banks was most likely extracted from the Essene methods on wealth held largely in common and in the US that same
thing was supposed to happen. But, those that followed the history of Babylon, the ways of Empire had seen many times how easy it is to subvert that
common sense and move wealth into huge protected private holdings where the few oligarchs set the world's directions for economic take over of other
Countries beyond the US using the same methods of old Babylon and it is still called tyranny. The US has lost its Freedom due to this problem.
Thank You again to the several of you that have noted how important these truth seeking issues of religion are the restoration of the values in the US
Govt. and returning economic freedom to the people and pious truths to religion in the US, particularly the Christian religion. Sadly Christianity
has fallen so far from grace that its followers are termed low minded beasts, as these End-Times near, that have lost the highest theme of Essene's
religion. Everyone needs to be firmly honest in explaining this to those that strayed too far.
edit on 21-3-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Share the learning and pass around the truths so all becomes as one again