a reply to:
St Udio
And the Scarlet Woman atop the Beast is still awaiting when Satan is finally expelled from the Throne Room in Heaven & cast-to-Earth
For that to happen, we have to have first the birth of the manchild and his rapture to the throne of God. After which the great intergalactic war will
start divided between 2/3 and 1/3 of all stars between God's armies commanded by archangel Michael, and those of Satan's followers. I don't know how
much time Earth's perspective that will take. Time is relative, teaches Einstein, and still...it seems to me it will take a while more than a blink of
an eye...
I will not be fast to judge apparitions, until they show what they offer in reality: a rescue way or a doomsday sacrifice scenario where people are
expected to sacrifice their future generations and thus not to fiulfill the solemn pledge of God given to Abraham.
I see a possible rescue from the current deadlock in a cosmic event of organized by angels and performed by extraterrestrial fleets Rescue from planet
earth, until all the fire flood is finished. ref. 2 Peter that differs significantly from bot theories of Catholic one final Judgment, protestant
Second Coming followed by Millenium of peace (recently adopted by a number of catholic apparitions and their followers)...2 Peter speaks of fire on
earth to consume everything while we are taken to new heaven and new earth. that is the rapture? But where goes the antichrist armies then because
they will be consumed by the fire. Second Coming? Jesus to judge whom if everyone left on earth is melted by lava. Final Judgment? In Revelation and
much more in the last 6 chapters of Ezekiel (after Gog and Magog war) is described in detail God's city of Jerusalem. Hardly tro pacify with Peter's
fire to engulf the entire planet. Apparently Peter speaks of another event, that still the theologians of all churches miss to identify as a Separate
standing event in End times Long timeline.
I'd put Peter's event before the 7 last years Trib (or the last week of Daniel). Seems the pause is not done yet. And there is another Pause that I
see opening with the start of the war in heaven/universe and ending with its end (when Satan is cast to earth and starts the final Great Trib etc).
The difference between the 7 years in Daniel and 3.5 years in Revelation could be explained in many ways. One way is, the first 3.5 years happen
first, with a pause between them and the second 3.5 years. That pause could well be the war in heaven/space that I am talking about for years in this
forum. While it could happen in a moment because of God's omnipotence, the entire story of salvation in the Bible speaks that God uses rather
imperfect vessels and uses also time periods to fulfill His plan. Therefore, I'd rather think of the war in Revelation 12 as a pretty lengthy space
The topic is endless. Unfortunately I dont have that long time online to develop it as I'd wish to.
One last buzz to all, what happens with the defeated 1/3 planetary systems that followed Satan? they will be defeated but not destroyed because God is
not a monster tyrant of universe but loving father. Who will convert them peacefully, once their military power is gone? May be the Earth...at least
we have experienced the evil so well...Paul said, we humans will be judging angels. Who of the angels pardon me? Satan is already condemned. Perhaps
those angels /ET who could be converted. And we really don't know who populates the trillions of star systems that slowly but surely we started
I'd wish the topic is prolonged by interested people in the churches, who should and could start thinking beyond the current deadlock. If that forums
helps in that, thanks be to God!
edit on 12-3-2017 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)