posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 05:33 PM
If I were driving and I saw a 10 foot reptiliod on the side of the road injured. yes I'd go with my gut feeling. but if I did decide to help it I
would keep my fire extinguisher from my trunk very close by. That stuff is very,very cold when it comes out (because it's been compressed) an I
would blast it with it if it got a little rambunctious. It's a reptile and it's cold blooded. so the cold of the fire extinguisher would literally
suck it's energy away dealing with the havoc it would reek on it's metabolism. Also I would do a thorough "patdown" on the being to make sure it
wasn't armed.
Then I would take it home and call the most trusted doctor or vet I can find or know. one who could keep things quiet. the police and the attention
from a major hospital will probably get it killed. Also, I would attempt to communicate with it to see if there is some way to summon help from one
of his kind.
Then I'd guard it as best as possible. until help arrived in some form. Maybe I'll strike up a friendship with this reptiliod (theres no evidence
that they are dangerous or mean spirited other than hearsay on the internet) imagine that. friends with an alien race. what if you need help and
you are stuck on the side of the road. who you gunna call? the alien you helped out earlier. when the highway patrol shows up to assist you you can
just say. appreciate the help officer but my friends have got this one covered. then a UFO will come down from out of nowhere and a bunch of ten
foot tall dragon looking things walk out of it and some beam hits your car and it's working perfectly due to their alien magic. the reptoids high
five you say something in their language that only you understand cause they taught their language to you. turns out its a joke about the cop or
whatever. the cop faints and you drive off. but not before enjoying moment to drink alien beer with your space buddies and then drive away.
Or even better imagine your the nerd from high school you go to the reunion and find the old classmates are a bunch of dicks still, and your like
"screw all yall I don't need you I got cooler friends anyways!" as they laugh at you while you storm out of the gymnasium (or wherever the reunion
is being held) only to be shut up when you say "my rides here! later losers!" and some UFO pops up out of nowhere, you high five your ten foot
tall alien buddy and the door to the spaceship shuts and you zip out of there to someplace much cooler. the rest of the reunion people simply faint
in shock. but just then as you are about to leave you see the one girl who was cool with you in high school. they made fun of her too but now she's
hot and you swoop her up to, and then get married later or something.
see there are lots of benefits to befriending gaweebgwap or whatever his name was on the side of the highway that one night. bet the other person who
simply drove by is kicking themselves now.