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"180" Movie - A Few Minutes that may change your mind about Abortion

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posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by skitzspiricy
reply to post by SubAce

Oh so your a Jehovahs Witness??

Is it not true that your sect refuses blood transfusions? So if your child, husband/wife, needed a tranfusion to survive and you refused it, is that not murder too? Actually, i see that as worse than aborting a fetus. Refusing a living human being the right to live because if some silly misinterpretation in a book of fiction.

Please correct me if i'm wrong.

edit on 16-2-2012 by skitzspiricy because: (no reason given)

Thank you for asking this sincere question. Many people are misinformed about our beliefs in regard to medical treatment. You are wrong by the way.

Jehovah's Witnesses love life. I love life and cherish the life of my loved ones. We do not abuse alcohol, we do not use recreational drugs, we do not involve ourselves in dangerous sports such as sky-diving, or rock climbing because of our cherishing of our lives. And when we are sick or need medical treatment we are the first to seek it out. We seek out medical care and expect and wish the best possible. Our stance for not taking blood is purely a religious one found in the Bible:

(Acts 15:20) . . .but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled and from blood.

Many people are under the belief that refusal of blood-transfusions is bad or means a person is going to die. But this is wrong. There are many non-blood alternative strategies that Jehovah's Witnesses willingly accept and have been proven to be far more effective than blood transfusions. Time does not permit me to go into all the details by IM me and I would be happy to further share with you all of the different medical non-blood alternatives available.

After many decades of treating Jehovah's Witnesses many renowned clinics around the world have come to realize that non-blood alternatives are safer, cheaper, and better. Witness patients who do not take blood have no more risks than those that do, in fact their risks are lower than those that do take blood. Risks of getting blood-born infections, getting the wrong type of blood, and also the inherit weaknesses that foreign blood in the system causes. Witness patients and others who use non-blood alternatives heal quicker and leave the hospital earlier on average as well.

You might not know this buy many surgeons who give blood would not even accept it for themselves or their family members because of all of the dangers.

So while medically our stance is safer and more practical, it is still a religious one.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by Bone75

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
reply to post by Bone75

Science AND the supreme court disagree with you. But hey, whatever you need to tell yourself, buddy.

If it's growing, then it's alive. Plain and simple. If you can debunk that fact using science then be my guest.
I just don't understand how people get this one wrong. Why are any of you even looking for justification to kill babies in the first place?u

Oh and the supreme court... pfft don't even get me started on the guys who say it's okay to kill babies, but I'll go to prison if I sit on my couch and snort coc aine or smoke weed.

Bacteria os alive too, that doesn't make it human.

And agree with the supreme court or not, their rule means a heck of a lot more than yours...

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by Bone75

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
reply to post by Bone75

Science AND the supreme court disagree with you. But hey, whatever you need to tell yourself, buddy.

If it's growing, then it's alive. Plain and simple. If you can debunk that fact using science then be my guest.
I just don't understand how people get this one wrong. Why are any of you even looking for justification to kill babies in the first place?

Oh and the supreme court... pfft don't even get me started on the guys who say it's okay to kill babies, but I'll go to prison if I sit on my couch and snort coc aine or smoke weed.

Everytime I read a story about some child that died locked in a cage or a closet for the duration of their short and tortured life I can only think of two things.
Wouldn't that child have been better off being aborted and getting a free pass to heaven instead of living just to suffer?
Since it was not, where the hell were you and your self righteousness when that child needed you?

Until people like you start adopting all the unwanted babies and saving all the tortured and abused children, you really have no moral high ground to stand on.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by SubAce

Thank you for clarifying that for me. I will look into further myself. I am glad that there are alternatives available.

But, before all these alternatives were available, Jehovah's Witnesses have died from refusal of blood in emergencies, yes?

edit on 16-2-2012 by skitzspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by Still

Everytime I read a story about some child that died locked in a cage or a closet for the duration of their short and tortured life I can only think of two things.
Wouldn't that child have been better off being aborted and getting a free pass to heaven instead of living just to suffer?
Since it was not, where the hell were you and your self righteousness when that child needed you?

Until people like you start adopting all the unwanted babies and saving all the tortured and abused children, you really have no moral high ground to stand on.

Yeah there you go, let's just kill every baby that someone puts up for adoption, and every child that's ever been abused or tortured. Hey and while we're at it, let's kill all the deformed babies and the really fat ones too. Heck with the way the world is today, why don't we just kill all the babies and spare them a lifetime of suffering.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by SubAce

I'm most definitely trending off-topic here but please hear me out:

Why should I have to request that JWs stop calling me?

Whatever happened to common courtesy and respecting the beliefs of others?

I don't care about what JWs did during the Holocaust. I'm talking about modern times. I can't influence anything that happened in the past.

My mother was once a strict Catholic that later reverted to spirituality based on our native american ancestry. She said that JWs are not a true religion because they feel they must preach to people who DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!

And we are NOT ignorant for not wanting to hear it!

This is America, not a country run by Sharia Law. Freedom FROM religion, not OF religion.

I'm sorry but I feel very strongly about JWs and any other faiths that feel the need to harass their neighbors at inopportune times, often dragging their poor kids along with them.
edit on 16-2-2012 by The Sword because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by Still


When are these self-righteous children of God (sic) going to heed their own words and save the children that are already alive?

Or do they simply not care about you once you leave your mother's womb?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Bacteria os alive too, that doesn't make it human.

Oh no, I'm not letting you off that easy. I said that life begins at conception and you said that SCIENCE disagrees with me. I'd like to know how you came to that conclusion.

That fact is... at the moment of conception, that baby begins to grow. Now humor me if you will, and name one thing on this planet that physically grows, yet isn't alive.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by SubAce

Here's something else to consider: if the current rate of population growth (1.1% per annum), it will only be another 500 years before we have over 1 and a half trillion people on this planet, because the effect is compounding. Imagine if every single pregnant women was forced to have her child, that rate of growth would dramatically increase and the population would increase out of control so quickly. You may think China's one-child policy is simply unfair and cruel, but they are smart enough to realize their population was getting out of control, they realize that their country can only fit so many people on it, and they realize a land packed to the brim with people simply sucks because no one has any space and everyone has to live in tiny rooms in a house with a bunch of other people. You all talk about morality and what's right for our species, but you constantly ignore the simple fact that if we allowed every single child to be born it would be the end of us. The population is already growing to rapidly as it is, that's why many people believe the elite want to initiate a massive depopulation scheme. We are an invasive species and we are out of control because we don't know how to restrain ourselves. We are overrun by greed and we are always living in the moment, with no true thought for future generations and how our actions today will affect them in the future.
edit on 16-2-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

Why shouldn't aborting children, teens, or adults be acceptable by that logic?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

I read or heard somewhere that according to Rick Strassman's work he believes that first consciousness activity begins 49 days after conception... And it is due to the production of '___' in the pineal gland.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by The Sword

I'm doing my part, how about you? And please don't refer to me as a self righteous child of God. I haven't made a religious statement anywhere on this site, much less this thread.

Like yourself, I too am deeply sympathetic to all of the mistreated and unwanted children in this world, but abortion is not the solution to this problem. It's only adding to the evil in this world.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by Spiratio
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

I read or heard somewhere that according to Rick Strassman's work he believes that first consciousness activity begins 49 days after conception... And it is due to the production of '___' in the pineal gland.

Also every so many days (If one does not masturbate) the sperm is broken down and the subsequent nutrients are absorbed by the body to contribute to create new sperm..

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by Bone75

Yeah there you go, let's just kill every baby that someone puts up for adoption, and every child that's ever been abused or tortured. Hey and while we're at it, let's kill all the deformed babies and the really fat ones too. Heck with the way the world is today, why don't we just kill all the babies and spare them a lifetime of suffering.

I asked what you were doing to help.
Apparently it is being sarcastic online. I am sure there are suffering children everywhere so thankful for your concern. You care enough to type online but that is about it. Other than that, # it, kill them all. Wow!

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by Bone75

Then what is the solution?


Because there are too many incompetent parents in the world.

When CPS steps in, the very same people cry "NANNY STATE! WAHHH!!". What is the solution?

What a woman does about her womb is none of my business. I will not ever support legislation that takes this away from a woman. As a man, it's not my place to decide!

Can we let this topic rest already?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by Bone75

If you go back and read what I wrote, I was not even referring to you.

My ire is reserved for the OP. I just cannot understand how some can be preoccupied with crap like this when we're in the middle of the worst recession in decades.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 07:17 AM
All you pro lifers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How about you start marching in Waqhington to end the wars that we are involved in. How about you get behind RP who will end those wars. How about you stop the killing of Women and children that are alive. How about you adopt the millions of unwanted children. How about you donate all of your money to help support those unwanted children.

I am not for abortion, but Im dam sure not for the govt telling me one thing and doing the other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by Spiratio

Mines never absorbed then!!!!!!!! lol

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 07:39 AM
Show of hands, how many of you posters are men? (My hand is raised, BTW)

OK, now all of us men may now stop talking about something we have no business talking about.

And just to add my $.02, just because you are pro-choice doesn't mean you are pro-abortion, it just means I don't have a uterus and have no business telling those of you who do what to do with it.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 08:05 AM
What is this video about? How are americans stupid? The guy in 2:55 seems most educated than all others before him. And the german in 5:00 is right. You can come to some proclamed mass grave, dig and you will find no jewish corpse.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 08:09 AM
I dont know what was OPs intention but after attempt to watch this crazy christian video I am more pro-choice. And why is main theme Adolf Hitler? Thanks for wasting my time.
edit on 16-2-2012 by SkepticalFrog because: missing "why"

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