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"180" Movie - A Few Minutes that may change your mind about Abortion

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posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:34 PM
Nope my mind isn't changed... I still believe a woman has a right to choose what to do with her body.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:53 PM
When our #s dwindle from 7,000,000,000 + to 7,000 and if I'm one of those 7,000 I'll have a different opinion, but until then there is NOTHING wrong with abortion.

We're not special. Don't believe me, see the #s above to reaffirm that statement. We are too many. When you have a billion of ANYTHING, it isn't special. When you have 7 billion of that anything, it becomes a burden.

Don't believe me?

Do 7 billion pushups. Say you do 100 an hour, 4 sets of 25, for every hour you are awake and you are awake 15 hours. That is 1,500 push ups a day. That's how many years, not even days, years 'til you reach 7 billion? 12,786 years.

Drive 7 billion miles. Say your car gets 30 miles to the gallon and have a 20 gallon tank AND you always get 30 miles to the gallon. How many tanks do you need? 11,666,667 tanks.

How much would that cost, assuming that the fuel market never fluctuates and gas stays at $3.49 a gallon? How's $814,333,357 feel on your wallet?

How long would it take to drive that distance where you are going a steady 60 mph for 15 hours a day? 21,309 years.

How about typing that many words? Say you type 120 words a minute, how long if you're typing non stop for 15 hours with no breaks for anything... how long would that take? 64,815 days.

'Til we are the few and not THE MANY, I wish folks would just get off their moral high horse about abortion.


posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

First, the egg does not develop in the stomach. It develops in the uterus after being released from the ovaries and joined with the sperm. The sperm does not mature, it penetrates the egg and the new life begins when the chromosones from the egg and the sperm combine.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by amagnus

New life begins in the womb. What right does anybody have to destroy that life? Seriously it is so simple but the real propaganda came from the eugenecists, de-population experts, doctors who make a living doing abortions, the abortion industry in general, and Planned Parenthood, and other people, who have clouded the issue with statements like "just a bunch of cells lining the uterus".

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

The developing embryo is not a bacterium though. So your argument sucks.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Viesczy

How many trillions upon trillions of different insects exist in the world?...

How many trillions of birds exist in the world?...

Are they too much for you as well and must be brought to almost extinction according to the likes of you?...

There are not "too many humans on Earth". This is a lie perpetrated by sociopaths who have become so brainwashed that they prefer to devalue human life over anything else.

These are part of the same sociopaths who want to sequester atmospheric CO2 so that there are less harvests worldwide and more people can die of starvation...

This is the level of devaluing of human life that these sociopaths have come to believe is "necessary" because apparently they know exactly what the Earth needs...

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by VerityPhantom
Nope my mind isn't changed... I still believe a woman has a right to choose what to do with her body.

And a fetus is NOT part of the body of any woman...

Are you the property of your father and mother because your genes come from theirs?...

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by SubAce

Question: when is it ok to kill a baby in the womb?

Answer: any time before the baby develops consciousness.

If you think the moment the egg and sperm fuse that Human consciousness is spawned, you are just naive.

Pop Quiz! If you one day find yourself in the hospital what is the one medical statistic used to determine if you are alive or not? Consciousness? Bzzzzzzzt sorry that is incorrect. The correct answer is: HEARTBEAT. The baby has one, it's alive.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Bone75

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Bacteria os alive too, that doesn't make it human.

Oh no, I'm not letting you off that easy. I said that life begins at conception and you said that SCIENCE disagrees with me. I'd like to know how you came to that conclusion.

That fact is... at the moment of conception, that baby begins to grow. Now humor me if you will, and name one thing on this planet that physically grows, yet isn't alive.

No, you said, and I quote:

Even before consciousness, it's still a baby!

again, science, and the supreme court, completely disagree with you.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by captaintyinknots

The developing embryo is not a bacterium though. So your argument sucks.

You obviously took that out of context, so, I'd say, YOUR argument "sucks".

For the record, that statement was made in reference to the fact that a fertilized egg is a baby. Which it is not.

More anti-choicers distorting the truth....

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by knightsofcydonia
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Some people believe that being pro choice is being on the side of freedom. But I can't understand how an act of violence, killing a human being could be comsidered a precious right.

edit on 16-2-2012 by knightsofcydonia because: (no reason given)

Without devolving this into the nromal abortion topic, that is, pointing out that no human is killed with abortion, ill simply say this:
You have your opinion on the subject. What makes you think you have a right to make others live by your opinion?

It's not an are stopping the process of killing it

How you justify that IS an opinion

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

Originally posted by VerityPhantom
Nope my mind isn't changed... I still believe a woman has a right to choose what to do with her body.

And a fetus is NOT part of the body of any woman...

Are you the property of your father and mother because your genes come from theirs?...

It is not part of it, but it certainly has a parasitic relationship in which it depends on the host-the mother-to survive.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:45 PM
the problem with pro lifers is that they won't stop until its illegal to jerk off - f them and there communism. I make my own rules when it comes to my family botches and if I want to terminate a soulless mass of flesh at 3 months unless you are going to pay for it, guess what!
edit on 16-2-2012 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by VerityPhantom

your body yes but it's not just your baby

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:48 PM
god made all of us and that means if I want to kill my squid using techniques designed by more of his children it's his will haha stupid pro lifers argument fail.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Thingol

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by knightsofcydonia
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Some people believe that being pro choice is being on the side of freedom. But I can't understand how an act of violence, killing a human being could be comsidered a precious right.

edit on 16-2-2012 by knightsofcydonia because: (no reason given)

Without devolving this into the nromal abortion topic, that is, pointing out that no human is killed with abortion, ill simply say this:
You have your opinion on the subject. What makes you think you have a right to make others live by your opinion?

It's not an are stopping the process of killing it

How you justify that IS an opinion

No one is arguing that life is not terminated. Where the OPINION comes in, is that it is the OPINION of anti-choicers that it is wrong, immoral, whatever. THAT is the opinion which is being pushed.

Another anti-choicer, another deflection and another false-truth.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by navy_vet_stg3

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
And no, your video did NOTHING to change my mind. At all. I've seen plenty of propaganda before.

Funny, your post is 3 minutes after the OP, and it's a 33 minute movie. You must have a time machine or something, if you can watch a 33 minute movie in 3 minutes.

As for the topic, I am glad there are abortions. I mean, most people who abort are probably not fit to be parents anyway, and would simply mistreat the kid. They're selfish people who have no responsibility for their actions, and will most likely create more criminals.

about 180 seconds was all I needed. It starts as pure propaganda. Thats all i needed to know.

edit on 16-2-2012 by captaintyinknots because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by circuitsports

so the father has no say in this at all? it's his child just as much as it is yours. If you don't want the burden don't have sex.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Blairc56

so the father has no say in this at all? it's his child just as much as it is yours. If you don't want the burden don't have sex.

Not all females have that choice, my daughter didn't have a choice at 15 when she was forced against her will. Maybe men should wear chastity belts locked up by legal authorities until married and ready to have children

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:56 PM
That video was ridiculous...I started skipping to see if I could find any valid arguments and I found a guy hating on black people and jews, people who can't think for themselves and are easily influenced and a woman who couldn't think of any reason a baby shouldn't be aborted even after what seemed like an eternity of thinking time.

Here is a question for the pro-lifers: Is it more cruel to allow a baby to be born if you know you can't look after it properly and it is going to have a pretty terrible life.

Oh, and what about rape babies?

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