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The Secret of Freemasonry Seen in the Reflection of a Mirror - What do you see?

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posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by starseedflower

Anyways it's funny you rarely hear from the enlightenment era. No speak more for him, your country is still doing it, your trying to lie and force us to work against each other. There's more proof of masonic espionage, bigotry, and criminal acts throughout the timeline. Funny didn't we just designate your planet a prison planet, didn't we shut down your communication with other realities. We'll just do it to you... Just so you know we're (the masons) are losing allies and ancient friends won't even speak to us anymore.

So how would you people treat aliens again? Your not going to round up some ebe's and put them to flames. NO! why is that? Because the energy they make when they are flames can be used as energy... should we drop that on Brittan too? My eyes say yes.

Make them spontaneously combust for all I care? Anything else you'd like to write for him? lol

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Seveen
There's more proof of masonic espionage, bigotry, and criminal acts throughout the timeline.

I'd be more than happy to see some of this proof.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by KSigMason
I'd be more than happy to see some of this proof.

I would be more excited about the burning EBE's. I wonder if they impart more flavor in my grilled meats than mesquite or fruit wood.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:29 PM
K sig you have got to be kidding me... You are just picking bits and pieces of what I said, and then saying that I'm not answering your questions... Regarding Baal, I already stated that I was wrong and it was Molech... I even provided you with a link that quotes exactly where this is in the Old testament.... You obviously didn't click on the link...... The new Testament stuff I posted was in regards to living a spiritual life currently.. i.e. you and me.... Just the notion that you would consider I don't know the difference is crazy. You didn't even read what I said... The whole magic ring that Solomon possessed is in the Testament of King Solomon.... Do I have to come to your house and teach you how to use google to find it... Give me a break....I already admitted that I was wrong and said Baal instead of Molech... We aren't comparing apples and oranges.... They are both False Deities... I just mentioned the wrong name... And you weren't even keen enough to pick up on that... You made it sound like you were almost defending Baal, you didn't even mention that you didn't know which God he sacrificed to, because you didn't! Someone needs to read Corinthians 13. Anyways here is the quotes from the testament of king solomon, since you wouldn't look for yourself. It's stated in the text, just read... All I can do for you know sig, is pray for you buddy....Peace and Love to you... Corinthians 13 is the key....
6. And I Solomon was overjoyed, and praised and glorified the God of heaven and earth. And on the morrow I called the boy, and gave him the ring, and said to him: "take this, and at the hour in which the demon shall come unto thee, throw this ring at the chest of the demon, and say to him: 'In the name of God, King Solomon calls thee hither.3' And then do thou come running to me, without having any misgivings or fear in respect of aught thou mayest hear on the part of the demon." 3. [D: Come! Solomon summons you!]
7. So the child took the ring, and went off; and behold, at the [17] customary hour Ornias, the fierce demon, came like a burning fire to take the pay from the child. But the child according to the instructions received from the king, threw the ring at the chest of the demon, and said: "King Solomon calls thee hither." And then he went off at a run to the king. But the demon cried out aloud, saying: "Child, why hast thou done this to me? Take the ring off me, and I will render to thee the gold of the earth. Only take this off me, and forbear to lead me away to Solomon4." 4. [D: Remove the ring and give it back to Solomon]
8. But the child said to the demon: "As the Lord God of Israel liveth, I will not brook thee. So come hither." And the child came at a run, rejoicing, to the king, and said: "I have brought the demon, O king, as thou didst command me, O my master. And behold, he stands before the gates of the court of thy palace, crying out, and supplicating with a loud voice; offering me the silver and gold of the earth if I will only bring him unto thee5." 5. [D: would not deliver him to you.]
9. And when Solomon heard this, he rose up from his throne, and went outside into the vestibule of the court of his palace; and there he saw the demon, shuddering and trembling. And he said to him: "Who art thou?" And the demon answered: "I am called Ornias."
10. And Solomon said to him: "Tell me, O demon, to what zodiacal sign thou art subject." And he answered: "To the Water-pourer6. And those who are consumed with desire for the noble virgins upon earth . . . . . [there appears to be a lacuna here], these I strangle7. But in case there is no disposition to sleep8, I am changed into three forms. Whenever men come to be enamoured of women, I metamorphose myself into a comely female; and I take hold of the men in their sleep, and play with them. And after a while I again take to my wings, and hie me to the heavenly regions. I also appear as a lion, and I am commanded by all the demons. I am offspring of the archangel Uriel9, the power of God."

11. I Solomon, having heard the name of the archangel, prayed and glorified God, the Lord of heaven and earth. And I sealed the [18] demon and set him to work at stone-cutting, so that he might cut the stones in the Temple, which, lying along the shore, had been brought by the Sea of Arabia. But he, fearful of the iron, continued and said to me: "I pray thee, King Solomon, let me go free; and I will bring you all the demons." And as he was not willing to be subject to me, I prayed the archangel Uriel to come and succour me; and I forthwith beheld the archangel Uriel coming down to me from the heavens.
12. And the angel bade the whales10 of the sea come out of the abyss. And he cast his destiny upon the ground, and that [destiny] made subject [to him] the great demon11. And he commanded the great demon and bold Ornias, to cut stones at the Temple12. And accordingly I Solomon glorified the God of heaven and Maker of the earth.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:41 PM
Oh yea, and just wait...There is a lodge near my house that uses pentagrams and upside down stars. I can Drive down to it and take pictures but what is the purpose... Will it really help you make a change and really follow Jesus? I don't know, hopefully.... Let me ask you how Mason's help christianity or spread faith by doing everything in secret. For it was said Luke 8:16 "No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light. Also Luke 12:3 What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs. ( I haven't seen many Mason's with megaphones on top of their lodges.) Although I have seen churches do this.....

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:43 PM
Going to sleep, I'll talk to you tomorrow! Good night, and Love to all!!!! No secrets here.... I even use my real name as my handle..
edit on 29-2-2012 by Mattodlum because: Jesus Walks

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by Mattodlum

Oh yea, and just wait...There is a lodge near my house that uses pentagrams and upside down stars. I can Drive down to it and take pictures but what is the purpose..

Show me where Pentagrams are sinful in the Bible, or where upside-down stars are evil.

Order of Eastern Star. Not a Masonic Lodge, but related, and Far from anything Satanic.

As far as where has Masonry done anything to promote Christianity, that is like asking where the US Govt has done anything to promote Christianity. We have a separation of Church and State, just like Masonry has a separation of craft and religion.
You will never find a Masonic body promoting Christianity or any other Religion. We are open to all religions.
edit on 29-2-2012 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Well thats where the downfall of Masonry Starts. Read the first Commandment that Moses Received.... And when the Pharisees ask Jesus what is the most important commandment what does he say???? You guys are open to just about anything i guess.

Oh yea, and why do they have a picture of a Goat at the Masonic Lodge???? I guess the goat of Mendes isn't bad either huh??? You have no right to be a Moderator.... I guess on this site you do... When will you guys see the TRUTH....? I bet you will come up with, not all Goats are bad..... Where does it say in the bible that goats are bad.... This is just too funny that you are actually trying....

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Mattodlum

There is no picture of a goat in a Mason's lodge, nor mention of a goat in any of the degree work.

And, if Masonry is at fault for not dedicating their craft to expanding the reach of Christianity, then every University is also at fault for not dedicating their curriculum to expanding the reach of Christianity. Every cigar club, and book club, and bridge club, and chamber of commerce is also at fault for not dedicating their clubs resources to expanding a religion unrelated to their club.

I have no problem with Christians witnessing and educating for their religion. I have no problem with Christian churches existing all over the place, but why should every club I join have to also do the same work as the church? It is a ridiculous concept. Masonry has no responsibility to endorse any particular religion; we are not a Christian church or any other kind of church.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Mattodlum

Well technically you're not supposed to reply with large quotes, I'm quoting the main point.

Okay, you're also not really telling us the whole story with the magic ring as said in the Testament of King Solomon. Maybe I missed it, but did you post that King Solomon received this ring from the Archangel Michael. You also don't post that eventuality of the Prince of Demons (Beezelbub) and how the demons forthcome with what is needed to banish them.

The Testament of King Solomon is at odds with 1 Kings, in how the Temple was built and by whom.

They are both False Deities

Well, technically 'baal' means many things other than 'lord'.

I'm familiar with Corinthians and the Testament of KS.

reply to post by Mattodlum

Sure, go and take a picture.

"Really follow Jesus"? Who are you to say I'm not? You are no one to say what my relationship with God is.

Masonry doesn't exist to spread Christianity. That's the churches job, not ours. I'm a member of the Templar bodies which is Christian, and I hope by my actions that conversion may happen, but I've never been one to shove my beliefs down someone's throat.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

Well, that's awesome for churches, we're not a church or religious institution. We're a PRIVATE organization.

reply to post by Mattodlum

That's awesome, but I use a handle. You can find my first name pretty easily as I think I'm the only KSigMason out there.

reply to post by Mattodlum

1st Commandment? That has nothing to do with Freemasonry. Every member worships on his own accord. Me, I'm a Christian and so have not violated the 1st Commandment. For those who are not of the Judeo-Christian beliefs, I don't they give two squirts of piss if they have violated the 1st Commandment in your eyes...well neither do I technically, but I'm told that I'm a smart-ass.

Masonry is religiously tolerant, neutral, as it doesn't elevate one members religious beliefs over the others. That is not the duty or purpose of the Craft.

Which Lodge? My Lodge doesn't use the goat. How is having a picture of a goat automatically linked to the Goat of Mendes? Is there direct reference from Masonry that support this?

Why does he have no right to be a Moderator? Expressing his opinion is wrong?

Goats are animals, who cares.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by Mattodlum

tell you what, your choice is to either blindly believe all the stuff your church has taught you about masonry, could check things out from a few unbiased sources and learn what is really going on with masonry. Wither way, we will still be here doing what we do. Any of us would be happy to help you by answering questions that don't deal with fantasy. Most me in my lodge are Christians. In fact, one of the 33rds is a preacher who owns a small Christian radio station. You have been fed lies.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 06:11 AM
Nice Job just taking what you want to hear.... Anyways the ring was from a boy, and it doesn't matter where it came from....The point was that Demons helped construct the temple.... Quit changing the subject.... They are the ones who cut the stones....I have known quite a few Mason's by the way. The one I knew best shot himself, he couldn't bare to live with himself, after he saw the true light of God that shined through me... I didn't kill him, all I do was profess to him the truth about Jesus Christ.... All the bad acts he committed in the past must of weighed on him heavily....Pretty sure he wasn't that high of a degree though... Another Mason I know is Mr. Weible.... Oh my gosh that guy was so mean to his kids... When I say mean, I mean verbally abusive....Not many people liked him because of his greed. There have been several nice Mason's I have known over my life, that have tried to get me to join. But I never took the step, because of all the negative signs... Pretty sure you guys use alot of symbols and signs to display things..Well I have seen enough signs from God to make me stay away from it....And I will say it again... If you have any connection to a higher power(angel), or any connection to God... Then I suggest you ask him to show you a sign regarding Matthew Ryan Odlum... That he is correct... For the Angels in heaven know who I am... And they will surely show you a sign to end this stupid bickering... Ask them to show you a Sign today, go out into public... And I can assure you, that you will know......

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Mattodlum
...he couldn't bare to live with himself, after he saw the true light of God that shined through me...

To be honest, you are rather tedious in your replies and if you are anything like this in person I would kill me too. Not everyone has to take the Bible literally or believe in Jesus. Once you get that picture people may stop offing themselves from your testifying.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 07:42 AM
Is it just me or does the OP simply post gobblygook that looks, on the surface, to have some sort of profound meaning but when you actually try to decipher it, it doesn't actually mean anything?
A bit like the Star Trek pseudo-science generators

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Mattodlum

Alright. I just got done talking to God. You had better sit down. He told me that while you have very good intentions, you have gone way off the deep end with your religious beliefs. he is concerned about your mental health. He asked me to relay a message to you. God is love, Love is light. To love God is all that he asks.

Now, you can continue with your biblical chastization of everything that isn't exactly like your life is, or you can listen to God's words.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by Mattodlum

The one I knew best shot himself, he couldn't bare to live with himself, after he saw the true light of God that shined through me... I didn't kill him, all I do was profess to him the truth about Jesus Christ.... All the bad acts he committed in the past must of weighed on him heavily....

I don't think it was his previous bad acts, I'm pretty sure it was just the frustration of communicating with you that drove him to suicide.

If you shined the true light of God on him, and you professed the truth about Jesus Christ, then the crux of your message to him would have been universal forgiveness right? And, the first, and most important message you would have given him, is that his prior acts don't matter, Jesus has already died for his sins, and all he has to do is accept Jesus and all will be forgiven and he can bask in the glory of God.... right? And, that suicide is the only unforgiveable sin, because it does not give a moment for redemption through Jesus Christ right? So, in about 4 sentences, I have said the things a Christian should have said, that would have saved this man's life, yet you shined your "light" on him, and he committed suicide.
Please do not wield your light so carelessly in the future. Maybe you should go back and rethink the messages of Christianity that you want to be sharing? You seem to have drastically missed the target with this poor man that was supposedly a "friend" of yours. And, I am not even a Christian, in fact, I am a Mason!!
And of all the regrets I have in life, and all the people I may have harmed, or all the sins I surely committed, I can't honestly blame a single one of them on Masonry. Seems odd considering your stance on the fraternity.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Mattodlum

Wow, you haven't read the Testament of Solomon as it says:

And it came about through my prayer that grace was given to me from the Lord Sabaoth by Michael his archangel. [He brought me] a little ring, having a seal consisting of an engraved stone, and said to me: "Take, O Solomon, king, son of David, the gift which the Lord God has sent thee, the highest Sabaoth. With it thou shalt lock up all demons of the earth, male and female; and with their help thou shalt build up Jerusalem. [But] thou [must] wear this seal of God. And this engraving of the seal of the ring sent thee is a Pentalpha."

It matters a great deal who it came from as it was a gift from God. It was used by Solomon in a way exactly prescribed by God. The use of demons, against their will, is not an evil act by Solomon, but was the will of God...according to the very text you cite.

Like I said though, this text contradicts the Bible's version of how Solomon's Temple was erected.

That's awesome that you have known a few Masons, but I know a lot of anthropologists, doesn't mean I am going to tell other anthropologists how to do their job or that they are wrong in their beliefs. Knowing one and being one is completely different.

Not to be a dick (as I had an aunt kill herself), but you're saying that after dealing with you your friend shot himself? I wouldn't be bragging about that myself. It's not like your first Christian to stand here and act like they know what God thinks of me, and what my relationship with God is.

Well, if he had done anything bad they weren't as a result of his Masonic membership. Plus, as I said Masons are still human and capable of err. We don't claim to be infallible.

Of course we use symbols. There is nothing wrong with that. Everyone uses symbols or signs in some way or the other.

I have prayed to God and asked many things of him, but I've never seen anything to turn me away from Freemasonry. It contradicts nothing of my faith and doesn't impede me in the worship of that faith.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by KSigMason
I'd be more than happy to see some of this proof.

I would be more excited about the burning EBE's. I wonder if they impart more flavor in my grilled meats than mesquite or fruit wood.

I'm sure the flavour'd be out of this world!

Sorry. You really shouldn't leave a pun opening lying open like a gift that way.


posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Mattodlum
Will it really help you make a change and really follow Jesus? I don't know, hopefully....

I do already; coals to Newcastle and all that. The trouble from your perspective is that I quite likely don't follow your particular brand of 'following' Jesus'. I'm sure a quick reminder about how different flavours of erstwhile Christians can shoot, explode and otherwise maim each other while at the same time professing to serve Jesus in His directed way demonstrates that that way madness lies.

Mankind and its ego are predisposed to believe that it's our way (and my way) or the highway. Unfortunately, such childish behaviour is what has too often made this world a Hell on Earth. Masons are charged with recognising the inherent good and similarities men of good will of whatever creed have and work in harmony with them that this Earth may not (too much anyway) be made a Hell yet again.

If you gainsay this then more the fool you.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Mattodlum
reply to post by getreadyalready

Oh yea, and why do they have a picture of a Goat at the Masonic Lodge????

We don't although one of the other lodges in our temple has a picture of a tux-wearing budgie with the caption (IIRC) The Most Insufferable Master Tweetie". Will this do for the purposes of your screed?


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