posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 03:07 AM
OK...first of everyone who said that they would help it...You are all stupid lol...sorry, not trying to harass people, but seriously?? HELP
AN ALIEN.?!? yea...(snip) THAT.
I'm surprised only one person has said they would hit it...that's the first thought that crossed my mind. But seriously...why on earth would you help
a (snip) alien. I wouldn't bet my life on any alien coming to earth being friendly AT ALL LOL.
So back to the question....the first thing I'm doing is hitting that ALIEN or whatever,, then I'd hit it again. You know...double tap. Then i'd take
pics...(pics or it didn't happen -_-)
Last but not least i'd ask to find out why they were here. Based on their answer, I'd still hit them again.
Rule number one people. don't trust the aliens. PERIOD. Anything that comes out of there mouth (voice hole...can't be sure that aliens have mouths)
other than something bad/evil is a lie lol. I'm taking no chances.
P.S. to all the people that would help them, good luck when you have a fully healthy, non-hurt reptilian alien P.O.S in the back of your car trying to
eat you
*P.S. -- (snip) the aliens. (snip) 'em.
No hard feeling though aliens. I just don't usually (snip) with interplanetary/interdimensional beings. Don't take it personal
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on 29-2-2012 by Ahabstar because: (no reason given)