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If you saw a alien on the side of the road what would you do?

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posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by Teriq

I'd tell it to tell me all the secrets of the universe or I would end its life right there.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 01:20 AM
i would defiantly pull over and help it out, i don't think bringing it to a hospital would be a good idea cuz people would freak out and u would never get help. i would treat it to my best and with its help figure something out

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 01:20 AM
If "it" asked for "help", then it has a soul. But do we ever care if we understood what "help" it needed? I say, let nature take care of it and see how it likes being helpless. Heartless, eh?

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
He/She can get in the back seat of my car. I'm speeding to the nearest hospital.

I'd rather die knowing that I tried to help someone, than live on knowing I possibly left someone to die.

Same here except the nearest veterinarian, perhaps the zoo

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 01:36 AM
If he sounded like Seth Rogen I would ask him if his name was Paul.....I wonder if that movie is worth watching.

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posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 01:44 AM
I would shoot it, actually if I ever see a UFO I'm shooting at it on video.. I bet if more people shot at ufos with cameras rolling we would get some solid evidence real quick

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 02:12 AM
i think there would be a very good reason why the grays would leave one of there own on the side of the road maybe it would be a good idea to have it at gun piont just in case

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by Teriq
and by alien I'm talking about a 10 ft tall reptilian that was wounded, it was on a long desolate road with trees all around and it pleaded to you for aid. would you help it or run/drive away.

IMO opinion i would sarcastically walk up to it and say you landed in the wrong country(USA) to get free aid

Haven't read the thread yet so I am answering with an untainted mind.

Since the alien speaks my language I might ask where it learned the language and whether it's a true lizard or a shape shifter who lost the ability to maintain its human appearance and, if so, which one. George W. Bush perhaps? Or maybe the Queen Mother?

I would gladly help provided it didn't look upon me as a tasty entre'.

Hopefully it isn't so injured that it can't engage in a lively conversation about its origins, where it's from, what its family is like, what it was like to hatch from an egg. Did it have a hard time breaking through its shell? Was that traumatic and did it leave lasting emotional scars? I'd want to learn about its family and lizard siblings and whether they too speak English and, if so, where they studied the language without people noticing their leathery hide, reptilian eyes, ears, and forked tongue. Does he have any sexy lizard sisters or aunts my age who find white skinned humans attractive other than as food? Does it have to snooze in the sunlight to maintain body heat? And so much more. The possible topics of discussion are endless. Fast forward to the present: How did it end up on the side of this road and where would it like to be taken for emergency veterinary care? Finally, we'd exchange iPhone numbers, email addresses, and web site URLs so we can hook up again soon after it recuperated and was up and around again, maybe back in its human form. There's nothing like making new interesting friends regardless of their skin texture and pupil configuration.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 03:52 AM
I would wind down my car window and shout "ALIEN BUS STOP WANKER!"
(Fans of The Inbetweeners in the UK will get the reference)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by ThreeNF
Reply to post by Teriq

If it was female, I'd probably ask to have sex with it.

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It's very nice that you would ask for permission before proceeding. You're a true gentlemen despite a hard-on being your first reaction, it being obviously injured and asking for help, it isn't human, and you can't determine its gender by looking at it. None-the-less, star for you for thinking to ask first.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 03:57 AM
Wow am i reading this correctly....It seems to me more people would be willing to stop and help a wounded alien rather than to stop and help a wounded human being....Now is this a sad world we live in......i have watch car after car drive by accidents where there are people hurt as i try to help them if they were alien we would get more help....but enough of the ethics.

Hell yea i would stop and help him/her out.....get me out the ole chains and load em in the back of the ole pick up....whoooohoooo.
edit on 042929p://f15Wednesday by plube because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by ThreeNF
Reply to post by Teriq

If it was female, I'd probably ask to have sex with it.

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Hmmm, well be cearful with that (tho I don't blame yer, all that exoticness and such), but remember this is an alien and we don't kmow how it works... You might be the one that ends up getting impregnated...

Honestly it is true, tho most people wouldn't admit it... but Human males really will tap anything that moves and I'm pretty sure all alien visitors are warned about this before they come here...

That said.. I'd love to meet one of those Annunaki babes, I have heard they are smoking HOT...!!
edit on 2/29/2012 by Ironclad because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:40 AM
As I do not currently have much hope for our civilization, I do believe I would do the unexpected. I would be spooked at first but in the end...I would show love knowing that it may cost me my life. If him and I are still alive after he heals up, who knows what may happen? At this point in time, it seems to me that great pains and death are inevitable so...what do you really got to lose? The only problem is, I'm not entirely sure how effective my first aide kit will be.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 06:50 AM
I would make him sign a contract stating that if I manage to help him/her/it back to health then it has to take me for a ride in its spaceship as payment

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:01 AM
I'd haul my a** to the nearest hospital and run in and scream for someone to hurry up and help me. Someone slipped something in to my drink! Then when my test comes back clean, since nobody drugged me, I'd have the Police go check out the scene. You people make me laugh who say you would throw a 10 foot reptilian in your backseat! lol Number one, it's not going to fit. And number 2, it's a 10 foot freaking lizard!

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by _R4t_

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by Teriq

Ask if he or she needed a lift then ask about their planet. Then take photos in that exact order.

Then leave the alien off to wherever it was headed,

I sure hope your not sporting a Yaris cuz you'll have to tie it up on the roof of the car deer style.... lol

I don't know what a Yaris even is.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:28 AM
Hope that it is not foul mouthed and suggest it is probing time.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:47 AM
@OP: A prank of this nature has been conducted:

I am of the opinion that the individuals being pranked may be paid actors themselves.

The following clip made me laugh:

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:49 AM
If it was a 10 foot tall reptilian, he's corporal not an entity, chances are very high he is Terran and not from somewhere else.

If he was conscious he could already mind control you, or link up so people wouldn't be afraid, and it could even be a trap for all I know. At least, if he could do that, you would not be afraid and have direction as to what to do sent to you. He would probably project a really strong, alluring, warm regular guy energy.

I wouldn't want to be in that situation. But Terrans are mixed light/dark like we are.

If he wasn't from here, there would be a downed craft and it would be have all been picked up by the military.

It would be very alarming. But we don't know much about Sharks, so how can we say what we know about every other species. I was just thinking of something one of the remote viewers shared on one of the many videos, about a fisherman in Australia or New Zealand. He freed a 3 meter Great White from a net that would have killed her. He had to dive into the water to do it.

And now every time he steps into a boat, she appears, leaning up against the boat, to be petted by him, even follows his canoe, with her mouth wide open.

For humans that is horrifying but really, how much do we know about anything?

I found the story!!!!!

Love is the force behind everything. There are some baddies, but far more aren't in the cosmos and animals are a part of the Source Field.

Even when the cat is outside, the crows are taunting her, she is trilling and making unusual movements with her mouth, and its as if they're sharing a conversation.
edit on 29-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:56 AM
Random but relevant observation: If there's any truth to the theories of pertinence to "Project Bluebeam", threads like these are certainly utilitarian in the government gauging and classifying our anticipated reactions.

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