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Revelation prophecy; the futility of date-setting

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posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 12:21 PM
A set of calculations that I've quoted previously on this thread (middle of Page 7) suggested that on April 11th 2012 "a Pope would start or leave office". This was on the basis that it was 1260 days after a date in 2008.
Again , this did not happen.
edit on 8-7-2012 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by DISRAELI

Similarly it was suggested in the same thread that 4th July 2012 would be the date when Obama was "removed from office". This too was on the basis of the lapse of 1260 days.
Obviously this hasn't happened either.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:52 AM
Gosh, it is difficult, not to be allowed to post an entire message from
Heaven. Read the latest message to Maria in Ireland, Maria of Divine

It is about the "soon" Great Warning. It could happen early next year,
only God knows. The state of the world will be terrible, much worse
than now.

Take advantage of the two prayers given, believe them, there is much
grace attached. Pray them as Our Lord states.

Where there is much evil, God's grace abounds. People have lost
sight of the state of their souls, rejected God is
trying to reach out. We all agree on one thing, God wishes everyone
to be saved. Our free will, always our choice. e/


posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:30 AM
I don't think this thread gets enough attention for it to be worth somebody taking a piggy-back ride.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by DISRAELI
I don't think this thread gets enough attention for it to be worth somebody taking a piggy-back ride.

You know, with the disbelief, the mocking, the New Age BX at ATS,
every thread should be filled with the Truth. One thread is better than none.

Thank you.

A private revelation is on topic. God doesn't give exact dates.
The Great Warning (the 2nd Pentecost) is "soon." It could happen in
2013. If God gave specific dates for divine events, people would
wait till the last moment to change.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 02:38 PM
We are now within a month of the much anticipated date, 21st December 2012.

Strictly speaking, this has nothing to do with calculating "Revelation prophecy", because the general "2012" expectation isn't built on that basis.
Indeed, it has nothing to do with the Christian faith. The two belief-systems are polar opposites.

However, some Christians seem to have been caught in that particular trap,
One calculation published on this site, based on the number of days expired since other dates, proposes two events for that date- a "false rapture event" and an "Abomination of Desolation event", with much destruction.

I've also been told, from a Texas member, that some local pastors are predicting the return of Christ for that date.
I'm inclined to doubt that this teaching is coming from any calculations of their own. Nothing in Revelation gives any reason for putting this idea forward.
Surely they must be just jumping on the band-wagon.

I'm sure that the Return of Christ will NOT be on that date, if only because, I suspect, the Biblical God would want to make a point of frustrating human attempts to control his actions in this way.

edit on 22-11-2012 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 06:26 PM
OK, so now there's a week to go before the twenty-first of December, and I still hear that a few Christians are getting caught up in that excitement.
I hope that it's only a few.
It's a completely different religion, guys- non-Biblical sources, non-Biblical expectations.
If you're a Christian, you ought to be steering clear of it.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 10:43 AM
Reminder necessary because the most recent "date calculation" appearing on ATS is the theory of the "blood-red moons" and the return of Christ in relation to 2014-15.

edit on 12-1-2014 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 05:44 AM
Although most Christians believe you can't know timing, and usually cite Matthew 24:36 as their proof, the original Greek verb "oiden" is past tense and should be translated into English as "no one has known" or even "no one has known yet" (in 33 A.D.) See Young's Literal Translation - it clarifies some slight misunderstandings that arise in common English language Bibles.

So many other verses indicate that all will be known eventually:

“For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known.” Luke 8:17

“These words are concealed and sealed up until the end time.” Daniel 12:9

“If you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come.” Revelation 3:3

“But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief.” 1 Thessalonians 5:4

I think that the many astronomical details given in descriptions of future skies during end times prophecies allows us, using modern astronomical software, to search out times when the descriptions given match the skies of the future. Based on these descriptions plus other biblical clues, I believe the Antichrist will be revealed in the middle of the final 7 years on June 6, 2016.

The start of the 7 years happens to be December 21, 2012 - the end of the Long Count in the Mayan Calendar.

The end on December 21, 2019 is a Sabbath, and the first day of winter, and is Kislev 24 in the Hebrew calendar (see Haggai and Matthew for significance)

The skies during the week of 12/21-28/2019 have the sun, moon, and planets moving in ways that act out all major steps of an ancient Jewish wedding ceremony in the sky.

I believe this is Christ (represented astronomically by the Sun) marrying His bride (us on Earth.)

On June 6, 2016 - the planet Venus (Morningstar, Lucifer, Antichrist) has a rare alignment behind/opposite(anti-) the sun (Christ)

It is the 6th day of the sixth month of the year ending in 6 in these years - a 6/6/6 date.

If the Antichrist is shot in the head 1260 days after 12/21/2012, and appears fatally wounded but rises miraculously healed 3 days later (imitating Christ) that will be June 6, 2016

It is exactly one 49 year jubilee after the Israelis took back East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount on June 6, 1967

There is MUCH, MUCH more in some of the books I have written on these subjects:

End Times and 2019 - focuses on the end of the seven years in December 2019

Antichrist 2016-2019 - focuses on the Antichrist and June 2016

I know some will say I'm just hawking my books here but I give the basic answers above for free

I'm just allowing the few who are really interested in the evidence and details to learn more if they choose to.

God Bless,

David Montaigne

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: AmishElectrician
Although most Christians believe you can't know timing, and usually cite Matthew 24:36 as their proof, the original Greek verb "oiden" is past tense and should be translated into English as "no one has known" or even "no one has known yet" (in 33 A.D.)

This is only half the story. OIDEN is actually a past tense of a verb meaning "see", and grammars of Greek take it as effectively a present tense of "know"
"I have seen" = "I know".
My objection is not based on that verse alone, but also includes the emphatic statement of Acts ch1 v6, "It is not for you to know". The message is that God keeps this kind of information to himself.

So many other verses indicate that all will be known eventually:

Yes, it will be known when it happens. There is nothing there about the timing of the event being known in advance.

“But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief.” 1 Thessalonians 5:4

Even this one is not about prior knowledge of timing. It is about being in a permanent state of readiness for an event of unknown timing.
If it were posssble to know the time in advance, it would not be necessary (would it?) for Jesus to teach in parable about the need to be always ready precisely because we don't know when the exact time would be.

The OP pointed out many reasons why attempting exact calculation was a bad idea, and the fate of the myriads of previous exact calculations ought to be a sound warning against putting our trust in any of them.

edit on 10-10-2014 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:39 AM
Now I see yet another thread doing a "date calculation".
"The 10th Tevet and the Great Tribulation".
Evidently this reminder is still necessary.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 11:38 AM
A new thread calling Revelation a "jigsaw puzzle" shows us how much this reminder is still needed.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 10:32 AM
If I may give you a piece of advice, please read the articles of this blog:

Not only there are dates (I'd rather say periods of times), but there are reasons to get them.

Here are the main points:

END TIMES: The Extraterrestrials in The Bible

PLAYERS OF THE APOCALYPSE ... Prince George: CHRIST - William & Kate: TWO WITNESSES / FOUR HORSEMEN - Harry: ANTICHRIST - British Monarchy: FIRST BEAST - City of London: SECOND BEAST - Media: FALSE PROPHET - End Times from 2013 to 2043. World War III in 2016. Antichrist in 2018. Christ in 2021 for the Rapture of the Great Multitude. ARMAGEDDON, war against 200 millions extraterrestrials in 2032.

ACTS: 1:9-11 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”

edit on 28-11-2014 by ChristExtra because: quote of external sources

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: ChristExtra
What is the purpose of quoting that passage from Acts?
It says that Christ will return. We all know that.
But that statement says NOTHING about knowing in advance exactly when he will return. So how is it relevant to the question in hand?

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
a reply to: ChristExtra
What is the purpose of quoting that passage from Acts?
It says that Christ will return. We all know that.
But that statement says NOTHING about knowing in advance exactly when he will return.


to expand :
Maranatha-" the lord comes/returns"...

further: Only the Father knows the Hour and Day

other than: We are given the Signs and Seasons

the Signs and Seasons leading up to the Return ~ Maranatha...
include the 66 years since Israel was popped into existence... Signs & Seasons also include this 2014-2015 Biblical Feasts Tetrad of 4 Lunar Eclipses (blood moons) which starts the end-time Armageddon clock with the unsealing of the Apocalypse 4 Horsemen
*the next 4 part Biblical Feast day Lunar Eclipse Tetrad will happen:
... the next Biblical Tetrad not to occur for another 600 years --> or the years 2582-83 (as per NASA)...

now, the Bible also states the Lord will warn through the Prophets the things to come, therefore cycles of phenomena like a Tetrad or creating the State of Israel/the regaining of Jerusalem are important focus points of 'dates' which progress towards a 'secret/occult' date like the 2nd Coming/Maranatha--- or the rise of the Beast Empire----
or the beginning-of-sorrows, early birth pangs (of the coming millennial age)

the Sun, Moon, Stars are given us to discern the Times and to witness the Signs.... none of this is pagan astrology it is rather the creators timepiece for mankind to be forewarned

the Apocalypse & 4 horsemen/Birth Pangs/Sorrows do immediately preceed the Tribulation/Beast/Armageddon final countdown--- It's just that we do not know more than the outer limit for the Return/Maranatha is 120 years after 1948 or:
AD 2068
what is interesting is that 66 years into the end-times countdown, the 4 blood-moon tetrad is releasing the 1st white horse & rider of the apocalypse... the Caliphate & Caliph (IS & Abu Bakr al Baghdadi) with the red horse & rider of War to be released no later than 23-28 Dec 2014... with the 3rd & 4th horses/riders (famine & death) to follow in 2015...

with the Beast Empire of 10 kings gathering ~ 2016 and the opening of the final seals/ the bowls/vials/thunders/wraths all to ensue in a 42 month period between 2016-19 or else all the way from 2016 thru 2068 (or any 42 month period of time before 6-6-'68)


edit on th30141720395828452014 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: St Udio
Your calculations disagree with the ones made in the post above.
Which rather proves my point.

There is no evidence whatever that God has an obsession with making the things he does coincide with feasts.
I stand by what I said in the OP;

Another assumption which many calculators find attractive is that the timing chosen by God will coincide with Jewish religious festivals. This gives them an excuse to pin their predictions to a specific day in the calendar. Once again, we don’t have any real warrant for this theory. The purpose of these festival days is to celebrate things that God has done, but we won’t find anything in scripture to support the idea that God will plan things the other way round. Indeed, the historical victory celebrated by Hanukkah has a separate day of celebration precisely because God did NOT carefully arrange it to coincide with one of the main festivals.

edit on 28-11-2014 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 03:58 AM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
a reply to: ChristExtra
What is the purpose of quoting that passage from Acts?
It says that Christ will return. We all know that.
But that statement says NOTHING about knowing in advance exactly when he will return. So how is it relevant to the question in hand?

You are right! The quote of ACT 1:9-11 doesn't give you any hint about the dates. But I started my post with:

please read the articles of this blog:

Not only there are dates (I'd rather say periods of times), but there are reasons to get them.

I meant that to know the reasons why we can know dates is in the blog.

Let me give you some arguments:

1) Jesus uses the present to speak to the Apostles about the 'no one knows' thing. It means that people could know later.

2) The very reason for which no one would know is not necessarily because it's a mere secret, but because what he is talking about is a vast abduction operation which will last several weeks. In that case, no one would know the DAY and the HOUR, for himself or herself, to be abducted PERSONALLY! If only God knows it is because it's far too complex to know all the data about the location, the name, the first name, the day and the hour of the rapture for every elect of the Great Multitude, or the 144,000.

3) What is unknown is the DAY and the HOUR, not the week, or the month.

4) If Jesus tells the apostles that 'this is not for YOU to know' it is because he speaks to the apostles, and no one else, having lived 2,000 years ago! NOT FOR THE CURRENT CIVILIZATION.

The futility comes from the people who don't respect the language used by Jesus who spoke to the Apostles 2,000 years ago in the present form, and who don't figure out what Jesus speaks about, i.e. the rapture of each elect.

Now, for the timing, who has EVER wonder why there are 1,260 days (twice, in chapter 11 and 12 for this is about the same people (the Two Witnesses and the woman giving birth)) in Revelation, and why 1,290 days and 1,335 days in Daniel?

Why have these numbers of days been decided by God? Is it just by chance or by design?

The truth is that the main numbers of the Book of Revelation related to God's deed are 7 and 12, repeated several times!

The truth is that 7 days (a week) x 12 = 84 days!

The truth is that 1,260 days is made of FOUR FRACTAL PERIODS, for the FOUR HORSEMEN ending the Christian era (7 fractal periods of the 7 churches), of: 84 days + 168 (84x2) + 336 (168x2) + 672 (33-x2) = 1,260 days!

The truth is that these 1,260 days end EXACTLY on December, 31, 2017 when starting on July 22, 2014, day of the first anniversary of Prince George, the male child who went to God and his throne on that date when a spectacular peak of the Schumann resonances took place. See in the blog why it's important.

The truth is that the first day and the last day of each fractal period starts and ends at the start and end of a specific month, except the first day of the second seal / horseman which began on October 14, 2014, anniversary of the battle of Hasting (1066) which launched the British royalty era (see in the blog why it's so important).

The truth is that the 1,290 days and 1,335 days of Daniel don't come by chance at all. They correspond to what will happen AFTER the TWO WITNESSES ministry / FOUR HORSEMEN (July 22, 2014 to December 31, 2017), i.e. the reign of the Antichrist and the rapture of the Great Multitude by Christ and his angels of God, aka the benevolent ETs:

1,281 days (42 months x 30.5 days (average of a month)) + 9 days = 1,290 days.

1,335 days + 9 days = 1,344 days (= 672 days (last fractal period of the fourth horseman) x 2)

This means that the rapture of the Great Multitude in white robes will occur between July 13 and August 27, 2021!

Note that the 5th seal is the reign of the Antichrist.

Note that the 6th seal start on September 5, 2021, for a period of 1,344 days x 2 = 2,688 days, i.e. a little bit more than 7 years, i.e. about Half an Hour of silence before the 7th seal (7 Trumpets / Bowls). This Hour of God is the one of the average reign of each of the 10 kings of the British monarchy (16.9 years for an Hour of God of 16,7 years (=1000 years/60))! The 6th seal is marked by the impact of an asteroid around September 5, 2021, i.e. more than a century from the year 1908, the last time a big asteroid hit the Earth, given that there is an average of one impact by century!

As a matter of fact, the final of the World Cup occurred on July 13, 2014, 9 days before the start of the 7 seals. This final was full of signs extremely unexpected. I could speak about it later.

So, again, go to:

to better understand the Book of Revelation...
edit on 29-11-2014 by ChristExtra because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-11-2014 by ChristExtra because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 08:43 AM
Note that there is a 84 days difference between 1,260 days (four horsemen / seals taken as one global period) , and 1,344 days (Antichrist / 5th seal)!
edit on 29-11-2014 by ChristExtra because: words missing

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 08:53 AM
I have made a typo mistake in my long post above. Read :

84 days + 168 (84x2) + 336 (168x2) + 672 (336x2) = 1,260 days!

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 09:04 AM
Here is a gallery of images I have made to better understand the main points of my thesis which show why we can know the 'dates'. Click on the images to open the larger scale:

Here you can see them in full scale when using the buttons 'next' and 'previous':

Of course, we will find these images with their related comments / articles in the blog:

edit on 29-11-2014 by ChristExtra because: (no reason given)

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